Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Re-Discovering Innocence ❯ Perpendicular Lines ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Perpendicular Lines"

" All right, I'm almost ready to go!" Anzu stated while looking at herself in the mirror. It had took her nearly ten in a half minutes to get ready and choose a decent outfit to wear. She clawed through countless designer jeans, sweaters, knits and wools until she gave up, and just threw on something sporty. In a few minutes, she would be leaving to go over to Yugi's house to study. With a sigh, she glanced over at her clock. It read 7:15pm. She had to leave right now if she wanted to get there on time at 7:30. So, giving herself one last once over, she flew over to her bed, put some thin and narrow black boots on and dashed out of her room.

Over at the Muto's place, Grandpa was out running a last minute errand for a friend of his, so Yugi and Yami were left at home by themselves. And after all the traumas and complications concerning little Yugi and himself, Yami figured that it was best that way.

Yugi…the poor little guy…First, he had fallen in love with his childhood friend, and felt that she was returning the same feelings. But, he found out he was being rather mislead and deceived while being stabbed in the back by his best friend. Yugi had gone through so much emotional pain in that one week, Yugi thought that he was beyond the point of recuperating from it.

No, he had decided, after all that had happened, he would never be the same.

No more sweet and submissive Yugi. Never again. It pained him, even as he came to that conclusion. He hadn't said a word about his change to his other half yet, but, Yugi was perfectly sure that Yami was well aware of his thoughts and his feelings. And honestly, Yugi almost didn't care.

But, Yugi did allow himself one more day, and one more chance.

…Anzu was coming over that night to help him with his studying. Only because she was who she was, even though she had left his heart in pieces, did Yugi want anything to do with her. He decided, that only after he met with her one last time as his nice and innocent self, would he cherish their moment together…even if it were just for friendship.

Once Anzu left…Yugi would have to say goodbye to his old self. After that, he wasn't taking anything from anybody, anymore.

"Aibou, are you all right?" The warm and firm tones of Yami's voice seamlessly brought Yugi out of his trance of thought. Nodding to him, Yugi gave Yami a thin smile, then returned his eyes to his math. While preparing for tomorrow's finals, Yami had decided to aid Yugi in his studies. But Yami knew that his aibou's mind was wandering elsewhere than in his textbook. "Hey, were you sleeping, Yugi?"

Without looking at Yami, Yugi blinked and shook his head. "No.."


With a sigh, Yugi looked to Yami and smiled. "I'm sorry to worry you, but I'm fine." He then adverted his gaze to the floor. "But I think that I am a little sleepy…"

"Hm. I see. Well, do you think that you can keep your interest up until Anzu gets here?"

Yugi nearly dropped his pencil as he felt his heart pound against his chest at the sound of her name.

That's right! He had to stay focused…for just one more night…before he….

'That's enough', Yugi whispered in his mind. Trying not to have Yami catch on to his downtrodden thoughts, Yugi stretched and yawned. "I'm all right, Yami."

Yami playfully scoffed. "Uh-huh. Well, how about this: if you can stay awake and go over three more problems, I'll get you some ice cream."

"Ice cream!?" Yugi exclaimed, dropping his pencil and grabbing his other by the arms. "Really, Yami?"

With a masculine chuckle, Yami nodded and tussled in Yugi's hair. "Heh heh. Yes, Yugi. I promise, all right?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Yugi agreed and immediately went back to his studies.

Yami felt a smile spread across his lips as his watched Yugi. The little one had really been through a lot, but he seemed to be taking it well. 'I suppose he's taking his time to heal.', Yami thought.

"Oh, Yami…?"

"Hm? Yes?", Yami inquired, leaning over to Yugi.

"Um, what's this problem here?"

"Hmm… you'll need to use the quadratic formula for that...do you remember it?"

Yugi's cheeks reddened a little. "Of…course I do."

Yami half smiled. "Uh-huh. All right, how about I get you some ice-cream, now?"

Hearing the words ice cream, Yugi's ears perked up and his eyes widened. "Really?"

