Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Dragon ❯ (Re)Awakening ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Shadow Hearts at all, so don’t sue me. I do however own the plot line and original characters in my story so don’t steal!

Shadow Dragon
Chapter One: (Re)Awakening

At the top of the Kaiba Corp building was a lone office that was devoted solely to the owner of the company, Seto Kaiba. All workers knew that unless it was an emergency they were not to violate the sanctuary of the temperamental young man, no matter what. That was why when they sound of something crashing down and a host of curses echoed through the air no one investigated. Well that and this wasn’t the first time something like that had happened. Mr. Kaiba tended to get annoyed very easily.

Meanwhile in the office, said person was pacing irritable as he glared alternatively at the cell phone in his hand and the computer on his desk. One of the housekeepers had just called and informed him that Mokuba had failed to return home after school. Normally this wouldn’t have been a concern since the younger Kaiba brother occasionally stayed after school or went somewhere else when his classes were over but he always called his older brother to tell him about his plans. Add to that the fact that Mokuba wasn’t answering his cell phone and the GPS installed in it wasn’t getting a signal, and Seto Kaiba had a fairly good idea what was going on. Bastards! They better not have hurt him! If they have…. The thoughts that flew through the young millionaires’ head weren’t pleasant. At least not to the unknown kidnappers.

Seto Kaiba had known when he changed Kaiba Corps from a weapons manufacturer to a game company that he would make enemies. How could he not? So many people had lost their jobs and livelihoods, not to mention the various companies who had relied on Kaiba Corp that suddenly went under when he changed production. He had been prepared for his enemies, he had expected them to come after them. But they hadn’t, they had chosen to go after Mokuba. Cowardly bastards, they always go after him. Mokuba had nothing to do with this! If they want revenge so badly they should just come after me instead! But in reality Seto knew that Mokuba had everything to do with it, simply because he bore the Kaiba name. Before he could complete is train of though however his cellphone rang. He answered it almost immediately.
“Kaiba here.” The reply was short, and Seto hoped feverously that if it wasn’t Mokuba, whoever it was would realize that he was in a bad mood and keep it short.

“Seto?” Came the whispered reply. Seto relaxed marginally.

“Mokuba, your late? Where are you?”

“With me.” The voice that had replaced Mokuba’s on the other end was smooth, much older and completely unknown to the elder Kaiba.

“And who in the hell are you?” Seto snarled into the phone.

“You may call me Tucker. If you are wondering what I am doing with your brother…well lets just say I have a need for him. Now normally I wouldn’t have dared involve you but I am a fair man. I’ll give you directions to a certain warehouse.” Tucker promptly rattled off a list of directions. At the end of the numbers of the warehouses sounded familiar, Seto sucked in his breath sharply. On the other end of the phone Tucker chuckled. “Ah yes, that I forgot to mention it is a building your company owns. Now do hurry Mr. Kaiba. I am not a man known for my patients.” A slightly click and the dial tone was the only sound. Seto cursed then snapped the phone shut and dashed out of the office, sartling the poor secretary that was there. She stared after his retreating figure then sat down. By now she had learned not to ask questions.

In less than half an hour Seto Kaiba stood in front of the warehouse that Tucker had given as their meeting place before he went inside. For a few seconds Seto hesitate then strode though the already open door. Inside the building was piled with boxes, although of what he had forgotten to check. He hesitated at the door but a sudden cry of “Seto!” from inside decided him. He walked in.

“Mokuba?” There was no answer and Seto walked deeper into the warehouse, footsteps echoing. “Dammit Tucker where are you!?”

“Behind you actually.” The smooth voice came from the doorway and Seto whirled around. He narrowed his eyes at the two men standing in the door way. One was an older man, tall and thin with white hair and a large hooked nose. The man standing next to him was obviously his hired help, a giant of a man dressed all in black with a shaved head and dark sunglasses. In the giants arms was struggling Mokuba.

“Mokuba!” Seto started forward but a gun appeared in the giants hands. It was pointed directly at Mokuba’s head. He stopped.

“I would have expected better from you Mr. Kaiba, fooled by a simple recording, really now.”

“So your reduced to child tricks. Let Mokuba go right now!” Seto growled while he cursed at himself internally for falling for such a cheap trick. Tucker chuckled at him.

