Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Day ❯ Chapter 16

[ A - All Readers ]

Bakura: Do I always have to start the chapters off the same?

Author: Yes.

Bakura: Why?

Author: Don't ask questions.

Bakura: All right. Joey took Mary Sue to school so he could dump her on Tea.

Joey: Do I have to take her to school?

Author: Why is everyone asking me questions?

Joey: Why do you torment me?

Tristen: How come no one pays attention to me?

Tea: Can we get going with the story?

Tristen: Do you know that there's one Yu-Gi-Oh where I only get to say one line?

Author: Will everybody shut up?

Mai: To many questions.

Bakura: Can I say something?

Mai: Stop the questions!

Author: This is just to annoy Mai. ???????????????????

Mai: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Tea: This was a waste of time.

Joey: You're right! Here you go Tea. *throws Mary Sue at her* Bye.

Bakura: Joey goes to…

The lunch room (Chapter Twenty)

Class (Chapter Twenty-two)

This story sucks!! (Chapter Twelve)