Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Sad Moments ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I'm back and with no more tests for awhile. Well at least I hope.. even though I can take PSAT's Wednesday.. Geeze I'm only a Sophomore and I'm already thinking about PSAT's... Gah.. I have to much thinking time. then again that's a good thing. -_-'
Thanks once again to all my reviewers. I wish I could think of all your names right now but I'm only coming up with three of them... I'd like to apologize to Bam-Girl-Gavi for getting your name wrong.. I still can't believe I did that. All of my reviewers you provide me with inspiration.
Disclaimer: I Don't Own It Never Will.
flashback/end flashback
Chapter 7
Seto sits up in his bed still thinking about the last memory. 'I forgot completely about that happening. These are just things you wish you could forget but know that you never will. I just want this to go away.Mokuba's going to be worried about me even more if I can't figure something out soon.' Seto thinks as he sighs slightly. Laying back down he closes his eyes deciding that he needs to try and get some more sleep before somebody else disturbs him. He slowly begins to drift off to sleep.
Mokuba walks up towards Seto's room to wake him up when he starts to think about how stressed and tired Seto has been lately and decides it'd be best to just let him sleep for awhile. Walking towards his room he opens the door slowly and makes his way inside wondering if there was something he could do before he went to wake up his big brother. Mokuba sits on his bed thinking about everything Seto had told him the previous night. He puts his hands to his head and closes his eyes wondering how Seto managed to keep all of that from him for so long.
He can still hear Seto's voice shaking as he tells him memory after memory. He thought that he even saw a tear slide down Seto's cheek at one point in time. He remembers from one memory that Seto told him about that every time he cried Gozaburo would backhand him across the face and then sometimes use his belt across his back if he refused to stop crying. Mokuba grabs the chan to his locket that he and Seto share. He clicks it open and sees a picture of Seto before Gozaburo, when Seto actually smiled on occasion.
A few tears slide down Mokuba's face wishing his big brother didn't have to go through any of that. He gasps slighly thinking about one of the memories his big brother told him.
Seto stands beside Gozaburo's desk at Kaiba Corp. tower. His eyes are lowered to the ground knowing that if he makes eye contact with any of the employees or his step-father he'll be in for a severe beating. Gozaburo walks into his office and sees Seto standing there still with his gaze lowered to the ground. "Seto, You've done a good job, you didn't make eye contace or more from that very spot.. but I do see something that you didn't do." Seto inhales quickly wondering what he could have possibly done wrong. He hears the click of the door's lock. He hopes that Gozaburo has more sense than to punish him while he's at work and someone could just unlock the door.
He hears a gruff look at me boy. Seto raises his gaze and looks up at him. When he looks up he sees that Gozaburo is leaning down by his ear. "Your stance is all wrong." Gozaburo brings his hand down on the side of Seto's face. His head snaps to the side as he falls to the ground. He brings his hands in front of him to catch himself so he doesn't land on his face to cause any more damage. He feels a boot smash into the small of his back. He groans slightly feeling his face hit the ground below him.
Closing his eyes he waits for the yelling about him making noises. But instead he gets kicked in the ribs. His eyes snap open wide as he bites his lip. He winces knowing that his slightly healed rib just got broke again but this time worse than the last. 'I think it punctured my lung. I can't breathe very well. If I have to go to the hospital because of this he'll most likely kill me. No I musn't show that I'm in pain or that I can't breathe well.' He thinks to himself as his shrit is forcefully removed from his body.
There's three bruises running along his sides where his ribs are. Then there are some new scars running across his back. Gozaburo walks over to the closet and opens the door where his collection of whips are sitting. he chooses one that has a few spikeson it. He smirks closing the door and walks back overto Seto and laughs maniacally and raises the whip high into the air. He then brings it down forcefully on his back. Seto bites his lip harder beginning to get a coppery tast. He realizes that he bit his lip to hard cause it's started to bleed.
