Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ Mixed feelings Part 1 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

=_= Wow, it's been awhile since I've worked on anything. I'm hoping you guys haven't thought I stopped working on my fics, because I haven't. I just have been doing other things, like drawing, playing video games. Stuff like that. Don't worry though! I'll try to work on this more often! And you know, the longer it takes for me to write this, the more you're waiting to know what happens, right? Right?! ^^;; After hearing my sis talking about working on her fanfics, I decided maybe I should work on my own. So, I'll stop typing this stuff so you all can read on. After I respond to reviews and do the disclaimer and stuff. ^^;;;
Yenchna: -pokes at your dead body- Wow, she died. <.< -kicks body under computer desk- ^^;; Hiroto isn't stupid he's just um.. Yeah, he is kind of stupid isn't he?
Alonegirl_34: Yeah, that's true. But still, it would do for some good comic relief on the bad guy's part. ^-^
Liily: I threw a trumpet fanfare for Raphael. Well, in my room anyway. (Since my sis would tell me to tone down the Raphael-fanning of it, she wasn't a big fan of Raphael at the time.)
Damian: She doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh, okay? Those pathetic mortals of 4Kids do, and boy did they screw it up.. Cutting out the scenes.
Kyoshi: What scenes?
Jounouchi: Yeah, what scenes?
Damian: You know.. The scenes. -walks off-
Jounouchi: -looks at Kyoshi-
Kyoshi: -looks at Jounouchi-
Anzu: All she owns is Kyoshi and Damian. And my sometimes 180 degree personality change, but only in the not-so-story chapters of `DOOM Group goes to Highschool' (which she is going to work on at some point) So now after all this yadda yadda yaddaing, please enjoy the story. -hands you a balloon- ^-^
It had been a day and a half since Jounouchi had told Kyoshi how he felt. But since then, Jounouchi hadn't seen Kyoshi. Jounouchi shifted on the couch, he was wondering what he should do about his current situation. The phone rang.
“Hello?” Jounouchi asked, picking up the phone.
“Hey Jounouchi! I just wanted to see how things went after talking to Kyoshi.” Honda said on the other line.
“Oh.. Yeah, about that.. You see, I kind of got really nervous about asking him how he felt, so I chickened out at the last minute.” Jounouchi replied.
“You what?!” Honda screamed.
“Well I never really ever liked anyone, well, `cept for Mai, but I think that was only a crush, even though she seemed to like me back.” Jounouchi said.
“Really Jounouchi, you should go talk to Kyoshi about his feelings. You don't wanna go around with such a heavy load on your shoulders, do you?” Honda asked.
“No.. Say, can I hang at your place this afternoon, I don't wanna talk to him just yet..” Jounouchi asked.
“Uh.. Sorry bud, I already have plans for this afternoon.” Honda replied.
“I thought I told you I didn't want you chasin' after my little sister!” Jounouchi yelled.
“No! I'm not going to see Shizuka, I'm going to hang out with a this guy I met yesterday. Geez, not everything I do revolves around your sis!” Honda said.
“Hehe, remember when you tried setting Varon up with Yugi because you didn't want Varon hitting on Shizuka?” Jounouchi asked.
“That's not funny, dude. I got bruises from him from trying to do that! And not to mention Yugi didn't talk to me for two weeks!” Honda yelled.
“Well it was your own fault. You were the one who had done it.” Jounouchi said, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Or was it? Hey look man, I think Damian's here, so I'm gonna go. Talk to Kyoshi, really.” Honda said.
“Okay, bye.” Jounouchi hung up the phone. He knew he should really talk to Kyoshi like Honda said, but it was hard. He went back into the living room and plopped down on the couch, how was he going to talk to Kyoshi about such a big subject without coming out the wrong way?
Honda opened the door to his house, Damian was standing there.
“Hello Hiroto, thank you for taking the time today to be with me.” Damian said.
“Oh, it's no problem! So.. Anywhere you want to go?” Honda asked.
“Anywhere is fine with me..” Damian replied.
“Well.. Why don't we go for a walk? Maybe get something to eat, make fun of people. You know, the good things!” Honda suggested.
“Alright.” Damian replied, and they walked out the door.
