Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I am what you never wanna say.... ❯ More swearing and a bet!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I want to apologize right now, because my computer is being a pain (hence why this chapter took so long reason number 1) and because I've forgotten most of my dream that this story is based on (reason number 2), so Joanna will be more evil and sadistic in some chapters (such as this one because she's getting more and more pissed), then in others, she'll be normal. Like what was stated in the first chapter, she's like Yami, but she's also like Bakura (the spirit). Ah, the joy of what happens when you lose the story. *LOL*

"There is a way for you to regain your bodies and for you to regain your world," a female voice behind us said. I jumped and cried out.

"Ishizu! God! Don't do that!" I had my hand over my heart.

"Follow me and I'll tell you," she motioned behind her and Yugi started to follow her. I huffed and then followed them.

"Ok," I said once we were far enough away that the others couldn't hear us. "How do you propose that we get our bodies back?"

Ishizu sighed and motioned to her necklace. "You have to bed each other."

I made an odd sound. It was like half of the sound that a neck breaking makes, and half the sound that I make when I'm angry. Yeah, I know that it's a weird way to describe a sound, but I swear to God, that's what it sounded like. Oh, the sound I make when I'm angry? It's a cross between a huff and an angry goose. So… I sounded like a huffing, angry goose whose neck was breaking. Heh, great sound, wasn't it? ^_~

Yugi just had a confused expression on his face. "What's that mean?"

I sighed, slightly irritated that he didn't know. "It means that you and I have to sleep together." Yugi's expression didn't get any clearer. "You and I have to have sex!" I snapped at him. Goddamn! Didn't this kid know anything!? I mean, I know for a fact that Joey tried to help him, and… wait. I just answered my own question. Joey was never able to help him because that bitch Téa wouldn't let Joey. Fuckin' bitch. I hate her.

Yugi blinked. "We have to um…" he blushed. "Are you sure?"

I waved Ishizu away. "Yes." I had the distinct feeling of being squashed at that point. I giggled as I recalled how some fan fic authors had made him out to be during sex, which more often than not was with Yami. I'm a bit of a sadist so, I rather like bondage fics. Hmm, bondage fics with innocent little Yugi… what the fuck!? The guy was standing right next to me! Yeah, ok, in my body, but that's not the point! And just how the hell did I go from feeling squashed to feeling horny!? (A/N: Because I lost my place when I wrote the squashed line. I have no idea where that was going to go.)

"Are you alright?" Yugi asked for the second time.

"Yes," I groaned. I winced. Fuck. Fuckin' caught… fuck! I wiped a hand down my face again. I'm not gonna live through this! I inwardly whimpered. "Hey!" I cried out when I felt a pair of arms holding me from the back. "Put me down, you little fucker!"

"Yugi, I'm doing this for your own good," Tristan's voice answered me.

"Isn't it kinda odd that Yugi, of all people, called Tristan `little'?" Devlin asked.

I growled. "First of all, I'm not Yugi," I smiled sweetly at them. "Second of all, you're all under eighteen, correct?" Everyone nodded, except for Mai and Kaiba, who opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "Kaiba, dear, I know that you're eighteen and I know that Mai's older than eighteen as well. I meant the little kiddies here," I continued, my sweet smile still in place. "Who seem to think that they can take on the woes of the world. Hmm. But the three of us know differently, don't we?" Kaiba's face hardened while Mai's fell. "We know that the world is the world, and that's never going to change."

"You're wrong." I looked over at Yugi.

"Am I now?" I still was smiling. Oh, I should mention that the angrier I get and the sweeter acting I do, the more dangerous I become. "And why's that?"

"I'm destined to save the world, and I know that with the help of my friends I can do it," he stated fiercely. By this point, Tristan had dropped me and taken several steps back.

