Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Royal Engagements ❯ Royal Engagements: Metting the Future Council ( Chapter 3 )

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Royal Engagements 3
Once again unaware of the dangers in his city-state, Pharaoh Tetsumosis-Ra felt a rather large headache starting. His council had been summoned as ordered, but chaos seemed to dominate the group of men. Each member of his council seemed to have more than one son and each son seemed to want his father's seat on the council in the future.
Pharaoh Tetsumosis-Ra slammed his fist onto his throne and yelled, “SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!”
Immediately all sound ceased.
Pharaoh took a deep breath to calm him down.
“Hem-Netjer-Tepey (High Priest) Karnak, you have no son to pass honor to, correct?”
High Priest Karnak bowed and replied, “No my Pharaoh, I have a daughter a few months younger than the crown prince. She and her mother are at the Market Place today.”
Pharaoh raised and eyebrow and prodded, “Have you chosen an heir to the Sennen Necklace then?”
The High Priest of Internal Affairs, Karnak, looked deeply into his Pharaoh's and friend's eyes and announced, “My daughter, Serinai, my Pharaoh.”
Before and argument could break out, he hurried to explain, “My daughter has the Goddess Shait, the Goddess of Destiny's, blessings my Pharaoh. By giving her the Sennen Necklace, her own innate prophesizing will be strengthened tenfold.”
The council began to murmur at that. Having a true Seer on the council loyal to the prince would be a great advantage. Having her powers boosted tenfold by the powers of the Sennen Necklace would make Egypt almost invincible!
High Priest Aten-aknh-Ken looked thoughtful as he added, “My Pharaoh, if High Priest Karnak's daughter was to become Empress…”
Tetsumosis ended, “Her powers would then be doubled. Karnak, what would you say to a union between our two Houses?”
High Priest Karnak felt overwhelmed. When the Pharaoh had summoned the council and explained the newest problems facing the royal family and their loyalists, he had thought that the Necklace, which had been in his family since Pharaoh Tetsumosis' Grandfather's time, would be taken from his family upon his death. His only hope had been that his daughter's innate prophesizing gift would persuade the council to keep the Necklace within his family line. He had been surprised that the council didn't veto his proposition immediately. If Serinai was granted the honor of Hemet-Netjer-Tepey (High Priestess) on the council, she would be the first Hemet-Netjer-Tepey in nearly one hundred years. When no arguments arose, he felt weak with happiness. His happiness had turned into shock at the Pharaoh's proposal.
“Ah…I would be most honored to be untied so fully with the House of Ra, my Pharaoh.” He replied reverently as he bowed deeply.
Pharaoh Tetsumosis smiled grandly and said, “Excellent! High Priest Aten-aknh-Ken, would you and Scribe Brakrh write up a wedding agreement?”
“At once sire.” Replied the High Priest of Religion and Magic and the Scribe as they bowed and exited the Hall of Ra.
“My Pharaoh, you are most gracious to honor me so.” Karnak revered with another bow.
Pharaoh waved it aside and said, “Karnak, we are friends. I'm honored as well. Now, back to the future council. So far the only seats claimed are my own, High Priest Aten-aknh-Ken's, and High Priest Karnak's. High Priest Lienhks, present your sons to me!”
The Hem-Netjer-Tepey (High Priest) of External Affairs, as opposed to his counterpart, the High Priest of Internal Affairs who had no sons, had five.
Hem-Netjer-Tepey announced, “My Pharaoh, allow me to introduce you to my eldest sons, Malic and his twin brother, Marik. Malic is older by five and a half minutes. He is responsible and alert. He shows a lot of promise in the Eternal Affairs. Marik is a hard worker and very loyal. He will serve the Prince Atemu faithfully. Malic and Marik are eleven-years-old. My third son is Thebe and he is very religious. He is eight-years-old. His mother and I are hoping he'll go apprentice under Hem-Netjer-Tepey Aten-aknh-Ken, but if he is chosen…”
He continued, “My next son is seven and very determined. His name is Ham-ana-Ten. Lastly, is my youngest son, Namu. He is five-years-old just like the Prince. Namu's characteristics haven't had enough time to show themselves as he is to young. But, like all children, he is bright and fun loving. He makes friends with everyone no matter what age or social standing.”
Pharaoh Tetsumosis Atemu-Ra, Pharaoh of ALL Egypt, looked at the five boys thoughtfully and asked, “Namu, son of Lienhks, what would you do if Prince Atemu asked you to arranged a meeting with Greece?”
All in attendance stopped talking. They were shocked that their Pharaoh would ask a child such a question.