“ I’m afraid I can’t do that but don’t you worry Mr. Kaiba. Richard will do no harm to you little brother. In fact his under strict orders not to. And you don’t have to worry about his well being…at least while his in my hands . I’ll make sure to take the very best care of him.” Tucker let his mouth twist in might have been a reassuring grin originally but one that had turned into a sneer by the time it reached his lips.

“Like hell you will!” Seto growled and moved forward. Tucker and his lackey simply stepped backward and the door swung shut, a loud click echoing as it locked.

“Se to!” Mokuba cried and struggled harder. He had to get out. From the inside the black-haired boy heard the sounds of his brother trying the handle then cursing when he realized that it was locked. Mokuba began to struggle again, he had to help his brother! The giant squeezed him.

“Keep still brat!” He growled. Tucker laughed.

“It’s useless Kaiba, you cannot get out and I’m afraid I need to do this as well.” Something slammed into the other side of the door. “I told you it’s useless, even if you could get out of there I have several armed men standing guard. But don’t worry, there no one in there with you. It’s just you, a tape recorered….” A muffled explosion reaced there is and Mokuba shouted in alarm. “and the bomb of course. Don’t worry I that wasn’t expected to kill Mr. Kaiba. The fire it started will do that.”


He could hear the flames behind him, feel the heat and smell smoke. Seto pressed himself back against the door in an attempt to get away from the flames.

“You see Seto, I can’t have you getting in the away and it was the other half of my request. Now, there is no way out of this building. I’m afraid your brother will have to field the news that you were burned to death in your own warehouse. Regrettable really but your death will not be connected to me, I’ve ensured that. And don‘t worry it will take you some time to die I believe, but it is nothing personal, this was all part of the arrangement I made.” Tuckers smooth voice said from the other side of the metal door.

“Seto!” Mokuba’s scream snapped the spell the dancing flames had cast on his older brother. Whirling around Seto pounded on the door in a useless attempt to get it open. He kicked it savegly, putting all his anger into it.

“Tucker you bastard! Leave Mokuba out of this!” He yelled. Energy at last exhausted Seto began to scan the door, noting that there was not lock on this side of it. Dammit, that bastard really has made sure I can’t get out of here! “If you don’t let him go right now than you will pay when I get out of here!”

“I doubt you will get out of there at all Mr. Kaiba, but I am afraid I can’t let your brother go. After all, its only Mokuba Kaiba I‘m interested in.“ For a second there as a paused and the sounds of indistinct conversation then Tucker spoke again. “I am sorry Mr. Kaiba but I’m afraid I must leave. And you might wish to stop yelling. No one will hear you and losing oxygen will only hasten your demise and I do wish you to enjoy it.”

“Get back here!” Seto hollered but was answered only by a faint cry from his brother, then silence. “Mokuba, Mokuba!? What did you do to him!” There was now answer and a soft growl escaped the teenagers throat as he glared at the door. A sudden burst of heat from behind him sent a cloud of smoke his way and he began to cough. Tucker must have made this place air tight! He went though a lot of trouble to make sure I died slowly. At this rate I’ll have been killed by the smoke a long time before the fire gets here….probably just what that bastard wanted anyway. Seto coughed again and tried to find a weakness in the solid door. Dammit, I don’t have time for this! I am not letting that slime ball use my brother! Just hang on a few more minuets Mokuba, I will get out of here and I will save you! The smoke had already filled most of the warehouse and Seto knew he only had a limited amount of time left. I will do this! I’m getting out of her, I AM! As Seto train of thought headed in that direction he felt almost like he was touching a barrier in his mind, one that would not let him through. I am going to survive this! The duelist growled and he could almost fancy he felt the resistant in his mind intensify. I am going to get out of here and rescue my brother and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me, nothing, you got that!? NOTHING! Then his mind relaxed and it was almost as if the wall in his mind as given way. Then sparks a flash of light lit the darkness of the building as an intense flashing of pain shot through his body and he fell to his knees. What now…? Was his last coherent thought before he fell into darkness and collapsed.

When Seto opened his eyes again the first thought that ran through his mind was Where in the hell am I?

He had known he wasn’t in the warehouse even before he opened his eyes. For one thing the smell of smoke was gone. The tempeture was also different, there was no heat and the air chilly.