The whip continues to come down on his back for what seems like hours but was actually only around 10 min. Gozaburo looks down at his work and sees the blood running down his back and the bruises around his ribs getting bigger. He smirks and calls security to come and pick up his step-son and have him taken home and thrown into his room. After he calls for security he goes and unlocks the door. Making his way back to Seto he roughly pulls the shirt back on and forces him to stand up.
Seto stands there wondering when Gozaburo was going to actually kill him. His vision slowly becomes blurry. He thinks it's from a small amount of blood loss, but he doesn't know. The security guards walk in and grap Seto's arms and start to drag him out of the tower towards the limo so he can go home. One of the bigger men gets in first and Seto is shoved at him. Seto groans slightly from the amount of abuse, even the guards seem to abuse him. The ride back to the Kaiba mansion seemed to take eternity to Seto. His vision continued to go blurry.
When they reach the mansion the guards throw him out of the limo. He looks up and sees Roland come running out. Roland picks him up and runs up towards Seto's room. Seto eventually curls up into Roland's chest. Roland is someone Seto trusts. Roland would never harm Seto. While curled up in Roland's chest he starts to sob. Roland opens the door to Seto's room and walks over to his bed and sits down with him still in his arms. "It's ok master Seto. Do you wish for me to bandage your back. You're wounds are starting to bleed through."
Seto weakly climbs off of Roland and nods his head slightly. He allows Roland to take off his shirt that had begun to stick to his back. He winces slightly from the shirt being peeled off his back. Roland slowly applies bandages and gives Seto a few pain killers to take. Seto smiles weakly and thanks him. Seto slowly lies down on his stomach and closes his eyes slowly beginning to fall asleep.
End Flahsback
Mokuba stands and wipes the few streaks of tears that ran down his face. He opens the door to his bedroom and slowly walks towards Seto's When he reaches Seto's room he opens the door quietly and sneaks over to his bed. he climbs in under the covers and curls up next to his big brother. Mokubajust wants to be close to his big brother. All the memories that Seto had to recall the night before had taken a lot of enerty from him. Mokuba closes his eyes and curls alongside Seto. Mokuba soon joins his big brother in the realm of sleep.
At School With Joey
Joey sits straight up in the desk at school. Waiting for the teacher to come into the room to take roll call. The teacher eventually shows up and says everyone's name. When she gets to Kaiba everyone looks around the room wondering why Kaiba isn't answering the teacher, but no one can find him. Joey narrows his eyes slightly wondering what could be keeping Kaiba away from school. He thinks to every time that Kaiba had missed school. He remembered that Kaiba had always told the teacher why he wasn't going to be in school the day before.
The teacher starts to go on with the lesson not bothering to call the office to find out if Seto had a business meeting or an emergency with Mokuba. he looks at the top of his desk. Joey had wanted to thank Kaiba for what he did for him yesterday. His back starts to get sore and he wishes that he could lean against the back of the chair but knows he can't because if he did he would most likely yelp in pain.
Yugi looks around the room slowly examining all the kids. His thoughts run close to the same as Joey's are. His eyes slowly close as he thinks about what all he witnessed last night at his house. Joey lying on the floor in pain, not being able to have someone touch his shoulder. He then opens his eyes slowly and looks towards where Joey's sitting. He notices that Joey is not allowing his back to touch the chair. Yugi wishes that Grandpa would have been able to convince Joey that it owuld have been best for him to stay at home and let his back heal before he came to school. 'But Joey's right he isn't allowed to miss anymore school, the teachers would make sure he's expelled for sure. Why don't they understand that he's to hurt to come to school. Then again Joey would probably refuse to tell them if he was to hurt to come.
Joey hears the bell ring; he waits for the rest of the class to leave before he makes his way out into the hallway. He keeps a close eye on where he walks to make sure someone doesn't run into him. 'If someone were to run into my back I don't think I'd be able to control what I do. I'd be in to much pain to even think straight. I should have listened to Gramps this morning. I should have never come to school.'
