Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Anarchy- Book 1 ❯ Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Anime Anarchy- Book 1- Chapter 6: "Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death"
By kb_girl3 (Ash) and Matoko Shizaki

Disclaimer: FUNimation copyrights YYH. Mei (C) Ash,
2002. Chaos, Jin, and Matoko (C) Matoko Shizaki, 2002.

Notes: I hope that everyone liked the revised chapter 5!
I haven't really gotten a chance to read it over.


In the gloom, the demoness shifted forward.
Yusuke gritted his teeth and fired his Spirit Gun
straight for the unsuspecting menace. The darkness was
rippled by and explosion and all went quiet again... the
kind of apprehensive quiet that makes your flesh crawl. Yusuke
smiled faintly but Kurama pointed back to the
shadows. "I wouldn't celebrate just yet..."

The smoke cleared allowing an infuriated voice to be
heard loud and clear. "What are those smiles plastered
across you faces for? Do you really think that I,
Insetsu of the demon clan, would be so effortlessly defeated?
You insolent whelps will pay!" Matoko shuddered. "Damn,
she's strong! Someone, get me out of here! We're not her
first victims!" Matoko kicked a splintered bone closer
to Jin and he jumped. Kuwabara shuddered too. "Arg. I
don't like this guys." he groaned. The demoness laughed
and stepped forward, revealing herself for the first

"Hey! Since when was the virus a girl?" Chaos
blurted. "It isn't baka. And it isn't a boy either. It's
bisexual." Mei bit her lip to contain her
laughter. "Then tell me why she has boobs, dude!" Chaos
replied. Matoko slapped her forehead and continued
listening. "Look, this thing can take any form, dumbass!
Just because it has boobs doesn't mean it's a
girl!" "What, are you saying some guys have boobs?!"
Hiei smirked while the others stifled their
laughter. "NO!" "Well that's what you implied!" Yusuke
shoved them apart. "Alright, this is no time to argue
about genders or boobs. C'mon, we have bigger things to
worry about." "But--" Chaos was cut short as he was
miraculously whipped into the air along with Jin. "Her
hair!" Matoko cried.

Indeed, that is what it was. Long strands of pink
hair coiled around the boys' legs had them suspended in
the air. Slowly, it had moved up to hold their
waste. "Talk about a bad hair day..." Chaos yelled above
Insetsu's horrific laughter. Mei and Matoko readied to
snap forward at the enemy but Kurama held them
back. "No! You could hit the boys too." The demon
laughed again. "I should be thanking these two. They are
the one who released me into the anime world. Don't
worry sweetie, I won't hurt them...much. It's a shame
though. This one cut off his beautiful hair, all for
that stupid bitch!" Insetsu motioned to Matoko who was
shifting back and forth uneasily. "Oh well...you won't
have to suffer much longer because you'll be dead!"

Hiei sensed Mei's ki shift behind him. He squirmed
but didn't take too much notice. He knew her plan... The
katana glinted in the faint light as Mei sliced through
the lengthy, substantial, pink tresses of Insetsu's hair, freeing
the boys. They landed in a heap on the floor, Mei trying
to steady Jin. Matoko hurried over to help just as Mei
was whipped into the air by another lock. "MEI!" Matoko
cried, trying in vain to grab back her friend. "Why you
arrogant little shit! You'll pay for your insolence!"
Insetsu hissed furiously. She pinned Mei to the pillar,
causing cracks to ripple up the stonework. Mei grunted,
gasping desperately for air while clawing at the hair
that held her up by her neck. The blue haired girl's
bones cracked under the pressure of the hair holding
onto her waist, hands, and ankles. Her breaths became
more painful and finally a scream burst forth.

"NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jin screamed, his fists
clenching as he fought back tears. Suddenly, there was a
crack and Insetsu let go of Mei, slumping her to the
ground. Two long, serpentine locks of Insetsu's hair
burnt off as Mei's fire attack died down.