Then he opened his eyes and was greeted with one of the oddest vistas he had ever seen. The owner of Kaiba Corp founded himself suspended in a landscape that seemed to be composed entirely of grey fog. The ground he was standing on was light grey, the area behind him was grey and what would have been the sky in real world was grey as well. The only break in the monotonous landscape was the elaborate iron gates in front of him. Just beyond them Seto could see the vague shapes of what might have been a courtyard of some kind, but they gates themselves were crisscrossed with multiple incredibly thick iron chains that were held in place by several massive padlocks. Seto took in the whole scene then realized something. This has be a dream! I must have passed out and this is a hallucination. Dammit, I have to wake up!

“Wake up!” He said out loud but nothing happened. For a second he contemplated waiting here until he woke up but immediately dismissed the idea. He had to find a way out of here! Turning he began to stride toward the gates themselves. Up close he realized that even though the chains were massive things with links nearly they size of his hand, they were in very poor condition. Most of them were almost totally rusted though and those that were whole were nearly there. The padlocks didn’t look to be in much better condition, even though the gate itself seemed to be untouched. Seto stared at the gates for a few seconds before shaking his head.

“It looks like they’re just about ready to fall apart.” He said aloud and reached out to touch one the links. As soon as he made contact a flash much like the one in the warehouse went off and the chains didn’t so much collapse as dissolve, turning into dust that fell from the gate only to vanish before it hit the ground. The padlocks lasted a bit longer but the moment they hit the ground with a loud clang that seemed to echo in the mists, they shattered. Seto took a step backward.

“What the?” In front of him the gate, now freed from the chains creaked open. For a moment the millionaire hesitated, then shook himself and walked through it. Even if something in here I deadly, it can’t hurt me, after all this is only a dream. And even if something was deadly here all that would happen would be that he would wake up, what was what he really wanted to do anyway.
Inside Seto paused to look around. He was standing on an uneven square of bare stone ground. Embedded randomly in the floor were numerous stone tablets that appeared to be covered with some sort of writing There was nothing in this area that the gate had been guarding save two doors. Each of them made of stone and carved very elaborately. The one to his left was lighter with an angel standing guard over it while the door and carvings showed angels ascending to heaven. The one on his right was the exact opposite A devil stood guard over this one with the carvings dyed red and showing suffering souls, while demons and imps were depicted on the doors. When nothing happened immediately Seto glanced toward the two doors. With a somewhat ironic sneer, his opponents had sometimes called him demonic in his duels, he headed toward the door with the devil over it. As he neared it the door swung open for him.

On the other side as another uneven square of ground exactly like the first, only this time there was three doors. Although they each had almost the exact same carvings around them , each bore a different symbol on the doors themselves. A large blue symbol that vaguely looked like a stylized tear drop was on the door to his left, while the door in front of him bore a large purple symbol that had two stylized crescent moons back to back, and the last door had a light green symbol that looked almost like a stylized sprouting plant. A suddenly to desire to go through one of the doors suddenly seized Seto. He decided to go along with it, because this was after all only dream, one of his dreams. Choosing the door on his left he walked towards it and this one to swung open to admit him.

Within this area was the same floor was the rest of this place but instead of a door, all that was in this room was a large elaborately carved pedestal that was sitting one a square made out of iron. On the pedestal itself was a large stone that had symbol carved on it. The symbol was the same one that was one the door only this one was glowing. He stepped nearer eyeing it.

“What now?” Seto muttered in annoyance. Ehen nothing happened in snorted in disgust and turned to leave. Touch it. A voice echoed out of nowhere. The brunette whiled around and glared into the mists.
“Who’s there?” He demanded but nothing answered him. Then the voice echoed again, and somehow Seto got the impression that it was faintly amused with him. Touch the stone. “The stone?” Seto Kaiba turned and glared at the stone on the pedestal. When nothing answered his half-hearted question, he stalked over to the pedestal. “Fine anything to get out of here.” The teenager placed his hand on the stone, then gasped involuntarily. It was as if his hand had been plunged into a bucket of ice water, wet and unbearably cold at the same time, even though only his palm was on the stone itself.
:You seek my power?: The voice echoed though his head, giving him the same feeling as the stone. Liquid and almost unbearably cold.
“What?” He stammered out, trying to keep his teeth from chattering. The young man tried to pull his hand away from the stone but realized that he was unable to. He was stuck, held here until he answered his question.
:Power, do you seek my power?;
“Fine, I do! Now let me go, dammit!” He growled. A suddenly flashed from the stone and his whole hand was engulfed in blue light. Seto turned his head away to keep from being blinded as he felt as if something was being pulled from him. What he wasn’t sure what it was but he knew that something was being taken, although he couldn’t tell how he knew. At last the light faded and the stone let him go. With the resistance he had been pulling against gone, the millionaire stumbled backwards as a feeling of ice flowing across his veins filled his body as a new resolve entered him. Then that too faded and he was left gasping.
“What in the hell was that!?” Then the sense of urgency, the need to get out of the fire and save Mokuba filled him again and he realized that he had stopped worrying when he entered the gates.

