Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ No place like home ❯ Follow the yellow brick road ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow the yellow brick road~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mimiholly12329:Okay I don't own YGO and I don't own Tk a.k.a Liam or Sora a.k.a Desirae

they own themselves. that's it really.Oh and 4 a description look at my sista's story 'What have I gotten myself into'

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It was a normal day in Mimi s room...or so she thought


if u haven't noticed Sora and TK r ova at Mimi's 4 a sleepover Kari,Sakura r in someother place so I'm not gonna mention them

Mimi:But u just did

shut up Mimi!

Mimi:Whateve,SORA WAKE UP!!!

Sora & TK :I'm up I'm up now what !!

Mimi:We're in a cyclone!!!Look!

Sora and tk turned to see dust and utter choas outside.

Sora & tk:COOLIO!!!

Mimi:that's my word *pouts*

Sora:Big whoop!

They suddenly see a old lady on a bicycle ride by

Tk:Hi mrs.Mindel lovely weather we're having isn't it?

Sora & Mimi: *sweatdrop*

the old lady quickly turned into a witch and cackled off.Suddenly the glass on the window broke sending our three soon-to-be hero's onto the bed.

Sora,Tk,and Mimi:(-_-)

while our three hero's r unconsious the house does many wierd flips like Tony Hawk.Then crashes.

Mimi:ouch that REALLY HURT!!!!!!

Sora:No shit sherlock.(-_-'')

Mimi:Where's Tk?

Sora: don't know don't care.

Well....Our two heroines (spl???) slowly walked through the house trying to find the exit door..They run to the door and opened it up.(I'm not I repeat NOT going to explain munchkin land)

Sora:Mimi I belive we're not in Domino anymore.

Mimi:yea I totally agree

Suddenly a small pink ball decending from the sky..then dropped like a rock into the bushes.


Mimi:excuse me r u okay??

Mai:yea,yea i'm okay *mutters*stupid narrator

Sora & Mimi:(-_-'')

Mai:so R u gurlz good or bad?


Mai:okay because u just dropped a house on the wicked witch of the east

Mimi:Oh shit..talkie mushrooms

Sora:we're very sorry

Mai:didn't u guyz hear me I said she was BAD...*sighs*

Mimi:Oh...and I care because????

mai:Well that's what's left of her

our two heroines turn to see two mismatched feet w/ the famous red slippers on them and that's it


Mai:k another question r u gurlz good witches or bad?

Sora:We're not witches at all,witches r old and ugly!


Mimi:What was that???

Mai:Those were the munchkins,they're laughing because I am a witch.

Sora:Like I said witches r old and...


Sora:Big whoop.Mimi don't turn austin powerie on me

Mai:Well...on the other hand u have freed everyone from that bitch Tea'.U r official heroines 4 freeing the town.It's a miracle!

Mimi:*singing* It really was no miracle what happened was just this.The wind begun to switch,the house to pitch.And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch ,just the The witch!To satistfy a itch.When riding on her broom stick thumbing 4 a hitch.

Sora:What was the hell was that?

Mimi:I swear I don't know where that came from.

our two heroines celabrated whoever they killed and went to the mayor's to make sure she was dead.Suddenly a old guy w/ a certificate came up to twon hall

Munchkin:Yep that Bitch is dead!

Mayor:Let the joyous new be spread the wicked witch is dead!!

Sora:this is getting freaky

Mimi:ur telling me

Just then....A burst of red smoke inturupted the festival and the munchkins ran like the wind.when the small smoke cleared there was another witch!

Sora:*muttering*Chicken shits

Mimi:I thought u said we killed her?

Mai:U killed the wicked witch of the east that's her sister Isis the wicked witch of the west

Sora:Oh joy

Isis:Who killed my sister?

Mimi:I'm sorry it was accident We didn't mean to kill anyone

Isis:Well my lil my lil pretty I can cause accidents too!

Mai:Aren't u forgeting the slippers?

Isis:Oh yea the slippers *runs over to her sista's body and is about to grab the shoes when they dissapear and the feet shrivel up*

Isis:They're gone,Mai what have u done to them back or I'll......

Mai:It'a too late there they r and there they'll stay *points to Sora feet which now have the ruby slippers on them*

Isis:Shit disturber

Mimi:u don't scare us ,now Go away before someone drops a house on u,u old hag!

Isis:*looks up*Don't worry my pretty I get u and ur lil brat friend too hahahahaha *dissapears*

Mai:*coughcoughbullshitcoughcough* well I'm afraid u've made a great enemy w/ the wicked witch of the west.

Sora:no thanxs to u

Mai: well the safest way to get back to ur place is too go see the wizard of Ra

Sora and Mimi:Ra?????

Mai:Yea he is a very powerful wizard he'll help u get home,now excuse me I'm late for my Manicure *dissapears also*


Mai: just follow the yellow brick road

sora: follow the yellow brick road?

the two heroines walk over to the start of the yellow brick road.Sora glances at her shoes and then the adventure begins!

Mimi:Sora wanna sing??


Mimi:Fine I'll do it myself.......oh......*singing* We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Ra ,he clearly is the most wonderful wiz if ever a wiz there was, If ever there was a Wiz that was, the wizard of Ra would be one, because because because because because......because of the wonderful he does....We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Raaaaaaa.


Mimi:Well S-O-R-R-Y 4 trying to lighten up the mood.

Two hours later our two heroines came to a crossroad..literally!

Mimi:Just great,now which way Sora???

