Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ YIB ❯ The Showdown ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
…The Showdown…
Jou sat with his back against the wall, his arms crossed firmly over his chest. For the most part, he just kept his eyes to the ceiling, tossing the occasional glare to the brunet a few meters away. Yugi was still persuading Yami from killing Bakura while Ryou was reprimanding the other white-haired youth in the corner. Jou figured that it was about time to glare at Kaiba again but, when he looked up, ice blue eyes clashed with his amber ones.
“Are you going to keep doing that?” Kaiba snapped in an annoyed fashion.
“Doing what?” Jou countered with a glare.
That!” Kaiba scowled.
Jou stuck out his tongue at the other. “I’ll do whatever I want!”
“Whatever,” Kaiba rolled his eyes. “Mutt.”
“What you say?!” Jou fired back, jumping to his feet.
“Would you two shut up, already?!”
Everyone turned at the new voice to see Malik and Marik on the opposite side of the gate. “You two are giving me a headache and I just got here,” Marik continued, rubbing his temples.
“Malik!” Yugi rejoiced happily before scurrying over to the bars. “Do you still have your laser on you?”
“Yup,” Malik replied with a smile. Reaching into his back pocket, Malik pulled out a small pen and uncapped the back of it to reveal a red laser beam.
“Where the hell did you get that from?” Yami asked, highly intrigued by the small object.
“I always make new equipment for the HIB. However, I have to test it out before releasing it to other agents. This is my latest creation,” Malik replied while getting to work on the metal bars.
“Portable. Discreet. And deadly,” Bakura thought aloud. “I like it.”
Malik smirked at the other’s comment as he watched the bars begin to come apart. After a few minutes, he had created a little doorway, which everyone was able to sneak through with ease with the exception of Jou and Kaiba who were slightly taller than everybody else.
“So, care to tell me what the hell is going on?” Malik inquired once everybody had gotten out.
Yugi quickly nodded. “Basically, Mai and Pegasus are evil and tried to have us kill each other so that they could steal our Millennium items which apparently have a special power when you combine them together and now they’re hell-bent on taking over the world.”
“Oh, is that all?” Marik questioned, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Malik, on the other hand, had fallen deep in thought before something bit him in the back of his mind. “They’re going to our houses to take our items!? We have to hurry back to my house, I–“
“It’s too late by now,” Yami interrupted. Malik instantly turned on Yugi.
“Why didn’t you tell me to bring it!?” he yelled.
Yugi frowned angrily. “I was going to but you never answered your phone after the first time I called!”
Malik tried to think back to earlier and smiled sheepishly when he remembered how his phone had snapped in two on the ground earlier that night. “Oh, sorry about that,” he apologized quietly.
Yugi sighed but nodded nonetheless. “We have to go,” he said beckoning for the others to follow him out of the museum which they did.
“Where are we going?” Yami asked Yugi while they all sprinted down the street.
“To the YIB,” he replied.
The four YIB operatives stopped dead in their tracks. “What?” Yami said, thinking that he had heard wrong.
“That’s where Mai and Pegasus are,” Yugi explained as they continued to run, looking for any available cars on the nearby streets.
“And you know this how?” Yami questioned, keeping up with his smaller love with ease.
“Because if they already have all the items, which they probably do by now, then they’re going to go to a place where no one will be suspicious of what they’re doing. If Pegasus showed up at the HIB, there would be way too many questions. However, not many people know Mai or what she looks like. If she walked into the YIB, then the other operatives there would just assume that she was a new trainee. The thing with Pegasus is that he likes everyone to know who he is,” Yugi said, watching as Marik and Bakura high-jacked two cars. He felt really bad for whoever owned these cars but he had to kind of save the world from whatever Mai and Pegasus were planning so hopefully the owners wouldn’t mind too much.
Yami nodded. “That’s a reasonable assumption.”
“So, where’d you find Marik?” Jou asked Malik with an all-knowing grin as the group piled in to the two separate cars. Ryou rolled his eyes as he listened to Malik and Jou get into it, yet watching Yugi as the short HIB operative followed Yami and the others to the YIB headquarters.