Jin growled at the demoness as he clutched Mei's
lifeless form closer into his embrace. "You will pay for
that!" Insetsu hissed once again. Chaos rose shakily
to his feet. "Correction," The boy brushed a snippet of
pink hair off of his shirt. "You'll pay." Jin nodded and
handed Mei to Matoko who rocked the girl back and forth
in her arms. "I told you I hated long hair," Mei winced.

"You bitch." Jin growled, his face turning
red. "Chaos... let's do it." he muttered. Chaos nodded.
Matoko's eyebrows rose. "What?" Jin and Chaos ignored
her, just began some kind of funny dance. Their
fingertips met as they cried out, "Fusion!"

Light burst through the room and Yusuke shielded his
eyes to see. When the smoke cleared, Chaos and Jin had
disappeared but there was someone else. It was a boy of
average height, about fourteen. Two pieces of his green
bangs hung down past his chin. There was an x shaped
scar on his right cheek and there were two earrings in
his left ear. His hair had been pulled back into a small
rattail. Tattooed on his wrists were barbed wire. Garbed
in jeans, a tank top, a long belt, boots, and a denim
jacket, Matoko realized that this boy was strangely

"Jin... and Chaos!" Mei muttered. The boy
nodded. "Yeah Mei. Don't worry, we'll get this bitch!"
The boys' eyes flashed green as he smiled and gave Mei
the thumbs up sign. "I know Jin's in there. Chaos, you
there too?" Matoko asked suspiciously.

The eyes suddenly turned yellow and the boy
emitted a voice Matoko recognized to be
Chaos's. "Matoko, if we win, will you kiss me?" he
asked. Matoko raised her fist, punching the boy in the
stomach. "Yeah, that's him..." she muttered. The eyes
turned green again and the boy moaned. "That hurt! Don't
forget I'm in here too!" Jin whined. "What the do we
call you two when you're fused?" Mei asked weakly. "Cin
sounds good..." Chaos mused. The demon chuckled. "This
is all very amusing but I'll crush you all none the

"Hey, don't forget about us too ya bitch!" Yusuke
cried. He immediately wished he hadn't spoken up because
an iron cage suddenly appeared over him and his
friends. "Nice going Urameshi..." Kuwabara
muttered. "This means Jin and Chaos are pretty much our
last resort?" Matoko asked nervously. Jin snorted. "Hey,
Chaos, why do we have these tattoos?" he asked. The
boy's eyes turned yellow again and Chaos spoke. "I don't
know. I've always wanted a tattoo like that though."

"Then what about something I want?" Jin asked. "Good
question. We must not have any traits you wanted. That's
very good, because I didn't want to have boobs." Jin
growled and punched his other arm trying to hit Chaos.
The both of them, fused, tumbled to the ground in a
heap. "We're all going to die." Mei moaned.

Three talismans appeared in 'Cin's' hand. The Jin
half smiled. "Talismans of Inferno!" The talismans
blasted across the room, slicing off Insetsu's long,
tail like, pieces of hair. "Alright!" Chaos gave himself
a high five (seeing as how Jin and him are one and the
same...). "Uh... Jin, Chaos..." Matoko sputtered
pointing to the demon. Cin turned around and gasped
noticing that the hair was growing back, faster and
stronger then before.

The closest hair wrapped around Cin's leg and threw
him into the air. Another was coming in to grasp him,
when he quickly rebounded. He shot an energy blast,
throwing back the hair and then landed safely in a crouch. The eyes
turned green and Jin's voice was heard, "Where did that
come from?" he stammered.

Cin's eyes returned a yellow color, "How should I
know, but it worked for me." "Yeah," Jin's voice
added. " That's a good point." Matoko wailed in the
background, "They don't even know they had some attacks!
Someone save us!" Then she turned to Yusuke and the
others in the iron cage. "COME ON, I KNOW YOU CAN BREAK
OUT OF THERE!" she screeched. "SHORTY! GIRL! I know you
can get out of that!"

