Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Start of a New Destiny ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Prologue: In this scene you get to see the dream Yugi had on the night before he met Heila.
That night at the Turtle Game shop in Yugi's room; Yugi was have an interesting dream or more like a foresight. "Mmmmm!" moaned Yugi as he started to enter into his dream.
In Yugi's dream
Yugi was walking down the streets of Domino in a thick white mist. As Yugi looked around but could barely see a thing due to the thick mist. Yugi continue to walk down the street until he saw a shadow figure in the white mist. "Who's that?" wondered Yugi. With out any second thoughts, Yugi goes to take a closer look. As Yugi got half way threw the white mist he saw a girl no taller than him. She had long pink and black hair, light tan skin, and was wearing a Domino High uniform.
"Hey!" called Yugi to the girl. The girl heard the call and turned around. Yugi couldn't get a good look at her face but he could see her round rose pink eyes and a golden item hanging around from her neck. `That looks like a Sennen item' thought Yugi as he spotted the item around her neck. "All shall be answered soon..." replies the girl. ”What do you mean "all shall be answered soon?” asked Yugi to the girl. "That's all you need to know. All questions shall be answered but for now I must go..." replies the girl as she begins to slowly turn around only to halt when Yugi spoke again.
"Who are you? At least tell me your name..." replies Yugi. "That I can not do, but do not worry... we shall meet very soon.. Yugi-kun" The girl gave a smile and ran off deeper into the white mist. "Wait!" shout Yugi as he ran after the girl deeper into the mist. When he finally got to the end of the mist the girl had vanished. "She's gone" said Yugi as he looked all over but there was no sign of her thus causing the dream to end and Yugi to awaken from his slumber.
In the end of the dream
Once Yugi awakens from his dream, Yugi tries to ease his beating heart for even though it wasn't a bad dream it still had an effect on him. "Who was she? And what does she mean that we shall meet soon?" wonders Yugi aloud once he was able to calm his beating heart.
When Yugi finally clams down, he decided to move from the bed and slowly walks over to his bedroom window while gazing out into the night sky. "Aibou... are you ok?" asked Yami when he learnt that Yugi was awake. "Hmm... oh yes, I'm fine Mou Hitori no Boku. I just had a interesting dream" replied Yugi, as he turns to face concern crimson eyes.
"Are you sure, aibou" replies Yami. "Yes, I'm sure" replied Yugi giving Yami a smile, before moving from the window and back to his bed. Yugi climb into bed and laid his head down on the pillow. Once lying back down, Yugi looks to the ceiling of his bedroom wall. 'I wonder who that girl was... Well, who ever she is, I have a feeling I'll be seeing her real soon' thought Yugi as he slowly begins drifting back into dream land. As soon as Yugi is fast asleep once again, Yami double checks Yugi before returning to the puzzle.
Now onto Episode 1! Enjoy!