Upon arrival at the YIB, the group decided that it was best if they all stayed together instead of split up. Before walking in, Malik handed out three communicators for Yugi, Jou, and Ryou to wrap around their wrist. It resembled a plain, black watch. Malik had one of his own on his wrist and said that it was just in case they got separated.
To Yami’s surprise, the entire place was empty. Even the guards that usually sat outside of the main entrance were gone. Motioning for everyone to follow him, Yami led to an extremely large room, probably a quarter of the size of a football field. In the middle of the room were several long tables and about a dozen office chairs along with a few bookcases and lamps.
Using sign language, Yami instructed Kaiba, Bakura, and Marik to check the four rooms connected to the center, all which were cleared. “What is this place?” Yugi inquired curiously.
“This is the room that connects all of our bedrooms,” Yami explained. “There’s also a door that leads up to the top floor here. That’s where we’re going now.”
The words had barely left Yami’s mouth when a familiar voice swept over the room from the intercom in the corner. “Hello boys!” Pegasus’ disgustingly sweet voice greeted. “As you can see, you all are alone right now. However, because Mai and I don’t want you all ruining our plans, we decided to invite some company. See you later, boys…then again, maybe I won’t.
The sound of a gun going off rippled through the air and Jou gasped when the brunet besides him crumpled to the ground. Suddenly, there was an onslaught of gunfire and Yami watched as about a hundred operatives flooded into the spacious room, smashing the glass windows to the ground as they crawled in.
“Everyone retreat!” Yami ordered, taking Yugi in his arms and disappearing behind a door with Bakura and Marik doing the same to their counterparts. Jou quickly helped Kaiba to his feet and followed in suit. Just before closing and locking the door to one of the unoccupied bedrooms, Jou saw all of the intruders’ position themselves on the opposite side of the room, guns held high.
“Shit. Shit. Shit,” Jou repeated over and over as he laid Kaiba down against a wall before tearing off the bottom of his shirt and tying it around Kaiba’s shoulder which was bleeding profusely. “What are we going to do?” Jou said to himself and Kaiba couldn’t help but smirk at the frantic boy who was trying to help him. “There’s no way to escape,” Jou muttered quietly.
Kaiba sighed. “Yami knows that. He didn’t mean retreat as in try to run away. He meant that everyone prepare themselves. He knows we have to fight this one out,” Kaiba explained and then, at Jou’s bewildered expression, added softly: “You should get out of here while you can, Jou.”
Jou shook his head angrily. “Like hell! I’m not going anywhere.”
Kaiba chuckled tiredly. “You always were stubborn.”
Jou laughed at the remark. “And you aren’t?”
Kaiba only shrugged before pointing towards the bed. “There’s a box of guns under my bed. And in my closet are a few bullet-proof vests. You might want to protect yourself as best you can.”
Jou nodded and, following Kaiba’s instructions, he was able to get ready in a matter of minutes. Tossing Kaiba a vest as well as two 9 millimeter caliber semi-automatics and a pair of back-ups, Jou proceeded to arm himself with similar weapons.
When they were both ready, they sat silently near the door waiting for further instruction.
“Kaiba,” Jou said suddenly and the brunet turned so that their eyes were leveled with each other’s. With a deep sigh, Jou ran his fingers through his hair and smiled. “There is no place in the world that I’d rather be than right here…with you.”
For the first time since Jou had known Kaiba, the brunet smiled back. A genuine, one-of-a-kind smile. Just for him. Jou leaned in just far enough to capture the other’s lips in a fleeting kiss.
“Good luck,” Jou whispered as he positioned himself to make a good run for it once he opened the doors.
Kaiba shook his head and positioned himself as well. “I don’t need luck,” he replied before shooting the blond a quick glance. “I have you.”
Jou’s eyes softened at the rare display of Kaiba’s affections. That’s when Yugi’s voice reached his ears from the small communicator wrapped around his wrist.

Since, Yami had brought Yugi into the room, he had yet to let go of him. Not that Yugi minded really but he didn’t think it was the best time to cuddle. “Yami, we have to get ready. We can’t stay in here forever,” Yugi whined.
Without taking his face out off Yugi’s soft hair, Yami whispered pleadingly: “Yugi, you have to get out of here.”
