Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



[Poetry Form]

Words in (()) are echoes.

I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do

Every night, all I think of is you

The power of the light residing within your soul

The same power that lights my eyes up

I see you pass by, and I do nothing but stare

That's all I do…I just stare at you.


The nights are hard for me

Did you know that?

I love you so much

Did you know that?

I can't live without you

Did you ever know that?

Did you ever give me a chance to speak?


I always remember during

That eleventh of September

When you told me you loved me

But then hated me all the more

I couldn't understand

What went wrong?

Did I do something?

If you didn't love me,

What did you say, "I love you" to me for?


Your hate grows more

While your love grows less

I try and open your core

But really you just don't confess

I've tried my best in opening you up

I've tried my hardest to open your eyes

But my friend you call a pup

Well, he won't take this so easily.


My best was wasted on you

Did you know that?

And you knew I loved you too

Of COURSE you knew that

You witnessed me when my heart broke

((You crashed my world!))

Ch', you crashed me, as if I was just trash

((Well, I'm not!))

I stare disbelievingly at you

My eyes finding their way up to yours

But I know that there's nothing

No way to convert you to the light

You've gone dark.

You really, really have.


You were my light

You were my soul

When I had a fright

You comforted me

You stayed by my side

But now everything is different.


They were all right,

While I was wrong

'Cause you're nothing but a piece of filth!

Trying to dominate my soul!

Trying to manipulate me!

You are nothing!



I told myself you wouldn't leave me

But you told me that I was foolish

Then you set my heart free

Leaving me devastated

Who is foolish?

You are, as always.

You never showed your heart

You never showed your soul.

I had to open your eyes,

I had to cleanse your darkness.


Darkness is what you are

Cold is your heart

Fear is in your eyes

So you see?

I can see through you clearly,

Don't you dare try and hide

Don't you try to keep secrets,

I always know them.

((What's the use? Secrets don't give me a damn!))


Now that I'm almost gone

You come and see me,

Telling me you loved me all along

What kind of person are you,

Coming to me on my deathbed,

Telling me what I wanted you to tell

Me months ago…

You really have to know, Seto.

I loved you with all of my heart,

With all of my soul,

But you treated me like nothing.

You treated me like trash!

((Like trash! I loved you!))

[Ending A/N]:

Well, is there any hope for me in poetry?

The pairing was Atemu/Seto; couldn't help myself.

Please review!