“Alright Ryou, you have recovered from your injuries, so you may go home whenever you wish. And really thank these two gentlemen for paying the hospital bill.” A doctor said. (Remember, Bakura accidentally got Ryou hurt when he was kicking the soda vendor.)
“Yes, I will. Thank you so much, doctor. Cheerio!” And with that, Ryou, Raphael, and Bandit Keith left the hospital. (Hee! I thought it would be cute for him to say `cheerio' in public. ^_^)
“Do you need us to help you get home?” Raphael asked, turning to the young white-haired teen.
“No, I'll manage. I just need to make sure that the next time I want a drink, the vendor is working before I put in the money for it.” Ryou said, smiling. Bandit Keith sweat-dropped.
“You mean you didn't check?” Bandit Keith asked.
“No, I was really thirsty.” Ryou replied, scratching his head. Bandit Keith rolled his eyes, causing Raphael to glare at him.
“Be careful next time, okay?” Raphael said.
“Alright! Bye!” Ryou waved to the two blondes, and then left.
“Oh! Oh! Raphael, can we fly home this time?!” Bandit Keith asked, punching at Raphael's arm.
“No.” Raphael replied dully.
“But why not? It's fun! You've done it before. If it's about people seeing, you can avoid them!” Bandit Keith asked.
“Remember the last time I let you fly with me? You jumped out of my arms just to see if you would land on your feet. You gave me a heart attack. We're going home the good old fashioned way, we walk.” Raphael explained.
“I won't do that again, I swear!” Bandit Keith said, trying to convince his friend to go flying.
“Yeah, I know you swear. And no, we're walking!” Raphael replied. He looked over to see Honda and Damian walking past the hospital. “Hmm...”
“Raphael?” Bandit Keith asked, shaking Raphael's shoulder. Raphael shook his head and looked back at Bandit Keith.
“Sorry, it's nothing. Let's go.” Raphael said, and walked away, Bandit Keith following after him.
Jounouchi was now standing in front of Kyoshi's door. He didn't know whether to just barge in ignoring all privacy that Kyoshi might want, or to knock. He decided on the former of the two.
“Oh no!” Kyoshi said to himself as he heard the door open. He quickly put on his shirt before Jounouchi could see anything Kyoshi didn't want him seeing.
“Oh uh.. Sorry, I didn't know you were getting dressed.” Jounouchi said, trying to hide his blushing.
“Ah.. It's alright.” Kyoshi replied. (If it were me he walked in on, I would bitch-slap the idiot. -_-)
“Um.. I uh... how do you feel about me?” Jounouchi asked.
`DAMMIT! Too sudden, too sudden! I had this all planned out! I was gonna have some small-talk, tell him about my mad dueling skills, stutter incessantly, and THEN ask him that.' Jounouchi thought, hitting himself repeatedly on the head.
“Katsuya, are you alright?” Kyoshi asked, tilting his head.
“I'm great! Fine! Perfect! Dandy! Uh.. About what I just asked.. The reason I did was because I really do like you.. And uh.. I was wondering if you liked me too.” Jounouchi explained.
“Oh no..” Kyoshi whispered to himself, and ran out of the room, leaving Jounouchi there staring.
“Uh.. What?” Jounouchi said to himself, scratching his head. He shrugged and walked out of the room. Maybe if he ate something he could forget about what he was feeling.
“Hmm.. Good, good.” Damian said while he was walking.
“What? What's good?” Honda asked, looking at the older boy.
“Uh.. This taco. It is good, spicy too. Spicy things are good! Non-spicy is the devil.” Damian lied. Honda just blinked.
“Uh.. Okay.” He replied. He looked over to see Otogi and Dartz walking, Ryuji chattering incessantly, and poor Dartz actually paying attention. Before he could scuttle away, Otogi saw him.
“HONDA!” He yelled, pointing at the brunette.
“Uh.. Me?” Honda said, playing stupid. (Just like every moment of his existence. I'm gonna sit over here now and defend myself from the Honda fans.)
“No, the other Honda.” Ryuji replied, sarcastically.
“Uh.. I'm guessing you're still mad about my little prank, huh?” Honda asked. (Read near the beginning of the first chapter if you don't know what he's talking about.)
