Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Start of a New Destiny ❯ Episode 9 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AnimePrincess: Sorry if I kept you waiting. Here is episode 10! Enjoy and please review.
(Yu-Gi-Oh Theme Song)
Episode 10: Fighting for my friends. Jounouchi takes a stand.
It was about later in the evening when everyone left the tower and headed for home. As the mysterious figure vanished from view, Sin was getting an ear full from his mistress. “SIN! How dare you lose to him” yells his Mistress as he stands before her in the thrown room. “I-I'm sorry my lady…. I had not planned for him to summon Timaeus” replies Sin.
“You must always be ready for anything! Failure isn't an option….” yells the Mistress again. “I'm sorry my lady… if you'll just give me one more chance I'm sure I can beat them” replies Sin as he pleads to his mistress.
But before the Mistress could speak again, a new voice was heard, “Ha… you try again? What a joke… you had your chances and failed every time… why don't you stand down and let me take over” says the voice, causing Sin to look behind him to see a woman with long blond hair, aqua color eyes and tattoos on you face. She was wearing a blue tank top with black bell bottom jeans and black high heel boots.
“Ah… Laila it's nice to see you” said the Mistress as the watched the girl walk up to her before bowing. “Please, my lady, allow me to give it a shot at catching those you seek” asks Laila. “But of course, Sin already had his chance so now let's see what you have to offer” replies her Mistress before she turned her back to them and vanished
Once she was gone both Laila and Sin stand facing each other and before Laila could walk away Sin spoke, “Why don't you learn to stay out things that don't concern you Laila… besides, capturing those two are my job”.
“Ha, don't make me laugh… you failed how many times and you still aren't able to capture them, so sit back and enjoy the show for it's my turn to try and this time I'll succeed where you didn't” and with that Laila vanished as well, leaving a very pissed Sin behind. `I'll show her not to mess with me' and with that thought from Sin, he too vanished from the room.
~Next Day~
It was a beautiful morning and Yugi and Heila were currently walking to school for both agreed to walk together after what happened at the Domino crystal tower the other night. “Heila…. Do you know why that guy took you?” asks Yugi as he and Heila walk side by side. “No… I have no idea why he took me” replies Heila with a shake of her head.
`Odd… but why would he take Heila and then challenge me to a duel where the loser is taken it just doesn't make any sense' wonders Yugi. `Yugi must be thinking about last night and what happened at the tower… I can't blame him though… after last night even Mou Hitori no boku won't even leave my side, she insists that I take the locket every where I go including the shower' thought Heila as she side glances at Yugi.
So, as they ponder in their own little minds, neither Yugi nor Heila were aware of the shadowy figure watching them. `Perfect just perfect I can easily go in and take them but then what's the harm in a little game of cat and mouse' pondered the figure as she continues to watch Yugi and Heila from above.
Soon shortly both Yugi and Heila arrive at Domino High and headed right for class after they went into their lockers. Once in class they took their seats and waited for class to start. Just then the bell rang which signaled to the students that school was in session but just then the door burst's open and both Jounouchi and Honda come rushing late.
“JOUNOUNCHI, HONDA YOUR LATE!!!” screams Ms. Kiko to the both of them. “Sorry Ma'am” reply both. “No apologies… for coming into class late you both will serve detention… starting today after school” replies the teacher causing both Jounouchi and Honda to groan as they take their seats just as class began. `Poor Joun-kun and Honda-kun, they always seem to come to class late' thought Yugi as he looks to his friends.
~After School~
DING, DANG, DONG…. Was the sound of the school bell as the bells rang to signal to the students and staff that school was now over, so with that all the students begin to filter out of the school. “Now… let's get down to business” whispers Laila as she moves her plan into action. Mean while, Yugi and Heila were both standing outside the classroom where Jounouchi and Honda were having detention but the teacher fell fast asleep so Jounouchi and Honda decided to ditch it.
