Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Wands & Demons ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter (mind still drawing a blank on remarks, leave some in reviews if you have any)

Harry was more anxious then he had ever been in his life but he knew his part in the plan, he was the `receiver' as Algernon put it. He went over the plan in his mind again to calm his nerves, it was simple yet it had little margin for error, Harry would sit in the middle of the room when the Death Eaters brought food (a door appeared on the left wall) they would see Harry but Ron Hermione and Algernon would be standing against the wall and not be in their direct line of sight with those masks impairing their vision. Then Algernon would use a choke wire (she kept it around her own neck and passed it off as a necklace when they took her weapons and tools) to grab the first one when all 3 Death Eaters filed into the room. The Death Eater would probably draw his wand out of reflex, but because of the choke wire, they would be unable to move and Algernon would grab his wand and toss it to Harry who would stun the other to, who would of been disabled by Ron and Hermione in some way. Then they would pickup the Death Eaters wands and blast their way out of the house.

Harry wasn't all to reassured about this because even if they managed to get out of the house where would they go, because according to Algernon, the portkey had transported them to the east coast of America and how they were going to bet back to Britain much less the Order of the Phoenix was beyond him. But his thoughts about getting back home were scattered by the sound of grinding stone, Harry's head snapped to the left wall and he saw a door forming out of the stones in the center of the wall, Algernon ran to the left side of the door while Ron and Hermione flattened themselves against the right side wall. Harry turned his attention to the door that swung open slowly to reveal three Death Eaters walking in with their wands held tightly in their hands. They completely missed the other three as they walked right into the room but before they could do anything Algernon jumped one from behind and tighten the choke wire around his neck, his hand went reflectively up to the wire to loosen it and Algernon grabbed his wand and threw it to Harry who promptly stunned the remaining Death Eaters who were being beaten up by Ron & Hermione. They slumped to the floor and Algernon let the now unconscious Death Eater flop to the floor, she then turned without a backwards glance to the door and they all finally got out of the room.

Outside the cell they found a table where a assortment of knives and twisted pieces of wire were laid out, Harry even saw a scimitar is a leather sleeve, but Algernon walked up to the table with a look of pure relief on her face and said "yes, they didn't throw away my stuff, and this was expensive" she held up the scimitar examined it and attached it to her waist. She began picking up all of the knives and wire and placing it in concealed places in her clothing like up her sleeves, in her boots, she even put a wire against her upper lip so that it fit comfortably against her gum line. Then Hermione said, "Harry look it's our wands, over on the end". Harry looked away from Algernon's restocking escapade and to the end of the table and found all three of their wands neatly set next to each other at the end of the table he walked over and grabbed his wand and tossed the other two back to Ron & Hermione. He looked back over at Algernon who had cleared the entire table and hidden the tools and weapons wherever they were supposed to go, then she pulled a black mask out of one of her pockets and pulled it over her head so the only part of her skin you could see was a bit around her eyes, her braid came out a hole in the back of the mask, she shook her head slightly then turned to them and said quietly "lets blow this pop stand". And she crept silently from the room with Harry, Ron, & Hermione following as quietly as they could.

They walked up a flight of dark stairs before they reached a long dark hallway that branched out into several rooms, Algernon was moving very slowly carefully looking over everything before she moved forward. They passed two unoccupied door-less rooms before they came to a third room where a faint light peaked through a crack under the door. Algernon held up her hand for them to stop and they held their breath while she cautiously approached the door and stood besides it standing completely still listening intently. Harry had about all the suspense he could take with them moving so slowly down the hallway expecting to see 20 Death Eaters burst through a door and kill them with one breath but he knew that Algernon knew what she was doing so he hoped that his patience would hold out until they got out of the house. Then Algernon stepped back quickly from the door and said hurriedly and quietly "there is about 15 people in their and their going to check and see if there is any trouble down in our cell go back to one of the rooms now" and they all walked as quickly as they could back to the nearest empty room and hid themselves in the shadows.

As soon as they got in about 10 Death Eaters walked out of the room and clomped down the hallway and down the stairs talking to each other and Harry caught a bit of "I wonder why the Dark Lord is keeping that muggle around-" before the voices died Harry sighed heavily out of relief, but apparently one of the Death Eaters heard his sigh and backed tracked to investigate he took one glance in the room and yelled "THE PRIZNERS HAVE ESCAPED, THE PRIZNERS HAVE ESCAPED, COME UP TO THE RIGHT ROOM NOW. The Death Eater pulled out his wand but didn't get to far because Algernon had pulled out her scimitar and swiftly decapitated him, then she pulled a small tablet out of nowhere and threw it into the hallway and it promptly filled with black smoke so that the other Death Eaters wouldn't be able to get back into the room. Harry stood paralyzed at the decapitated figure in front of him, he felt slightly sick as the blood gushed from the neck and stained the hardwood floor red, but Algernon seemed not to be affected by the blood the slightest, she was still watching the doorway in case a Death Eater made it into the room through the smoke. Then she turned around, her scimitar was still clenched in her hand and was slowly dripping blood on the floor, and she said rather angrily "no point in stealth now do you know a spell that can blast us out of here" and Harry was snapped out of his thoughts to the task at hand he pointed his wand at the far wall and yelled "Ruducto" and the wall now had a large hole in it that lead to the outside.

They ran forward and saw that the hole lead to the outside only they were about 10 ft above the ground, Algernon took no notice and jumped down and landed catlike on the ground. Then she stood up and looked up at them and yelled "what are you waiting for get down, then head for the forest to the left, look for a black jeep" and she started taking a number of small cork sized objects from a hidden pocket. Harry didn't need telling twice and he jumped down and landed hard on his feet and fell over onto his but, then Ron jumped and landed in similar fashion to his left, then Hermione landed down and fell over on top of him. They picked themselves up and Algernon pushed a button on the corks and started throwing them into the hole they made, then they all ran full tilt towards the woods. They were about 20 ft from the woods when a defying explosion reverberated around them and the house exploded in flames and sent pieces of wood and metal flying in all directions. One of them his Ron in the head and knocked him out cold, but Algernon bent down and picked him and lifted him over her shoulder and resumed their run for the woods. They got about 15 yards into the woods before they came upon a black jeep tracker with the top down, Algernon threw Ron unceremoniously into the back of the car and the all piled in with Hermione in the back with Ron and Harry in the passengers side and Algernon in the drivers seat, she swiftly took keys out from under the seat of the car, started it up, and pulled out onto a uneven dirt road with the burning house still faintly visible behind them.

That was longer then expected

Will update soon, R&R please (I need to see if I am crappy or not)