Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Half Full or Half Empty? ❯ Guilt Free ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Howdy, I hope ya all enjoyed the first chapter and I don't really mind if I don't get any reviews, I'm just putting this story up for the hell of it. Enjoy!


Before my eyes was a slender figure with silvery-white locks that fell over his shoulders in thick spikes. His skin was a paler colour than mine and his eyes were huge (I mean like unearthly huge, there's no way this guy is human) and dark brown in colour. At his feet were about four or five dark green suitcases.

Well, Anzu is sure gonna like this one! I thought to myself.

"Hey, Ryou! You came early!" I cried, picking up two of his suitcases.

"Yes, my flight decided they didn't need to stop and refuel in New York, so they kept going. Nice to meet you, you must be Shika?"

"Yup… that's me. Uh, how was your flight?"

"Incredibly boring. A 15 hour flight across the globe isn't much more exciting than watching paint dry." Ryou's voice was incredibly… uh… cute? I couldn't think of another word. His accent was so unusual, and he had such a soft voice for a guy. It's like the complete opposite of Jou's; his voice gets soo annoying at times. Damn New Yorker.

"Ah! Ryou! Welcome! Let me take your things up to your new room." My mom came sailing in from the kitchen, trying to make a good impression. I laughed sarcastically to myself internally; yeah, having a glass of gin in your hand and a cigarette in the other is really making a good impression, mom.

"Uh, this is my Mom, Afet. Mom, I'm sure we can do it ourselves, thanks." I said, picking up Ryou's suitcases again and heading for the stairs up to Rai's old room.

"Afet, what unusual name." Ryou said from behind me.

"Yeah, she's Turkish. It means `a woman of bewitching beauty' in Turkish. My Dad doesn't live with us anymore, he moved back to Turkey a while ago. Your new room is my older brother's old room."

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, his name's Rai. He's a dick."

Ryou chuckled. I tingled; he sounded very cute when he laughed. We arrived upstairs and I put down Ryou's luggage as gracefully as I could, but to no avail, as I almost fell over on my rear end but quickly regained my balance.

"This certainly is being given the royal treatment." Ryou said, gazing around the room.

I glanced at the time - 5:45PM.

"Um, so, do you need any help unpacking your things? There's a wardrobe over in that corner there."

"That would be good thank you. I've got quite a bit to unpack."

I grinned, and helped Ryou unzip his suitcases and bags. For the next half an hour, we hung up all his clothes and put the rest in a duchess which was never used by Rai when he used to live up here. There was an awkward silence once Ryou and I had finished unpacking and had chucked his now empty suitcases aside.

"You have lovely hair, Shika." Ryou commented.

"Oh, uh, thanks!" I smiled and flicked my dark burgundy bangs aside. Ryou was a really nice person, much more polite than the wankers that go to Domino College; i.e. Seto Kaiba, that rich little so-and-so.

"Ryou! Shika! Dinner!" my mother's voice came floating up the stairs from the kitchen.

"Come on, let's go. My mom has cooked up a favourite in our family tonight. It's a Turkish meal, you'll like it." I said, getting up from my cross-legged position on the floor. Ryou got up and followed suit.

At the dinner table, my mother was firing all sorts of questions at Ryou. I kicked her under the table gently and glared at her so she wouldn't ask any questions that were difficult for Ryou to answer.

"So Ryou, what made you chose Japan as a transfer country?" she asked.

"Well, I have done a lot of traveling in my life and Japan just seemed interesting to me. I mean it's like a completely new world here. It's just lucky that I'm multilingual." Ryou replied softly, taking another forkful of his dinner. He seemed to be enjoying it.

"What other languages do you speak?" I asked, somewhat interested.

"English, obviously, and Japanese, French also, and I'm learning to translate to Latin."

"Very impressive." My mother said.

Ryou blushed slightly. I got a suspicion that he wasn't used to being complimented a lot. Either that or he was just shy when it came to his self image and his own qualities.

