Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I BLAME YOU ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yugioh or any of its characters. I also don't own `Behind Blue Eyes' by LimpBiskit or `The Warmth' by Incubus. I do own this story so anyone who tries to steel it………don't…….(couldn't think of much else to threaten with lol)

Also people I would highly recommend if you can, to download `behind blue eyes' by limp bizkit and `the warmth' by incubus. Kaiba and Jou will be singing these songs for and assignment and it would make the story heaps better for you to be able to listen to the song and they are singing. Its not really a song fic and the characters aren't OCC but the songs a beneficial to the story.


Jou was late for school…..again. Heaving his bag onto his shoulders, Jou stumbled down the stairs and through the front door to find his friends waiting for him on the footpath. The day began the same and no doubt would end the same too; wake up late, drag on cloths, stumble down the stairs and with out breakfast mind you, run to school and miss the starting bell by 30 seconds. The only thing he would be on time for was being late and getting him-self a detention. Oh well, not to worry, only another thing for Kaiba to argue with him about, actually it wasn't exactly another thing, mealy routine. Although over the past month the routine had changed, in-fact Jou wasn't even part of Kaiba's routine anymore, and that thought somewhat saddened Jou. He had long ago admitted to himself that he was in love with the older boy.

"Jou, hurry the hell up bud. We're gonna be late!" Honda quirked up the second he spotted Jou as he flung himself through the front door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming, don't get your boxes in a bunch Hon." Jou retorted with a playful smirk, catching the scrunched up look on Honda' face at the comment. "Make that your face?" He added laughing at Honda, who still looked peeved.

"Shut up man, lets just go." With that Jou, Honda, Yugi and Anzu started their walk to the school.

As Jou was walking he was deep in thought. He was thinking about Kaiba and what was going on, actually it was more like what wasn't going on that was troubling him. He hadn't even spoken one word since…… actually he wasn't sure how long it had been, a month, two, he didn't know. `Not even one comment about being a disgrace to duel monsters or to the education department since I seem to never learn anything. I wonder what the hell is wrong with him. Maybe I'm just not worth arguing with anymore?……. No that can't be it, he's been withdrawing from every one, not just me……'

"Jou….Jou, are you okay? Are you feeling alright?" Yugi questioned with worry in his eyes.

"What? Huh? Oh, I'm fine Yug`, what's the prob?"

"Oh well, you just seemed to space out for a while and we are already at school."

"Oh, nah pal, I'm alright. No need to stress." Jou reassured his best friend.

With that, the four made their way up the front steps of the school and through the front doors.

Making his way to his locker, Jou turned to see Kaiba briskly walking up the corridor, in his direction.

"Yo, Kaib, what the hells up your ass?"

"Shove it Mutt." Was all that Kaiba said as he pushed his way past Jou and kept walking in the direction of his homeroom.

"Well, `least he spoke to me." With that last thought, Jou too made his way to his home room.

Looking through his timetable Jou noted with a groan that he had `English literature and poetry' first up.

"Oh man, I got English first up. Arg I have an assignment due too." Jou groaned with a sigh. "Hey Yug`, what you got?"

"Jou, we are all in the same class. We have been for the last 4 months."

"Oh, hehe, sure we have, I `member dat."

The group made their way to their first class. Walking through the door, they sat down in their seats just as the teacher walked through the door.

`Man I hope that I don't have to sing first, especially when my song is about Kaiba.'

Okay people, what did you think about my first chapter? Its only short coz it was only a prologue but the next chapter will be a bit longer. It would be great if u could read and review. Anyways it's a Kabia/Jou get together if u hadn't already picked it up, which means that it's a yaoi. There will be a lemon scene so I am warning you a head of time. Like every one says, `if you don't like it then don't read it.' Anywho, I would much appreciate a review or two lol. Catch ya.