Sighing slightly he makes his way towards his locker. Opening his locker he grabs his books for his next hour class. He hears his name and turns his head and sees Yugi running towards him. "Hey Joey come on we got to get to our next period class or else we'll both get into trouble." Joey nods his head "Yea you're right Yug we'd bette get goin.' Joey and Yugi start walking down the hall towards their next period. Joey looks around as they walk checking to make sure that nobody is around him.
While Joey isn't paying attention Tristan walks up behind him and wraps his arms around Joey's head in a head lock. "I gotcha Joey." Tristan says smiling triumphantly. Joey tenses slightly and turns his head quickly to look at him, "Hehe ya got me Tris." Joey looks slightly nervous cause he forgot about their little game that they play. Joey loosens up slightly, "Tris we gotta get ta class or else we'll be late again. I can't afford to get anothe dentention." Joey says trying to get Tristan to let him go. Tristan nods his head and lets loose. Joey sighs slightly and starts to head towards the next hour class. 'That was to close. I need to definitely be more careful now. I forced myself not to bite my lip or yell. Tristan knows what goes on at home. He's the only one that knew that the abuse never actually stopped. I don't want him to know that I've forced myself to come to school. He'd most likely kill me.
Joey's eyes lower to the ground. 'I'm going to have to tell him eventually. Tristan would make sure that I had a place to stay. He'd force me to leave my dad, but even though dad abuses me he needs me. He wouldn't be able to live without me. He's a drunk yes but I know how he would act.. He knows who my friends are. He'll come after them. I just can't allow them to get hurt. I just wish Tristan would understand that. He's only concerned for my well being.'
Joey walks into the classroom and over towards his seat. He sits down slowly looking up towards where the teacher is standing. This is one of his worst subjects, the one he dreads coming to every day, Math. He sits there as the teacher begins the lesson. 'More Proofs.. They are the most evil thing in the world. I don't understand why we'll ever use them. They don't make any sense. but whatever.. I have to learn this.'
The teacher continues to talk even though the class is giving him confused looks. Joey raises one of his eyebrows slightly wondering what's going on today. People aren't acting like themselves. He shrugs it off as just a figment of his imagination. He closes his eyes slightly wondering if there was something else he could attempt to focus on besides this class. Maybe he could think of a way to tell Tristan about the abuse. 'He wouldn't understand why I stay. He'd think that I'm crazy.. I know he would. He was my first friend that didn't care about the abuse that my father gave to me. He just wants to protect me.'
Joey hears the teacher call his name. He looks up and sees him pointing to question 6. Joey looks at it closely and tilts his head to the side slightly. 'I should know how to do these by know. I've had help from Yug. This problem isn't like any of the ones we've done before. Wait that segment.. They no way I think it is. It's The Transitive Property of Equality.' "Is the answer Transitive." Joey says looking at the teacher hoping for once he understands what he's doing. The teacher nods his head. "Yes Joseph it is. For you see you have the m<6 and m<8 and then m<8 and m<9 and then you get the m<6 and m<9. All you do is cut out the middle man to get that answer."
Joey sighs happy that he got that answer right. The next two periods run pretty close to the first two. He sighs slightly making his way towards lunch. He grabs his lunch and sits down at their usual table. Looking around he spots Yugi, Tristan, and Tea walking towards him. He picks up his fork and slowly picks at his food. Yugi sits down beside him. Tristan looks at Joey oddly. "Joey are you feeling alright man. You haven't touched your food yet." Joey nods his head slightly "Yea I'm feelin fine I'm just not really hungry today." He says looking down at the plate of food.
Joey feels slightly quesy just from looking at the food. His eyes slowly begin to lose focus on the things around him. He feels himself slowly begin to fall forwards towards his plate. He can barely hear Yugi saying things to him. The next thing Joey knows he wakes up in a hospital room surrounded by his friends and Yugi's Grandpa.
AN: I think I'm going to leave it there for now. I started to run out of ideas for this chapter. Oh yeah if any of you have suggestions for this story you can leave them in a review or email me. I believe my email is on my page.. but I have no clue. I hope you like this chapter. Read and Review. Thanks a bunch. Lata.