Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Am A Vampire ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Standard disclaimers apply.

After I posted the 15th chapter to I am a Vampire, someone reported me. (Lets out a string of curses.) So I decided that it would be a great time to revise my stories. So revising I am.

Warnings- Yaoi in later chapters. Blood. Gore. Blaaa Deee Blaaaaa.


The young man curled up around himself is beautiful, I admit. Even from the distance that I am watching him from, the silvery glint of the knife is clear, and the crimson of his blood is vivid. The way his face becomes almost peacful as the liquid runs down his arm and drips onto the carpet is almost sensual.

I lick my lips and jump from the tree, dissapearing into the darkness. He made me hunger.

For blood.

(Ryou's POV)

My mother died when I was five. Actually she simply dissapeared after a car accident that left her in crytical condition. She's been 'dead' for 12 years, meaning that I am now 17. How the years fly by. When I was ten, my father began to beat me. Three years later, he came into my room one night and raped me. Four years later, I am a wreck, a masochistic wreck.

All I want now is death.

(Bakura's POV)

I am perched on the window sill this time, watching the child sleep, a restless sleep filled with nightmares. He cries out for his mother multiple times, and when he cries for his father to stop, I am barely shocked, only angered.

I know of his life. I know his past, present and future. I hold his valuable life in my hands.

He cries out again, and I open the window and creep inside. His cries are like nails upon a chalkboard. I approach his bed and dodge his flailing limbs gracelessly. With my patience wearing paper thin, I sit on the bed and do my best to pin the child down without waking him. I guess the feeling of another calms him somewhat, because he stops flailing about and simply whimpers. I stroke his sweat soaked hair, brushing it away from his closed eyes.

I then begin to stroke his damp cheek. It can't be normal for such a frail human to sweat this much. I stand and make my way to the adjoining bathroom and fetch a cloth. I sit by his side and softly wipe away the sweat. He is beautiful. There is no other way to put it. He looks so much like his mother, it is uncanny. His skin is so pale and smooth, almost like a vampire's skin. It makes sense, really, his father is the King. His hair is like silver silk, insanely smooth. And when he is awake, his chocolate eyes seem to know no depth.

I stiffen as his eyes drift open and he blinks tiredly.


His arms snake around my waist and he pulls me to him affectionately. I topple slightly, landing with my hands on either side of his head. I try to pull away, but his grip grows tighter. I whimper childishly, but this isn't very fair.

I turn so I can lay without being ontop of the small human and settle myself down for the night.

Really really unfair.

(Ryou's POV)

The sun warms me, and so does the body lying next to me. I stiffen.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Father wasn't supposed to come back for another two weeks!!! Shit shit shit!

I open my eyes, fearing what I know I am going to see. I have to stifle a sceam. The man in my bed isn't my father, the man has white hair, smimilar to mine, the only difference is the volume and his spikes are larger.

Haha, that didn't sound right.

I snap out of my thoughts as the man stirs. I scoot back fearfully and his eyes open. The crimson orbs are dark as blood and when they travel over my body, I feel naked.

"Who-who're you? What are you doing here?"

He leans towards me, looking straight into my eyes. "My name is Bakura. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't be scared."

"How did you get into my house? Why are you here?"

He points at my open window. That's impossible! No one would have been able to climb the tree outside then vault inside. Besides, how would he get the window open?

"G-get away from me. Get out of my house before I call the police!"

"Ryou, I am here to protect you. If I was here to hurt you, wouldn't I have done it sooner?"

I nod slowly, his logic making sense. "What are you here to protect me from?"

The man, Bakura leans forward again. "Whatever, and whomever, threatens your life. Come. I need to bring you to the queen."

(Bakura's POV)

The nightclub above the coven is only about two thirds of a mile away from Ryou's home, so I decide to leave Marik be and walk with Ryou to the coven.

His head is bowed and his looks nervous.

"So, Bakura-san... How old are you?"

"Five thousand and eighteen, to be technical."

Ryou blinks at me, looking as if I grew another head. "Where are we going?"

"I own a night club. Underneath it is the entrance of a series of rooms and hallways, spanning across this city. It is the largest coven of prestent times, it is where the King and Queen reside. That is where we are going. The queen has ordered me to bring you to her."


"I cannot say anymore. I may be close to both the king and queen, but the queen isn't against smacking me around a bit if I'm out of line."

Ryou looks down again, looking at his boots. This gives me a chance to study him again. The tank top he is wearing leaves little to the imagination, ending just at the top of his pants, and whenever he takes a step, the shirt moves up to reveal a white midriff. His pants hug his hips, but flare out at mid thigh. They're tight across his ass, not that I'm complaining much. His look is very classic goth, where as I perfer leather. (Pleather, vynal, ect.)

Eyeliner accents his eyes and his lips are a deep blood red. My thoughts are shattered quite rudely by a shout.

"Hey! You! Pretty boys!"

I whip around, glaring at the group of men. The largest, and ugliest, of them approaches. I can smell the whiskey instantly, the foul smell so strong even Ryou, a mere human, covers his nose. I do nothing, just stare at the man.

He leans forward a smirks at Ryou, hand reaching out to touch the boy's face.

"Sure got a purty one, right hir. How much for an all around good time, hum, pruty?"

Ryou slaps the man's hand away, cringing. "P-please don't touch me."

I growl a warning to the man. who turns his attention to me. "Awww, how cute. You two match. How bout all three of us..."

I push Ryou behind me, falling into a fighting stance that doesn't look like much, I just tense up slightly.

"Don't touch him. Don't touch me. Get the hell away and don't bother us, before you regret it. "

The man smirks. "Oh?"

He reaches for my arm and I jerk back. Ryou gasps as I lunge forward, my fist connecting wit hthe man's nose nicely. The crunch of bone is pretty funny.

"Holy shit!"

The rest of his little gang gets the picture and takes off, leaving their unconcious leader.

I grap Ryou's hand and tug him away, pushing him into an ally and glancing around the corner. No one is in sight, execpt for the pitiful man.

I turn my attention to Ryou, who looks shaken. I caress his cheek softly, tilting his head up, worried.

"Are you okay?"

Ryou touches my wrist softly, then nods. "Y-yeah. I'm fine."

All done! Like? No like? I want feedback peoples!

I gotsta request.

Could someone draw Ryou-chan for me? My artistic abilities are limited to makeup and crayons.

(I like coloring books, so nya!)

Arigatou. (Smiles)