Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Christmas For Hiei ❯ A little kissy face ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Four.

Kurama walked into his house being instantly greeted by his mother. "Is that you Shuichi?" She walked out the kitchen wiping out a pot. "Yes mother, how was work?" The youko asked. "Fine," She seemed distracted a bit. "Is something wrong?" Kurama asked looking at his mother's face when she wrapped him up into a hug.

"Oh no, nothing. I was just wondering if you remembered to lock the door when you left today?" Ms. Minamino asked. Kurama thought that to be a little strange. "Yes, I did."

"Oh," Was all she said bringing a hand up to her mouth looking in the direction of the stairway.

"Did something happen?" The youko asked. "It's just that when I got home I thought I had heard something in your room." This got Kurama's attention. "But when I went in there it was empty, I must have been hearing things..." She was saying while leaving the room.

'It must have been Hiei.' The youko thought then said to reassure his mother. "I'm sure it was nothing, though I did leave my window opened there's a good chance something could have fallen over."

"That's what I figured." His mother said from the kitchen. "Dinner will be done in a moment, so don't run off."

Kurama was already on his way upstairs, and when he entered his room the window was in fact sitting wide opened. 'So, Hiei was here.' The youko noted. "Still is." He heard the fire demons voice and when a breeze blew by the curtains moved revealing his tiny friend. Kurama couldn't help but conceal a smile that he was still there.

"Where were you all day?" Hiei asked coming through the window into the room. "I was out shopping with Yusuke and Kuwabara for-...."

"I know why, that's why I didn't ask." The fire demon sat himself on the bed watching the youko try to hide something in a plastic bag that he could only assume was something dealing with Christmas.

"....Pityful, you're putting too much stock into this ningen holiday, when you could be with me...." He caught himself at where he paused so he added. "...-training."

Kurama sighed a smile on his lips. "Yes, of course, training..." He walked across the room placing the bag with Hiei's gift inside on top of the shelf. While the youko's back was turned Hiei glanced down at his pocket that concealed the gift he had gotten for his friend. 'I could easily hide it somewhere in the room now, but Kurama has always been able to keep up with my speed he'll see me.' The fire demon bemused himself with the thought.

"Hiei?" The fire demon turned his attention to his friend. "We're having a Christmas party here when my family leaves tonight, I'd like for you to come?" Hiei looked as though he were thinking it over and seriously concidering it, but he so suddenly turned his nose up and looked away. "...Keh, I wouldn't waste my time or energy into some ningenkai ritual."

"Oh," Kurama said solemnly. A silence was in the room for a while. "Shuichi!?" His mother called upstairs and he turned his attention to the door. "Dinner!"

"I'll be right there mother!" Kurama called back then looked to where his friend had beem standing. "Gone, just as I had expected he would be." The youko walked out of his bedroom closing the door only slightly, before heading downstairs.

At Yusuke's house. He and Kuwabara are in the middle of wrapping their gifts in his bedroom. They're sitting on Yusuke's bed across from each other with their legs spread to either sides of the bed while the gifts rest between them.

"I'm telling you, misteltoe under the bow of a present is a good idea." Kuwabara was saying. The scratchy voiced male carefully snapped a piece of tape off the despencer and stuck it to his forehead to keep it someplace he could easily get it.

"A lot of good that will do if the person who gave you the gift isn't the one handin' it to you." Commented Yusuke, ripping a piece of tape off of Kuwabara's head. "Aow! Heey, not so fast, that tape isn't exactly weak." The red head complained. "You wanna rip my forehead off?" He put his hand to his head rubbing at the red where the tape had come off of.

Yusuke turned his face up and swatted his lovers hand away from his face. "Here, I'll get it." He stated leaning forwards, "Where does it hurt?" Looking at him he kissed the red head where the tape had come off of. "Come to think of it," Yusuke was saying. "with the way you look your whole face must hurt."

"Ohh come on, don't start I was-..." The spirit detective cut him off, putting his mouth over his giving him a deep kiss.