“Oh yeah. And since I've got nothing better to do, I can hurt you.” Ryuji replied. He ran towards Honda, ready to beat the living daylights out of him.
“Is it really that important?” Dartz asked. (<.< I just noticed how hypocritical that might seem.)
“YES!” Ryuji yelled, about to punch Honda. Damian stepped in front of Honda.
“You are going to hurt him for something as little as him playing a prank. Lovely.. Very lovely. Have you not played a prank on him? If you have, did he try and hurt you? Think about it.. It's foolish what you are doing.” Damian said.
“I guess.. You're right..” Ryuji said. He looked at Honda. “Sorry Honda..” Ryuji and Dartz walked away, and Honda and Damian continued walking.
“Thanks.” Honda said.
“It wasn't for you. It's just that he did not have a good reason to hurt you is all. If it were something like you pushed him out of a window, I would but laugh at what he was doing.” Damian replied.
“Uh.. Th-That's um.. Not very pleasant sounding.” Honda said, inching a bit from the older boy.
“Neither is the world, but you don't say anything about that.” Damian countered.
“Well I can't do anything about the world not being pleasant.” Honda said.
“Oh, and you think you can do something about me? Ha.. That makes me laugh.” Damian replied, laughing a bit. Tristan just blinked, but didn't say anything else. (But then, would you?)
Jounouchi sat on his bed, looking out his window every so often. He needed someone else to talk to, Honda wasn't that much of a help. He went downstairs and dialed a number on the phone.
“Moshi Moshi! Mazaki residence!” Anzu said.
“Hey Anzu!” Jounouchi said happily.
“Oh, hi Jounouchi! What's up?!” Anzu replied.
“Ah nothing, just wanted to talk.” Jounouchi answered.
“Oh! Okay. Well Yugi told me that you had someone staying at your house. Is it true?” Anzu asked. Jounouchi blinked.
“Uh.. Yes.” Jounouchi replied. “Say, when did Yugi become a gossip monger?”
“Since.. I dunno.” Anzu replied. “Uh.. Should he not have told me?”
“No, it's fine. I was just wondering, doesn't seem like something Yugi would tell you, or anyone in particular.” Jounouchi said.
“So, what is his or her name?” Anzu asked, obliviously. (Not that you can blame her, it's not like she knows anything about what's going on.)
“Kyoshi..” Jounouchi replied. Speaking of which, Jounouchi wondered where Kyoshi could've gone to, he wasn't anywhere in the house. Jounouchi had already looked twice.
“Kyoshi? So a man, eh?” Anzu asked.
“Man? He's not much older then us, Anzu. Maybe about a year or so.” Jounouchi replied. “Um.. I don't wanna sound rude or anything. You're curious, but can we not talk about Kyoshi?”
“Huh? Okay. Well then let's talk about FRIENDSHIP!” Anzu said.
“Oh... god.” Jounouchi said.
“That was a good walk. It's nice to get out sometimes.” Dartz said as he walked into the Black Clown shop with Ryuji.
“Yeah. It's better then being in a stuff old building all day.” Ryuji replied. Dartz smiled and went to go into the backroom.
“AAH!” He yelled.
“Dartz?!” Ryuji said, walking into the back room. “Uh.. How did you get back here?”
“Um.. Was I not supposed to? Sorry.” Kyoshi replied. “I needed to get out of the house..”
“It's fine, but usually this room is locked when I'm not around, even if the store's open.” Ryuji replied. Dartz took a look at the door.
“Did.. You break the lock or something?” Dartz asked, picking up some metal looking bits and pieces.
“Uh.. Yes. Sorry..” Kyoshi replied. Ryuji cocked his head.
“You don't look so good, Kyoshi. Are you feeling alright?” He asked.
“Yes. I'm fine.” Kyoshi replied.
“Did you get into a fight with Jounouchi or something?” Ryuji asked.
“No.. Um.. That's not it. Say.. How did you guys first know you liked one another?” Kyoshi asked.
“Oh. Well you see...” Dartz started.
Don't worry, don't worry! Where this ends is where the next chapter will start off. Next chapter will mainly be a flashback of how Duke and Dartz started dating and stuff. I bet your excited to read that. (Maybe that's just me.) I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ^-~