“I have to get wake up! That bastard still has Mokuba!” He sprinted toward the door and skidded to a stop in the area out side.

Try retracing your steps. The voice that had spoken to him the first time came again and this time Seto had the sudden impression that it was trying not to laugh at him. Still, he was in to much of a hurry to argue with some dream voice. He ran toward the hell door and it once again opened for him, then not stopping he ran though the iron gate…..and jerked awake one the floor of the warehouse.

Now the smoke was much thicker than it had been before and Seto realized that it was probably a good thing he was one the floor. The flames were nearer too, but the smoke was a much more pressing issue.
I have to get out of here now! He tried to stand but he moment he rose he began to cough and could barely see as the smoke filled his vision. I’m have to get out of here. I will same Mokuba, and I will get my revenge on that bastard Tucker! As the he steeled himself to get though this, that sudden resolve he had felt in his dream filled his mind once again. Then that cold, that feeling of ice flowing though is veins returned, only this time it was just a shadow of what it once was. Still he welcomed the slight relief from the heat of the warehouse. Then curiously when he focused on he felt that feeling intensify….then stop. For a second he paused something urged him to do….something. Open himself up to the ice and the power. Seto coughed again, smoke choking his lungs, so running out of time and with not other option he did just that.

Cold hit him like a sledge hammer, running though his veins, filling his veins with ice. He cried out in pain and bent double as the pain ran though him….then it stopped. He stood up, new strength running though him. This time the although the smoke was still there it didn’t affect him as much. What the hell? Seto could still feel his body, and still feel himself in control but it was a vague detached feeling as if he was moving on autopilot with no direct control. It should have made him uncomfortable, he was used to being in control of himself, but this time though he could feel himself fighting for control but it was only a token gesture. Somehow he knew that fighting this would not be a smart move.

Meanwhile, while he was having his internal debate his body was still moving. It whirled toward the flames and for a second an annoyed growl, more animal than human came from his throat. He held his arms out in front of him and….pushed or something with his mind. A suddenly blizzard of white filled his vision and the fires died smothered under ice. A feeling of satisfaction ran though him before he turned to the door. A kick aimed at the door, which hadn’t done anything the first time he tired, now dented the thing. He felt him self back up a few paces, then charged, ramming into it with his shoulder. The door was forced outward and nearly off it’s hinges. Again he went back and again he charged. Only this time the door didn’t just give way, it flew off it’s hinges and slammed to the ground with a bang as he ran out into the cool night air.


At the end of the alley between buildings Tucker paused beside his car and glanced back at the warehouse, the one that was to be the coffin for a certain millionaire.

“I believe I will stay here for a few minuets.” The gangster said. “I wish to see Kaiba dead. And I’m sure his brother will appreciate the view.” Mokuba glared at the man, tears running down his cheeks.

“Seto’s going to get out there, you’ll see! Then he’ll make you wish you’re the one in there!” Tucker laughed softly.

“My dear boy I made sure that no one, not even you brother can escape. Even the door is very special…isn’t that right Richard?” He glanced at the giant holidng the boy.

“That’s right boss. No human can get out of there, even I can’t budge that thing from then inside.” From down by the warehouse something hit the ground with a bang and smoke began to billow out of the doorway.

“What!?” Tucker glared at the thug. “I thought you said he couldn’t get out of there!”

“He can’t! Even I couldn’t!” Suddenly something burst from the smoke and the few others that had been left behind make sure he was dead, screamed.

“Go see what’s going on down there!” Tucker shouted. Richard noded then dropped his burden, stopping only long enough to slam his fist into Mokuba’s stomach, dropping the boy before he could run away.

Then Richard pulled his own gun and ran toward the sound of gunfire.