“Jounouchi-kun, Honda-kun aren't you suppose to be in detention” asks Heila. “Aw lighten up… the old woman's asleep so I say let's ditch this place and go to Yugi's for some fun” replies Jounouchi. “Sorry Jounouchi no can do, my sister has me babysitting her kid again” replies Honda. “Nani? Why can't your sister get another babysitter” replies Jounouchi.
“Tell me about it, but I promised I'd do it so I'll see you guys tomorrow” and with that Honda embark on heading home leaving only Jounouchi, Yugi and Heila there at the school. Once Honda is out of view, Jounouchi looks to Yugi and Heila before looking to where Honda was before shrugging. “Ah… forget about him, so let's get moving before the old hag wakes up to find us gone” replies Jounouchi with a grin as he dashes for the front entrance.
“JOUNOUNCHI, WAIT UP” shouts Yugi and Heila as they run after him. So, as Yugi and Heila run after Jounouchi, Jounouchi on the other hand was way ahead of them laughing his butt off as they tried to catch up. But as Jounouchi ran out of the building he suddenly halts in his tracks as he comes face to face with Laila who floated down and made a graceful landing on the ground. “Who are you? And what do you want” growls Jounouchi as he faces Laila.
“You'll see” replies Laila in a sweet voice that made Jounouchi shiver. “Jouno-kun… why'd you stop” pants Yugi as he and Heila finally caught up. But before Jounouchi could say a word Heila glances up at Jounouchi only to see Laila. “Who are you?” asks Heila catching Yugi's attention. “The names Laila… and I was sent here for you two” replies Laila with a smirk as she looks to Yugi and Heila.
“Over my dead body” replies Jounouchi as he moves to stand in front of them both. “What is it that you want from us? And why are you after us?” asks Yugi really wanting to know what this people are planning. “I'm here because that loser Sin wasn't able to capture you two and I'm also here to pick up from his mistakes… now…. You two can make this easy for me or we can do this the hard way your choice” remarks Laila.
At Laila's words Heila and Yugi both gasp as they hear the name Sin. “Look lady… I don't know who you are or where you came from but you are not getting your hands on either Yugi or Heila” shouts Jounouchi. But at Jounouchi's words Laila just ignores him and snaps her fingers. Suddenly a black ooze puddle appeared under both Yugi and Heila's feet before suddenly black slimy hands reached out and began to grab them.
“Yugi” calls Heila as she tries to get them off her while trying to move next to Yugi. “Hang on Heila” replies Yugi as he to tries to get the creepy things off him. “Yugi... Heila, hang on” replies Jounouchi as he turns around and tries to rush over to help them only to slugged in the gut by a slimy hand. “Egh…” grunts Jounouchi as he has the wind knocked out of him.
“If you want them back you'll have to duel me for them” replies Laila. “I'm not going to duel you” replies Jounouchi as he turns to face Laila. “Oh but you must… it's the only way to save them” replies Laila and as to prove her point both Yugi and Heila cry out in alarm as they begin to sink within the muck puddle. “YUGI, HEILA, NO” yells Jounouchi as he sees them sinking. “Now do except my challenge…. Face me and try to win there freedom or lose them to me” replies Laila with a chuckle.
`What other choice do I have… if I don't fight her I'll lose them both but if I face her I might actually win and save them both' ponders Jounouchi as he weighs his options. But just then Jounouchi suddenly comes to a conclusion, “Your on” replies Jounouchi as he brings out his dueling deck and duel disk while Laila calls for her dark dueling deck and duel disk as well.
Once both have there duel disks on both get ready to duel. `With Yugi and Heila's life on the line I have no choice but to win' and with that in thought Jounouchi gets ready to face his greatest challenge ever.
Anzu: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh. A duel to save my friends, Jounouchi vs Laila. Dueling stand by!
(Yu-Gi-Oh ending theme)
AnimePrincess: Hey! I hope you enjoyed that episode. Please review and I'll see you all later.