Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon a Star ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN. Hello, my few loyal readers!! I'm glad you liked my first chapter. These first few chapters will probably be extremely short, but I'll be sure to make a longer one later…maybe….
Oh, and even though there are a few of us reading this we will slowly (but surely) make everyone on this website read this! WHO'S WITH ME?!?! *silence* Ok, fine, I'll do it myself. Hope you enjoy this…
Chapter 2
Ryou turned to see the blurry figure walking through the door; the door was slammed shut; and the lights flickered off. Ryou gulped hard; was it Bakura or-?
He felt that figure strike him; he fell to the stained carpet floor and took a deep breath; Bakura had to be home.
“Where is the Thief King?” the figure said in a deep raspy voice. Metal clanked as he moved his hand; he seemed almost Egyptian.
Ryou gulped and looked back up at the man, “What do you want him for?” Ryou asked looking at the door; hoping Bakura would walk through.
The man grabbed Ryou's shirt tightly and forced him to his feet, “You will tell me where he is or I will kill you and find him myself.”
The door creaked as it opened slightly; letting a small crack of light into the room, but the one who had opened it did not step in; footsteps faded down the steps and the hope for rescue was gone.
Ryou backed against the table and opened the door; Bakura's pocket knife lay there; blood crusted, but still as sharp as it had been the first time it was used.
“Where is he; you insolent fool?”
Ryou took the knife into his hand and took a slow deep breath, staring up at the man. He knew this could only be finished if he used it against him.
A gruff, demanding voice now came from the man standing stiffly behind the couch, “You will answer me!” He screamed as he reached down to slap the teen sitting on the floor.
With one last look at the knife and one more quick deep breath he closed his eyes and plunged the knife; trying his hardest to keep it in line with the man's chest.
The door opened and a bright light shattered the darkness; a loud voice split the silence, “Ryou!” it did not shriek with fear or protection; it roared with rage.
A sharp piercing pain in Ryou's head forced him back; he looked up expecting to see that the man had hit him, but instead he saw, “Bakura, please, I- I was-.” With a cry of pain as Bakura kicked him again; he stayed quiet.
“Shut your mouth!” Bakura yelled and kicked him closer to the hallway, “Get out; we'll talk about your punishment later.”
Ryou coughed and sighed; Bakura always said that, but when it came down to it the only words ever spoken before, during, or even after his so called punishments were spoken by the one being punished; calling out his punishers name; wishing it would unfreeze his heavy heart.
“Thief King Bakura,” the man chuckled and stepped forward, “It has been far too long since our last meeting.”
“Far too long, Mirabi,” Bakura laughed, “I apologize for anything he may have done.”
Mirabi smiled and chuckled, “Don't worry, it he your so called slave, Theif King?” he asked looking back at the hallway.
Ryou cringed and moved against the wall; sidling away from them he closed his eyes.
“Ryou!” Bakura yelled, “Leave! Get out of the hallway, now!”
Ryou quivered slightly; he did not fear Bakura; or his beatings; he only obeyed him in hopes that it would change him. But by now that was nearly impossible.
He scurried into the room across the hallway and shut the door; he pressed his ear against the door, but only heard their muffled conversation. He moved away and sat against the wall; what would happen after Bakura finished? Where had he been?
The teen twitched; where had Bakura been? He knew it didn't matter much, but he felt like he needed to know. He knew Bakura would go out and drink with Marik, but usually that was late at night. Did they go out sometime earlier that morning?
Shaking his head Ryou licked his chapped lips as he looked around the room. It was a dark room he had never been in before. It felt cold and wet; Ryou stood and felt around on the walls for the light switch, but he had no such thing and sighed as he fell back against something hard. It felt like wood, but it was harder.
He turned and pressed the palms of his hands against the object. It was firm and wooden. He moved his hands around it and finally moved away, it was a small dresser. Ryou looked around in the darkness and squinted trying to find the light switch. He stood and reached up finally feeling a chain that hung down from the ceiling.
Pulling on the chain he shielded his eyes from the bright light and looked around; he had been right. A dresser about as high as his waist stood near the corner of the room; it was wooden and must have been painted black. Ryou crouched next to it and opened the bottom drawer. It was empty. He opened the next drawer up; it was empty as well.
He sighed; maybe he should just stop. He slowly opened the last drawer and gasped when he saw what was in it. Knives, handcuffs, chains, and metal filled the drawer, but one thing was different.
A knife stuck out from everything; it was dark black and it had white letters painted or carved into it, “Ryou”. A shiver went down his spine and he picked up the knife. He began to turn it over, but when he heard the door slam he dropped it back into the drawer and pushed it shut.
The door opened and Bakura stepped into the room; narrow eyed. His glare was filled with rage; he grabbed Ryou's wrist and pulled him sharply out the door. “Get in the living room, now!”
Ryou nodded and sighed. Living room? He thought, More like the dying room. He stood in the corner and looked down at the crimson blotches on the carpet. What did that knife say? He couldn't help but wonder, it was driving him mad already.
A loud crash made him jump and fall backward; he gasped and blinked as his vision became darker and darker until all he could see was a tall figure walking into the room with a heavy object in its hand.
Please Review!! If you do Ryou will love you forever!!!
Ryou: No I won't!
Me: Covers his mouth Yes he will!!
Ryou: Review anyway!!
well, if I needed a disclaimer on this...I don't own any of the characters or anything. lol.