Set o had attacked them as soon as he was within rage, flooring one of the hired thugs with a single punch. The others seeing what was happening, took one look at him screamed then opened fire. He dodged then dropped him with one well placed kick. A small part of him noticed that he was moving differently than he was used to, faster, smoother and he was hitting harder than he usually did. He shoved those to the back of his mind and concentrate on taking down the other three thugs. As the last one dropped he turned and found the man who had been holding Mokuba captive standing there, gun pointed in his direction shaking.

“What in the hell are you?” He stammered out. Seto growled low in his throat and once again it was more animalistic than anything else. He took a step closer.
“Stay back!” The thug opened fire but he was already running, letting loose with a kick as soon as he was close enough. His opponent staggered back but then righted himself, Seto spun around kicked again, this time sending him into a wall as he did so. The thug slid to the ground, eyes on him….or at least that Seto thought they were. He couldn’t see them through his sunglasses.
“Please don’t eat me!” The thug whimpered before he collapsed unconscious. That small part of his brain that had noticed he was moving differently awoke once again, this time more insistent than ever. It demanded to know why the thug would say something so ridiculous. Then he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the thugs sunglasses. But instead of seeing his face in them he saw a reptile, teeth showing though it’s lips, tongue slipping out to taste the air, eyes focused on his. Seto gasped and stumbled backwards as the detachment he had been feeling faded and he staggered as the cold filled his veins once again. No, no, it can’t be! He shoved the cold back….and gasped as it disappeared and another flash of light blinded him temporarily as plain washed through him. Then he blinked and realized he was leaning over with is hands on his knees bracing himself as he gasped against the pain. I must have been hallucinating… just great. What in the hell did Tucker put in that warehouse? At that though he looked up and saw Tucker standing against his car staring at him, while a few feet away Mokuba lay on the ground. A sudden vicious smile crept on to his as he sprinted toward the gangster. Tucker screamed incoherently and ripped the door to his car open. He threw himself inside and slammed the door yelling at his driver. A few seconds before Seto could reach it the car peeled off. Ignoring him Seto dropped down next to his younger brother. A quick examination showed that aside from being unconscious his younger brother was relatively untouched. The brunette was about to pick him up when Mokuba woke up.

“Seto?” He mumbled.

“I’m right here. Are you alright?” His voice seemed to act as a catalyst to Mokuba’s recovery. The boy struggled to sit up as soon as he heard his older brother.

“I knew you would get out of there Seto! Where’s Tucker?” He glanced around looking for his kidnapper.

“Gone, he ran off like the coward he is when he realized I hadn’t died in his idiotic trap.” Seto stood up. “Let’s go Mokuba.” He started to walk away but stopped when he realized his little brother was standing up but not following. “What is it? Can you walk?”

“I’m fine Seto but are you alright?” His younger brother asked. Seto paused to catalogue his own injuries. Aside from various bruises and scratches he was mostly unhurt although his trench coat, a purple one, had several burns spots and smelled like smoke. Speaking of smoke…the millionaire realized at last that although he should have been coughing from the smoke he had inhaled earlier, he wasn’t having any trouble breathing at all. At Mokuba’s concerned look he sighed.

“I’m fine Mokuba. Can we go now?” He said in answer to the earlier question.

“But then why are your eyes red?” The question hesitant thought it was annoyed him.

“I’ve been in a fire Mokuba , of course my eyes are irritated.”

“That’s not what I mean Seto.” Said brother turned to look at Mokuba curiously. “Your eyes aren’t blue at all any more, they’ve changed color. They’re red.” Seto bought a hand up to his face involuntarily, while he wondered if Mokuba had lost his mind or if something really had happened to him. The young man wasn’t sure which idea scared him more.

Across an ocean, on the other side of the world, in a strangely futuristic old house, an old man who had once been human jumped when a small stone suddenly burst into bright light.

“WHAT?” He yelled when he saw it. “Oh no, oh no…I can’t believe it! That idiot boy managed to break the seal! Now what I am suppose to do? I know I promised but I’m just a little old man….I can’t do anything!” He glared at the stone. “I should have never let them make me promise….although.” The old man paused. “That seal was very strong…it’s not like he could just force his way though it. And this is only suppose to be a warning anyway….you know I bet it’s nothing. I’m sure they’ll understand if I don’t go running off at every single warning.” He smiled slowly. “So I’ll just wait here until someone tells me that I’m need, yep that’s just what I’ll do.” With that decided the old magician known as Rodger Bacon began to look once again for the issue of Playboy he had been looking for.