"And what do you like doing in your spare time?"

"Well, back in Manchester I used to play pool quite a lot. I also like experimenting with things, it may sound silly, but I like practical science, such as chemistry and physics. I hope I can take those subjects at Domino College."

"Yeah, they do all the sciences. I'm taking biology. It's soooo gross! Last week we had to dissect a squid." I laughed.

My mom laughed. "Not at the table, dear."

I grinned eat-to-ear at my mom across the table. Grossing her out was so fun sometimes. Ryou glanced across and saw me grinning absurdly at my mom and giggled to himself.

"Well, Shika, why don't you take Ryou on a tour of the house so he knows his way around?" my mom suggested.

"Yeah, good idea." Ryou and I got up from the table and mom took our plates.

"You seem to know how to turn on the charm." I said to Ryou as we walked across the dining room to the lounge.


I laughed. "Well, my mom usually tests people. When I brought my friend Jou around to my house for the first time, my mom had him completely stuck for words."

Ryou giggled. "Your mother is terribly nice. I think I'm going to like staying here."

"Well I'll try and make it as pleasurable as possible for you." Suddenly realizing what I had just said, I smacked my lips shut and tried not to turn red before entering the living room.

"Ahem, this is our, uh, living room…" I said, gawking around it, noticing the ridiculous state that it was in. Rai hadn't bothered to clean up after himself, again. "Sorry about the mess, my brother is such a pig. He doesn't even live here and this is the clutter he makes."

"It's alright, really. At home it's just my father and I and we always make pigs of ourselves."

"Really? I thought you'd be one of those people that cleans up after themselves all the time."

Ryou smiled. "It's a nice living room."

Swiftly realizing how long we had been standing there, I jolted on to the next room. "This is our bathroom. It's a rather, um, large bathroom… which is good, mind you." I said, pointing to the humongous mirror on the far wall, the spa-bath and the glass shower in the corner. Next we headed down the hall to my room, which was directly under the second story, which didn't happen to have soundproof floors (I heard Rai and his girlfriend up there a couple of times… how sickening).

"This is my room." I said proudly, looking across my room which I had made spotlessly clean the day before Ryou arrived.

"Wow… I sure wish I had this luxury at home!" he cried, gazing around at the rockstar posters I had all over my walls. "You like Korn too huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think they're great. I also like some of Marilyn Manson's music. Even though he's a complete and utter freak." I laughed.

"So you're a punk rock girl? I like it." Ryou said, grinning at me. He had an unbelievable set of pearly whites.

"You could say that…" I said, quickly flicking my most prized possession teddy bear off the bed. "What music do you like?" I asked, sitting down on my bed. Ryou joined me.

"It depends on what sort of mood I'm in, I guess. When I'm happy I like to listen to R&B or mellow music, and when I'm angry I like listening to rock or heavy metal."

"Yeah me too…" I said, looking down at my CD collection on my set of drawers.

"Um, do you mind if I get an early night? Jet lag has finally hit me." Ryou said, fisting his spiky white tresses around the back of his head.

"Yeah sure, go for it. I'll wake you at eight tomorrow morning for school. It might be an idea to get your school uniform out."

"Alright, thank you Shika. I'll see you in the morning, sweet dreams now." He said, effortlessly walking out of my room with a little wave.

I waved back and sighed just after he left and disappeared up the stairwell. I sure am going to enjoy my time while he's around… I thought, staring up at my Linkin Park poster on the ceiling. I began to take off my clothes and put on my pyjamas, when my mom came into my room. She started combing my hair for me while I sat in front of my mirror. I noticed for the first time how much we looked alike.

"So what do you think of him, mom?" I asked.

"I think he's adorable." She said, smirking in the mirror back at me.

"Yeah… and he's going to be here for a whole year…" we both sighed girlishly, and then giggled.

"Get some sleep now, love. You don't want to wake up with dark circles under your eyes." My mother said, kissing me on the forehead and switching out the light.