In the corner of her eye she could see Cin narrowly
miss another deadly hair attack. Matoko gazed down at Mei, who was barely
conscience in her arms. She sighed as she stood leaning
the blue-haired girl onto the nearest pillar. After
taking in a deep breath, she let loose more of her ear-
shattering screams. "You guys are supposed to be heroes!
How can you sit there and watch all of us get weakened,
or worse yet, killed! Hiei, I know it would be no trouble
to melt or even cut through those bars! Kurama, I
thought that rose whip could penetrate anything! Yusuke,
you may not have a cutting attack, but you could at
least try to pitch in!" She brought in some air getting
ready to release another screaming attack. Hiei was
smirking, Kurama was sweat dropping, and Yusuke was
stifling laughter. "What... is... so... damn... funny?!"
she huffed.

Yusuke motioned to the back of the cage. "That
idiot has been at it for the last twenty minutes. We've
tried to help, but he has been making a big deal. We
don't want to bring that much attention to us. So your
so called hero has been the problem, not us!" He stated
in a matter-of-factly tone, and then motioned to
Kuwabara who was filing away at the iron bars with his
spirit sword very unsuccessfully.

"Yeah right! You guys never listened to him
anyway... Like you would start now!" A sound from the
back of the cage caused Matoko to jump. She peered into
it and saw Kuwabara had broken through. "Finally! It
took forever to get through that damn thing! Now, how to
get out..." Matoko wasn't the only to have heard the
noise, though. As they were fighting, Insetsu quickly
turned and saw Kuwabara. Barely moving, a
strand of hair snuck under the bars, wrapping around the
redhead's foot. As he was standing, he was jerked
forward, knocking into the bars, causing the cage to

He was dangling in midair, casually swearing. He
had managed to get a hold of his spirit sword, and cut
the hair, sending himself tumbling to the ground. Soon another hair was
heading straight for him, but looked very different. It
looked almost metallic, and the end was brought into a
point. Matoko's eyes widened as she realized its
intent. She rushed in front of Kuwabara and
held her palm in front of her body as a reflex. Little
did she realize what would happen next…

Yusuke shielded his eyes as a yellow flash emitted
from Matoko's palm. The hair disintegrated
instantly. Matoko removed her hand, awestruck that
she wasn't killed. Kuwabara also looked stunned like he
had just witnessed a miracle. Insetsu cursed as she shot
another hair for the bunch. Both were too stunned to
react. "I don't think so!" Cin proudly stated grabbing
the hair and jerking the unsuspecting demoness back,
tossing her in the corner.

She quickly recovered and laughed to herself. "So, I can't kill you with one, I might as well use them all." Everyone took a step back as her
hair flew up, rippling to a point at the end. The strands shot
out in every direction tearing after the awed fighters.
Mei pushed to her knees in a feeble attempt to ward of
the deadly strands. Matoko summoned her light sword as
she raced to help her injured comrade.

"Ready for the big one?" Matoko asked turning to Mei.
Mei nodded her head in approval. "Yes, as ready as I'll ever be." She smiled nervously as a hair was darting in
their direction. Mei, whom had recovered a little bit,
powered up a fire blast and aimed to kill letting out one of her dangerous blasts. The hair began to attack the eight fighters at every angle even more fiercely then before. Mei began firing, with Matoko slicing away at the next. The sounds of battle filled the room along with Insetsu's horrific
laughter. Matoko then leaned her back against Mei, half
helping to keep the blue haired girl upright, the other
as a fighting advantage. Hiei and Kurama were easily
slicing through the hair, only to have stronger pieces
regenerate in their place. Yusuke and Kuwabara also teamed
up, both trying to destroy the menacing hair. Cin was
continuously battling with Insetsu's main body.

