Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Anarchy- Book 1 ❯ Painful Truths ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Anime Anarchy- Book 1- Chapter 3: "Painful Truths"

By Ash (kb_girl3) and Matoko Shizaki

Disclaimer: FUNimation copyrights itself and YYH. Mei is copyright Kali 2002. Matoko, Jin, and Chaos are copyright Matoko Shizaki 2002. I think that covers it… Oh and, the representatives for the anime companies are completely fictional.

Notes: We haven't published something in a long time but now we get back to the chase!


Mei rubbed her weary eyes and yawned. A smile suddenly creased her sleepy face. `Oh man,' she thought. `Last night was fun. Do I really like Jin though?' The warm tingling sensation in her lips reminded her of last night's passionate kiss. `That kiss was nice…' Mei put a finger to her lips and her face turned bright red. `I don't know but it better not interfere with my obsession of Kuwabara- kun!' she thought, laughing. Matoko stirred in her sleep and Mei silenced her own laughter. `Better keep quiet. I don't want to wake up Matoko, especially since it's a Saturday!'

The blue haired girl turned her attention to the clock at her side. `Damn! It's only seven! Why it that I freaking get up earlier on weekends than on weekdays?' Then Mei remembered. `Today is the anniversary…' Mei ignored the protruding fact. Dead- set on not waking up her friend, Mei slunk to the closet and changed into a sleeve-less shirt and a pair of shorts. The curtains flapped in the breeze and Mei noticed that the window was already open. Silently, Mei slipped out onto the window ledge and into a nearby crab apple tree. Normally she'd sit on the window ledge but she wasn't at the orphanage anymore. Adjusting to her new thinking spot, Mei swung her right leg over the branch, her head resting on the cool, dew spotted trunk. There she continued her usual thoughts, losing herself in them.

The two boys tiptoed across the porch past Genkai's room where she was sleeping peacefully. Luckily, both boys were alive on account of Genkai not hearing about their tree-climbing incident. "Hey, Chaos?" Jin whispered as they slipped back into their own room. "What?" Chaos groaned wearily. "Can we go to the city?" "What about the old hag?" Jin removed his shirt and replaced it with a clean, green shirt. "Well, what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Besides, it's not like we're going to be causing trouble." Chaos flopped back down on his mat. "Why the hell would you want to go into the city anyway?!" Chaos whined. "I just want to get out." Jin replied with a sigh. "If you don't want to come you don't have to. We're not joined at the hip you know!" Chaos slammed his head down on the pillow hard. "Goodnight then!" Jin sweat dropped as his friend began snoring softly. "Surprised he didn't want to go babe watching. Oh well, might as well go see how Mei is doing."

The crunching of dead leaves at the foot of the tree disturbed Mei's concentration. "Are you okay up there?" The blue haired girl checked her watch before glaring down at Jin. "Why are you here? Are you trying to look up my shirt?!" Jin put his hands on his hips and scowled. "I'm not always a pervert you know!" Jin informed her. Mei ignored him and turned over on the branch. "Just leave me alone." Mei said with a groan. "Come on! I just wanted to know if you're okay!" "Why do you care so much about me? I'm just relaxing. Just go away and leave me alone!" Mei yelled bitterly. She turned away so that Jin wouldn't notice the silent tears streaming down her face. "What's up with you?!" Jin exclaimed, his temper rising steadily. "Every time I've seen you you've been so happy! Do you have PMS or something?!" This comment was replied by a crab apple bouncing off of Jin's forehead. "Shut up!" Mei screamed. Jin looked up and shielded his eyes from the bright morning sunlight. "Is it something you don't want to talk about?" he asked. "Can't you take a hint?!" Mei screamed leaping out of the tree. "Well, I just want to say that…" Mei ignored the navy blue haired boy and sped off down the street before he could continue. "…liked last night and wanted to do it again…" Jin finished under his breath.

