Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-NO! ❯ Duel 7: Koreboh's Don't Fly! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Duel 7: Koreboh's Don't Fly!
Kentuski: Even though we haven't been here in a few years, Yenchna and Kentuski are still alive! We still don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, and even though no one watches the show anymore, we will still continue to give you the wonderful parody YU-GI-NO!!!
Yenchna: Wow. I like forgot how to spell my name. Yah. So now were like in college in the BIG city YAH! Its been too long so its gonna be the retarded chapter. Everyone is too busy probably watching Naruto, but we still believe!
Kaiba: Enough with your rambling, you fools. Start the story already.
Back into Malik and Bakura's room. It's time for dinner, and soon the main villains of the story have ordered room service, and discover they have different “tastes.”
Bakura: (munching on steak) Hmmm… needs more blood. (licks lips)
Malik: (drops his salad) YOU MURDERER!!!
Bakura: Huh? What? You want some? (hands over the JUICY, BLOODY, RED, DRIPPING STEAK!!!!)
Malik: (falls over in disgust) You horrible person! How could you kill animals?
Bakura: Technically, I didn't kill them. I just EAT them! They're delicious.
Malik: They're my fuzzy animal friends!
Bakura: Like your fuzzy animal rat friends you had in that hole of a home?
Bakura: Thanks, I know. But seriously… how many villains only eat salads? You suck as a villain and never went to school. Now you are jobless.
Malik: (Slowly brings out his magnifying glass…) We'll see who has the last laugh, albino!
Bakura: (says under his breath) Says a tan man who has lived under a hole.
There is a knock on the door. It's a little passed midnight and there are 12 beer bottles on the floor.
Jonouchi: Who's there? Is it you Yugi?
Voice from the door: …It's me…. (nails scratch down wooden panel)
Jonouchi: (looks through view hole on the door. He sees Anzu standing in the hallway with her ballerina outfit with her hands behind her back. Her hair looks messy and there is something dripping down her face.) Looks like your crying. Everything okay?
Anzu: Nothing friendship can't fix. Honda and I just had a little misunderstanding.
Jonouchi: (begins to unlock door and then hears a thump from behind) What the hell was that? ( He turns around. He sees Honda's bloody, disheleved body dripping down the window of his room)
Honda: (crawling through the window. Gasping his last words) Don't…open…(cough, cough. Begins to gag on blood) the…doo…or….(he collapses dead on the floor)
Jonouchi: Holy fucking shit! (He turns around)
Anzu: (she is standing in the open doorway, holding a bloody ax.) Hello, Jonouchi. Your only friend now. All the other ones went…away…
Jonouchi: (runs in a panic and slams the door in her face. He fumbles with the locks) Oh my god! She finally snapped. I knew that friendship thing was a cover.
Anzu: But Jonouchi. I'm not done talking to you yet. Sometimes you just need to face your problems. There's no point running, Jonouchi. The police already here. Just open up the door, before I get angry.
Jonouchi: No way! You crazy psycho!!
Anzu: You left me no choice Jonouchi. To think I just wanted to talk this out. Now I'm gonna need to take things a little more…drastic! ( begins to smash ax through the door) Here's Friendship!!
Jonouchi: (runs in a panic over to the bed. He begins shakes Kaiba) Get up! Get up! Get the hell up now!
Kaiba: (waking up kinda cranky) What are you doing on my side of the…
Anzu: (hitting the ax through Kaiba's head) Friendship! Its just you and me Jonouchi. I'm not going to let anyone stand in the way of our friendship ever again…(has Jonouchi stuck in the corner of the room. She is coming towards him with the ax)
Kaiba's voice: Jonouchi! Jonouchi!
(Jonouchi wakes up)
Jonouchi: (sweating and panting. He looks around at his surroundings. Everything seems “normal” aka Yugi screaming on the other side of the room of the hotel, “I BELIEVE!!!!!” and Otogi in the background, “GO TO BED ALREADY!!!”) Oh thank God. (he flops back down on the pillow) It was just a dream.
Kaiba: You must have had one crazy dream, you punched me in the head ten times before you woke up.
Jonouchi: Yeah, you see what happened---
Anzu: (knocking on the door) Jonouchi!!! Are you in there??? I have to talk to you about something about Honda… He told me he won't be able to make it…. to the tournament….
Jonouchi: I'm trapped! You answer it, Kaiba!
Kaiba: God! It's Anzu! I know she's annoying, but she's your friend! As if 1,000 text messages wasn't enough! (opens the door) Yeah…. Jonouchi's not here right now…
Anzu: (determined) Where is he?
Kaiba: In the men's room. You can't go in there. Actually…. (thinks) maybe you can.
Anzu: (frowns) May I talk with you then… outside…?
Kaiba: …ok???
He walks outside into the hall and the door slams. A loud scream is heard.
Jonouchi: I'm gonna die!(He looks through the eyehole and gets desperate. Anzu waits at the front of the door with her ballerina outfit with her hands behind her back… she has a strange smile… He decides to climb out the window towards Yugi's room.) Yeah… fifth story…. Not a big deal… just like the good ol' days before Honda said I was a wimp… Yeah, well… he's dead now, but that doesn't matter! She won't get me!!! (climbs out window)
Otogi cannot fall asleep, because he keeps hearing strange noises from Honda and Shiska's room. As he gets closer, he hears rather interesting dialogue…
Shiska: Am I doing this right, Honda? (Shiska moves her left hand to the green circle on the Twister mat)
Honda: Yeah. But I think I'm stuck.
