Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Precious Healing ❯ Bakura? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! I'm Lee Chan, here with another story, self insertion this time yeah. Sorry about the whole first person thing, I've gotten to where I can only right a story in first person, you should read my story of DBZ called "Videl's Journey" on fanfiction.net, it's pretty good, but that's besides the point.

**NOTE**: This story is staged after the whole Yu-Gi-Oh thing like after he gets his grandpa back. ^_^ And well hey Yami Bakura's back O.o oh no! Well enjoy the story!


Precious Healing

Chapter 1


I, a young teenage girl, ran down the sidewalk of a familiar neighborhood. I was scraped and covered in my own blood, running with fear in my usually loving crystal blue eyes. I panted as I ran as fast as I could and my legs would sometimes falter. And then….I couldn't run anymore and went down to the ground in someone's yard. My eyes looked up to the sky for help, some help that might come to me….I stared blankly, I would die now. I knew this after seeing the shadow that passed around me. I sat up, my voice cracking in scared whimpers. "Please don't kill me!" I yelled, my voice was a soft pitch, it still held volume though, sounding like a fluttering melody.

The shadow stopped by my feet, it was the shape of a boy, his grin wicked and his voice sounded like a familiar British accent. "Spare you..ha!…I live to kill and you just happen to be around when I'm in the mood for some blood." He reached a soft finger out that didn't belong to him and wiped some blood off my face, then licked it off his finger, slurping happily. "Ah, what wonderful taste."

I sat there on the ground frozen with all the fear of my death soon to come..why me? The evil teen grabbed my hand and pulled me up, drawing me close to him. My body remained tense and my hands limp. My eyes were round in shock, all I could see was his long white hair that grazed my cheek. The red of my blood seeped onto it.

"Ah, so beautiful, too bad you have to die." He said, stroking my silky blonde hair that was hoisted into a fluffy ponytail.

Suddenly there was a creak and then footsteps. "What's going on?" A mild and gentle voice called. "Bakura?!"

I pulled away from him, seeing as he loosened the pressure of holding me and I stumbled back behind the short boy who came from his house. "Please, help me!" I cried, cowering from the boy called Bakura.

Yugi looked to Bakura's evil grin. "Yami Bakura….." He frowned. "Return Bakura now!!"

"Ha, don't think so, I haven't had my fill yet, hand over the girl, I wish to feel her flowing blood on my hands." He laughed evilly, an evil laugh that even sent chills up Yugi.

// Yugi..let me handle this one..// Yugi just nodded. "Ok, Bakura, you asked for it. Yu-Gi-Oh!!" He yelled and a bright light surrounded him. When it was gone, a taller boy stood there, he had the same features except for his keen and narrowed violet eyes. "Yami Bakura…"

"Ah, the almighty pharaoh, so thought I was gone, huh?"

Yami Yugi frowned and glared at him. "No, your comeback surprises me none."

"Oh too bad, thought I could get in alittle scare."

"Your going to be gone for good this time!" Yami Yugi said, flipping out one of his cards.

"Ah, ah, ah..not this time Yami…see ya." He grinned his evil grin then disappeared.

"Grr….Bakura…" He turned around when he heard a whimper and looked at the me. I was wearing a white blouse that had ripped sleeves and cuts that seeped by my sides. My flare blue jeans held cuts at the outside of my thighs and lowers legs, my white and blue sneakers leaking with fresh blood from the cuts on my legs. "You ok?" He said to me kindly, holding out a hand.

I relaxed a bit, but also seemed scared of him as well and with all the jumbled feelings in my head, I closed my eyes and fell back. Yami Yugi caught me before I hit my head. He would have to get Joey, Tristan, and Téa over here to help him with me.

"She's waking." I heard a kind of high pitched but pretty voice. "Hey, you ok..hey?"

I groaned and sat up abruptly, looking around at the three people surrounding me, I looked down, I was in someone's bed and I was patched up, now wearing a light blue robe. I looked up again at the people. "Who are you all?" I seemed calmer than I thought I would sound.

The short boy I had seen before who had transformed into that one guy, stepped forward. "Hi..I'm Yugi."

