Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rain, Rain ❯ Rain, Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rain-By Yami
(This poem is based on Marik Ishtar and his Yami)

Rain, rain
Go away
Come again
Another day

Mommy's dead
Daddy's too
The little boy
Will murder you

Rain, rain
Stop the time
Don't let seconds
Pass this rhyme

The dark has come
The dark is near
I'm afraid
The dark is here

Rain, rain
Take him away
Don't let him come
On any day

I'm so scared
I'm afraid
He wants me
And he wants you
He wants us
To be killed, too

Rain, rain
Stop the pain
Rain, rain
Take him away
I want to go home...