Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ Mr. Jounouchi makes an appearance! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys! Here and making another chapter of `Guardian Angel'! I'm going to Anime Boston next Friday! I'm so excited, I'm gonna cos-play as Irvine Kinneas from FFVIII! ^-^ Any of you lovely people going?
Oh, and There is another Original Character in this story, his name is Damian. I plan on putting up a picture of him in the fanart section of MediaMiner!
Lily: Oh, I... see. Didn't mean for those types of images to go in your head! Hehe, oops.
Yenchna: Thanks. I knew I would keep someone in suspense! ^_^
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh doesn't belong to me, only Kyoshi, Damian, and the plot.
It was two in the morning, Jounouchi was extremely worried about Kyoshi, as he hadn't awakened. Kyoshi looked almost dead lying on the bed. Jounouchi was almost going to get up to call the ambulance until..
“Ungh..” Kyoshi grunted as he slowly opened his eyes. “What happened?” He sat up and looked around and saw Jounouchi looking at him. “Katsuya?”
“Kyoshi..” Jounouchi got up slowly and then jumped on the bed and gave Kyoshi a big hug. “You're not dead! I was gettin' worried when you weren't waking up at all! What happened? Why did you pass out?”
“Um..” Kyoshi looked around the room. “Uh... I think it was too hot or something, maybe..”
“Hot? Hmm.. Well if you're going to pass out like that when it's hot out.. You probably shouldn't be outside.” Jounouchi said, letting go of Kyoshi.
“Um, maybe..” Kyoshi replied.
“So that is his pitiful excuse..” A young man said as he sat in a dark alley looking at a crystal ball type thing. “Poor fool, too young to understand anything.” He stood up and adjusted his cape. (Yes, he has a cape) He looked around before sitting back down. “I wonder what he would do if something... bad happened to Katsuya. In the name of Damian, who just happens to be me, I shall destroy his life! MUA-HAHAHAHA!” Damian coughed.
It was now about noon, Jounouchi was fast asleep in his own comfy bed, and Kyoshi was making himself something to eat. Before he could finish making his sandwich, the phone rang.
“Hello?” Kyoshi said as he picked up the phone. “Yes he is, hold on a minute and I'll get him.” Kyoshi put the phone down on a table and ran up the stairs and into Jounouchi's room. He tried poking at Jounouchi, which didn't make him move the slightest. He then tried slamming the door closed hoping the noise would rouse Jounouchi out of bed, it didn't.
“KATSUYA!!!!” Kyoshi screamed as loud as he could. This woke Jounouchi up, causing him to fall out of bed onto his butt.
“What?! I was sleepin'!” Jounouchi said as he got up off the floor.
“Sorry, nothing else would wake you. Um, someone is on the phone for you.” Kyoshi said. He left the room, Jounouchi following after him.
When they got downstairs, Kyoshi was finishing his sandwich, while Jounouchi picked up the phone.
“Hello?” Jounouchi said on the phone. His eyes widened. “D-Dad? Um.. How are you?” Kyoshi stopped what he was doing and look at Jounouchi questioningly.
“Uh.. So soon? You haven't been in the facility that long though. Okay, bye..” Jounouchi put the phone back in the receiver and sat down.
“Your dad?” Kyoshi asked.
“Yeah, he's coming back home..” Jounouchi answered.
“But he hasn't really been in the facility for too long, I don't think.” Kyoshi commented, handing Jounouchi half of his sandwich.
“Yeah, well he said that they let him go..” Jounouchi answered, taking the half.
“Maybe he will actually be a good parent!” Kyoshi said happily.
“Huh? Good parent? How do you..?” Jounouchi asked.
“Uh.. Well obviously if he is in a facility with leaving you alone in the house, he must not be a good father, right?” Kyoshi answered, looking at the floor.
“Maybe you're right. At any rate, he's gonna be home around Five or so.” Jounouchi said, taking a bite from his half of the sandwich.
At quarter to five, Jounouchi was getting plenty nervous.
“Katsuya, why are you so nervous? It's only your dad, right? I don't think he will get out of hand anymore if the facility let him out early.” Kyoshi asked.
“Ah, I know, I know. But I dunno.. I really don't remember what he was like when he wasn't smashed because he would always drink so often.” Jounouchi said, picking at his shirt.
“Hmm..” Kyoshi mumbled to himself.
“Hmm? What is it?” Jounouchi asked.
“AH! Nothing, nothing.” Kyoshi answered, shaking his head quickly.
The doorbell rung. Jounouchi looked at the VCR clock, which read 4:51, kind of early, but whatever. He walked to the door while Kyoshi just.. stood there with his finger up his nose. (Not literally, you know? He just wasn't doing anything. I don't know why I even typed that other then for amusement. xD)
“Hey Katsuya!” Jounouchi's dad said, pulling Jounouchi into a hug.