????:Well u could go that way.it's not too bad.

our two heroines turn around to see...no one except for a scarecrow and Bill the camera guy.

Sora & Mimi:Hiya Bill!

Mimiholly12329:BILL GET OFF THE STAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill:Sorry Mimiholly PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!

Mimiholly12329:shut up and get off the stage...and I don't eat people!!!!!!!!

anyway so after that lil event the two gurlz decided it was just the wind and continued w/ the dilema

?????:That way is pleasant too!

again the heroines turn around to nothing!!!Well except 4 the goofy lookin' scarecrow.

Mimi:Sora wasn't that scarecrow pointing the other way?

Sora:Yea I think.........

???:Well some people do go both ways

Mimi:OMG that scarecrow said something...didn't u

Scarecrow:*shakes head...then nods*

Sora:Can't u make up ur mind?

Scarecrow:That's the promblem I don't have a brain...only straw.*sighs*

Sora:Y am I not surprised.

Mimi:how can u talk if u don't have a brain scarecrow ?

Scarecrow:I dunno!!and the name is joey!

Sora:he's a brainless idiot.

Joey:Well I remembered my name!!!!!

Mimi:Mine is Mimi I'm the good one and that's sora *whispers*don't piss her off or she'll knock the straw right outta u!!


Sora:Here it's gotta be embrassing being stuck to a pole all day *pulls nail out of post,Joey falls on his ass*


Mimi:Hey Joey y don't u come w/ us to the wizard of Ra and try to get a brain?

Joey:Is there food involved??



And so off the threesome went (Joey and Mimi singing like idiots the whole way)until they came to a orchard in a dark,gloomy forest.


Sora:Mimi watch out we don't know if these trees talk or what!!!

But it was too late!Mimi had ran to the tree and grabbed a apple but unfortunately the tree grabbed her and hit her hand.

Joey:Mimi come back here u don't want any of 'those' apples!

Tree:What's wrong w/ my apples??

Joey:No it's only that she doesn't like lil green worms.

the two backed away only to be pletted by apples.

Mimi:I got a idea!!!*sticks tongue out*

tree:*throw all the apples he got*

Joey:Guess that did it!!!*giggles*

While these two idiots were doing this,Sora had wandered from the group only to be confronted by the witch!(the evil one)

Isis:Well my pretty it seems ur all alone!!Now I can get those damn slippers *throws fire ball at sora,but something blocks the force*

Sora opens her eyes to see that the witch is gone and a tall,brown haired boy had tooken the force.

Sora:OMG!!!!R u okay????


Sora:*thinking*OMG he is HOT (a/n: if u check out my look-up u know who this is) "yea I'm okay..thanxs!!"

????:*blushes*whateve it was nuttin'

Mimi:Sora!!We saw the witch come over here R u okay and whose ur friend?

Well if u haven't guess Kaiba is the one who saved Sora.....and well it was love at first sight (a/n: sora said I have to have these kind of pairings if I make a Yugioh story w/ us in it otherwise....i get very hurt).But when Mimi and Joey got there..well the sparks flew between kaiba and Joey.

Sora:I take it u guyz don't like each other

Joey:This is the guy who laughed at me for being stuck up that pole

Kaiba:Well if u weren't so dumb to nail ur self up there!


Well this fight was getting to Sora and so being her she thought up a few insults to shut them up.

Sora:Yo shit 4 brains and mr.heartless can ya cut the crap and shut up.

Joey & Kaiba: okay shutting up.

Mimi:So joey who is this guy anyway.

Joey:Oh..'him' that's Kaiba the jerk of the world!!

Mimi:Okay Kaiba ya wanna come to the wizard of ra w/ us Joey is going to get a desperately needed brain and Me and Sora r trying to get home.U can come and get a heart?!!

Joey:Yea U REALLY need that!!!

Sora:so ya wanna?

Kaiba:.........sure whatever

So now we have 4 I just hope Joey and kaiba don't kill eachother before they get to the wizard of Ra!The four continued to walk further into the gloomy,dark forest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the forest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mimi:I dun like this place one lil bit

Joey:same here

Sora:I'll be glad when we r outta here

????:*growls evilly*

Sora:O_O......YIKES!!!*jumps into Seto's arms*


????:U've entered my territory ur dead!!!*comes out of bushes*

Mimi:Yikes!It's a lion!!

Sora:*gets down* U dun scare us!

Mimi:*blinks*....OOOkay there Sora

???:Well it's againest my policy to hit girls so i guess i could beat up the scarecrow and the other guy.

Seto:We could beat u so easily!

Joey:Ya...Go teach him a lesson!

Seto:*death glares*


????:I'll get u first brat!*chases Mimi*


Suddenly Sora gets in the way of the lion-guy and bitch slaps him.....that's gotta hurt.

???:*starts crying*..w-w-w-what did y-y-y-you do that 4....I-I-I-I-Is my nose bleeding???

Sora:ur nuttin but a crybaby!

????:Ya I am..I'm not a lion i just put on this suit to scare u *cries*

Mimi:besides u deserved that slap picking on me when i didn't do anything.

Joey:Ya wat she said!

The lion takes off this suit to reveal............

Mimi & Sora:TK?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Tk:ya...it's me*sniffles*

Seto:Do u know this guy

Sora:yes unfortunately

Tk:Hey Sora u didn't tell me u got a boyfriend..NICE!

Sora & Seto: he/she is not my gf/bf!!


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MIMIholly12329:if u think the story suxz dun review but if u like it a lil please review PLEASE!!!!!