Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh 2-Gen ❯ A New Threat ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yugioh 2-Gen

by Ninten-Dude/Kiyobi (same guy.)


Episode 1: A New Threat

-We join our group of friends playing a friendly round of Duel Monsters at Domino Park.-

Mina: "NO! Not THAT card!"

Kiyobi: "Sorry, Mina. You're stuck."

Jimmy: "What did he just do?"

Johnathan: "With Kiyobi's Gravity Bind active, Mina's Dark Magicians can't attack because they're higher than Level 3. And with Kiyo's Cannon Soldier and Wave Motion Cannon active, if Mina doesn't do something quick, she's done."

Mina: *What should I do... my magicians are frozen, and his Infinite Dismissal prevents me from forming a backup attack force... oh... and these equip spell cards would've helped me!*


Card Analysis:




Gravity Bind (Active Trap)


As long as this card is in play, monsters Level 4 or higher cannot attack.


Infinite Dismissal (Active Trap)


As long as this card is in play, destory monsters Level 3 or lower at each player's End Phase.


Cannon Soldier (Face-up Monster, attack position)

Level 4

Ability: Sacrifice one of your monsters to inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent.


Scapegoat (Facedown Spell x2)


Special Summon 4 "Goat Tokens" (Lv.1/Earth/Beast/ATK-0/DEF-0) in Defense Mode. These tokens cannot be used for Tribute Summons. When you activate this card, you may not summon another monster in the same turn.




Dark Magician Girl (Monster)

Dark Spellcaster

Level 6

ATK/2000 DEF/2000

Ability: Increase this monster's attack by 500 for every Dark Magician in either Graveyard.


Dark Magician (Monster)

Dark Spellcaster

Level 7

ATK/2500 DEF/2300

The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.


Axe of Despair (Spell in-hand)

Increase the equipped monster's attack by 1000. If this card is sent to the Graveyard, you may sacrifice one monster to bring it to the top of your deck.


-end card analysis.


Mina: "I end my turn."

Kiyobi draws a card: *Perfect!* "I'll set this critter facedown and end my turn."

Johnathan: "Kiyo's cannon's been on the field for 5 turns! If Mina doesn't do something in three turns, Kiyobi's winning this duel!"

Kiyobi: *Heh, my Stealth Bird will take her out sooner than you think!* "Correction, Johnny, TWO turns."

Mina draws a card: *What is he saying? I thought he was a math scholar...* "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy your Cannon!"

Jimmy: "That's good for Mina, right?"

Johnathan: "Unless Kiyobi's got something up his sleeve. He usually does."

Kiyobi: "Activate Magic Jammer! Sorry, dear."

Mina: "Sorry to you, activate Seven Tools of the Bandit!"

Kiyobi: "Interesting. I'll stop that with my own Seven Tools!"

Mina: "NO!"

Jimmy: "My head hurts."

Johnathan: "Yeah, that's kinda confusing to me too."

Mina: "Fine."

--Kiyobi loses 1000 Life Points and discards Dancing Fairy. Mina loses 1000 Life Points and Mystical Space Typhoon is negated.--

Mina: "Grr... I end my turn."

Kiyobi draws: "It's over. I flip Stealth Bird!"

Jimmy: "I never heard of that card!"

Johnathan: "It's a handy card. When it's Flip Summoned, the opponent loses 1000 Life Points. On top of that, the controller has the choice to flip it back down!"

Jimmy: "Flip it back down? Why?!"

Johnathan: "Flip it back up again, deal another thousand."

Jimmy: "Oh..."

Mina: "Great. I think I lost..."


LP Count:

Kiyobi: 7500 (previously, he had Spirit of the Breeze, and took some damage)

Mina: 7000

Wave Motion Cannon has 6 turns charged, for a total of 6000 LP of damage.


Kiyobi: "That's my turn. Next turn, I win."

Mina draws: *YES! Just what I need!*

Kiyobi: "I don't like that smile. You didn't get Exodia, did you?!"

Mina: "No." *Grins* "Something better! I activate Painful Choice!"


Card Analysis:

Painful Choice (Spell)

Choose any 5 cards in your deck and show them to your opponent. Your opponent chooses one card. That card goes to your hand. The other four get discarded.


Mina: "Take your pick!" *Smiles*

Jimmy: "If I read that right, why did she pick all 5 pieces of Exodia?!"

