Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Big Brother ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

LusciousDragon: Sorry it's taken me so long to update….

Thanks for Reviewing-

Malik's Girl's Yami

Malik's Girl

Dragon of Eternal

PepperFang x2



bakura tomb robber x2

And to everyone else who read and didn't review-


Although I LOVE reviews…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Trouble *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The door to the Game Shop opened and a familiar blond-haired boy walked though.

"Hey," Kaiba said, he was actually enjoying his job at the Game Shop where he was putting his extensive knowledge of Duel Monsters to work. He was also making money by teaching new duelists how to duel. Novices paid well to learn from one of the top duelists of all time. Mokuba was happy, he and Yugi got along well. Things were finally all right. He didn't need to be the CEO of a huge corporation to be happy.

"Hey yourself," Joey said smiling, "Is the new shipment in."

"Nope, it should come in any day now."

"Dang, anything interesting?"

"Nothing really."

"Oh…" Joey rubbed his arm. Kaiba noticed bruising on it. Kaiba caught Joey's arm, he examined it. Yes, there was definite bruising on it.

"What happened?" Kaiba demanded.

"Nothing," Joey said quickly, wrenching his arm from Kaiba's grasp. He lowered his sleeve so it covered the bruising.

Kaiba said nothing, he merely looked Joey straight in the face. His face, expressionless.

"I fell, OK, are you satisfied?"


"God, it's nothing, I'm just clumsy. Geez, you're acting like you're my big brother or something. I mean I'm not you're responsibility. I'm not Mokuba. So why don't you just get off my case. Just leave me alone!!"

Kaiba was stunned by Joey's violent outburst. It wasn't like he was prying into Joey's life. He said nothing, just watched Joey stalk out of the store. It wasn't like Joey to yell.


Kaiba was turning the sign on the door from OPEN to CLOSED, when the phone in the shop rang. He quickly went to answer it.

"Hello- Game Shop, this is Seto. How may I help you?"

"Kaiba?? Help…Help me…"

"Joey? Joey what's wrong? Joey? Answer me!!"

There was no answer. The line went dead.


LusciousDragon: Heh heh- that was kinda evil wasn't it?