Matoko suddenly sat up and looked around. "Hmm, Mei's out again. I wonder what's gotten into her now…?" Then it hit her. "Today's the anniversary…" Suddenly the clock diverted Matoko's attention. "Nine o'clock? Man, it's way too early to be up! Hope I'm not the only one awake at this hour…" Matoko yawned and threw the covers off of her self.

Yusuke was already sitting down at the table when Matoko sat down and pored herself a bowl of cereal. Matoko looked up and noticed Yusuke waving goodbye to someone. "Who was that?" she asked cautiously. "Oh, just Keiko." Yusuke replied casually. "Awwww…!" Matoko commented while batting her eyelashes. "Shut up! She just came over to say that she wanted everyone to get together again. At Genkai's this time. Oh, Keiko also wanted to know if we had seen that Jin guy. He's missing." Yusuke paused and looked around. "Hey, where did Mei go?" Matoko rolled her eyes and replied, "She must be out." Yusuke slammed his fists on the table. "Doing what so freaking early in the morning?!" Matoko shrugged. "I say the same thing. She just needs some time to herself I guess." Yusuke shrugged and cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. "Let's get going. Mei can catch up to us later, right?" Matoko nodded. "She'll be able to find us. We can just leave a note.

The sidewalks were littered with people this beautiful Saturday morning. Yusuke jammed his hands in his pockets and started up some conversation. "So, are you and Mei sisters?" Matoko shook her head. "No, just friends." "Do either of you have any siblings?" "Mei was going to have a younger sibling but I didn't work out that way." Yusuke blinked twice before he understood what Matoko was saying. "Well, what were your parents like then?" Yusuke chuckled and then added, "Hopefully nothing like my mom!" Matoko smiled at Yusuke's humor and replied, "I wish I knew." A frown appeared on her face. "Our parents, Mei's and mine that is, were killed in a horrible accident. We were very young and pretty soon all we had was each other." Yusuke frowned back. "I'm really sorry." Matoko smiled at Yusuke's apparent concern. "It's okay. I'm used to it."

Jin burst through the doors to the main hall where everyone, including Yusuke and Matoko, were seated. "Finally you're back." Hiei commented with a sneer. "Shut up! What did I ever do to you shorty?" Jin sat down on the floor next to Chaos. "What happened to you bud? Did Mei slap you for looked up her skirt again?" Genkai eyed Jin (note the word "again") and he sweat dropped. "No, I just pissed her off, that's all. I tried to talk to her and she ran off." "She must be feeling pitiful today…" Matoko moaned. "Isn't she pitiful already?" Hiei asked. Kurama elbowed him and scowled. "Shut up!" Matoko hissed as she turned on her watch,

Mei's face appeared on the screen replacing the time. "Hey Matoko, sup?" "Where are you? Everyone's waiting for you up at Genkai's place!" Matoko exclaimed. "We don't need her." Hiei retorted with a deep scowl. "God I hate him… okay. I'll be there in a second." Mei said right before the watch shut off.

In a few minutes there was a knock on the door and Mei came in. "I'm here." She announced. "Damn she's fast!" Chaos exclaimed. "If it isn't shorty and the girl!" Mei laughed as she always did when she approached Kurama and Hiei. "Where were you?" Yusuke asked. "I was just thinking, that's all." Mei replied while taking a seat. "About what? Boys?" Hiei said with a frown. "No! Much more important things then tat for your information! You're probably thinking about that girl right now."

