Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bachelorette SAJ ❯ The Lie Detector Test ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Howdy! I finally got the next chapter uploaded! Yeah! Well, thanks to all who read it, even if they didn't review, and even if they hated it!

I actually have a little bit to say! To Some guy who wandered in- If you're reading this, please review again! My sister can be REALLY scary, but PLEASE review again! Please! Please! Please! Please!

To Tenshi Bane- Where did you go?? I miss you! You were my first reviewer. Please upload the next chapter of King Of Games. Also, please review!

To the reviewers that reviewed last:

To my sister SAJ- How dare you scare of a reviewer!! He was nice!! Also, thanks for reviewing! ^_^

To Me, myself and Joey- Thanks for reviewing! Also, I think I added more chaos in this chapter, so tell me if that was enough chaos. Also, thanks for the idea with the rope and everything! Thanks for reviewing! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pepsi or any lie detector test of any kind. Though, I do own SAJ and TAB!


Chapter six: The Lie Detector Test

TAB: Welcome! Today SAJ will take each boy and ask them questions. . . With a lie detector test! I'm so evil and good!

Touya: I'm the one that came up with that.

TAB: Oh. . . Don't say that!

Touya: Oh. I'm sorry.

TAB: SAJ is getting the boys right now!

*Three hours later.*

SAJ, Marik, Yami Bakura, Bakura, Kuwbara, Yusuke, Duke, Yugi Yami Yugi, Kaiba, Kurama and Hiei, who's hiding behind Kurama:(Comes back with ice cream cones).

Kuwabara: Mmm. Food(Licks his ice cream cone).

Yami Bakura:(Pouting). I wasn't able torture that helpless mortal.

Marik: You're lucky! He went after me with a broom when I made fun of him!

Yusuke: That was pretty funny(Licks his ice cream cone).

Bakura: Well, you shouldn't have make fun of him.

Duke: You're too nice, Bakura.

Yami Bakura: Yeah, come to the dark side. . .

Yami Yugi:(Hits Yami Bakura over the head). Stop it.

Kurama: Are you sure I'm supposed to be here?

Hiei: Don't move!

Kurama: I'm walking, so it's kind of hard not to move.

Hiei: Don't let her see me!


Yugi: Tall! Tall! Tall! Big! Big! Big!

SAJ: Why did we have to walk?

Kaiba: I told you we should of took the limousine.

SAJ: Well, I didn't hear you!

Kaiba: Yeah, you did.

SAJ: No, I didn't!

TAB: SAJ! Why did you bring Kurama?

SAJ: Huh?

TAB: He isn't supposed to be here! We already know that he's going to the next round.

Kurama: Told you.

SAJ: So? He can just snack at the buffet.

TAB: Fine. . . Um, Duke, you're up first.

Duke: Okay(Walks over to the lie detector machine).

SAJ:(Walks over to where Duke is). Okay, I'm going to ask you a series of questions.

Duke: Okay.

SAJ:(Looks at a piece of paper that have all of the questions). Did you, or did you not, accuse someone of cheating at Duel Monsters?

Duke:? Yeah.

SAJ: Okay! Did you, or did you not, make some one swear that they wouldn't play Duel Monsters again if they lost Dungeon Dice Monsters to you?

Duke:? Sure. . .

SAJ: Did you, or did you not, put some one in a dog suit?

Duke:? Yeah. . .

SAJ: Did you, or did you not, make fun of. . .

Duke: Okay! These questions are to personal!

SAJ: Fine, I'll skip a few. Okay, Duke, do you, or do you not, have a group of cheerleaders follow you everywhere you go?

Duke: Uh, yeah.

SAJ: Do you or do you not. . .

Duke: That's it! I'm going to find out who did this!!(Glares at TAB).

TAB: I didn't!

Duke: Uh, then who did?(Walks off to seek and destroy who-ever did the questions).

TAB: Okay, next person is Kaiba.

Kaiba:(Reluctantly walks up to the lie detector test machine).

SAJ: Did you, or did you not, cheat in a duel?

Kaiba: What?

SAJ: That's what it says.

Kaiba: Uh, no, not really. . .

SAJ: Hmm. Well, anyway, did you, or did you not, make fun of Joey at Duelist Kingdom?

Kaiba: Uh, yeah. . .

SAJ: Did you, or did you not, hurt Grandpa, and made him go to a doctor?

Kaiba: That's it! Who-ever's doing these questions come out right now!

Everyone:(Doesn't move).

Kaiba: That's it I'm going to find this person!!!

SAJ: Fine. . . Next!!!

Touya: Yami Bakura, come up please.

Yami Bakura:(Walks over to the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay, did you, or did you not, make Grandpa unconscious.

Yami Bakura: Yep.

SAJ: Okay, are you, or are you not, after all seven millennium items to rule the world?

Yami Bakura: Who isn't?

SAJ: Um, have you, or have you not, lost many duels?

Yami Bakura: Gr. . . This person is dead!!(Runs off to find the person and send him to the Shadow Realm).

TAB: Next is, Marik!

Marik:(Walks over to the lie detector test grinning evilly).

SAJ: Okay, did you, or did you not, try and take the Millennium Puzzle?

Marik: Uh, yeah.

SAJ: Did you, or did you not, try and kill me and Joey?

