Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Startled ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: Well, I suppose its time to reply to all of your reviews, actually I'll do that at the end since I'm at school…

Last time:

"Who are you all?" Enma rumbled, setting everyone trembling.

Chapter 16- Startled

"Yusuke Urameshi," Yusuke replied defiantly.

"Kazuma Kuwabara," Kuwabara squeaked.

"Hiei," Hiei's voice remained neutral.

"Shuiichi Minamino otherwise known as Kurama." Ever the diplomat, Kurama's voice was polite by strictly business.

"Kagome Higurashi," Kagome whispered. Enma shifted slightly and changed into another form, a smaller one.

"Higurashi, so you're a miko?" Kagome stared at her feet; her voice remained soft and quiet.

"Yes sir."

"Odd company for a miko, two demons one rejected by his own kind and an equivalent of a hanyou. But you are quite well known for your odd tastes." Kagome's head shot up; acting quickly Enma held her chin so that she couldn't look down.

"You are her then. The miko in the prophecy." Kagome's face showed her nervousness.

"One that once was, shall be again,

A traveler,

She shall change history.

An evil once defeated

Shall rise again.

A demonic company

Will always follow her

Life follows their path

Along with Death that her burden carries

Present and past

Shall be saved by one

Miko." Silence followed the prophecy. Kagome was trembling under Enma's gaze, when he let go she collapsed.

"Who do they represent Kagome?" Enma boomed. Kagome trembled even more. Her voice was quaking, so that what escaped her lips was unintelligible.

"I believe you're scaring her father," Koenma and Botan were trembling slightly as well. Kagome turned to see for the first time, Koenma… she burst out laughing despite her previous state. A sweat drop appeared on Koenma's forehead.

"So you noticed the toddler?" Yusuke asked. Kagome shook her head.

"M…My..oga," she said in between laughs.

"This would be easier to understand if we knew who Myoga was," Kuwabara muttered. Kagome's laughter subsided; her face was once again grim.

"That," she began, "will be impossible. Myoga-jiji died." There was silence.

"Who shadows them Kagome?" Enma asked, quieter this time. "Be specific."

"Inu Yasha shadows Kurama, Miroku shadows Kuwabara, Sango shadows Yusuke, Shippo and Sesshoumaru shadow Hiei, Kirara shadows Botan and as I said Myoga shadows your son." Koenma looked at Kagome and introduced himself.

"I'm Enma Jr. but most people call me Koenma."

Enma changed his main focus from Kagome to the Reikai Tantei. Hiei was the first one to catch his eye.

"Fate has been kind to you, forbidden child." If Hiei had been a dog, his hackles would have been raised. Yusuke and Kurama prepared to come to their friend's defense, even if it meant going against the ruler of Reikai.

"It has been Enma-sama" Hiei replied coldly.

"How long do you think it will be before you destroy yourself?"

"Never if I can help it," Hiei said calmly as if they were discussing the weather. But deep down there were hidden daggers in the conversation.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yusuke demanded. Enma's eyes flickered to Yusuke.

"You're the current spirit detective," he stated. Yusuke's mouth was set in a grim line.

"You see, your friend is a fire and ice apparition. He was thrown off of Koorime Island when they realized what he was. He survived the fall to Makai, but the fire and ice in his blood will destroy each other." Enma whirled around to stare at Kagome once again.

"You have the worst luck when choosing your comrades. They all disappear at a point."

"SHUT UP!" Kagome's powers flared again. They swirled around her, like she was the eye of a hurricane. The winds blew faster and faster. Kagome stood up; her eyes were a raging blue.

"Kagome! Stop!" Kurama shouted, but it wasn't his voice. An amber (not gold, amber) tint had entered his eyes.

"Don't, even if it means death, don't do this, you'll kill yourself." The winds died down and Kagome stood a picture of loss and hopelessness.

"Inu Yasha," she whispered before her eyes closed and she fell.


When Kagome awoke, the first thing she saw was Souta.

"Souta?" she asked. She sat up suddenly and everything became a blaze of colours.

"You have a knack of overextending yourself." Kagome turned her head to see Genkai, beside her was her mother and grandfather. Kagome grimaced at the thought of how he'd reacted upon seeing Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei.

"You should have warned us," Hiei grumbled, as he entered the room.

"He's a demon Kagome! What did I tell you about demons!" Grandfather yelled.

"Next to nothing," Kagome replied. Grandfather went into a ranting mode.
Finally, tired of the entire argument; Genkai kicked Grandfather in the head.

"Shut up, you make Yusuke seem quiet."

"Speaking of which, where is he?" Kagome asked.

"On a date with Keiko. Why didn't you ever date Hojo? He's such a nice guy!" Grandfather answered. Kagome rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"He was naïve, the only reason you liked him was because of the health items he brought for my 'aliments'."

"Hey Kagome! Hiei-sensei and Genkai-sensei have been teaching me!" Souta's sudden change of the subject was welcomed.

"What have they been teaching you?" Kagome asked.

"Genkai-sensei's teaching me about the three worlds and some arcade tricks and Hiei-sensei's been teaching me swordsmanship," Souta's reply was eager. "Do you have anymore stories from your hunts?" Kagome smiled and began to tell them about Sesshoumaru's descendant.

"So Inu-onii-chan died?" Souta asked. Kagome nodded, her face sad, then it brightened.

"Souta, Ma, Grandfather, Genkai-san would you like to see what Sengoku Jidai's like?" Kagome offered. Souta's head bobbed up and down in his eagerness.

"That would be nice," Mother answered.

"It would be an interesting experience, and you old man?" Grandfather sat with a thoughtful expression for a while before nodding.

"Great! Now we just have to wait for Yusuke-kun!"


They were all standing at the bottom of the shrine stairs, looking at the shrine.

"Well, Hiei and I will see you at the top." In a flash Genkai and Hiei disappeared. The rest began the -for some- tedious climb. Only Kurama, Kagome, Souta and Mother weren't gasping for breath.

When every one had caught their breath, Kagome lead them to the well. She turned around to look at the group.

"I think that Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke and Kuwabara should be able to get through fine. Everyone else take a shard." They complied with Kagome's request. One by one, they jumped into the well, and were surrounded by light.


Another chapter done…93 reviews… THANKS ALL. Now review replies….

Dark Inu Fan- Actually, I don't know…I didn't decide what she would be wearing…later she'll be wearing something different though.

SunStar Kitsune- Huh? Yes Sessho will come in at a point, next chapter actually.

Shadow Vixen90- I know, would you like to check the commas and stuff? I have someone checking that everyone's not OOC but that's it.

Ss JK- I try to be original… sometimes.

- I did. It's right above the chapter title.

Shadow Fox777- Confusing in what way? I'll try to fix it, or I'll explain it.

Korokochan16- Shut up, I was in a car for Halloween *glares* missed Trick or Treating time…

Next Chapter: Sengoku Jidai