Worry suddenly flashing in the fused fighter's
eyes, which at the moment were green. "Umm, Chaos
man..." Jin started from within Cin. "When does this
fusion end? I know it isn't technically the same one
used on DBZ, but, um would you say it is about the
same?" "Oh shit! I forgot all about that! We need to
finish this up soon! If not, we might all be screwed. I
mean, we won't be able to fuse for a while..." The
fighters continued to cut through the hair, but it
continued to grow stronger. Soon the eight teens were
overcome, victims of their own fatigue and Insetsu's panic fueled rage.

"You know, that's it!" Yusuke growled, striking
down another strand. "Why don't we just go for the damn
demon, not her freaking hair!" He rushed forward, index
and thumb finger pointing toward Insetsu. He jumped over
an oncoming piece, powering up for his spirit gun. He
was about to fire when a hair collided with the side of
his head. The raven hair boy slammed into the nearest
pillar, causing it to crumble. He finally landed and
remained sprawled on the floor.

Kuwabara clenched his fists as he ran over to
Yusuke, along with most of the others. "He's only
unconscious," Kurama noted, checking his friend. "You bitch!" Kuwabara growled, rage apparent in his eyes. The redhead stood up, walking past his two friends who had gathered around Yusuke. "Nobody gets away with hurting one of my friends!" Kuwabara clenched his fists harder turning his knuckles a blunt white. "No one!" Insetsu chuckled. "And what do you plan on doing about it?" Matoko stood up and cracked her knuckles. Cin grouped over with Matoko and Kuwabara as well. "Pay back time…" Cin muttered gleefully. "DUCK!" Matoko cried. Kuwabara and Cin dropped to their knees as Matoko formed a huge ball of light in her hand. "If this doesn't work, I don't know what will!" she exclaimed. "What's she doing?" Cin asked. "Remember that attack I have with letting out my entire stash of energy?" Kuwabara whispered. Cin nodded. "She has that power too."

"I'll see you in hell Insetsu!" Matoko screamed releasing the massive amount of energy. The demon snarled and let out a huge attack to counter it which was slowly swallowed into Matoko's energy burst even though it seemed to have affected the other fighters. Insetsu screamed, her defeat ensured, as the bright light swept over everything and the fighters disappeared into it.

Mei finally opened her eyes, looking up at a rock ceiling. She
painfully turned, clutching her side. Every breath she
took in burned, but she didn't care. She finally found
what she was looking for. Lying in a small heap was
Matoko. She somehow managed to pull herself up and
crawled over to the blonde. "Please don't be dead..."
She winced tears welling up in her eyes.

The blue haired girl softly shook Matoko, silently
praying to herself. "Come on, Matoko, I know your are
stronger than this thing." The blonde quickly sat up
looking around. She turned to Mei, her eyes also welling
with tears. "Wh... What happened here? Was this all from my attack?" Mei sighed, and shook her head. "I don't know, all I remember is a
bright light... but you are alright, and that is all
that matters." Tears were falling down her cheeks as
they both embraced.

They pulled apart and Matoko's eyes
widened. "What's the matter?" Mei asked worried. "Th...
the boys. Jin and Chaos... what ever happened to them?"
Mei turned, her eyes scanning for any sign of either of
them. She could make out Kurama and Kuwabara's
noticeable hair, the short frame of Hiei, and even
Yusuke... but there was no sign of the other two boys.
Mei almost began crying as she turned back to
Matoko. "You don't think they...?" Mei sobbed. Matoko's eyes met her
with the same worried look, "No, they can't be... they
can't be..." She shook her head trying in vain to find
them. After a few minutes of silence, Matoko burst out.

"Mei, look over there... that is definitely Jin's
hair!" she exclaimed pointing to a stone pillar. Mei
struggled to get up when Matoko suggested an
idea. "Here, climb up," she said lowering her back to
Mei's reach. Mei looked at her friend and smiled. "No, I
couldn't...you are still sore from the battle...!" Matoko
returned the smile.. "No, you are getting on there. You
did it to me earlier. This is how I can repay you." Mei
looked thankfully at her friend as she pulled herself
up. Once she was up, she helped hoist Matoko up as well. Matoko made it quickly to the boys, letting Mei check Jin, while she went to see Chaos.

