Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ (I Hate)Everything About You ❯ I Hate Everything ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~*~ = Story to Lyrics
*~* = Lyrics to Story
~~~ = Flashback
*** = End Flashback
" " = Speach
' ' = Thought
=== = Character change


Yuusuke layed in his bed, wide away. He hadn't slept in days, but it didn't bother him.
"Yuus, here." A familiar voice said.
"Thanks, Kazu." He said taking the joint from his friends hand.
He inhailed the substance and smiled. He wrapped his arm around his lover.
"Here, Chibi." He said passing it on.
"Yuus, you know I..." He started.
"Damn it Chibi! You can and that's why you came. Stop being a little bitch!" Yuusuke yelled.
Koenma looked hurt as his lover yelled at him. But he was right, that was why he came.
That and Yuusuke was around.
Koenma took the joint from Yuusuke and took his turn then passed it to Kazuma.

Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet

Later that night Koenma and Yuusuke retreated back to Yuusuke's room while Kazuma raided what was left of there `munchies`. Kazuma sat infront of the TV, which was off, and just stared as he ate the chips he had found.
He could clearly hear what was going on in his roomate's bedroom and knew he was going to be awake for a while.
Koenma screamed in pleasure each time Yuusuke took him. He love Yuusuke with all his heart, and hope Yuusuke loved him back.
But he knew he might not. He did still see Keiko.
Did he still love her? Or was she a cover for them?
As Yuusuke took Koenma he began to wonder why he still strung Keiko on.
He quickly left those thoughts as he felt his releace coming.
"Ko... Koenma!" He sighed out as he spilled his seed into the other.
"Y... Yuusuke!" He gasped at the same as his seed spilled onto the sheets under him.
The two collapsed and a moment later Yuusuke rolled of his other and embrassed him.
Koenma was almost asleep.
"Good night, Chibi." Yuusuke cooed.
"Night, Yuus." He said quietly as his eyes closed.
Just before Yuusuke fell asleep he relized that with everything he does, he's never missed Keiko.

Every roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don’t miss you yet

Only a few hours later he was awake again. Even his dreams were haunted by the reality of his feelings.
'I'll have to tell her. I can't let her and myself go on like this. It's not fair to Chibi either.'
He looked down at his smileing other. At least his dreams were sweet enough to make him smile.
'For Koenma, I shall tell her. For her sanity, I shall tell her.'
He lay silently, waiting for his lover to awaken.

Only when I stop to think about it

Koenma awoke and, as usual, saddly went back to his work as a godling.
Yuusuke found Kazuma passed out on the couch, a half drank beer and a bag of chips surrounded him as usual.
He took the oppertunity to go out and find Keiko. It was time she knew. Time he told.
Yuusuke wondered out of the house and managed to find Keiko on her way the library.
"Hey, Keiko!" Yuusuke called.
Keiko turned, her face didn't light up like it use to. It hadn't for a while actually. But she still wore her smile.
"Keiko, we need to talk."
She nodded, still smileing.
"Yuusuke, when are we going to go out again?" She asked quickly. "I feel... left out."
Yuusuke sighed, this would be harder then he thought.
"Keiko. We can't."
"What do you mean?"
"Keiko, I love someone else. We're too different."

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

Keiko's expression saddend.
'You knew it was comeing. You can't deny the inevitable.' She though to herself.
Keiko layed in her bed stareing at the ceiling.
"Keiko! Just back off! I'm going out, I'll be back later." Yuusuke's voice echoed in her mind.
The event played back as well. He had given her a hard enough shove to send her to the ground.
But that wasn't the first time he had done any of that.
'There has to be someone else. He can't possible still love me and treat me like this.'
But what made Keiko feel worse what that she was glad Yuusuke wasn't by her side right then.
She knew what she had to do.

Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet

"Your right Yuusuke. We are different. But I thought that's what made us work so well."
"Keiko, stop. My mind is made up. I thought about this for the past few nights. It's all we have left to do together.
"I've thought about it to Yuusuke!" She shouted. "We can try to mend this!"
"Keiko! It's time to stop thinking. It's over. There will be no mending." Yuusuke said annoyed.

Only when I stop to think about it

"Keiko, I'm sorry, but everything you do, everything you represent, I stand against. We conflict too much!"
"Fine! Coward! Just give up!" She shouted.
"This is why I've quit! I've never been good enough for you!"
"That's right! You haven't! I don't know why I fell for you in the first place!"
"I just relized, No one can ever be good enough for anyone who's -Self-centered-!" Yuusuke stressed the last word.
Keiko looked at him in shock.

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

Both lost them selves in though for a moment. The other had made a good point.
'Yuusuke had been a coward. He had waited to long to do this.' Keiko thought 'He's such an ass!'
'Keiko had always centered her self. She was always worried about her image.' Yuusuke thoughts raged. 'Even when I was in danger she always worried about her image.'

Only when I stop to think
About you, I know
Only when you stop to think
About me, do you know

"I hate you!" The two voices rang out.
"Everything you do!" Yuusuke shouted. "I hate it and I hate you!"
"That's fine, I realized that everything you stand for is foolish and I don't need you draging me down!"

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me

"I can't believe I ever loved you!" They cried in unison.
They parted on those terms.
'I hope Chibi's home when I get there.' Yuusuke thought. 'And Kazu got the stuff he was suppose too.'
"This day has been shit." He grumbled as he walked in the house.
"Yuus! It's about time you got here!" Kazuma said happily."The party can begin!"
He looked up to see his roomate holding a teal haired beauty. He scaned the semi-dark room and spotted Koenma waiting for him to join him and two others, a red-head and the other was dark and nearly impossible to see in the shadows.
"Snow, Fox, Flame, good to see you." He said taking a seat and scooping up Koenma.
Koenma leaned into him.
A few quiet conversations started as well as the drinking and smokeing.
But Yuusuke couldn't help but think of what he had done.
"Hey, Keiko!"
"I hate you!" He shouted with true, deep feelings.
He felt the girls spirits drop, but his did the same.

I hate

"I hate you!" She shouted, hers was just a deep rooted as his.
They offically hated each other.

You hate

"Everything you do!" Yuusuke shouted. "I hate it and I hate you!"
He reasured her of his statement. They were over. Done!
"Come on Yuus, have another." Hiei said handing him the joint.
"Yeah, thanks Flame." Yuusuke took it.
He no longer had to worry about her. She was gone from him.
"Flame, come here." Kurama called from the back room.
"Coming, Fox!" He replied.
"Snow, your up." Yuusuke said handing it off to Yukina.
"Thanks, Yuus." She took it and there night continued.

I hate

Keiko cried into her pillow.
"I'll miss you, Yuusuke. I still loved you. I was just angry." Her voice said quietly into the pillow.
'I'll always love you.' Her mind whispered to him, though he would never know.

You love me

But what she had said was true. She hated everything he believed in. She couldn't stand him.

I hate everything about you

"Why do I still love you, Yuusuke?! Why?!" She shouted, but no one could or would answer.
'I need to move on. This is rediculice.' She thought. 'In the morning, I'll move on.'

Why do I love you