Yugi frowned and immediately replied sternly: “I’m not leaving without you.”
Letting go of Yugi, Yami distanced themselves from each other slightly. A gasp escaped Yugi’s lips when Yami tilted his head up to meet his crimson eyes. Yami was…crying. But no, Yami was strong. He didn’t cry. He couldn’t.
“If you stay here, you’ll die,” Yami said slowly and bent down to embrace his little one in his arms. “And I can’t lose you. Not after I just found you,” he whispered into Yugi’s ear.
Yugi brought his arms up to return the other’s hug before burying his head into the crook of Yami’s neck. “I can’t lose you either, Yami. And that’s why I have to stay here. I can’t sit at home and wait for you to come home. I love you, Yami. And I will fight by your side. No matter what.”
Yami smiled softly at his smaller love. In an instant, he crushed their lips together in a passionate yet tender kiss. “Yugi,” Yami whispered into the kiss. “I love you.”
Yugi returned Yami’s smile and gave him one last peck on the lips before saying: “I love you too.”

Ryou continued to examine all the guns that Bakura had dumped on the floor, picking out the ones he liked the best. Bakura, on the other hand, was sitting quietly to the right off him, silently reloading numerous amounts of pistols.
“So, this is what it comes down to?” Ryou asked suddenly staring down at the guns spread out in front of him.
“Yup,” Bakura replied as he reloaded another gun.
“Eight versus about one hundred,” Ryou nodded. “Sounds fair…”
“Yup,” the other repeated, taking another gun in his hands and examining it carefully.
Ryou tilted his head to look at Bakura who seemed to be deep in concentration. “Are we going to die tonight?” he inquired with a small frown.
For the first time, Bakura looked up from his ministrations and stared into Ryou’s soft chocolate eyes. “Nope,” he answered.
Ryou blinked. “How can you be so sure?”
Bakura quickly jumped to his feet. “I’m not. But that’s why I got you, now isn’t it?” he said while walking over to the closet and pulling out a pair of vest that Ryou assumed were bullet-proof.
At the remark, Ryou tilted his head even more. “Why?”
“Because,” Bakura replied simply. “You give me a reason for wanting to give it my all. Hopefully, that’s enough.”
Ryou smiled to himself, knowing that this was Bakura’s way of telling him how much he cared about him. “Bakura?” Ryou called out gently.
“Hmm…” the other replied while placing the loaded guns in his waist.
“I think we’ll be okay,” Ryou whispered almost to himself but Bakura immediately caught the double meaning of Ryou’s comment.
The YIB operative nodded. “As do I, Ryou. As do I.”

“Don’t you wish we stayed in bed?”
Malik chuckled sadly as he continued to buckle his vest on. As soon as he was done, he walked over to Marik who was having trouble strapping his on tight. “Part of me does,” Malik replied softly. “The other half is happy that I’m fighting by my friend’s side. And that, if I do die, then I die with you.”
Marik smiled before placing a passionate kiss on Malik’s soft lips. “Are you ready for the start of our new lives?” Malik asked, resting his head on Marik’s chest.
Marik snorted. “Or the end of it.”
An elbow met Marik’s ribs. “Ow, I’m just kidding!” the taller laughed as he ruffled Malik’s blond locks.
“You better be,” Malik said with a playful frown but paused when he heard a familiar voice coming from his watch. “Hold on,” he instructed Marik before bringing the piece of equipment to his lips.
“I’m here, Yugi,” Malik replied and both of the Egyptian’s listened carefully for a response.

“Jou?” Yugi spoke into the communicator softly.
“Right here, pal!” Jou replied enthusiastically.
“Ryou?” the amethyst-eyed assassin called out.
“Present!” Ryou responded, trying to sound as positive as possible.
“I’m here, Yugi,” Malik answered.
Yugi smiled, glad that his friends were still okay. “I know that our odds look slim right now,” Yugi began.“But I also know that together, we can do this. We’ve been in situations like this before. And this time, it’s the last time. After this, we can all start over,” Yugi looked to Yami and smiled even more. “Together.”
