Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two

My brother was lagging behind again but I couldn't really yell at him or anything. We were both dead tired. We'd been traveling all over Tokyo for at least two days now and we were about to hit a rather demon infested area.

I was trying to find a sanctuary of some kind so we could rest. I knew there was one around because with my miko powers I could feel the protection spells around it.

Ever since demons had started to reappear Mikos and witches of any power also came out of hiding. There were even some monks that actually still followed the old ways. They set up protected buildings all over. They were places that demons couldn't sense.

Ever since then, I had started to stay in my time more often to protect my family. Inuyasha didn't understand and still tried to keep in his time. That ideal though went down the drain though.

Barely three weeks into the reappearance of demons, our shrine was attack and the well destroyed. I would never be able to see my friends again nor would I be able to complete the Shikon no Tama. I had half of it and if I calculated right Naraku still had the other half. I just hoped that my friends could destroy Naraku before they were killed.

Suddenly I was brought out of my musings at my brother's terrified whimpered.

"Damnation," I cursed as I realized that we had been surrounded by several demons.

They leered and smirked and cackled at us as I drew my bow and placed myself between the demons and my brother.

"Stupid Human," sneered a low level lizard demon.

I said nothing as I leveled my bow at him with an arrow taunt on the string. Without even glancing I at my brother I said, "Go and run until you find that sanctuary and get help."

I said all this in a secret language that my brother and I had devised when we were younger. I was surprised I even remembered anything of it.

I felt his confirmation, as he understood what I was saying. The demons all laughed at my brother as he took off.

One of them tried to lunge for him but before he could get one foot in front of the other I purified his ass to kingdom come. That was when they all took me seriously.

I made two of them dust in the wind before my bow was knocked out of my hands. Against my own will, I let out a piecing scream as one of them stuck its clawed hand into my shoulder.

I was trying to place where all the energy was coming from but before I could a young boy suddenly ran into me. He couldn't be older than nine or ten. He had dirty black hair and clear brown eyes. It was his eyes that warned me. He had such a deep terror in them that I almost knew what he wanted.

"Please," he whimpered in fear and desperation, "Help my sister. We were ambushed and she stayed behind so I could get away. Please sir, help us."

I motioned for one the guards to take the boy inside and as a piercing scream filled the air, the boy feinted from exhaustion. I looked at him with a moment's pity before I gave a command out to the guards, "Get inside and make sure no one goes comes in and no one goes out, until I get back."

They nodded in understanding and I took off. Even from here I could hear the battle sounds of someone desperately fighting to stay alive.

After a few moments, I came across a raven-haired girl trying to stave off a couple demons. Their ashes all over the ground and for a moment I wondered what from.

Then I gathered my spirit energy and cried, "SHOT GUN!" The demons in front of the girl fell down as they died. Without the weight of the demons holding her down she moved with a quickness that surprised me. She grabbed her bow and instantly put an arrow against the string.

She aimed for my head and simply said, "Duck."

Trusting what she said I ducked and with amazing precision killed a demon that had tried to sneak up behind me. To my amazement all that was left of the demon was ash.

Then to my further amazement she aimed an arrow at my heart, as she demanded coldly, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't fry your ass, demon."

My eyes widened slightly as she said this. As far as I knew no one could tell I was a demon unless I transformed and I hadn't since the day Keiko died.

"I just saved your ass girl and if you don't put that weapon down your going to injure yourself further," I answered as I looked pointedly at her bloody shoulder.

She shrugged as she lowered her weapon and I immediately noticed the tired and worn out look she gave me. With in her young face were eyes that spoke of wisdom beyond her years.

"Are you the sister of a young boy with black hair, brown eyes and looks as if he'd seen the very depths of hell?"

She nodded wearily.

"Good. He's safe. He just passed out and it looks as if you're about there yourself."

She looked at me with a weary glance as she moved forward. She didn't move but three steps before she collapsed. I quickly picked her up as we made our way to the sanctuary.