Namu's large violet eyes blinded innocently as his cherub face scrunched up in thought.
“Ah…daddy writes a `Letter of Invitation' so I'd do that!” he answered brightly.
The entire Hall of Ra was shocked into silence. None more so than Namu's father. High Priest Lienhks had no idea his son paid so much attention to his work.
Tetsumosis smiled proudly and said, “Namu, you shall take your father's place as Hem-Netjer-Tepey of External Affairs when the time comes.”
Namu blinked, smiled, bowed, and replied, “Okay!”
Then he returned to his place behind his father and his toy blocks and began to build. Malic simply smiled. He was relieved actually. He did not want the job since he wanted to be a farmer. With Namu taking his place as Honored Heir to the Council and now Lord of House Ishtar, he was free to pursue his dreams to become a farmer and marry the girl he loved, a simple farmer's daughter. Marik, on the other hand, was raging mad! He was older! The seat on the council should have been his! His father had trained him especially for this role since he and his father both knew of his twin's dreams to grow life and have a simple farmer's life. How could the Pharaoh dismiss age and rank so? Now he would have NOTHING! Sure, he'd have the title as Lord Marik of House Ishtar, but the honor and nobility now belonged to his BABY BROTHER?!?!?!
“Scribe! Four of the Twelve seated have been filled, correct?”
“Yes, my Pharaoh!”
“Read them off!”
“Future Pharaoh of ALL Egypt, Prince Atemu- (Ra) Khenmes-Ima (charming friend) Yahm, son of Pharaoh Tetsumosis-Ra Atemu Yahm, Pharaoh of ALL Egypt!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey (High Priest) of Religion and Magics, Lord Seth Sa-Ne-Maa'et (Son of Truth) Yahm, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey, Lord Aten-aknh-Ken Otten-Re Yahm, High Priest of Religion and Magics!
Future Hemet-Netjer-Tepey (High Priestess) of Internal Affairs and Future Empress of ALL Egypt, Lady Serinai Nefret-Ihew (Beautiful of Cattle) Seiht, daughter of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Karnak Ptah-Amun Seiht, High Priest of Internal Affairs!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of External Affairs, Lord Namu Peri-Irty (Leaving Eye) Ishtar, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Lienhks Rashid Ishtar, High Priest of External Affairs!”
Marik grumbled quietly at the last announcement. He had hoped that the Pharaoh had been playing around and that Namu was just a trick. He was wrong. His BABY brother would receive honor upon his father's death.
Pharaoh Tetsumosis nodded and continued, “High Priest Atenum, you have a son, but he was kidnapped by your evil twin brother, correct?”
The white-gold hared High Priest of Medicine nodded and explained, “Yes My Pharaoh, my treacherous brother, Rinek, stole my son Ba-Ku four months ago when we were visiting my father's ancient home in the city-state Yunu.”
Tetsumosis sighed and said, “Well, the seat is his and until we hear anything, it shall stay his.”
High Priest Atenum sighed and replied relieved, “Thank-you my Pharaoh.”
Pharaoh nodded and said, “War Admiral of the Sea, Gurmkh, present your sons to me.”
A tall blond hared man dressed in light armor stood up and said, “My Pharaoh, I have only one son to pass honor too. His name is Joundo Sekszry (Captain of the Sea) Wakhr. He is a determined boy and starts training in the Arts of War tomorrow. I humbly ask that you allow him to be my heir.”
Pharaoh called out, “Joundo, son of Gurmkh, standup!”
The council watched as a six-year-old boy with blond hair, hazel eyes, and lightly tanned skin appeared from behind his father.
He bowed awkwardly and asked, “You called My Pharaoh?”
“Yes boy, I did. Will you be a strong, determined Admiral who will lead our Navy to victory?”
Joundo stood tall and answered confidently, “Yes sir!”
Tetsumosis nodded and announced, “Very well, Joundo shall take up his father's seat in the future!”
The boy bowed again and said, “Thank-you My Pharaoh.”
He quickly but proudly walked back to his father's side.
“War General of the Desert, Otten, present your sons to me!”
A tall man with black hair that hung boyishly around his face stood up and said, “I have but one son to pass honor to My Pharaoh. His name is Hudo Deshret-Waw (Desert Soldier) Undun, and he's six-years-old. He is very good friends with Joundo, so pairing them together as Navy Admiral and Army General will be an asset in the future. He is already a very serious child, and he does his work very well.”
Tetsumosis looked the boy over and said, “Hudo, will you be a strong and valiant General who has the safety of the soldiers second only to the royal family?”
