Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hands of fate ❯ I'm back ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter eight
“Yusuke,” warned a raven haired girl as she walked towards school, her normally radiant eyes were a bit wearier from her time in the past, but nothing else showed on her face. Running swiftly to catch him she allowed her eyes to narrow at the boy ahead of her.
“You were trying to skip school weren't you?” she more stated than asked, the thought of what Keiko said on her mind.
“Feh, so what if I am! What are you going to do?” Kagome simply smiled at him and grabbed his ear while dragging him towards the school.
“Hey Kagome,” began Yusuke as he gave up any attempts to escape and just walked beside her, slightly bent due to the hand on his precious ear.
“Yes Yusuke?” questioned Kagome as she let go of Yusuke's ear and allowed him to straighten. If this was some idea to get away he would be in so much trouble when she caught her.
“Do you know what happened to Jin?” At the question Kagome's eyes widened slightly and her entire attention became focused on him.
“No,” she whispered as fear began to clog her mind and thoughts started to run through her head of some of the most terrible scenes. What if he was hurt? Did Touya catch him?
“Just wondering, haven't seen you since he disappeared, we were just thinking that you two had…”
“Do not finish that sentence detective,” threatened a voice to Kagome's rights. Hiei stood tall (well maybe not exactly tall) and proud his hand placed firmly at the sword on his side.
“Guardian,” began Hiei again as he stared coldly into Kagome's wide eyes, “they have taken another.”
“Nani?” questioned both Yusuke and Kagome at the same time. She looked intently at Hiei before she was forced to her knees at all of the images that suddenly overpowered her.
Jin was gone. They had taken him. Yes, she saw it clearly as her eyes began to water, she had not gone after him like she should have and he had paid. She would probably never see him again. And it was that thought that sent unbidden tears to her eyes.
Suddenly another image was caught in her mind. A red headed human with much spiritual energy, he to had been abducted by this evil creature. Kuwabara. She had doomed him to.
“Kagome!” called voices around her as she felt herself sink deep within a shell. They wanted her to get up, the voices. They told her to return, but to what. What was there to return to without him? She sunk deeper and deeper into her shell and absentmindedly felt two strong arms wrap around her and pull her towards a strong chest.
Soon she felt wind rush against her and salty water hit her face. Whoever had taken her had placed her on a bed, it wasn't the comfiest, but it was still a bed.
“Kagome, you have to come back,” whispered a voice, but she didn't care, he would die. Jin would die because of her; because she was the guardian of the Shikon no Tama. All of them would die; simply from her existence.
How she hated the jewel at that moment, she hated it with a passion. She had never hated anything before. Not even Naraku, she felt sorry for him yes, but never hate. What was happening to her? Why did she suddenly have the urge to find him, the pervert that had caused her to weaken at the knees when she looked into his eyes?
“Kagome,” whispered the voice again, it was more forceful than the other, and it held much sadness also. Yes, almost as much sadness as her, that is almost.
“Kagome, please wake up!” called another voice. Why did they all want her to come out, out into the world that had taken him? The world that had hurt her time after time.
“Kagome, how can you rescue Jin if you can not save yourself?” whispered a soft deep voice. It sounded familiar. Wait, it had said Jin, to save Jin. How could she save Jin? Did he even want her to save him after what she had done? After she had doomed him.
“Save yourself?” the words echoed hauntingly in her mind as she allowed sapphire blue eyes to open, only instead of the bright cheerful ones from before, these burned with power, the power of something deep within her. Something that seemed to swell and fill her soul, her partial soul.
Raising her head slightly she heard a gasped shock, she didn't know why. Maybe they thought she would be weak, but she had promised herself not to be weak, ever again. However when she breathed in she felt a sharp pain in her heart. She knew that smell and that look. She had given it countless number of times to InuYasha, although she never expected it to be directed at her.