Johnathan: "I'm just as clueless as you are."

Kiyobi: *What is she thinking?! Well, no big difference in the matter.* "I choose the left leg."

--Mina takes the chosen card and discards the other four pieces.--

Mina: "I also activate Graceful Charity!" *I hope that the card I need is in the next three cards...*

Kiyobi: "Why does this sound all too familiar?"

--Mina draws, and discards "Book of Secret Arts" and "Exodia's Left Leg"--

Mina: "Sorry, sweetie. I've won."

Kiyobi: "How so?"

Mina: "I play Contract with Exodia!!!"

--Everyone gasps--

Kiyobi: "SAY WHAT?!"

Johnathan: "Now Mina's in control!"

Jimmy: "What does that do?"

Johnathan: "Since all the Exodia pieces are in her graveyard, Mina can use that Contract with Exodia card to summon an actual monster version of Exodia!"

Jimmy: "That's good, right?"

Johnathan: "Of course! The Exodia monster, Exodia Necross, can't be destroyed. It gains 500 attack and defense points every turn."

Jimmy: "Can't be destroyed?!"

Johnathan: "Only one way to get rid of it: Take out a piece of Exodia from her graveyard."

Jimmy: "How?"

Johnathan: "Soul Release, for one."

Jimmy: "Oh."


Exodia Necross

Level 4

Dark Spellcaster

ATK/1800 DEF/0

This monster gains 500 attack points on each of your standby phases.


Mina: "I also give Exodia 'Fairy Meteor Crush'!"

Johnathan: "That lets her do battle damage even against defense position monsters!"

Jimmy: "That's bad."

Johnathan: "Now you're catching on!"

Kiyobi: "Wow. Don't forget, my Gravity Bind's in play!"

Mina: "I know. Activate Remove Trap!"

Kiyobi: ...

Mina: "I also use Axe of Despair on Exodia! Dark Magician Girl attacks Cannon Soldier!"


Dark Magician Girl (2000) VS Cannon Soldier (1400)

Kiyobi loses 600, Cannon Soldier is destroyed.


Mina: "With that out of the way, my Dark Magician attacks directly!"

Kiyobi: "I activate Scapegoat!"

Mina: "Awww!!!"

--3 Scapegots left--

Mina: "Exodia takes out a goat, and hurts you big!"


Exodia Necross (2800) VS Scapegoat (0)

Kiyobi loses 2800, 2 Scapegots left


Jimmy: "Thats 600 plus 2800..."

Johnathan: "3400. Kiyobi's still alive."

Mina: "And another surprise... I sacrifice my Dark Magician to bring out Spell Canceller!"

Kiyobi: "...I'm scwewed." (misspelt on purpose)

*Sherry rushes in*

Sherry: *pant pant* "Am I late?"

Mina: "You just missed the biggest comeback in history!"

Johnathan: "Allow me to explain..."

*Johnathan explains the current duel to Sherry*

Mina: "End my turn."

Kiyobi draws: *With Spell Canceller, my Cannon's a dud. I'm toast!* "I end my turn."

Mina draws: "Magician Girl and Exodia take out your last two Scapegoats!"


Dark Magician Girl (2300) VS Scapegoat (0)

1 Scapegoat left.

Exodia Necross (3300) VS Scapegoat (0)

Kiyobi loses 3300, all Goats gone.


Jimmy: "Wait... 3300?! I thought that thing had 2800!"

Johnathan: "You obviously forgot his effect."

Jimmy: "Oh yeah... so... 3400 plus 3300... 6700?!"

Sherry: "Wow..."

Johnathan: "It all comes down to this card. If Kiyobi can pull out something here, Mina loses. What are the odds though?"

Kiyobi draws: "...I lost. End my turn."

Mina draws: "Good game. Everyone attacks directly, I win."

Jimmy: "That was amazing! Awesome comeback Mina!"

Mina: "Well, I DO have the King of Games as my grandpa!"

Kiyobi packs cards up: "I almost had that game too!"

Sherry: "So, you guys ready?"

Jimmy: "Let's go!"


Everyone heads to the mall. Kiyobi goes shopping for music, while Jimmy and Johnathan check out the card shop. Mina and Sherry go check out the clothing store.


Mina: "You think this shirt goes well with my shorts?"