Shiska: You gotta move faster!
Honda: I'm not as flexible as you.
Shiska: Then let's try the other move. I'm getting tired out.
Otogi cannot stand listening to this any longer, and wants to catch them in the act. He swings open the door and hits both Shiska and Honda. Honda falls ontop of Shiska.
Otogi is horrified, but not as horrified as Jonouchi dangling from the window…
Jonouchi: (pounds on the window) Honda, when I get in there… I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna- (he slips and falls down five stories) Ahhhhhh!!!
Shiska: Hey, Otogi? Wanna join?
Otogi: (puts down his journal) Sure!
Yugi is outside the hotel, and it's locked. He can't get inside, so he tries to open a window. Every window is locked, so he tries to signal for help.
Yugi: Everybody is on the fifth floor! Yami, what should we do?
Yami: (continues to have seizures) missmissmiss nnnnuunnnnnn piec-peee—ppeeaaccee--ppp-pu-pu-pa—zzzzzz-uuuu-lll-eee (slight foaming from mouth)
Yugi: Good idea! Sounds like a plan! *snaps his fingers* Let's climb the building! (unravels puzzle string and uses as a lasso) YU-Gi-OH!!!!!
Yugi manages to get to the 3rd floor and notices the maid.
Yugi: (pounds on the window) Maid! Help me! I'm locked out!
Maid: (turns around) Did I hear something? (notices Yugi's hair outside the window, but thinks it's a moving plant swaying in the wind.) That poor thing needs some water… it's nearly brown! (She walks over)
Yugi: (overjoyed that someone has found him)
Maid: (opens the windowsill and pours water on his head.)
Yugi: (tries to climb in, and then the window shuts on his fingers. Again, another finger is lost…)
At the very same time, Jonouchi has just witnessed the horror of Honda ontop of his sister! Jonouchi falls down from the window and collides with Yugi. At least Yugi saved his fall.
Meanwhile… as they hit the ground, they have some quality time in the pouring rain. At least Jonouchi is away from Anzu.
Jonouchi: What were you doing up there, Yug? You could have hurt yourself!
Yugi: Well… funny story…
Jonouchi: That's my Yugi! Fall from 5 stories, lose 2 fingers, and still have a funny story to tell!
Yugi: Ok, maybe it wasn't that funny…. But I have a feeling that Otogi doesn't like me! (cries)
Jonouchi: Why would you say that?
Yugi: Well, he wanted me to look out the window. He said, “Look, there's a flying Koreboh!” And I said, “Silly, Otogi, Koreboh's don't fly… they float!!!!” And then… the last thing I remember… I was falling…. From a 5th story window… and I met you Jonouchi, and it's so much better! (Super hug!!!)
Jonouchi: Eww, Yugi! Back off! You're still squirting blood on my jacket!
Anzu has been waiting 20 minutes by Jonouchi's room. She realizes he's not coming back, but to make sure she goes into the men's bathroom. She notices Mai is in there… with another guy…
Anzu: Have you seen Jonouchi?
Mai: Believe me, if I saw him, I would know. I haven't seen him all night.
Anzu: Ummm… ok… thanks. *cough* whore!
Anzu leaves the bathroom, slightly scarred. She notices Kaiba prancing down the hallway with immense joy.
Kaiba: Oh my gosh! Great news! That phone call you told me about in the lobby… The guy on the phone thinks he found SNARFFLES!!!!
Anzu: Who's Snarffles?
Kaiba: Who's Snarffles? Who's Snarffles?! Would I ever ask you the name of your only love? The only one who ever loved me back!
Anzu: Geezz.. I'm sorry so whose this Snarffles guy?
Kaiba: He's not a guy! He's my goldfish! My long lost goldfish, who was flushed down the toilet! Not only was my goldfish washed away, but so was all my affection and love for any other creature after that moment!
Anzu: Why didn't you just buy a new one?
Kaiba: YOU CAN'T BUY LOVE ANZU!!! BUT YOU CAN BUY FRIENDS!!! You're coming with me! (grabs Anzu)
Anzu: WHAT?!
Kaiba: Yeah, Jonouchi sold you for $50. That's friendship for you.
Anzu: This time… I really am going to kill him!!!
Kaiba and Anzu do ballerina leaps down the hall for their new friendship.
Time: 5:05am, still no one in the hotel has slept, except for Yugi. He's currently clinging onto Jonouchi and snoring loudly at the front doorsteps of the hotel. Jonouchi's eyes are blood shot, wide open, afraid to blink. He's worried here could be a druggie Bandit Keith lurking around any corner, a pedophile Pegasus, or worse… AN ANZU!!!! Jonouchi hears the front door open.
Jonouchi (in hysterics): It's her! It's her! (hyperventilating) I'm too good looking to die! (No, it's Mai escourting a man out of the hotel.)
Mai: See ya lata, luv! (She waves and blows a kiss)
The man trips over Jonouchi and Yugi.
Mai: Jonouchi! You useless piece of crap! This makes bad business if all my clients are hurt!
Jonouchi: I got locked out!
Mai: It was unlocked the whole time. The door says, “push” not pull.
Jonouchi(glaring at Yugi): You didn't…
Yugi: (nervous laughter) ha… ha… ha… (sweat drop)
Jonouchi: Well, I guess you're more experienced with the “pushing and pulling” than we are.
Mai: (blushes and locks the door)
Jonouchi: Aww man! I was just kiddin'! Let me in!
Kaiba comes running out of the door: OFF TO SAVE SSSNNNAAARRRRFFFLLLLLEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be continued.