Hudo rose to his feet, bowed, and replied strongly, “I promise.”
Pharaoh nodded and said, “Hudo shall take up his father's seat in the future as War General of the Desert!”
The council clapped politely as the boy bowed again and took his seat.
Advisor Sefitar of the Commons, present your sons to me!”
A man stood up and replied stiffly, “I have no sons to honor my Pharaoh. I only have a daughter of five seasons named Nefertiti Heji-Niewtet (Bright Citizen) Amphrum. I humbly ask that she be allowed my seat. She could be an asset in the future to our future Empress.”
Tetsumosis frowned as a little brown-hared blue-eyed little girl appeared from behind her father. She timidly approached the throne and bowed before him. He could sense her fear and smiled warmly at her. In an instant, her face bloomed into a beautiful smile.
Advisor Sefitar stated, “I had brought her here to present to you as a possible future Empress, but that position has been filled. My daughter is very loyal, my Pharaoh.”
Pharaoh nodded and said, “Very well, add her name to the Royal Archive as Future Advisor of Commons.”
“BUT PHARAOH!!!!!!!!” roared an old man in his late sixties.
“But what Khuenh?” demanded Tetsumosis.
“She's a woman!” he roared.
Tetsumosis pointed out, “So is Lady Serinai and you had no complaints about her.”
“Bah! She is the future Empress AND she has the gift of foresight-that permits her. Sefitar's daughter is just a simple girl. He has no son to bestow honor too.”
Sefitar jumped to his feet in order to challenge Khuenh, but was interrupted by his daughter.
She jumped up before Khuenh and said politely but firmly, “Leave my father's honor out of this! Old Man, I maybe a girl, but I am strong.”
Sefitar pulled his daughter behind him and apologized, “I apologize, Pharaoh. She's very vocal when those she loves are challenged.”
Pharaoh Tetsumosis simple smiled and said, “Not to worry. Young Nefertiti just proved to me her ability to be polite, firm, and loyal. She stays on as your heir as Advisor to the Commons-Congratulations.”
The council applauded as Sefitar smiled proudly at his blushing daughter.
“Scribe Munen, which seats are now filled?”
Scribe Munen, Pharaoh's personal scribe, cleared his throat and sounded off, “Future Pharaoh of ALL Egypt, Prince Atemu- (Ra) Khenmes-Ima (charming friend) Yahm, son of Pharaoh Tetsumosis-Ra Atemu Yahm, Pharaoh of ALL Egypt!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of Religion and Magics, Lord Seth Sa-Ne-Maa'et (Son of Truth) Yahm, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey, Lord Aten-aknh-Ken Otten-Re Yahm, High Priest of Religion and Magics!
Future Hemet-Netjer-Tepey of Internal Affairs and Future Empress of ALL Egypt, Lady Serinai Nefret-Ihew (Beautiful of Cattle) Seiht, daughter of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Karnak Ptah-Amun Seiht, High Priest of Internal Affairs!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of External Affairs, Lord Namu Peri-Irty (Leaving Eye) Ishtar, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Lienhks Rashid Ishtar, High Priest of External Affairs!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of Medicine, Lord Ba-Ku Ima-Djeret (Kind Hand) Yunn, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Atenum A'Nekh Yunn, High Priest of Medicine!
Future War Admiral of the Sea, Lord Joundo Sekszry (Captain of the Sea) Wakhr, son of War Admiral of the Sea, Grumkh Hem-Anak Wakhr.
Future War General of the Desert, Lord Hudo Deshret-Waw (Desert Soldier) Undun, son of War General of the Desert, Otten Ka-Anum Undun.
Lastly, Future Advisor of the Commons, Lady Nefertiti Heji-Niewtet (Bright Citizen) Amphrum, daughter of Advisor of the Commons, Lord Sefitar Jarkethr Amphrum.”
Pharaoh nodded as Lord Piet-Seih Ba-sen-Ra Bureirht stood up and said, “My Pharaoh, I do not have a son. I have a daughter. Her name is Tanis Ima-Dewa (Gentle Morning) Bureirht, and she's six-years-old. The world is changing, my Pharaoh. We've seen it in the anointment of two women into the Prince's council. If Egypt is to survive, we must change with it. Allow my daughter to take up my position when the time comes.”
Pharaoh Tetsumosis nodded. It was true. Egyptians were beginning to realize that women were good for more than producing heirs and taking care of the home.
“Lady Tanis, daughter of Piet-Seih, come forth child.”