Yami kissed Yugi on the cheek before letting his little one continue. “Thank you guys,” Yugi said, his voice cracking slightly. “You’ve been the best group of friends someone could ever have. And I just have one question for you all…Who’s buying the ice cream after this is all over?”
Laughs and chuckles full of relief came over the communicator. Yugi’s confidence did wonders for them.
Yami grabbed Yugi’s wrist and asked with a serious note: “Ready, everyone?”
When words of affirmative were returned as a response to him, Yami took hold of Yugi’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. Then, on the count of three, shouted: “GO!”

The smoke was so thick that he could barely see anybody. It was from all the gunfire. Not to mention he was death in his right hear from the amount of bullets that had gone off so far. Looking down to see if Yugi was still beside him, Yami rolled out from the table he was hiding behind and stood to his feet, a gun in each hand as he shot directly at the opposite side of the room, hitting a total of five men out of the twenty or thirty that remained. When he ran out of bullets, he turned around only to reveal Yugi that was holding a pair of guns in his hands as well. While Yami was reloading, Yugi kept the remaining enemies from coming out of their hiding spots by shooting repeatedly. When Yami had finished, he stood back up, and, Yugi and himself back to back, a gun in each hand, they managed to take out another six men.
“Yami!” someone called out and the crimson-eyed youth turned to see Kaiba and Jou beside them. “You guys need to go stop Mai and Pegasus!” Jou said taking out another gun and shooting a man on the opposite side of the room square in the head. “We can handle it from here!”
“But–“ Yami started only to be tackled to the ground behind a chair as a wave of bullets flew by where his head use to be.
“Jou’s right. We need to stop them before it’s too late,” Yugi said hurriedly and glanced off to the side where Bakura was tending to Ryou’s wound hidden safely behind a long metal table. “And Ryou’s getting worse. We need to get him help soon. I don’t know how much longer he can last with that bullet in his leg,” Yugi finished, worry consuming his expression.
“Shit!” Marik cursed and Yami looked off to the side to see a bullet graze the Egyptian’s arm.
“Go now!” Malik yelled from a nearby hiding spot. “We’ll cover for you!” he said, jumping to his feet and shooting a wave of bullets towards the opposite side of the room.
Yugi and Yami glanced at each other before nodding in unison. While Jou, Kaiba, Malik, and Marik distracted the remaining men, they scurried past the gunfire and exited through the door that led to the top floor. This had to end. Here and now.
Jumping up several flights of stairs, the two tri-colored hair assassins arrived at the top floor just in time to see Pegasus place a golden puzzle on a large desk in the center of the room.
“Stop where you are!” Yami threatened pointing a gun towards Pegasus’s head.
The older man only smiled. “I was wondering when you two would get here. Here to see the show?”
Yami cocked the gun back and was about to pull the trigger when he heard a click come from behind him. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see Mai standing behind Yugi with a pistol to the back of his head.
“…Yugi,” Yami whispered, looking from Mai back to his little one’s frightened eyes.
“As you can see, Yami, if you pull that trigger than Mai pulls hers,” Pegasus informed and Yami immediately let his finger slide from the trigger but didn’t put his gun down knowing that they would both be defenseless after that.
Yugi looked away in disgust as Pegasus dug his fingers at the corners of the golden eye in his socket and pulled it out revealing a hollow hole. The one-eyed man proceeded to place the eye on the table.
Yami counted to realize that all seven items were now on the desk. He gasped when they began to glow. “This is it, Yami-boy!” Pegasus said sinisterly. “The beginning of the end!”
“NO!” Yami shouted before making a jump to his left. Everything else was a complete blur.
There was a dim glow radiating off the group of seven items followed by a blinding light. Then a struggle. And then things became opaque and dark. But through the mind-numbing pain and the screams, Yami felt someone grab his hand. The skin was so soft. And a voice, so beautiful yet etched with worry and fear, that begged him not to close his eyes. Not to fall asleep.
There was only one person who could have so much love and devotion for him…
Yuri: SORRY! BUT! Good news is that the last chapter is next. EVEN better news is that I’ll update in a few days so you guys will see the conclusion VERY soon. Maybe I’ll do an epilogue. I haven’t decided. We’ll talk more about it next time! REVIEW! PLEASE! Love you all!