Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Big Brother ❯ Mokuba's Missing ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

LusciousDragon: I guess I can say this now… I didn't want to say it before, but I might as well do it now…

HUGE shout out to MARY ANN for the idea of Mokuba going missing… So thanks!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Mokuba's Missing~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Within hours of Mokuba's disappearance, TV networks, and radio stations across the world were running Seto's plea for any information about his brother, and a reward of 12 million dollars in return for Mokuba. Of course Seto didn't get down on his knees and grovel, he merely stated the facts- his brother Mokuba was missing, showed a picture of the boy, where he was last seen, what he was wearing, that he was carrying a blue eyes white dragon balloon, and that whomsoever returned the boy, would get 12 million dollars. Of course Seto had his own detective team hired, professionals, the best there were, money was not a problem, he just wanted his brother back. Seto hadn't even wanted to address the public, felt it made him seem vulnerable. But the detectives felt it necessary, in their three pronged attack, which was basically Public Awareness- Suspects- Clues. Seto had thrown a fir when he had heard this. But eventually he agreed-anything to get his brother back. No ransom note had been sent, yet the police suspected foul play. They of course were paid handsomely to drop everything else, and work on his case. The news that Seto Kaiba's brother had disappeared had created quite a buzz, and the media was swarming everywhere, and especially outside the Kaiba residence. Joey wanted to go home, but Kaiba forbid him to. The tabloids would go ballistic if they saw a strange boy leaving the Kaiba residence. They would start grinding out rumors, he was Kaiba' long lost brother, or that he and Seto were sleeping together. Also, he feared the media would grill Joey, causing him to crack and reveal that he had been there when it had happened. Deep down, Seto didn't want Joey to be dragged into the mess, however he simply said gruffly, "Haven't you caused enough trouble?"

24 hour coverage was to be expected, but still Kaiba threw a fit when he saw all the media personal staked outside his house. Whenever an executive, or a servant, cook, or maid tried to enter the front gate, their car would be pounded on by the journalists-they would rock the car, pound the windows, and cling to it, trying desperately to get in. Seto, Joey and the whole staff were trapped inside their house, barricaded in the Kaiba mansion. The state-of-the-art security system was a great help-a reporter for the Domino Daily-the local tabloid- tried to climb over the fence, but got a nasty shock from the electric waves, sent out to stop burglars from coming in. Kaiba's merciless attitude towards breaking and entering was shown by the intensity of the volts, which needless to say, proved a point with the reporters-Don't mess with Seto Kaiba. The detectives and police personal persuaded the very reluctant Kaiba into granting an interview. Kaiba's detectives chose Greg Dales, because more people would watch the man who was a favorite of the Domino City population, for his striking good looks, but for his ability to make them laugh. They admired the way the 30 year old ashen blond with his limpid pools of blue, and almost self-inserted dimples, could turn an interview about a mundane subject into a lively discussion about who they've slept with.. (AN: I based him loosely on Troy McClure from the Simpson's. Except he's cuter.)

~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:The Live Interview ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~

Greg Dales- Hello everyone I'm your heartthrob of an interviewer-Greg Dales! I'm proud to announce that I have been given the honor of speaking with Seto Kaiba, who everyone knows owns Kaiba Corp. He is granting an interview to me and only me, eat your heart out WASZ. I'm here with an exclusive interview with the elusive billionaire, which you will find only on KZYB- the #1 network in Domino. Hello Kaiba-can I call you that?

Kaiba-*rolls eyes* Fine. Now please- I have better things to do with my time than waste it on an interview with a mindless twit such as yourself.

Greg Dales: Hope the editing room cuts that one out. *large wink at camera*

Kaiba: *sighs*

Greg Dales: OK- Kaiba- what did you come here today to talk about?

Kaiba-I didn't the detectives working the case told me too.

Greg Dales: Well, never one to make small talk, Kaiba went straight to his point. Can somebody say subtle? *large wink at camera*

Kaiba: Are you gonna ask me questions or are you gonna keep winking at the damn camera, the whole interview?

Greg Dales: This is a family program- we don't appreciate your potty mouth… *large wink at camera*

Kaiba: *shows signs of extreme control over obvious want to strangle the half-baked pretty boy*

Greg Dales: First question: Have you ever slept with anybody famous? Have you slept with anyone period?

Kaiba: *through clenched teeth* would you care to stay on topic?

Greg Dales: Whoa there- sounds like somebody's steaming up? I think that's a `No'. Can't say the same for myself. *large wink at camera*

Kaiba: *fuming*

Greg Dales: OK- now to the important stuff! We'll move onto Celebrity Surprise!!!! What will this week's famous person get *reads card* And Kaiba will be getting a… CELEBRITY MAKEOVER!!!!!!

Kaiba: What the hell?

Greg Dales: *snaps finger* Johan!!

Johan: yes

Greg Dales: Give this man a makeover!!

Johan: It will be tough… But my finger's work magic that can transform the man you see before you

Greg Dales- Sounds great Johan


Greg Dales: Now it's time to see if Kaiba has become a makeover miracle, or a monstrosity…

*Kaiba walks in, to loud rock music, and plumes of smoke on either side of him… He is wearing a black muscle shirt, and a pair of skin-tight jeans, his hair had not been changed. It seemed he refused to allow Johan to touch it.*

Greg Dales: Let's thank Johan, Kaiba you look so much better than you did when you came in…Tell me, how do you feel?

Kaiba: *growls* like a fool!!!

Greg Dales: Now we've taken the liberty to hook you up with Jessica Walters. *Jessica Walters walks in, (AN: think Brittany Spears with brown hair)

Jessica Walters: Hey sexy, what time should I come over???

Kaiba: *looks disgusted* How `bout never. *storms off stage*


When Kaiba walked into the room, Joey was lying on the couch, reading a magazine, he looked up when Kaiba entered, and his jaw dropped.

Taking it the wrong way, Kaiba said, "It wasn't my idea! I know I look stupid so don't rub it in."

"No…no, I think it looks…nice… you look…good…in those clothes…you should wear stuff like that…more often," Joey blushed madly after saying this, and left the room. Leaving Kaiba alone to puzzle over Wheeler's last statement...


LusciousDragon: please review…