Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gender Confused ❯ Clubbing- no not with clubs bad monkeys ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mokuba: hey Joey have a fortune cookie
Joey: thanks *eats cookie*
Equilla: where did you get that cookie Mokuba?
Mokuba: no where important
Joey: *has turned into Seto* Aaaaaaaaaaah! What did you do to me?
*distant scream from Seto heard*
Mokuba: ow crap, I'm doomed
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Having reached a club that Mai knew of, that would allow all of them access, they waited outside, some of them excited. The girls had redressed into appropriate clothes, excluding Mokuba who was wearing baggy pants, but slightly form fitting top under duress of Yami, who was wearing a knee length flare skirt and a crop top. This would have made them stand out as he giddly talked about the up coming fun. But due to very realistic chest padding that Tea, Serenity and Mai had been able to set up for him, and his hair pulled back into pig tails, caused him to look at least more female, and less like a cross dresser.
The boys themselves were close by talking about matters which interested them more, as well as checking out other passing females. Marik and Ryou remained closer to the building hidden from clear view, one to keep away from any crowds, while the other kept him company. As the man in charge of the door finally let them in, they were amazed after going in. But they didn't get very long to look around and take it all in as they were suddenly all shoved forward by the next group trying to get in, and quickly scuttled off to find 2 table next to each other to fit them all. Once they had found said tables Seto took out his laptop and started typing away and Mokuba slouched down to hide his additions.
“What should we do first?” Yami asked excitedly, “dancing or kareoke? Ooow or should we get drinks?”
Joey, Tristan and yugi looked to the girls exasperated.
“Did you have to choose one with kareoke?” Joey whined, not looking forward to Yami singing, causing the girls to laugh.
“It is the only one around that Mokuba and Yugi could get into,” Mai answered laughing.
“I'm not that young,” Yugi piped up, “and I'm not small!”
The last comment gaining laughter from even Mokuba, and a snicker from Seto.
Close by the semi large group was being watched from the shadows. Evil grins plastered across the faces as plots swelled in their minds as to what they could do to the unsuspecting group. Most of the plots dwelled mainly around the unbecoming pharoah, and how he would be ridiculed later on, or put to shame now. Or even if their minds could comprehend, finaly beating him at his own game. Being able to claim what ever they wanted from him, be it titles, objects, or just their dignity back. Very smartly dressed Malik and Bakura stepped out of the shadows deciding to put their plans into action.
“Hello pharoah,” Malik commented snidly as they saddled up beside the booth.
“Hi Malik, did you try to bleach your hair again?” Marik asked giving a small wave as Ryou and Yugi gave one as well, to more Bakura, but got completely ignored.
“Shut up Marik,” Malik growled, “Pharoah we have proposition for you.”
“It's just that it is starting to look green,” Marik continued.
“Damn it shut up,” Malik yelled at his near duplicate.
“It really is,” Serenity added, “ I think you bleached it too many times.”
“Yes fine,” Malik screamed, “I bleached it again, happy! My hair is going green!”
“Um, sorry,” Serenity apologised as all others surronding laughed, “want to countinue what you were proposing?”
“No I don't,” Malik replied being a drama queen, “you completely ruined the mood, and I don't feel like doing it.”
“This is why the girls don't go after you,” Marik commented rolling his eyes, as Bakura took a big step away from his comrade in evil.
After everyone had been able to settle down, and Malik released steam in a near by corner, Bakura attempted to start the small speech which was attempted again. This was completely put off, and a shock to everyone as Yami bolted up planted a kiss on his nose with a cheeky grin.
“Your kinda cute in a dweeb way,” he commented swirling the liquid in his drink around.
The intensity of silence in that single area soon spread across the whole club, though many people did not know why, even Seto had stopped typing and was watching shocked with the others. The silence in the entire place, was so still a bat's sonar would have been able to be heard go off. Bakura's whole body went as pale as his hair, which had turned whiter itself, and gained slight streaks of grey just from absolute fear. The only person seemingly uneffected was Yami, grinning like an idiot, and somehow been able to get his drink spiked in the first five minutes of being there.
