Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Puppy Love ❯ Courtship ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, here is chapter 10 of my great Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic.  Thanks all of my faithful reviewers for a job well done.  Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve gotten writer’s block on some of my fanfics as of lately.

Anyway, I’m glad to see that people still support Yu-Gi-Oh and its greatness.  For those of you who don’t know, unedited Yu-Gi-Oh will be coming out soon!  I can’t wait!

I have no idea when another update will be, but bear with me on the progress. ;

Well, here is chapter 10 of Puppy Love. There is just some fluff in this chapter, nothing special.  After this chapter, I’m going to get more on the topic of Ginger and her current situation.

Anyway, read, review and enjoy!


Puppy Love

Chapter 10:  Courtship

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. “Edgar Allan Poe


Anzu slowly moved her head in and claimed Yugi’s lips sweetly.  This was it!  It was the moment that Yugi had hoped for since they were in high school together!

She was his.

She belonged to him now, and nothing would take her away!

He has always known that they had a close friendship bond.  Anzu was always there for him, and his friends, no matter what the circumstances.  They had saved each other’s lives more times then they could possibly remember and owed each other much more then that.

Throughout high school, they had been the best of friends.  They were just school friends, best friends and two innocent kids.   They had always been by each other’s sides and never left, unless they had to.

My how time changes!

As they grew they never grew apart.

Yugi felt like he had won the lottery or something at the moment.  He had the one thing that truly made him happy – Anzu.

A bright smile clung to the boy’s mouth as he sat up so fast he almost gave himself a head rush.  He quickly recovered his head rush and clasped his hands around Anzu’s tightly, but not as to cut off circulation.

“You mean it?” Yugi asked his eyes on the verge of tears.  They weren’t tears of sadness, but tears of joy and exuberance.  

“So…” Anzu replied.

“Yeah…” Yugi replied nervously.

“Want to do something?”

“Sure, like what?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Anzu asked.

“Let’s go and have fun.”  Yugi replied.


All throughout the day, Yugi and Anzu had a great time.  They went to many parks and places to have a good time.  For the first time in his life, Yugi felt happy.  He was truly happy.

It’s amazing how just admitting you love someone like that can make you feel so much better about yourself,” He remarked inwardly to himself. “ I just hope that Anzu feels the same way too.”

He looked to the brown haired girl who was laughing.  She burst into a fit of giggles at a man who slipped and fell on a banana peel that was a few feet away from them.  She leaned herself on his shoulder and braced herself as she nearly had a heart attack from laughing.  Yugi gently patted her back soothingly.

After they went to the amusement park, they did many things.  They went to the mall, they went on walks in the park.  While they were at the park, they ate a picnic lunch.  The two of them sat under the shade of an old oak tree, talking of past memories.  When Yugi had finished his sandwich, he fed the crumbs to some hungry birds who waited patiently for any stray crumbs.

The day was sunny and bright with very few clouds in the sky, and the temperatures were moderate and warm.  Yugi wore short sleeves and light colored clothing.  Of course, Anzu still wore her sundress.

“You know, you really do look beautiful in that dress…” Yugi replied, with a loving look in his eyes.

“Thanks.” Anzu beamed.

The spiky haired teen gently placed a hand a top of hers.  Azure eyes wore a look of happiness mixed with many other emotions that weren’t quite placed.

The brown haired girl gave him a simple smile back.  The shorter boy leaned in slowly, and closed his eyes, expecting a kiss.  The brown haired female replied by closing her eyes and leaning in towards him.  Their lips touched, and both of them flinched, then they moved in and began to kiss each other lightly, the kiss turned more and more passionate with the lingering moment.

They stayed like that, for quite a while.


Yugi seemed to feel as if he was finally fitting in!  For once in his life, he felt as if he belonged.  Anzu seemed to change his life in more ways then one.

“I only hope that Anzu feels the same way ..”

After Anzu had told him ‘yes’ to his question, it seemed that Yugi was looking up.  He ran into Honda a few days ago and he had complimented Yugi on his looks. The spiky haired teen had remembered their conversation.

“Hey Yugi!” Honda waved.

“Oh, Ohayo Honda-chan!” Yugi waved.

“Hey man, how are you? You seem different then last time I saw ya, but man it’s been so long!”

“Same to you, Honda…But, what do you mean?...”

“Nothing really, just that you look different.  You know, there’s just something about you.  You seem more lively then usual.  Did something happen to yo-“

Honda was cut off by the horn of the construction cooperation.  Honda wiped the sweat from his head and reached down to put his hard hat back on.  “Well, better be getting back to work.  Nice talking to you and good luck!”

Honda gave a thumbs up before returning to jack hammering the concrete.

The memories faded away as Yugi found himself giving Ginger some water and snapped back into reality as cold water hit his bare feet from over flowing from her bowl.  Yugi looked down at his wet foot and sighed.

“Better clean this up.”  He scratched his spiky head and went off to get a towel.  Ginger smiled her trademark dog smile.

Yugi walked down the hall to get a rag, never forgetting the time he and Anzu hung out, and how his life was changing for the best.


Chapter 11:  Commitment "The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'." - unknown


Well, there is the new chapter.  Sorry for the lack of updating, I’ve been slacking and hardly online for all of the summer time ;  I’m a busy person and I’ve been doing things all summer and I’ve also been approving messages and things like that.  I have way too many mailing lists and things like that to attend to. 

In the next chapter there will be more of Yugi’s commitment to Ginger and more on their relationship.  There will also be more Anzu!