Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Half Full or Half Empty? ❯ A Jealous Hikari ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey guys I'm glad you like my story! I appreciate the reviews! ^_^ there's a slight bit of action in this chapter between Shika and someone else, but not very much at all. Hopefully in the next chapter there will be some fluff/citrus… ^________^ enjoy!


Vibrant bronze and gold streamed through my window late on Saturday morning. I woke up with a smile on my face and stretched out, covering every inch of my double bed. I glanced at the time - 11:16AM. Somewhat stunned at how late I had slept in, I decided to get up and see if Ryou was awake. I jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of white slacks, slid into my fluffy white bunny slippers, and put a lavender tank and ran up the stairs clumsily to Ryou's room, almost tripping a couple of times on my way.

"Ryou, you up?" I asked, knocking on the door. No answer.

"Ryou? Helloooo?" silence.

I frowned to myself and creaked open the door, peeking through the crack. He was in bed with his back facing me. I guessed he was still asleep. I smiled and tiptoed over to him, peering over his shoulder. Yup, he was still asleep. Geeze and I thought I was lazy.

"Ryou… wake up, sleepy head!" I whispered into his ear.

"Mmm… ugh…" Ryou groaned groggily and his ebony eyes fluttered open. "Oh, uh, good morning, Shika." He said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes free of sleep.

I giggled. "Do you usually sleep in this late on the weekends?"

"What is the time?"

"About twenty past eleven."

"Yeah, that would be about right." Ryou laughed. "I'm a deep sleeper."

"Me too. Oh I almost forgot, Mom will be halfway to Turkey by now… I wonder if she left a note or something on the bench?" I asked myself.

Ryou abruptly let out a huge yawn and threw himself out of bed, revealing his not-so-broad chest but nicely shaped physique. He ran a hand through his hair, wincing as it got caught it some knots. We both giggled.

"How do you manage to keep your hair so… nice?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I guess I'm a perfectionist when it comes to hair-care." He laughed.

The phone started ringing from downstairs, so I shot down and picked it up. It was Jou.

"Hey, Shika it's me."

"Hi Me."

He stifled a laugh. "Listen; do you and what's-his-face wanna come to the arcade today? Me, Yug, Honda, Malik and Anzu are all going to grab some lunch in about an hour."

"Yeah sure, hey you wanna come over to my house later? My mom left for Turkey this morning so me and Ryou have the house to ourselves."

"Sure, we could get out some vids or somethin'." Jou suggested.

"Yeah sounds like a plan. Where are we meeting you then?"

"Uh, just meet us at the arcade in town at noon. We'll be there."

"Alright, see ya then. Bye Jou." With that said I put the phone down and lingered over to the dining table. On it was a note from my Mom, as I had expected.

"What did Jou say?" Ryou asked, putting his weight on my shoulder. I hadn't noticed that he had loitered down the stairs behind me while I was on the phone to Jou; I couldn't resist but to eye down Ryou's tempting half-naked body with a wandering eye.

"Oh, we're meeting him at the arcade around noon-ish…"

"Great, what does the note say?"

"Uh, let's read it then."

"To my dearest daughter Shika, and Ryou, I'm sure going to miss you both while I'm away in Ankara! I've left some money in my beside drawers for your grocery money if you happen to run out of food. When I return home I expect the place to be spotless, that means your room too, Shika! There are to be no parties and by no means should you tuck into my liqueur. I love you both very much and can't wait to see you. I'll be bringing back presents! Lots and lots of love, Afet."

"How would she ever know that we had thrown a party?" I asked myself.

"She wouldn't, but it's best not to try anything."

"A sleepover isn't considered a party though…" I said with a mischievous edge to my voice. Ryou's eyes glinted.

"Well, we should probably get ready or we're going to be late."

"Yeah, you're right."

At that, we both headed off to our respected rooms and readied ourselves for the day's outing. Hurriedly I whipped out of my slacks and tank top and turned on the stereo on my room. One of my favourite Linkin Park songs "Points of Authority" came on so I cranked it up. I threw open my wardrobe and chucked on a tartan pleated skirt and old skool sneakers with a black tank top which said `Korn' on it. Ryou came into my room as I was thrashing around wildly to the radio and he started laughing.

"You have a… unique, style of dancing there, Shika." He said, pointing out that I was jumping up and down wildly on my bed, my arms and legs flying out at all directions. I laughed and tried to fight the humiliation and turned my stereo off.

"Come on let's go, we're gonna be late." I said, grabbing Ryou by the arm and prancing out the door, almost forgetting to lock it.

We walked for about three blocks before we got to the subway station. Alarmingly I heard the final boarding call for the subway that Ryou and I needed to catch.

"Shit! Come on that's our train!" I cried, pulling Ryou along behind me and bolting down the stairs. Thankfully we just squeezed onto the train and collapsed into a seat.

"So tell me… what is there to do at the arcade? Exactly?" Ryou asked in his usual polite, English accent that I had learnt to admire.

"What is there to do at the arcade? The arcade has like ten different gaming shops! Geeze… I'll get Jou to show you all the goodies, that's if they're not already taken."

"I take you're a gaming fanatic then?"

"Not really… although I have a personal favourite, it's called `Midnight Screamers 2'." I said, pulling out my memory card from my wallet.

Ryou practically seduced me with his innocence again, shining through in his smile. This is impossible; I'm starting to fall for my homestay student! Before long, we arrived at the Domino Central City subway station and disembarked, making our way back into the daylight on the streets. When we reached the arcade, I could hear Jou's voice from a mile off. He was having a screaming match at `Street Fighter' again, from losing. Anzu was standing behind him, looking bored. Honda was egging Jou on to put another coin in to have another go, and Yugi and Yami were quietly making out in a corner where they thought nobody could see them. Malik was at the vending machine, grabbing a can of coke.