"I gathered that when you and…Bakura?..were arguing." I had a slightly cocky tone but frowned. "Sorry.."

Yugi nodded. "It's ok." He looked over to a tall teenage boy with golden blonde hair and rich brown eyes. "This is Joey." Then he turned to the girl who's voice I had heard when I awoke. "This is Téa." Téa smiled at me cheerfully. "Hello."

Then Yugi looked to another teenage boy with pointed cone shaped brown hair. "And this is Tristan."

"Your point?" My yes said sorry again.

He seemed to understand, who couldn't, I mean I just nearly died and my instincts were telling me to say no more. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a New York accent speak up. "She gots a big mouth Yugi."

"It's ok Joey." Yugi looked at him seriously.

I glared at…Joey. "Look at your mouth." I motioned with my hand. "It's bigger than mine." I heard Yugi and Téa snicker. This sent the blonde boy into an uproar. "Why, I'll show you, you cocky little!!" He was held back by Tristan.

"I'm not little, you little boy, I'm sixteen."

Yugi looked to me, telling me to hush and try not to make things worse, so I sighed and looked down at my scrapped palms. "So who was that Bakura guy, it sounded as if there were a fight between four of you."

Yugi looked back to me, after Joey chilled. "Have you heard of the millennium puzzle?"

I blinked and looked up quickly. "So you're that boy, the boy with a Yami?!"

He smiled and nodded. "Good you heard of me."

"Yeah, everyone's saying what a champ you are!" I laughed lightly. "This is weird…how'd I end up in this situation?"

"Just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Joey muttered some advice.

I nodded in agreement. "True."

He looked to me and shrugged, walking from the room, his air of toughness going with him. Tristan followed him. Now only Yugi and Téa remained in the room.

"Sorry about them." She said kindly. "Joey has a bad attitude."

"More like bad ass attitude." I said, crossing my arms. "Jerk."

"Hey, I wouldn't say that, Joey's went through his share of troubles." Yugi said, backing up his friend. "Don't judge someone before you know them."

I sighed. "Sorry…" I apologized for the third time.

"What's you name?" He tilted his head curiously.

"My name is Lee Kimiya."

"Where do you live?" He asked next. "Bet your mom and dad are worried."

I swallowed. "I live in some apartments from here, on a street called Winchester Lane…..my folks..passed away, I live alone."

Téa and Yugi stared at me wide eyed. "But you said you were sixteen?" Téa spoke.

"Well…the police think I'm dead and…I'm kind of a computer tech, so getting myself a new age and fake name was easy…please don't tell." I looked at them with pleading eyes. I liked living alone and I didn't want to have to go live with my grandparents. They were the abusive type.

"How do you make it without money?" Yugi asked.

"My ID says I'm eighteen, so I have the ability to work…I work at a store down my road..and I have a car already…good thing I finished driver's ed before my mom and dad died."

Yugi looked at me sadly. "So you happened to be taking a walk..and Bakura attacked you."

I nodded. "Yep, I was just walking, enjoying the air and everything else and the next thing I know, I'm down on the ground with a crazy British guy on me, his eyes full of malice."

Yugi frowned and sweat dropped. "I'm really sorry you got tied up in all of this."

I motioned my hand as to wave the problem away. "No problem, I needed a little on the edger to spice up life again."

Téa laughed lightly. "Good spirit you got there. Well how about you just stay here tonight, looks like you're not going anywhere with those injuries."

I looked down to my sides and poked a deep gash, I winced. "No kidding, but…I heal quick." My eyes flashed with a secret and I think Yugi saw…no I think the Yami inside him saw. I looked away. There was a small golden sparkle on my left hand, but I kept it hid. I didn't have a choice, what if that Bakura guy got me, it would be better to stay here, that Bakura seemed scared of Yugi's Yami, so I just needed to stay here to be safe…stay here until I could at least think of something to go against Bakura.

"I'll go make some food for you." Téa smiled and headed out the door, leaving me and Yugi to converse amongst ourselves till the food was ready.

To be continued….

Hope you liked this chappy, I'll get some more in soon and it should be more interesting soon, please review! ^_^ Lee Chan!