Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ten Hugs - Yuugi/Jyonouchi ❯ Destinos ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"So what do you think?"

Yuugi blinked at his best friend for a moment before letting his confusion show. "Think about what, Jyonouchi-kun?"

Apparently that was a good answer as Jyonouchi looked more amused than anything. "What do you think about this assignment? You know, the whole essay on whether fate and karma actually exist."

Oh, that. Yuugi was half-hoping he'd been asking about hitting the arcade after school; homework was just too boring to talk about. "Well, it's kind of interesting."

"I hear a 'but' coming."

The shorter teen gave his older friend a look. "But I don't see the point of it. I mean, it's basically opinion, right? How can someone grade you on your opinion?"

Jyonouchi lie back on the ground, a thoughtful expression on his face as he stared up at the sky. "I think since it's for Humanities that we're mostly going to be graded on sentence structure and how well we express our opinions," he said after a moment. "Plus, Sensei's pretty cool. I think she really just wants to see what the class as individuals think. Especially since Kaiba sits in the back and scowls at her whenever the topic happens to come up in lessons."

Yuugi couldn't help but laugh softly at that; it was true that Kaiba Seto thought the Humanities course was a waste of his time and made no effort to hide his disdain. "Maybe she's hoping that Kaiba-kun will write more than 'No. It does not. May we move onto a new topic now?'"

The blond snickered at the comment. "Maybe," he replied; then his expression turned serious again. "What about you, Yuugi? What's your opinion?"

Yuugi frowned to himself and stretched out on the roof next to his friend. The others they generally hung out with were either studying over the lunch break or still eating, which left Yuugi and Jyonouchi to their own devices for once. It was nice to be able to take a few minutes out of the day and have it be just the two of them.

"Honestly? Before I solved the Puzzle I probably would have said 'no way,'" he admitted after a few moments of comfortable silence. "Now, though, after Duelist Kingdom and Battle City and, well, everything, I'll admit that maybe there's something to this whole destiny thing."

"Mm," was the only response Jyonouchi gave, eyes still on the clouds above them. Another moment of quiet fell between them, for which Yuugi wasn't sure he should be grateful or not. He was about to give up any hopes of an actual reply when the other finally spoke up again.

"I've always wondered about it myself," he said quietly. "You know, karma and fate and destiny and the like? I wondered if there was anything that would have kept my family together, played it through my mind a hundred different ways, but never saw anything that would have given her a reason to stay. I wondered if I was always going to be a screw-up and if there was no way for me to ever really get away from the gang.

"And in all honesty, I wondered if there was the remotest chance you and I would ever be friends." He sat up and grinned down at Yuugi. "So yeah, I have to say I believe in destiny, because if it wasn't for that we might not be here right now."

The shorter boy blinked at his friend for a moment before shaking his head and sitting up again. "You're so weird sometimes, Jyonouchi-kun," he said. The older teen laughed and leaned over to give him a one-armed hug.

"Yeah," he agreed, "but that's part of my charm. You know you love me."

Yuugi smiled slightly, turning to give his friend - his secret crush - a real hug. 'Yeah,' he said to himself, 'that's why I love you.'
