Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Slumber Party ❯ Kenny vs. DoL ( Chapter 32 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Joey’s Slumber Party

Chapter 32

Kenny vs. DoL


K-8000 D-8000

Kenny: I summon Dark Blade (1800/1500) and equip him with Sword of Dark Destruction! (DB: 2200/1300)

DoL: I set 1 card and summon Maha Vailo (1550/1400) equipped with Black Pendant, giving Maha Vailo even more power through its own effect. (MV: 1550 --> 2050 --> 2550 ATK). Attack!

K-7650 D-8000

Kenny: My turn. I summon Skilled Dark Magician and play mystic Plasma Zone, increasing it’s offensive force. (SDM: 1900/1700 --> 2400/1300) I also equip him with Book of Secret Arts. (SKM: 2700/1600) Attack!

K-7650 D-7850

DoL: I play Dark Magic Dragon* (4/1700/1600 --> 4/2200/1200). I also equip it with Dragon’s Gift* (DMD: 2700/1700). Now I use Shield & Sword.

SDM: 2500/1800

DMD: 2600/1700

DoL: Dark Magic Dragon, attack!

K-7550 D-7850

D: Go.

DMD: 2700/1700

Kenny: I summon Magical Dragon Slayer* (4/1500/1800 --> 4/2000/1400). When in battle with a Dragon, it gains a permanent 1000 ATK boost. Attack!

MDS: 3000 vs. DMD: 2700

K-7550 D-7550

DoL: I play Silver Warrior* (2000/0). Now I play Paradise Meadow*. This Field Card now overrides yours.

MDS: 3000/1400 --> 2500/1800

SW: 2000/0 --> 2500/-400 (0)

DoL: Attack! Both monsters destroy each other now. Go.

Kenny: I summon Dark Knight* (1400/1200 --> 1900/800). Attack directly!

K-7550 D-5650

DoL: My turn. I play Pot of Greed. I summon Red Eyes Black Chick (800/500) and set 1 card. Go.

Kenny: I summon Dark Jeroid (1200/1500) to reduce your monster’s power by 800.

REBC: 800/500 --> 0/500

Kenny: I set 1 card and Dark Jeroid attacks!

DoL: I activate Reverse Trap!

REBC: 0/500 --> 1600/500

DJ: 1200/1500

DK: 1900/800 --> 900/1600

K-7150 D-5650

DoL: My turn. I offer my Dragon to summon Mr. Volcano (2100/1300). Attack his Knight.

2100 VS 1900

K-6950 D-5650

Kenny: Mr. Volcano; your favorite card, huh?

DoL: Yep.

Kenny: I play Change of Heart on Mr. Volcano and offer him for Airknight Parshath (1900/1400).

DoL: A LIGHT monster?

Kenny: That’s right. Airknight Parshath, direct attack!

K-6950 D-3750

Kenny: And it’s effect lets me draw a card. I’ll set it face down and end my turn.

DoL: I remove Maha Vailo and Dark Magic Dragon from my graveyard and summon Chaos Sorcerer (2300/2000).

Kenny: I activate Threatening Roar! You can’t attack this turn.

DoL: Then I’ll activate his effect to remove your Airknight Parshath from play. Go.

Kenny: I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guard (1400/1200) and set 1 card. Go.

DoL: I play Monster Phase*. I get to summon a monster removed from play, then re-remove it at the end of my turn. I choose Dark magic Dragon. Whenever it’s Special Summoned, it destroys 1 monster, and deals damage to both players equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster. I’ll use it on Obnoxious Celtic Guard!

Kenny: I activate Barrel Behind the Door!

K-6950 D-950

DoL: Both monsters, attack!

K-2950 D-950

Kenny: Your Dragon’s gone, and it’s my turn! I play Ekibyo Drakmord on Chaos Sorcerer. He can’t attack and will be destroyed in 2 turns.

DoL: My turn. I summon Diamond-Covered Armor* (4/1000/1000). Now I attack your Life Points directly. *lunges at Kenny*

Kenny: YAUGH!

K-1950 D-950

Kenny: My turn. I play Brain Control on your Sorcerer and remove your Armor from play. Go.

DoL: My Sorcerer’s back. I play Burning Knuckle (0/0 --> 200/0). I attack directly!

K-1750 D-950

Kenny: My turn. Ekibyo Drakmord goes back to my hand, and Chaos Sorcerer is gone. I play Ekibyo Drakmord on Burning knuckle. Now I summon Dark Claw Spider* (3/600/500). It can attack directly, so it will!

K-1750 D-350

DoL: I summon Big Shield Gardna (100/2600 --> 600/2200). Attack. Now I switch my Bruning Knuckle to defense. Go.

Kenny: I play Laser Blade Armor* (2/300/100). It’s effect lets it bypass your Armor monsters while attacking. I’ll attack directly! *slashes DoL with Laser Blade*

K-1750 D-50

DoL: I set 1 card. Ekibyo goes to your hand and destroys my Armor.

Kenny: I’ll finish you off now!

K-1750 D-0

2 B Continued…