I laughed. I suppose to the others, it seemed like a demonic laugh because everyone, even Mr. High-and-Mighty Kaiba took some steps back, as he pulled Mokuba closer to him. "Oh, sweetie." I smiled. "Sweetie, Christ was thought to be destined to save the world and that was over 2,000 years ago, and look where the world is now. Greed, corruption-I'm sure you know about that one, Kaiba (I smirked as he almost growled back at me)-lust, deceit…Oh, little one, the list goes on!" I laughed again. "No one can save the world without first destroying all the humans on it. Are you willing to kill everyone?"

"Are you?" he shot back.

"Well… yes," I shrugged my shoulders. No reason to lie to these people. "I don't really hold any great love of anyone here because it's not my world and even if it was, I don't hold any great love of most of the people there." Everyone just gaped at me. "What!?"

"And I thought Kaiba was anti-social," Mai and Joey said at the same time.

"I know, I know," Yugi shook his head, which lead me to my question of `You know what, Yugi!?' "Look, we've all got to go home, and I have to explain this to my Grandpa, so if you don't mind…" Everyone just nodded in agreement, except for Kaiba. Everyone else left besides himself, and me (I told Yugi I'd bum a ride from Kaiba. Ha! If that'll happen.)

"Why are you still here, Kaiba?" I asked.

"You're a fuckin' bitch, you know that?" he growled.

"I may be a bitch, but I'm not fuckin' anything yet," I purred. "I bet that I could make you want me, though."

"Is that a fact?" he smirked. "Come here and prove it." He sat down on the pier (A/N: Ha! I bet you thought they moved away from there before this!) and opened his legs slightly, so that with my current size, I could easily fit against him. "By the way, when I win, I want you to denounce your title as `King of Games'."

"Well, I can't really do that, since I'm not Yugi and all, but I promise I'll try to get that done for you if you win." I put my hands on his cheeks and breathed gently against his lips, causing him to suddenly lick his lips.

"And if you win? Since it's only fair and all to say that we each have something that we want should we win…" he panted slightly. Good God! I guess all work and no play does make Kaiba a dull boy. Although, he has a hell of a lot more self-control than this situation makes it appear.

"Hmm…" I trailed one hand down his chest as the other buried itself into his hair. "I think…I'd rather… keep that to myself until later…" I licked his lips briefly before gripping his head by his hair and stroking his erection as I fiercely kissed him.

"Mmm…mmmm!" he moaned.

I gently bit his lower lip and pulled it down as he opened his mouth to gasp. Now, I may not have been the experienced person in the world, but I've never had to be. Somehow, I just know what people like. And Kaiba liked being molested by me. As soon as he opened his mouth, I gripped his head harder and started to French him. He gripped my arms as my hand sped up on his erection. At the last moment, before his orgasm, I pulled completely away. He moaned in longing before he could stop himself and I chuckled.

"I'll take you back to Yugi's now." His voice was now ice cold. I smiled.

"Thanks." The ride from the pier to Yugi's was a quiet one. When we arrived, I couldn't resist teasing Kaiba once more. "I wish I could thank you for a ride, but I suppose thanking you for haven taken me home will have to." I leaned over and kissed him hungrily. I only pulled away when he went to grab for me. "Bye, Kaiba." I quickly slid out the door, and the car took off soon afterward. I sighed. That was a little too close. This body is on loan after all. I walked inside only to find that Solomon and Yugi were both waiting for me, but neither seemed to approach the subject of my being nearly an hour later than Yugi, or why it had been a Kaiba Corp. car that brought me here.

Solomon explained that he'd talked with Yugi and everything was fine by him, but as it was a small apartment, I had to sleep in Yugi's bed with Yugi. I shrugged, agreeing.

As Yugi and I fell asleep, I couldn't bring myself to force him to have sex with me. What the hell is up with me? I can force Kaiba no problem, as a matter of fact, I'd rather Kaiba have me force him, but Yugi… I wanted him to come to me willingly. I groaned quietly as Yugi wrapped his arms tighter around me. Ah, well, things could be worse, couldn't they? And they will get worse for Kaiba. Heehee. I love winning bets. ^_^ I truly do love winning bets. Oh, he's so gonna regret this.