"Why do you always call me a girl?" Kurama asked while starring at Mei. "I have proof that I'm not one." He removed his shirt exposing his bare chest (which would make any die hard Kurama fangirl drool.) All Mei could do was scoff. "Ha! You call that a body?! I've seen better stuff. Anyways, no one can have a better bod then my Kuwabara-kun!" Everyone but Mei, Matoko, and Kuwabara face faulted. "She's right!" Matoko giggled. Kuwabara smiled while exclaiming happily, "Well, I have to do have to say I look nice." "Hn. Baka! Shut up! You're one of the ugliest people I've ever seen!" Before Kuwabara could retaliate, Mei jumped in. "That's it! I've had enough of you! I didn't want to have to do this but I will!" "No Mei, don't do it!" Matoko pleaded. Mei ignored her friend and approached Hiei. "Too late. Normally I wouldn't be this cruel but Hiei's pushed me to it. I feel bad for Yukina because she had to have you as a brother! You've never even had the courage to tell her you're her big brother!" Hiei's eyes turned redder ten they were and Yukina gasped, dropping the teacup she had in her hands. The stunning words began to sink int. "Hiei? My brother?" Yukina stammered. Kuwabara was frozen like a statue, barely breathing he was so shocked. "You… you bitch! She was never to know that! Whoever put you here must've bee happy to see you go! Your parents probably committed suicide just to get away from you!" Mei tried to fight the tears in her eyes but in vain. They streamed down her face and rolled off of her chin. Mei pushed past Matoko and ran out the door.

"Wait Mei!" Matoko cried, reaching for her friend, the room fell silent until Yusuke spoke up. "That was harsh Hiei, even if she did say that!" Yusuke yelled. Hiei grunted and left the room. "Damn, I should go find her before she screws up something!" Matoko moaned. With that, Matoko left too.

Kuwabara twitched a little but didn't move otherwise, "That wasn't pretty." Chaos commented. "Shut up!" Jin yelled as he left to help find Mei. "Man, this wasn't a good idea!" Keiko moaned.

Hiei sat in the courtyard of the temple while silently watching the sun dip lower on the horizon. Suddenly, Matoko came panting up the steps. Upon spotting Hiei she charged and tackled him, pinning him to a stone wall. When the others noticed what was happening, they ran out o the temple. "What are you doing Matoko?!" Chaos yelled. The deranged girl ignored him. "You bastard! She's gone and it's all your fault!" she screamed into Hiei's face. The fire demon stayed calm and refused to strike his opponent. "Damn you! You should've never said that to her!" Hiei grunted. "Why ningen?" Matoko dug her nails even deeper into Hiei's shoulders. "Today is the anniversary of our parents' deaths! Ten years ago today they were blown to smithereens you asshole!" Yusuke starred at the crazed girl remembering what she had said earlier about her Mei's parents. By now Matoko was sobbing heavily but hadn't lessened her grip on Hiei's shoulders. "You can't possibly know what it's been like for us! Only three years old and no parents! Our families refused to have anything to do with us, claiming we were a disgrace! The only home we've had for a while was that god damn orphanage and even there we were outcasts!" Chaos ran up behind Matoko, gripping her shoulders supportively. "The video camera my parents had at the time captured them dying! I've never even watched to watch that damn thing, it's so painful!" "It's okay Matoko. Just put Hiei down." Chaos said gently. Matoko turned her head away so she wouldn't have to look at Hiei and then let go of him. She then turned around and collapsed into Chaos's arms. Chaos blushed and stroked the girl's soft blond hair. "It's okay…" he muttered. Matoko wrapped her arms around Chaos and held him close as Kurama helped Hiei to his feet.

Sobbing echoed through the empty park as Jin walked along the path. Up ahead a girl sat on a bench, her head in her hands. At that moment, Jin knew it was Mei. Her blue and silver hair hung down around her face but the boy still knew Mei when he saw her. Taking a seat next to the sobbing girl, he put an arm around her shoulders. "It's okay Mei." He said softly. Mei lifted her head revealing her pitiful, tear stained face. She looked at Jin. "No it's not…" she mumbled. "Hiei's right. My parents were probably happy to die and get away from me." Jin turned the girl around and shook her shoulders. "Don't listen to that bastard! You never have before so don't start now!" Jin wiped away a tear running down Mei's face with his finger. "I don't want to see you unhappy like this again." Mei managed to smile through her tears. "Maybe now you'll have the courage to watch that tape and find out what your parents last said to you." Mei glared at him. "How do you know about the tape?" Jin bit his lip. "Matoko broke down and started beating on Hiei from what Chaos told me when I returned for a little while. She told them everything then. That's when I decided I should try looking for you again." Mei tried to put on her bravest face. "I will watch that. I need to know." Jin smiled and patted her back. "That's the spirit!" Suddenly, the boy missed Mei's back accidentally landing a pat on her butt.