Yami couldn't help but laugh at Yugi's cuteness. "Yes, yes, I'll go get it now."

With exuberant eyes, Yugi's gaze stayed glued to Yami as he got up from his placement on the floor and walked out the doorway.

"……" With his thoughts now free to wander again, Yugi laid his head in his hands on top of his math book. Most of his mind consisted of Anzu, while others did of Jouno and their friendship. Over and over again the thoughts lingered and tortured his mind, until Yugi finally gave up on wasting brain cells on them, and tried to focus his energy on finishing his studies. Lazily, his eyes trailed over the previous equation. " ….x to the 2nd power plus negative six equals ten…..the answer is…" Without another word, the pencil slipped from Yugi's fingers and rolled onto the floor as his tortured mind retired for the night, and caused him to fall asleep.

Down in the kitchen, Yami busily mixed Yugi's three favorite flavors in a porcelain bowl. The thought of Anzu wanting some ice cream as well went through his mind, so after finishing with Yugi's, he made a cone for Anzu. Carrying them both upstairs, Yami nearly dropped them from seeing Yugi fast asleep on his homework. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Yami sat Yugi's bowl down next to him on his study table, and peered over at the little one's progress.

Oh well. At least he attempted to do the problem halfway. Yami sighed. "Oh, Aibou…" With a small smile, Yami proceeded to mush the cone in with the ice cream in the bowl and go into the

Millennium Puzzle, when the soft sound of something ruffling behind him caught his ears. Turning around, he found himself face to face with Anzu. He felt his breath get caught in his throat as his eyes beheld her; then slowly trailed down to the floor. On her feet, she wore soft peach crew socks that appeared to be very snug and warm. Her legs were clad with black leggings, and just above that was a ruffled black skirt with a silver clamps and lining. Yami felt his cheeks warm up as his eyes continued their visual feast past her light peach turtle neck to her face, serene and composed.

Needless to say, the girl looked good.

Quickly shaking his head before losing his cool exterior, Yami cleared his throat and greeted the brunette. "Hello, Anzu. I'm glad to see that you could make it."

With a bright smile, Anzu nodded and straightened out one side of her leggings. "Yeah. Of course!" Glancing over at the slumbering Yugi, her smile faded to a sarcastic one. "Looks like to Yugi I took too long to get here."

Yami laughed, as he stepped up to her and handed her the ice cream cone. "Ah, the little one has been through a lot. Oh yes, this is for you."

Her aquamarine eyes lit up as soon as the sparkles of the cherry flavor met with them and she eagerly took it. "Wow, thank you!"

Yami said not a word, as an unreadable smirk crept across his lips while he watched Anzu delectably consume the creamy cherry flavor. Unable to watch without having lingering thoughts, Yami turned his back to her and kneeled down next to Yugi on the floor, while offering for her to sit down.

With a sound of approval, she agreed and walked over to where Yugi slept. Peering down at what he was working on, she unconsciously chanced a glance at his delicate face as he slept.

So peaceful…

"So, would you still like to study?" Yami asked.

With one more glace at Yugi, Anzu returned her gaze to Yami and shrugged. "I'm fine, as far as tomorrow goes, but Yugi…"

"He's pretty prepared himself, for tomorrow. You needn't worry about that."

Anzu sighed as she knelt down on the floor between Yugi and Yami and looked in Yugi's textbook. Yami flinched. It seemed that cherry was indeed her favorite flavor, the way she was devilishly devouring that cone.

She sighed, giving the ice-cream another indulging lick. "Well, as long as he'll be okay in the finals. I guess I shouldn't feel bad for coming all the way over here for nothing."

Yami said nothing, but replied with a nod. Although her eyes were elsewhere, other than on him, if he didn't know any better, he would've thought she was teasing him with that ice-cream.

"Well, Anzu, if you feel that way, then you're welcome to leave whenever you feel fit."

Taking a pause from her snacking for only a second, she turned to look at him with a small smile. "Thanks, Yami." Then her eyes lit up. "You know, this reminds me of something that happened to me in the summer one year.."