A girl of six summers appeared in front of the Pharaoh and bowed reverently.
“Tell me child, as the Head of the Palace Servants, you shall be in charge hundreds of people to make sure the Palace is presentable. Do you think you can handle the responsibility that comes with the job?”
Tanis blinked and replied, “Not right now. If I was to be taught, I could do the job, My Pharaoh.”
Piet-Seih looked proud and Tetsumosis announced, “Behold, the future Head of the Palace Servants!”
Tanis bowed reverently again and rejoined her father.
“Foreign Ambassador Thebeis, present your children to me!” announced the Pharaoh forever changing the Law then and there.
Thebeis smiled and called out, “My Pharaoh, I present to you my daughter, Minai Heset-Netjer-Tawey (Charming Egypt) Keithr. She is six-years-old and very good with first impressions.”
A girl with curly blond hair and big violet eyes bowed and said charmingly, “It is an honor to be here, my Pharaoh. If I receive my honored father's role, I shall be eternally grateful.”
Tetsumosis was impressed!
“Lady Minai shall become our first Madam Foreign Ambassador when the time is right!”
Minai simply bowed and returned to her seat.
“Last piece of business, Advisor of Produce, Neferen, present your children to me.”
Neferen stood up and said, “This is my daughter Lady Tagis Hedj-Iareret (White Grape) Reirkh. She is five-years-old and very good when it concerns perishable foods. She seems to have a magic touch with them when she comes with me to inspect the imports. She shall become a great Advisor, I know she shall.”
The Pharaoh simply smiled and said, “Welcome Lady Tagis, you shall be honored by your father in the future as a member of this council.”
Tagis simply bowed and looked on calmly as the Pharaoh announced, “My son's council has been created. It is amazing! Six men and five women-that hasn't happened since my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather's reign. Scribe Munen list off the final Royal Archive!”
The scribe once again read off, “Future Pharaoh of ALL Egypt, Prince Atemu- (Ra) Khenmes-Ima (charming friend) Yahm, son of Pharaoh Tetsumosis-Ra Atemu Yahm, Pharaoh of ALL Egypt!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of Religion and Magics, Lord Seth Sa-Ne-Maa'et (Son of Truth) Yahm, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey, Lord Aten-aknh-Ken Otten-Re Yahm, High Priest of Religion and Magics!
Future Hemet-Netjer-Tepey of Internal Affairs and Future Empress of ALL Egypt, Lady Serinai Nefret-Ihew (Beautiful of Cattle) Seiht, daughter of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Karnak Ptah-Amun Seiht, High Priest of Internal Affairs!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of External Affairs, Lord Namu Peri-Irty (Leaving Eye) Ishtar, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Lienhks Rashid Ishtar, High Priest of External Affairs!
Future Hem-Netjer-Tepey of Medicine, Lord Ba-Ku Ima-Djeret (Kind Hand) Yunn, son of Hem-Netjer-Tepey Atenum A'Nekh Yunn, High Priest of Medicine!
Future War Admiral of the Sea, Lord Joundo Sekszry (Captain of the Sea) Wakhr, son of War Admiral of the Sea, Grumkh Hem-Anak Wakhr.
Future War General of the Desert, Lord Hudo Deshret-Waw (Desert Soldier) Undun, son of War General of the Desert, Otten Ka-Anum Undun.
Future Advisor of the Commons, Lady Nefertiti Heji-Niewtet (Bright Citizen) Amphrum, daughter of Advisor of the Commons, Lord Sefitar Jarkethr Amphrum.
Future Head of the Palace Servants, Lady Tanis Ima-Dewa (Gentle Morning) Bureirht, daughter of Head of the Palace Servants, Lord Piet-Seih Ba-sen-Ra Bureirht.
Future Madam Foreign Ambassador, Lady Minai Heset-Netjer-Tawey (Charming Egypt) Keithr, daughter of Foreign Ambassador, Lord Thebeis Ra-Ka-Sen Keithr, Foreign Ambassador.
Future Advisor of Produce, Lady Tagis Hedj-Iareret (White Grape) Reirkh, daughter of Advisor of Produce, Lord Neferen Tal-Ankh-Ka Reirkh!”
Tagis smiled happily at the Pharaoh as the last name was called and returned to her father's side.
Pharaoh Tetsumosis returned the smile, stood up, and called out, “Children! Please leave the Hall of Ra now. Your father's and I have some important business to discuss. Also, your training starts tomorrow!”
The children bowed and left the Hall of Ra. Before Tetsumosis could begin, the golden doors of Ra opened and admitted the announcer.