Mei growled and shook off her tears. "You pervert!" Jin was suddenly thrown onto the dirt path landing on his back. Mei pounced on him, landing so that there were a few inches between hers and his faces. "I didn't mean to do that." Jin stammered. Mei smiled evilly. "Just shut up!" She kissed Jin again on the lips as the sun set, stretching their combined shadows.

Chaos put his arms around Matoko's shoulders as they put in the tape. Jin sat back down next to Mei and readied himself for her tears. Then Jin smiled triumphantly. `I shouldn't worry!' he thought with glee. `I'm armed with Kleenex!' (No, this is not a Kleenex commercial. LOL!)

The screen flickered a bit in the dim light but then played a picture of four people sitting at a table laughing and joking. The first two people were smiling. The woman had long, silky, light blue hair. She was talk and visibly pregnant. Her husband, clearly the man at her side, had short black hair and a small scar on his right cheek. He, too, was tall. Jin blinked twice. `Those are Mei's parents!' Mei sniffed and squeezed Jin's hand harder. Jin put his arm around her as sobs racked her body quietly.

But those weren't the only people. Beside Mei's parents was a couple, both of them tall. The man had curly orange hair and bright freckles. His wife next to him was the same way. She had long red hair that was frizzy and curly to boot. Jin looked at Matoko and then at the people on the video. `They must be Matoko's parents.'

The camcorder passed in front of each of the couples. Apparently this was at a wedding reception. "To the bride and groom, I hope you guys have a wonderful life together. Yoshi, you really picked a good one!" Matoko's father said. Matoko's mother elbowed him. "Don't mind him you two. Have a good honeymoon!" she exclaimed with a cheerful smile. Then the camcorder came to Mei's parents. "It's a wonderful thing when two people get married. It's even more wonderful with you two! I hope the honeymoon is great!" Mei's mother exclaimed. Mei's father nodded. "Great party! I loved the part with the cake!" Everyone started laughing at the girls couldn't help but smile through their tears.

After fast-forwarding a little, the video showed the four sitting at the table again. There was a violent rumble and explosion as the ceiling collapsed on top of them and the rest of the guests. There were dying screams and howls before the camcorder was dropped. Two people shoved their heads out of the ruin toward the camcorder. Their faces were dirty and sticky with sweat and blood but the watchers still knew: it was Mei's mom and Matoko's dad. "Mei, Matoko, if you two…" the man coughed up blood that dribbled down his chin. "…see this, we love you…" Mei's mother nodded as best she could and shoved her face into the camcorder's range. "Stay strong my little baby. We…love…you…" The video clicked off and Matoko buried her face into Chaos's shoulder.

An hour passed in silence as the girls digested what they had just seen. Finally, a ringing coming from Mei's watch interrupted the utterly pitiful silence. Mei wiped away her tears and pressed the button on the side of the watch. "Mei, Matoko, urgent news!" Dr. Abate cried through the static of the transmission. "What?" Matoko asked. "Demons have been infected by the virus and are growing in power. "Where are they? We'll crush them!" Chaos exclaimed while cracking his knuckles. "In a small town three hours north of you. It's called Inuyasha." Mei nodded shaking the remaining tears off of her face. "You can count on us!"

Yusuke threw open the front door and strolled into the apartment casual. There was a note on the table from his mom. "Jeez. She must be at the bar again." Yusuke muttered. He removed his hands from his pocket and put water on the stove for dinner. Once the water was on the stove, Yusuke ventured into the girls' room to see what they were up to. The raven-haired boy opened the sliding door careful and poked his head in. The beds were made, the floor cleaned up (it used to be covered with clothes and magazines) and… Yusuke noticed one thing wrong. The window was wide open and a rope was attached to the windowsill. Yusuke rushed to the window and stuck his head out, looking down into the alley along side of the apartment complex. There was no sign of the girls there either. Yusuke turned on his heel and walked over to the door. Suddenly he stepped on something, crinkling it. Yusuke pulled the piece of paper from under his foot and read it aloud.