Sherry: "Nah. Too bright."


Kiyobi: "You got the latest album by the DethJammers?"

Clerk: "Sorry, kid. Sold out."

Kiyobi: "What about the other album, 'Frozen 'Cause I'm Cold'?"

Clerk: "Nope."

Kiyobi: "Thanks anyway..."


Johnathan: "Now, if you want to build a good Fire deck, you're going to need some cards like these..."


Card analysis:


Fire Pyro

Level 4

ATK/1100 DEF/1900

This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing one FIRE monster from play. When this monster destroys another monster as a result of battle, your opponent loses 1500 life points.


The Thing in The Crater

Fire Beast

Level 4

ATK/1600 DEF/1400

When this monster is destroyed, Special Summon one FIRE monster from your hand in its place.


Ultimate Baseball Kid

Fire Warrior

Level 3

ATK/1500 DEF/1500

For every FIRE monster (except this monster) on your side of the field, increase this monster's attack by 1000.


Jimmy: "These are cool. Hey, shopkeeper?"

Clerk: "Yes?"

Jimmy: "I'll take 2 of each of these."

Clerk: "Ahh, fire deck huh?"

Jimmy: "Yeah."

Clerk: "That'll be $3.50."

Jimmy: "Here."

Clerk: "Have a nice day."


-At the mall's main center.-

Sherry: "Hey! Everything go well?"

Jimmy: "I got a few good cards for my deck. Check it out!"

Mina: "Trying to make a fire deck now? Nice."

Kiyobi: "They sold out of the DethJammers' latest CD's."

-Tremor hits-

Johnathan: "What the hell was that?!"

Kiyobi: "Sherry! Look out!"

-Chunk of the mall's ceiling starts to fall on Sherry, and Kiyobi shoves her out of the way before it hits the ground.-

Kiyobi: "You all right?"

Sherry: "I'm fine."

Jimmy: "It's too dangerous here... let's get out of here!"

Mina: "I agree. Run away!"

-Everyone scrambles out of the mall, leaving it in ruins from the earthquake. A mysterious shadowy figure appears floating over the crumbled mall.-

(M.S.F. = Mysterious Shadowy Figure)

M.S.F.: "All kneel to your master!"

Mina: "Who is that?"

Kiyobi: "One thing's for sure, it's an evil person."

Sherry: "How do you know?"

Kiyobi: "He's a mysterious shadowy figure. Everyone knows that a mysterious shadowy figure means an evil person!"

Jimmy: "Duh."

-Sherry slaps Jimmy. Ouch.-

Mina: "That had to hurt..."

M.S.F.: "We have come to make this world ours. Surrender to us now or suffer the consequences!"

Mina: "Who do you think you are?!"

M.S.F.: "My name is Devin, the future ruler of the world!"

Johnathan: "Hey! Why don't you come down here and face us like a man?!"

Devin: "I will, in due time. We will meet again. The Dragon Hearts will conquer you!"

-Devin disappears.-

Jimmy: "What in the hell was that all about?"

Mina: "Sounds bad."

Johnathan: "I think you're right."

-6 o' clock rings-

Sherry: "6:00 ALREADY?! I gotta get home!"

Kiyobi: "Me too."

Mina: "Same."

Jimmy: "What she said."

Johnathan: "Might as well."

Kiyobi: "Well, see you guys tomorrow?"

-Everyone agrees, and goes their paths.-


-Mina's House-

Mina: "Grandpa! I'm home!"

Yugi: "Welcome back, Mina! How was the shopping?"

Mina: "The mall's toast. Someone quaked it."

Yugi: "Really? Guess the weird stuff runs in the family, huh?"

Mina: "Yeah."

Yugi: "Oh yeah, there's some mail from you."

Mina: "Really? Let me see."

-Mina opens the letter.-

"To Miss Mina Moto: This letter is to inform you that you've been invited to a tournament to be held thoughout Domino City. This may sound all too familiar from hearing it from your grandfather. Just come by Domino Square on Saturday at 2:00.

-Akira Kaiba"

Mina: "Who's Akira Kaiba?"

Yugi: "Must be Seto Kaiba's grandson."

Mina: "You mean the grandson of that one guy you said was ignorant?"

Yugi: "Don't tell him I said that."

Mina: "What should I do?"