Kuwabara laughed mentally, raising his arms around his lovers back. 'It's about time I got some action from this relationship.' Yusuke knocked the gift wrapping materials to the floor and climbed on top of the red head.

Downstairs. The door bell rang and Atzuko who is sitting on the couch watching the, 'Chanome Girls' while smoking a cigarette and drinking something brown, looked over her shoulder for her son. "Yusuke!?" She called but there was no answer. "God that kid gets lazier as the days go by- Yusuke!?" She called again. When there was no answer she sighed looking towards the door shouting. "It's open!"

She returned her attention to the televison, as the door pushed open and Hiei walked in. Atzuko payed him no mind- in fact- she didn't even turn around to see who had been at the door. "Take the damn box stupid." She said to the tv. "Tch," Hiei scoffed to himself and looked to the stairway. Closing the front door he wandered up the staircase, down the hall and to Yusuke's bedroom.

'What are they doing in there?' He wondered then swung the door opened. "Aaah!!" The two jumped apart falling over the side of the bed. "Oh good you're both together, I don't have to make a second trip then." The fire demon said seeing the two pop their heads over the side of the bed. "Hiei, you dick!" Yusuke was shouting. "Can't you knock?!"

Hiei looked in at them with a sneer on his face. "What do you want anyway?" The spirit detective asked quite irritated, as he stepped around the side of the bed into the fire demons face. "I came to tell you, not to go to Kurama's house for this Christmas party thing, got it?!" He grumbled the last of his words. But Yusuke just cocked an eyebrow. "Is that right?" He crossed his arms. "What for? I mean without a good reason I don't see why I shouldn't go." The spirit detective taunted.

"I mean, Kurama was the one that invited us after all."

"Leave him alone, Urameshi." Kuwabara was saying as he put the materials back on the bed as they had them before.

"Huh?" He looked over his shoulder. "What for?"

"Just-...I don't know it's a hunch, we should just stay at home on Christmas anyway."

"You should listen to your ugly friend, Yusuke." Hiei remarked. "Not to make threats but it's better for your well being." He had a firestarters look in his eyes and Yusuke rolled his own. "All right, we won't go." He turned away placing his arms behind his head. "But you'd better have a damn good excuse for it." He added returning to his bed. "My business is my own." Leaning slightly the fire demon vanished.

"What a weird guy." Yusuke commented.

"Yeah, but at least he has good intentions." Kuwabara defended the fire demon. "Oh here's a switch, you sticking up for Hiei now?" Yusuke messed with a bow. "No it's not that, I just think that maybe he wants some private time with Kurama that's all." Yusuke cocked his head at his red headed lover then sighed. "I hope you're right, he could just leave Kurama sitting over there alone to prove some point."

Kuwabara just shook his head disagreeing with him. He wasn't sure what the feeling was entirely but he knew that it was important.

* * *

Darkness had fallen and Kurama was up late trying to think of what to put in Hiei's card. 'It's almost impossible to say what you feel, when you think it's going to be thrown back in your face.' He scribbled across the paper again and wrote over top of the scratched out word with the change.

'Who knows, maybe his decline to the party was just uncertainty.' He quietly looked the words over and sighed. 'This will never do....' He disapproved. 'Maybe I should just wait until morning, then maybe something will come to me.' Just as he turned out the lights his mother called him. "Shuichi, we're leaving honey come kiss your mother goodbye."

The youko got out of the bed, slipped his feet into his slippers and walked out of the room pulling on a robe. A shadow appeared at the window and two red eyes crossed the room into the light revealing the fire demon by Kurama's bedside. He looked the card over but couldn't read that many of the words, but he did though recognize his name. 'I have to give him words too!' Hiei mused. 'This moronic holiday will be the death of me, yet.'

Hearing the pound of foot steps he backed away from the bed, the door opened and Kurama stepped in climbing back into his bed. "I'll definitly finish you tomorrow." He stated, laying himself down while turning out the light beside the bed. When he got comfortable, he closed his eyes and drifted quickly to sleep.

Hiei relaxed himself in the window sill closing his eyes as well.