Marik: Gotcha!! It's Yugi everyone!

Yugi:? How did you know?. . .

Marik: Simple, you said 'me' instead of Yugi.

Yugi: Drats. . (Drinks Pepsi). You know, you're kind of tall. I never noticed it before. . . Tall. . .

Duke, Yami Bakura and Kaiba: Get him!!(Runs after Yugi).

Yugi: Ek!(Runs off). TALL!

Marik: Hey! You can't have fun without me!!!(Runs after Yugi).

TAB: Next is Yusuke.

Yusuke:(Walks over to the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay, did you, or did you not, beat some one up?

Yusuke: Of course I did!

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, shot some one in the head with a Spirit Gun?

Yusuke: Duh!

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, liked a girl?

Yusuke: Uh. . . Yugi!!(Starts to chase Yugi with Yami Bakura, Marik, Kaiba and Duke).

SAJ: Uh, next!

Touya: Kuwabara.

Kuwabara:(Walks up to the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay! Have you, or have you not, liked another girl. . . Kuwabara?? Hey! Kuwabara!(Waves her hand in front of Kuwabara).

Kuwabara:(Falls down in his chair).

TAB: He fainted? Great!

Touya:(Gets Kuwabara out of the chair and takes him off).

SAJ: Uh, next!

TAB: Fine, um Bakura!

Bakura:(Walks up to the lie detector machine blushing).

SAJ: Okay, don't faint on me.

Bakura: I wont. . .(Blushes).

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, liked another girl?

Bakura: No.

SAJ: Yeah! You're the first one to answer that question!! Okay, next question. Do you, or do you not, have a crush on me?. . . Why did Yugi put this question in??

Bakura: Um. . . I do. . . .

SAJ: You must be. . . AHHH!! You're not lying!!

Bakura: Uh, is there something wrong??

SAJ: You have a crush on me!! Yeah!!!(Starts to dance around the room).



TAB: Next question.

SAJ: No more questions for him!(Pecks Bakura on the cheek).

Bakura:(Goes flaming red).

TAB: Next is. . .

Yugi: Ahh, the power of Pepsi!(Drinks more Pepsi).

SAJ:. . . Can I have some?

Yugi: Okay!(Swings down on a rope and hands SAJ a Pepsi(A/N: Thanks Me, myself and Joey for the idea!. . . Oh, for everyone out there, that's Me, Myself and Joey's idea).

SAJ:(Takes a swig of Pepsi). Yum. . .

TAB: Well, anyway next is. . .

Yami Bakura, Marik, Kaiba, Yusuke and Duke:(Run over TAB trying to get to Yugi).

Touya:(Sighs). Next is Yami Yugi!

Yami Yugi:(Walks over to the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay, are you, or are you not, a great Yami?

Yami Yugi: Uh, I hope. . .

SAJ: Have you, or have you not, saved the world from disaster many, many, many times?

Yami Yugi: I lost count.

SAJ: Have you. . . Ah, forget it! There's to many compliments on this paper! You're free to go.

Yami Yugi: Uh, okay.

Touya: Next is Hiei.

SAJ: Yeah!!!(Drinks more Pepsi).

Hiei:(Goes over to the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay! Have you, or have you not, killed some one by accident?

Hiei: No.

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, wounded some one by accident?

Hiei: No.

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, wounded some one on purpose?

Hiei: Of course!

SAJ: Uh, have you, or have you not, killed some one on purpose?

Hiei: Hn. Of course! I've killed many humans!

SAJ: Uh. . . Next!!!

Touya: Okay, the last one is Yugi.

Yugi:(Jumps on the seat near the lie detector machine).

SAJ: Okay, have you, or have you not, always been sweat?

Yugi: Of course!

SAJ: Okay, have you always. . . To many compliments. You're free to go!

TAB:(Slowly gets up). Wait!. . .

Yami Bakura, Marik, Duke, Kaiba and Yusuke:(Runs TAB over again to get to Yugi).

Touya: SAJ, you have to get rid of four boys.

SAJ: Really? Okay. . .

*Three hours later.*

Everyone:(Causing chaos).

SAJ: I know who to get rid of!

Everyone:(Stops causing chaos for a while and looks at her).

SAJ: Okay, I'm getting rid of Kuwabara, Duke, Yugi, and Yami Yugi!

Yami Yugi: It was nice seeing you again.

Yugi: Tall. . . Tall. . . . Tall. .. . Tall. . . . . Tall! Big. . . . Big! Big! Big! Big! Tall and big! Tall and big!(Sniff, sniff). That's the last time I'm going to be able to say that to you. . . . TALL!

Duke: Nice to meet you.

Kuwabara:(Is still asleep).

TAB:(Slowly gets up). Pick someone to go on a date with. . . .

SAJ: Okay!! Um, Yusuke!

Yusuke: Me? Really?

SAJ: Yep!

Touya: Okay, everyone but Yusuke, go home and wait for SAJ to come and get you. Yusuke, meet us here tomorrow at twelve.

Yusuke: Okay.

TAB: Till next time!


TAB: Thanks for reading it! It was a little longer then the last chapter, but it was still short. Man! I need longer chapters!

Well, thanks for reading it, and please review!

Also, thanks Me, myself and Joey and SAJ for reviewing!!!