The silence was then broken by Bakura rushing off to find a toilet and a large bunch of people bursting out into laughter. Before anyone was able to work out where they were the place was alive with noise again.
“Um, I'm going to go get a drink,” Mokuba commented pocketing money from his brother.
“Aw but we should go dancing now,” Yami whined pouting sadly.
“You go dance then,” Mokuba replied muttering slightly, “why are you following me around for anyway?”
This made the oddly dressed male pause, “I don't know, seemed like the thing to do. I'm going to go dress with the other girls now.”
Not bothering in watchim him go skipping happily back to the others Mokuba reached the bar and made his order. Finaly getting his lemonade Mokuba turned around only to come face to face with a boy seeming to be only a year older then her was himself, grinning like an idiot.
“Can I help you?” Mokuba asked confused by the look on his face.
“Yeah I was wondering if you would like to have a dance,” the boy answered slightly on the sheepish side, “with me that is.”
Mokuba paused processing what was happening in his mind before reeling backwards in disgust, “no hell no!”
Mokuba then quickly pushed past the boy making a quick beeline to the table, not noticing the crushed look on the boy face. She put her drink onto the table and slid in back next to his brother who was still busy typing away at his computer. Not many of the group was left at the table, as Yami had pulled most of the girls off to the dance floor. Yugi had also been pulled off by the bouncy male, Ryou had been pleaded into going by the girls, blushing all the way, Marik had gone oblidgingly. This was probably to get away from the glares that Joey was giving Tristan and Duke to make sure they didn't move from their seats.
“You ok Mokuba?” Tristan asked trying to get a subject going to try and stop the glares.
“Some bloody idiot asked me to dance with him,” Mokuba muttered grumpily, “I knew coming here was a bad idea.”
“You got hit on?” Duke asked with a slightly smug smile, “you should be happy about the compliment.”
This comment earned him a second set of glaring eyes as Mokuba snapped, “how is it a compliment. I got hit on by another guy because I look like a girl. I don't want to look like a girl.”
“Calm down kid,” Tristan commented edging a little away from the still watchful eyes of a blond over protective brother, “what's with your mood lately? Sure you've turned into a girl, but that isn't any reason to have a complete emotional change.”
“Why the hell would I know?” Mokuba snapped back in such a tone that it even broke Seto temporarily from his work.
As the night moved on, the girls and boys got tired from dancing and retired back to the booths. From a nearby shadowed booth Yami was occasionally sent harsh death glares from a recovered Bakura, who was having to deal with a pouty Malik at the same time. The girls were talking happily about something, Mokuba was still in a bad mood, and Tristan, Duke and Joey were teasing the three boys that had gone dancing, then there was a beeping. All eyes turned towards Seto whose laptop battery light was flashing rapidly.
Yami grinned slamming his hands down happily onto the table standing up, and leaning over it towards the CEO, “ha! Now you have nothing else to do then join in the fun with the rest of us.”
Yami's wide grin was soon broken as Seto simply and calmly took out a spare battery, and with great speed and ease changed the battery before the computer had a chance to notice. The pharaoh sat back down in his seat pouting as the others looked at Seto amazed, except Mokuba who had seen this happen over a hundred times ago. She probably would have interfered if she was in a better and had her normal body, but as matters were the status quo didn't change. After awhile they all set off back to the hotel, not wanting to miss the morning wake up call. As they walked off along the street, more then just two sets of eyes watched them from the shadows.
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Equilla: thankyou to all my little readers, not saying that your short, or I think little of you in anyway but um yeah, thankyou and a very special thankyou to katesala, hope I spelt that right. For being the only person to review my story for the last two chapters, and thankyou for the kind encouragment
Mokuba; you should have stopped while you were ahead
Equilla; shush you, if anyone has any questions, suggestions or complaints please send them in