"Hey guys." I said casually, stating mine and Ryou's arrival.

"Hey Shika…" Malik said, somewhat seductively, cracking open his can of coke and taking a sip, licking his lips after he swallowed. I tensed as he did so; not being able to handle his superficial act anymore.

"Ryou, can I leave you for a sec? I need to talk to Malik… alone." I said sweetly, then glaring at Malik.

"Sure, go ahead." Ryou said, fingering his platinum locks and walking off to join Jou and Honda. I noticed the threatening look that Malik portrayed at Ryou before pulling him aside behind one of the gaming machines, so nobody could hear or see us.

"What is up with you lately, Malik?!" I growled in a harsh whisper.

"Nothin' baby… what's up with you?" he replied, taking another swig of his coke.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't play dumb with me, you know what's going on and you're leaving me in the dark!"

"So?" he said, flashing his captivating purple eyes at me.

"Stop being a dick! Tell me why you're doing it!" I said, pushing him back with frustration.

"Settle down now, kitty. Reow…" He growled playfully, smirking at me.

I stared at him, hardly believing his behaviour. "Is it about Ryou?"

He shrugged and rested his back against the side of the gaming machine. "Perhaps."

"Are you telling me that you're jealous of him?"

"No… not really…" he said, shifting positions and sliding a hand onto my waist, trying his seductive ways with me again, knowing that I would have a hard time resisting.

"Stop -" before I had time to tell him to back off, his lips claimed mine once again, making me feel helpless against his reign. The memories came flooding back… there was no denying that I enjoyed the feeling of his hot, sultry flesh against mine, but it was so wrong…

Summoning my strength I pushed him back on the chest and ran as fast as I could out of the arcade, tears starting to well in my eyes from the sudden act of confusing emotion. I didn't know what to do… but what I knew was that I couldn't stand being around Malik for the whole day after what had just happened. I ran right the way across Domino City, all the way to the piers, and sat down on the end of one of them, watching my pathetic reflection in the deep green water. My tears fell down into the ocean, splashing and rebounding up like raindrops falling on dry concrete. My feet dangled below the dock aimlessly.

I must have been sitting at the docks for an hour or so before Ryou and the rest found me. Luckily Malik wasn't with them. I was happy for that.

"There she is!" Yugi.

"Oh! Shika!" Ryou.

"Wow, she must have run right across Domino to get here." Anzu.

"Either that or she caught the subway." Honda.

"I'll go talk to her." Jou.

Light footsteps were heard coming up the dry wooden dock behind me, and a comforting hand was laid on my shoulder. Out of all my friends, Jou had to be the best. Sure he could get a little on my nerves at times, but he was the closest out of all of them. We had always been good friends, and it was nothing sexual, which I admired. Jou wasn't the horndog that everyone made him out to be at school. He just acted like it around the girls to be "cool". Honda on the other hand was more of a playboy - and not only with girls. But I won't go into details.

"Ya okay?" Jou asked sitting down beside me, putting an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "We were worried about cha."

I sniffled and rested my head on his shoulder. "Yeah… Malik… that jerk… he…"

"We know. We've noticed his weird behaviour around you too. It's only started happening since Ryou arrived, right?"

"Yeah… did he tell you what he did before?"

"No, Ryou did. He saw it happen. But he wasn't sure what to do. He thought you should be alone and then once he finally told me I nearly cracked him for not telling me sooner." Jou laughed. I laughed with him.

"Where's Malik now?" I asked.

Jou shrugged. "I dunno. Who cares? The important thing here is that you're alright. You know I love ya, right Shika?"

"Yeah, I love ya too, Jou. Thanks for…" I said, smiling weakly, looking up at him with tear-drenched eyes.

Jou smiled down at me. "Yeah, yeah. Don't go all mushy on me here. Now wipe away those tears like a brave girl and let's get outa here. It's getting chilly." Jou took off his old, yet famous green jacket and put it over my shoulders before helping me to my feet. Together we walked back down the docks and joined the rest of the group. Ryou's expression looked anxious; more so than everyone else's.

"Ya gonna be alright? I gotta run… Serenity's cooking tonight. You don't wanna see her bad side." Jou suppressed a laugh.

"Yeah… I just wanna go home… that's all."

"Alright, I'll get my jacket back from ya tomorrow, Shika. You wear it for now, I'll be okay." Said Jou. With that, he headed off in the direction to his own home, running at a rapid pace. He usually disappeared like that after a day's excursion.

"You okay, Shika?" Yugi came up to me and put a hand on my arm, his other hand gripped around the Millennium Puzzle.

I nodded in reply, but said nothing and began walking back to the city to catch a subway to get home on. Ryou followed, of course.

"I'm sorry you had to see what happened between me and Malik today. But you gotta believe me, I had no intention on it happening whatsoever." I said to Ryou on the subway home.

"It's alright… I know you didn't mean for it to happen."

"I didn't want it to happen in the first place. He just… groped me! I'm sorry I ran off, I was just upset and… confused." I said, hardly knowing how to put my emotions into words.

Ryou put a hand on my leg, making me shiver from those large dark, mysterious eyes of his. He was an angel, no doubt about that. "Well, I've been told that chocolate is the miracle drug… so why don't we get out some videos and buy some chocolate and have a quiet night in? It's bound to make you feel a little better…" he suggested.

"You know something, Ryou?" I chuckled.


"You're a mind reader. Truly, you are."

A wide grin spread across his face. "I know."