Don't bother coming and looking for us or Jin and Chaos. Evil is spreading and we must leave. We can't pull you into this any longer.

Mei and Matoko"

Yusuke crunched the note in his hand and threw it aside. "Dammit!" He rushed into the kitchen, turned off the stove, grabbed his coat, and ran out the door to go alert Kuwabara and the others.

Mei laid her head on her shoulder and checked her watch. It was almost nine at night. The girl sighed and looked over at her partner who was busy at the crane game in the arcade. "Gotcha!" Matoko laughed as the crane snagged a stuffed cat that had been lying in the center of the bin. Matoko gathered up all of her prizes and sat down next to Mei with a thud. "Cheer up Mei! Your mom and dad wouldn't want you to be that depressed!" Matoko beamed and handed her friend one of the stuffed hippos she'd won in the game. Mei smiled and took it. "Thanks." Jin and Chaos came over, their arms full of candy and sodas. "What the hell?" Mei said. Jin smiled and dropped his junk food on the seat next to Mei. "Here, want some?" Mei shrugged. "I guess." Chaos, meanwhile, was trying to shove it all in his backpack. "Damn thing!" Chaos muttered crossly. Matoko rolled her eyes. "You have too much in there stupid!" Chaos was just about to yell back at Matoko when the loud speaker went on. "Boarding call for Train A124 bound for Inuyasha!" Mei grabbed her duffel bag and yanked Jin after her by the collar of his shirt. Chaos and Matoko followed.

The scenery rambled on as the train rolled on through the night. Mei sat next to Jin on the train curled up against him, asleep. Her duffel bag shifted under the seat as the train slowed down a bit. Matoko watched and smiled. "Thanks for being so nice to me and Mei today you guys. We really appreciate it." Chaos looked up from his manga. "No prob. Besides, we couldn't just leave you alone." "Yeah, you might have committed suicide!" Everything went silent and Jin laid his head on his shoulder to sleep. Soon Chaos and Matoko were the only ones up. "Wow, they look so cute that way." Matoko said with a sigh. Chaos nodded and glanced over at the girl. "Looks like they've really got something going…" He muttered. Suddenly, he remembered a saying he had often heard his older brother say. It went something like this:

A peach is a peach

A plum is a plum

But a kiss ain't a kiss without any tongue

So open your mouth and close your eyes

And give that tongue some exercise!

Chaos couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His and Matoko's eyes met and Chaos turned away blushing. `Well, here goes nothing…!' Chaos grabbed the blond girl and kissed her. After a few seconds, Matoko pushed Chaos away. "You idiot!" she cried. Chaos swallowed hard as Matoko got up close to his face. "This is how you do it!"

It was midnight and everything in the train was silent. Jin and Mei were still curled up with each other and Matoko was spread out on the seat. Chaos, on the other hand, had fallen off of the seat and was now asleep on the floor. With a screech, the train stopped. The four travelers were set flying against the other wall, waking up instantly. One of the top beams fell from the ceiling pinning them where they were. From the engine room, the door flew open only to release roaring flames into the passenger train. Mei coughed and sputtered amidst the smoke and slowly passed out.

The emergency exit swung open as the fire grew. Four figures came into the smoke. "Kuwabara, you grab Mei and I'll get Matoko. Hiei and Kurama, you guys get the boys!" Yusuke ordered. Kurama nodded and help Yusuke and Kuwabara pull the beam off of the others. Kuwabara carefully took Mei up in his arms, Yusuke going the same with Matoko. Jin and Chaos were slung over Kurama and Hiei's backs and just as the engine room exploded, the four fighters escaped into the night, half burned and just barely alive.