Suddenly, Anzu stopped her reminisce as the previous events of that week hit her. Talking of summer reminded her of the troublesome heatstroke that had nearly completely consumed her.

And that time...when she nearly drowned herself to run away from her problems….Yami was there to rescue her.


He was there when she fell unconscious, he was there to carry her to safety, he was there to keep an eye on her to make sure she would recover properly…..he was always there watching her.

…Except for that one time, when she first had her heatstroke, it wasn't Yami that came rushing to see her, it was…

Wordlessly, she looked over at Yugi, who was still fast asleep.


That boy! She had been trying for two days to get in contact with him, and finally when she gets the chance to come over and see him, he's asleep!! Oh well. At least he got his studying in, and that was most important, wasn't it?

Her mind now clouded with thoughts, Anzu prepared to give her ice cream another lick, when her tongue met with air instead. Confused, she turned to Yami to ask where her cone went, when she found herself face to face with him; his lips dangerously close to hers. Awed beyond what words could explain, she tried to speak, but no avail. Her eyes had become lost within the deep and passionate gravitational pull that was now rising to the clear surface of Yami's rich red-violet eyes. Unknown to even himself at first, Yami had taken her cone away from her while her mind was elsewhere, and had already begun to mush it into the bowl with Yugi's ice cream.


"Yes?", he replied breathlessly. Then he immediately took note of the situation. Turning a faint shade of red, Yami pulled away from her and looked as if though nothing happened. "Sorry. Do forgive me." With that, Yami got up from his placement on the floor, and began walking to the doorway of the room. Anzu said nothing, as she watched him. Her mind was again a jumbled thicket of questions and random thoughts.

Yami sighed as his eyes occupied the floor. After a short pause, he spoke. "Again, forgive me, Anzu. If you'd like to leave, I won't take up anymore of your time."

Anzu was speechless. Just a moment ago, he looked so sure about himself and so sincere…she had never seen Yami look so readable before. And now, he was covering it up with firm sternness again? Could she really let that go?

Without saying a word to him, Anzu rose from the floor, and quietly made her way past Yami. Sadly, Yami let her go.

Just as Anzu had her hand on the knob of the coat closet, she stopped and thought about what she was doing. She did care for Yami, but she also cared for Yugi. Yami had done a lot of things for her---some of them being things that were out of Yugi's power or ability, and she respected him for that. But, she always wondered, was he doing it for himself, or in place of Yugi? Resting her forehead against the door, she moved it right and left, as if she were shaking her head.

She remembered the other day when Yami had told her that he took care of her while she was ill because it was the thing to do, and also because he wanted to.

She then remembered something her aunt once told her. To truly declare and determine someone as your soul mate, kiss them. If nothing is felt, then they are not the one. If there is a click, then they are. And if they really are, then you'll feel it in your heart before and after the kiss.


With that thought, Anzu took a deep breath, and exhaled. Pulling herself away from the closet, she about faced and made her way back up the steps to Yugi's room. She called for Yami, but he was nowhere to be found. 'Maybe he went back inside the puzzle..', she thought.

"Actually, I'm right here.", Yami stated from behind Anzu.

As soon as she heard the firm sounds of his voice, she hesitated before turning around.

A brief silence grew between them, until Yami spoke first. "Is there anything you forgot?"

Anzu gulped. Despite her nervousness, she found her body nonchalantly making its way closer to him. Taking a deep breath in her mind, she told herself that this was it.

In one swift movement, she extended her hand to his cheek and slid it behind his head. Before Yami could make a comment, Anzu gently fell into his arms and met her lips with his.

Yami was speechless. He didn't encourage her, nor reject her, he just stood there and closed his eyes while allowing Anzu to kiss him.

Their embrace seemed to last for hours, but in the only six seconds that it did last, Anzu knew her answer.

Gingerly breaking their kiss, Anzu pulled herself away from Yami, and gave him one last look straight in the eyes while she slid her fingers across his cheek.

With a thin film of tears glistening in her delightful blue-green eyes, Anzu smiled to him and said:



Gasp! What choice did she make?!!