Yugi: "Go, of course! I was once in your shoes. You should go!"

Mina: "I guess you're right."

-Cooking timer dings.-

Yugi: "Oh! I guess dinner's ready."

Mina: "What's for tonight?"

Yugi: "Spaghetti."

Mina: "Sounds nice! Let's dig in!"

-Mina runs to the kitchen.-

Yugi: "Wait! It still needs to cool down!"

-Yugi runs to the kitchen.-


- The Next Day... -


Akira: "Welcome everyone to the 2nd Battle City Tournament! This tournament is just a special tournament for all the desendants of the people involved in the last Battle City Tournament. There's no stake here. Attached to each of your brand new Duel Discs is one Locator. When you gather all six, you'll find the location of the finals. You've probably heard this from your grandparents, so I'll stop speaking. Now, go get your Duel Discs and get this tournament on the road!"

Mina: *I wonder is anyone else was invited...*

-Kiyobi walks in.-

Kiyobi: "Sheesh, what's all the commotion about?"

Mina: "Hey! Kiyobi!"

Kiyobi: "Hey Mina! What are you doing here?"

Mina: "There's this tournament happening around Domino City. You got invited?"

Kiyobi: "Never heard about it..."

Mina: "Then why are you here?"

Kiyobi: "I'm always here on Saturday afternoons."

Mina: "Oh yeah..."

Kiyobi: "Anyone else got invited?"

Mina: "I'm not sure."

-Sherry runs in.-

Sherry: "Here I am! Where's the tournament?"

Mina: "You're in this too?"

Sherry: "Yeah."

Mina: "The guy said to go get a Duel Disc somewhere..."

Sherry: "Any clue?"

Kiyobi: "Maybe it's that crowded shop right over there?"

Mina: "Oh great... a long line."

Sherry: "Well, let's get over there before the line gets bigger!"

Kiyobi: "Well, see you girls around."

Mina: "Bye!"

Sherry: "See ya."

Kiyobi: *Who was that guy? (flashback to the mall attack) What does he want? Who is he? I need answers.*


Meanwhile at the Dragon Hearts HQ...


Meet the main characters of Dragon Hearts:

Master of the Hearts: Devin O' Bryan

Supervisor: Kamik Shigureo

Duelist: Gary Ratchet

Duelist: Rina Tarione


Devin: "Kamik, did they get the message?"

Kamik: "I didn't know that mysterious shadowy cloaking thingy would fool them!"

Devin: "Did it work?"

Kamik: "Yes sir."

Devin: "Excellent. Gary, Rina! Come here!"

-Gary and Rina arrive.-

Gary: "What do you need, master?"

Devin: "We've shaken the people. They know we're here now!"

Rina: "Nice. What did you call us for?"

Devin: "There's a new tournament in Domino City. I want you and Gary to go in and destroy the competition."

Gary: "Yes sir."

Rina: "We'll be there right away."

-Gary and Rina exit.-

Devin: "They'll never escape the wrath... of THE DRAGON HEARTS! (Evil laughter)"

Kamik: "Uh... sir?"

Devin: "What? Don't you see I'm doing my evil laugh?"

Kamik: "Well... what am I supposed to do?"

Devin: "Good point..."

Kamik: ...

Devin: "Join Gary and Rina in the tournament. And give them these..."

-Devin hands Kamik 3 mysterious Duel Monsters cards.-

Kamik: "Yes sir. I will not fail you."

Devin: "Go on, leave me alone now. (Evil laughter)"

-Kamik leaves, evil laughter continues.-

Devin: (cough cough) "Ack! I need water!" (gagging)

-a Servant rushes in.-

Servant: "Here you go sir."

Devin: (Chugs water) "Thank you, humble servant."

Sevrant: "You're welcome."

-Servant leaves, Devin starts his laugh...-

Devin: "... ah screw it."


What will happen in the tournament? Who are the Dragon Hearts? What do they want? The story's just beginning. Stay tuned for future episodes of Yugioh 2-Gen!


On the next episode of 2-Gen:

As Mina and Sherry compete in the tournament, they are blind of the actual danger they're in. Akira is also unaware of this evil organization. As time goes on, more and more tournament participants disappear. Will Mina, Sherry, and Akira find out? Will Kiyobi unveil the Dragon Hearts' plan?

All this and more in the next episode: Heartbroken!