“Uh.. Hi dad.” Jounouchi said. “Um, how was the facility?”
“There were stiffs there! You'd find more of a good crowd at a graveyard! Not that I necessarily know that for a fact, but I'm pretty sure you get my point.” Jounouchi's dad answered.
Jounouchi moved so his father could get into his house. Jounouchi closed the door once his father got in and propped himself against a wall.
“It's been awhile since.... Well hello there.” Jounouchi's father said, looking at Kyoshi.
“Hello.” Kyoshi said. “I'm Kyoshi.”
“A friend of Katsuya's?” Jounouchi father asked.
“Um, yeah.. I am.” Kyoshi replied.
“I'm his father!” Jounouchi's father replied. “Do you live around here, Kyoshi?”
Jounouchi stepped next to his father and scratched his head. “Uh, y'see. I forgot to mention that. Um.. I think he's a foreigner or something, he said he wasn't from around here. So I kinda told him he could stay here.” Jounouchi explained.
“Oh! So he's...” Jounouchi's father stuck his thumb up.
“Wha?! NO! It's not like that!!” Jounouchi yelled, turning red.
“Um, I'm not feeling so well.. I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit, okay?” Kyoshi said. Jounouchi bent down and put his hand on Kyoshi's forehead.
“Oh my, you are very cold. Are you going to be alright?” Jounouchi asked.
“Um, I'll be fine.” Kyoshi answered. He turned away and walked up the stairs and into his room.
“He seems a bit off.” Jounouchi's dad said.
“He's a little weird, but he's cool.” Jounouchi answered, giving his dad a peace sign.
“Quite the play I am watching it seems.” Damian said, once again looking in his crystal ball. “He says he will be fine, but I wonder if that stops little Blondie from worrying. Oh does the plot to this play thicken!”
The next morning, Jounouchi woke up unusually early. (For him anyway.) He looked at the clock that sat on his nightstand near his bed. 8:01. He got up and got dressed. He walked out of his room and opened the door to Kyoshi's room. Still asleep. He heard movement downstairs, probably from Daddy Jounouchi.
“Dad? You down there?” Jounouchi asked, walking down the stairs. Crashing could be heard from the kitchen, Jounouchi decided to go in there to investigate. “Dad?”
“C'mere ya Bastard!” Jounouchi's dad yelled charging towards Jounouchi.
“Dad, no!” Jounouchi yelled. He was quickly cornered into a wall. His father gave him a brutal punch to his face, which started bleeding.
“What you say?!” Jounouchi's dad asked, giving Jounouchi a punch to the stomach.
“Ugh.. Not again...” Jounouchi said, before passing out. Before Jounouchi's father could give his son another punch, Kyoshi was holding Jounouchi's father's fist, giving him a nasty look.
“Mr. Jounouchi. You are a careless father to treat your son like this, it is no wonder he is the way he is. It will be your fault if he dies, you shall now feel the guilt of what you have done to Katsuya ten-fold.” Kyoshi made a circular motion with his index finger before bringing Katsuya up into his room. (Katsuya's room, not Kyoshi's.)
“What, what have I done to Katsuya?! I'm a heartless parent! No! I need to do something about this!” Is all Kyoshi could hear Mr. Jounouchi say from the downstairs before he closed the door. He placed Jounouchi on the bed.
“Now then.. I don't think you will be at all well if you continue bleeding like this.. I know this is against the rules... but you really need this.” Kyoshi put his hand over Jounouchi's chest, and all of Jounouchi's injuries were not visible at all.
“Yes, that should do. You get a good sleep, okay Katsuya? Do not worry, I won't let that happen to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop anything from happening, I will keep a better eye on things.” Kyoshi bent down and kissed Jounouchi on the head and left the room.
Well, what did you guys think? I thought I would give Jounouchi's dad some appearance in the story, so I did. Oh, here are some things you might want to know about this chapter. (And a slight Bio for Damian!)
“Oh! So he's...” Jounouchi's father stuck his thumb up. - In Japan, when you are talking about someone, when you stick your thumb up, it represents that they are a boyfriend, stick your pinky up and it means girlfriend!
Mr. Jounouchi - I don't think it was ever specified what his actual name was, since I didn't feel I should ruin anything by giving him a made-up name, I kept him to Mr. Jounouchi.
Damian's Bio:
Name: Damian (Which is kind of a duh. ^^;)
Age: Appears to be around 18
Eyes: Dark Red
Hair: Black
Real Bio: Well All I can say for now is that he does not appear to be a friend character. And he doesn't seem to respect Kyoshi or Jounouchi too much. If I type anymore, I'm afraid that would give away too much of the plot.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! If you're lucky (And if my scanner works) then a picture of Damian will be up! Until next chapter, sayonara! ^-~