Meanwhi le in a forest near Iniugami village a pure while wolf paused, ears pricked toward something only it could here. Years ago it had been mortal but when it’s time had come, the wolf known as Blanca had chosen to forgone the peace of the afterlife and instead become something more than what he was. One of the duties he had chosen was to guard the descendents of one of his close friends. That was why he knew what had happened even before the people who had placed the seal I the first place.
Blanca grumbled. The wolf started toward the village, wondering if anyone else knew that Seto’s fusion power had unsealed itself.

Deep in Blue Castle a blond haired man was woken from his sound sleep by a blinking stone that he had laid down. Keith woke up and stretched, climbing out of his coffin as he gazed at the stone in resignation.
“I suppose it was too much to hope for.” He said sadly. “Nothing could hold down Yuri for long either.”

“At least it lasted this long though. Perhaps they fortot about him?” Keith didn’t even start when he heard Joahicms voice. His older brother was the old other member of their family to posses a stone.

“I doubt it.” The shorter Vampire snorted. “They just don’t ‘forget’ about people. I just hope we can warn him in time.” Keith started to walk toward the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Joahicm called after him.
“To contact our little sister. She has the best chance of getting to him in time.” Joachim looked startled then disappointed.

“I wanted to warn him…” He sulked. Keith smiled.

“Don’t worry I want to see Seto again as well. We’ll just wait until after things have calmed down.” Keith started to walk up the stairs. “In the meantime lets see if we can’t find out what’s happened while we’ve been asleep.” Joachim nodded then sprinted after his brother.


Tuc ker burst into his hotel breathing ragged.

“ohgod, ohgod” He kept muttered under his breath as he scanned the room frantically for something with alcohol in it.

“Look for this?” A voice said from the back of the room. Tucker’s blood chilled when he saw the main sitting in one of the chairs, his long straight black hair catching the light. Tucker nodded mutely then reached for the bottle of wine the man held. “Not so fast.” He said and glared at him, dark green eyes catch the older man’s and holding them. “Where is the younger Kaiba brother? I thought you had him.”

“I did.” Tucker snapped. “And if you hadn’t given me orders to kill his brother we would still have him!”

“What do you mean? It’s my fault your plans are incompetent?” The voice was soft but dangerously so. Green eyes bore into his.

“N..no! My plan would have worked if but that bastard Seto….he’s not human!”

“What?” This time the man paused and shock flittered across his features.

“He turned into a monster lizard or something….he took out a solid steel door like its was cardboard! I barely escaped with my life.”

“Are you sure about this?” The man was quivering with what Tucker was almost certain was excitement.

“He took out six of my men including my best one before he changed back into a human. Then he started coming after me and I got away by the skin of my teeth.” The younger man looked into his eyes once more then threw back his head and laughed.

“So you tricked me did you Kai? Disguised him somehow? Cleaver, Cleaver Kai!” The man laughed some more, then handed the wine to Tucker. “Your payment will be delivered in full.” He promised.

“But I lost the boy.” Tucker said in confusion. The man smiled.

“But you brought me something even more valuable than that my friend.” The man grinned againand Tucker shivered. “Something more valuable than you can imagine.”

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Authors Notes:

Okay this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fic…well my first Shadow Hearts fic too but it’s most Yu-Gi-Oh so that’s why it’s here. :-P

This is fic that’s been rolling around in my head for a long time…ever since I played Shadow Hearts: Covenant in fact, and since Seto Kaiba is my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh character I had to write it at some point. I wrote it out now because I have writers block on another fic due to losing and
entire chapter of it due to computer problems and a corrupted disk!!!…ahem. Anyway… just so you know a lot of the ideas and things you see in here will be drawn from that game instead of the first one, even though I liked them both and characters from both games will appear…although I guess this chapter shows that, huh?

Oh, about the eye thing: I noticed when I was playing the second Shadow Hearts I noticed that both Kurando and Yuri had red or reddish colored eyes. And since the both had brown hair I decided that all harmonixers have red eyes and brown hair. Or at least that’s my theory.

I’ve got a good idea for where this fic is going so another chapter will probably be written up soon but it will go faster if I have a lot of reviews (hinthint) So do please read and review…although I will ignore all flames.


PS: Seto’s transformation is more like the animalistic first level transformations in the first game than the humanoid first level transformations that appear in the second game.