“You're a Youkai!” whispered a red headed Kitsune spirit, Kurama. Golden eyes began to gently meld in with the green creating a turbulent storm within his eyes, and for once she was able to see the war that raged within the young man's mind. Two souls pitted against each other in a battle for control, friends yet foe, youth against elder, Human vs. Youkai. It seemed so similar, so connected; one meant to kill youkai and one a thief, all melted into one body. The man in front of her was almost an exact replica of the shikon no tama in the form of a man.
Standing slowly, Kagome ignored the gasps of surprise as she moved towards Kurama, her black hair swishing slightly at every step. Gently placing a soft yet callused hand on the man in front of her, she allowed the sadness to show in her eyes and allowed a small sad smile at the confusion in both the gold and the green.
“So alike, yet so different,” she whispered as she stared in a confused manner at him, captivating his eyes in hers. “So much sadness, but then again sadness is always their.” Releasing her hand from his face she dropped her gaze as a thought crossed her mind, one that had haunted her since it had been done. Moving gracefully away she sat back on the bed she had been laid on with downcast eyes and prepared for the burst of question and the angry shouts she was sure would come, only to find none.
Looking up again she realized that they were all frozen solid and she felt her miko powers began to want out, an evil was here, and it wanted something. It wanted her. For some reason the ki felt familiar, almost as though she had felt it a lifetime away… a life time away.
“What are you?” questioned Yusuke as he looked at the person he thought was his friend who had turned out to be the one they were supposed to hunt. The youkai that had stolen the heart of their friend and had yet to realize it.
“I am many… I am like the night and the day, both a miko and demon. I am the light in the darkness as well as the darkness that surrounds the light. I am forbidden yet required. I am the known as many names: Miko, bitch, wench, and other things, but I am mostly known as one. I am Kagome, the miko of demons.”
A soft clap echoed through the room and every head turned towards it to see a figure. Black covering it's entire body with small ribbons of red protruding from a golden pendent that lie on it's chest. The ribbons twirled in twisted arrays around the figures limbs in loose circles making him seemed enclosed in a semi-transparent cocoon of beauty. Reddish-orange hair leaked from underneath the dark hood as malice filled blue eyes peered coldly at the occupants of the room.
Beside the figure stood another, slightly larger in frame, the other held beery black eyes that seemed to cut off the world around him. He too wore all black except for a golden pendent that was located on his chest, and like the other it too spurt forth a ribbon. However, this ribbon was dark blue in color and seemed to radiate death from all around.
“How sweet, I think I'm going to get cavities,” stated the one with the red ribbon, his eyes burning with unbridled anger and hatred. His voice was hinted with an Irish accent and his words were quick, almost unrecognizable… Jin
“What do you thank we should do with them captain?” asked the one in blue. The voice was deep, but held no emotion. His eyes traveled to all of the group members before stopping at a short demon's eyes.
“You be knowing our mission baka so keep stickin' with it,” he replied back, his eyes locking onto the ice apparition's frozen blue ones.
“Kuwabara?” asked Yusuke, his eyes wide in disbelief as he stared at the man before him who had hours before been his best friend. To his amazement though, the man did not respond, almost as though he were in his on little world.
“Jin, is that you?” question Touya as he began to move towards his best friend. He had never expected to see him once more, after the capture. He had looked everywhere and had only stopped when he felt Kagome return.
“I've had enough of this chit chat, lets get on with this,” spoke Jin, his hand moving faster than the eye could see to a sword at his side which he pulled readily out to face his “enemy.”
“Jin, please don't do this,” begged Kagome as she fell to her knees. She had seen the look in his eye before, but not from him. Kohaku had the same look in his eye whenever he was being controlled by Naraku. She now knew exactly how Sango felt, and had to force herself to keep from crying.
“What's wrong Kagome? Didn't you miss me? Or have you been busy while I was gone?” His words stung at her heart. When she had heard the news she had fallen into despair, and now when she got the chance to see him once more, he accused her of being a whore. She new if this kept up she would release the tears that threatened to fall at any given moment.
“Hey leave her alone, I don't know what has gotten into you or what but you can't blame her for this!” Yusuke yelled as he glared coldly at his demon partner that his friend had fallen for.
The words, however, fell on deafened ears as he began to attack with his sword. Kagome only had a moment to register what was going on around her before moving aside at the last moment causing a deep scratch to rip her arm.
“Kag, get out of here!” yelled Kurama as he to began to fight off the two enemies. Kagome, about to refuse, discovered quickly that the only way to help her friends was blocked by a thick layer of ice curtsy of Touya.
Kagome, in the moment of panic began to bang on the walls of ice only to find them unbreakable. Giving up hope she began to cry and felt the hot tears stream down her cheek as hiccup followed hiccup.
Clasping her hands around the broken jewel on her neck, she allowed an idea to pass through her head as she began to whisper the incantation she had learned years ago.
“Ashnouga bendagan fewishno thrimpel, thrimpola felinimps to moun theof soon. Send rain, send fire, send winds of light, I call upon the elements of ancient times. In fear for my love, I make a sacrafice, to the gods above, I give my life!”
“NO!” screamed Kurama, as he was the closest to hear her words. And he had heard those words before, they brought destruction and pain down upon the caster of the spell wished it to, but their was a price, whosoever cast the spell would die, and their souls ripped away to forever be locked away within the confines of hell, never to see day again.
A purplish gleam began to surround Kagome as she continued praying, it was an intoxicating sight, the ice around them sparkled with mirth and the room they had entered shone in beauty. The yellow colored walls that had before been dull and boring now held a life that seemed to come from all around. And the window, frozen over with ice even though it was still midday allowed the tiny pelts of rain drops to smash violently against the glass.
“It is not your time,” whispered a voice as Kagome felt herself flung at a wall and out of the way of the spiraling winds now laced with blue and pink and purple. Black hair caught her vision as a piercing scream broke at her ear; it was a horrible sound of pain and sadness, of death and torture, a sound of angst that tore at the hearts of all within the area. Only when the lights somewhat disappeared did she realize that it was her.
“Kikyo,” Kagome whispered before black to her vision, no one outside of Jin, the darkened wind master heard the sound that floated aimlessly through his mind, whispering wisps of memory to his frozen heart.
………………………&# 8230;……….
“Kagome!” screamed Touya as he saw his friend fall to the ground. About to let his ice shield down, he noticed Hiei burning a hole through the frozen arena and scooping the girl up. Whispering a thankful sigh he began his fight once more with the demon that had after time become his best friend.
“You'll be a learnin' to keep better an eye on that one, the wind around the lassie's quite nice it is.” Jin spoke softly, but loud enough to easily be heard by Touya as he evaded attack after attack.
“Stay away from her if you know what's good, if you hurt her I swear…”
“You be a swearin' what? Oh, I see, you gone and fallen in love with her, and poor little you don't know what to do?” Jin proclaimed, a smirk marring his once handsome face, which now shone with only malice and evil.
“Leave her alone, haven't you hurt her enough?”
“Not if she be the one you's been courtin'. Why kill you when I can torture you just as easy?”
“Let's go Jin, I've got one,” interrupted Kuwabara, his eyes shining in malice as he held up Yusuke's limp body.
“No, Yusuke,” whispered Kurama as he tried to stand, his arms and legs bloodied all over, and a hole through his ankle where Kuwabara had gotten him.
“Well, that was a wiggle but I need to be a leavin' now. Toodles,” he said as he ran straight at the window and with one punch broke it and allowed room for Kuwabara and Yusuke's body to fit through.
Falling to his knees Touya stared in shock at where his friends had just kidnapped another.
“Jin, how could I? How could I let you slip once again through my fingers?” Touya asked, his eyes down cast as one small crystal like tear fell to the ground with a small clunk that echoed around the room.
“We'll get them back Touya, I promise,” whispered Kurama as he lay against the frozen wall, suppressing a shiver at the thought of how in the world they would pull off this one.
………………………&# 8230;…………
Well, how'd you like it? Sorry I haven't updated as soon as I would like. Well, tell me if it's good. Oh and what do you think will happen next? Also, I'm not sure if I'm making Jin's speech Irish or some strange German-ish Hillbilly mix. So review please and I'll try to update soon.