The blue haired girl shook Jin, trying to get any
sort of reaction. Matoko rushed over to Chaos, her eyes
lingering on the wound near his shoulder, which was
spurting out blood. Mei continued shaking
Jin, still not receiving any reaction. The tears welled up
in her eyes as she looked at him. "No… no! It can't have
killed you... it can't have it."' She finished shaking him,
thinking her attempt was in vain. She pulled her hand
away, bringing it to her heart, allowing the tears to
cascade freely down her cheeks. "Jin, you idiot, why did
you have to go and die...?" she said quietly to herself.
Suddenly she felt something on her cheek and opened her
eyes to see Jin looking right at her. The tears sped up
as she collapsed into his arms. "I thought I lost
you..." She choked out. "Shh, no. I'm here." He said
running a hand through her hair. Mei embraced him and he blushed before wrapping his arms around her.

Matoko wasn't having any luck. While Mei was
trying to wake Jin, Matoko was doing the same with
Chaos. She also tried to shake him awake when she found
something else was the problem. "Oh my god... he isn't
breathing. Mei, he isn't breathing!" This was the same
time as Mei had gotten Jin to awaken. She was about to
get up when Jin held her back, "No, don't
worry..." "But, Jin, he isn't breathing!" Mei protested. Jin chuckled a
little bit. "I wouldn't say that, she may not be looking
hard enough," he replied. Matoko frantically searched
for any sign of a breath, and finally came to a
conclusion. "I am not going to like this, but if it
saves him, that's all that matters."

She brought her head closer to Chaos's and began
CPR. She could only hope that this would work. "Oh,
please, don't be dead...!" She went down to give him more
air when she felt something wrap around the back of her
neck. She was pulled in towards Chaos until he let
go. "Now that was a kiss!" he said smiling at Matoko.
Mei braced herself for an onslaught of screams, but was
surprised to hear whispering. "Yeah, it was." Tears of
happiness were running down both girls' faces. Matoko
helped Chaos wrap the wound while Mei was held in Jin's
arms. He pulled in tighter, Mei wincing from the pain of
the broken bones. "Oh, god, I am so sorry. Are you ok?"

She smiled through the pain, "Yeah, I am alright.
Thanks for your concern." She leaned on his shoulder as
Matoko stood. "Don't you think we should…well, try and
wake the others." She motioned towards the Rekai Tantei.

Chaos wandered amongst the fallen fighters. "Is this… the result of suspend animation?" he asked. Jin nodded. "Insetsu's been terminated too but the virus is gone. Moving on to another anime no doubt." Mei pulled Jin's coat around her shoulders even tighter. "They look so… dead…" she muttered. Matoko knelt down next to Kuwabara and shook his shoulders. `I may not have had luck with the others but maybe he'll wake up!' she thought. "Kuwabara… wake up!" The redhead stirred and sat up, rubbing the lump on his head. "Is it over?" he asked. Matoko smiled. "Yeah, Insetsu is dead. The virus has moved on though and the suspended animation has taken over." "What does that mean?" Kuwabara asked, wincing at the concerned and hopeless look in Matoko's eyes. "If they're in suspended animation for too long, them and this world will perish…" Kuwabara's eyes widened. "That is why we must not fail." Matoko added. Kuwabara stood up and held his head high. "Then I, Kazuma Kuwabara, will help you." Mei and Matoko chuckled as the boys rolled their eyes. "That's the Kuwabara we know and love!" Mei said hoarsely.

Mei's watch buzzed as she clicked it. "Mr. Komoda, what is wrong?" "You guys need to move to the anime called Inu-Yasha. The evil powers are now growing there also." Mei sighed as the others looked at each
other. "Um, Mr. Komoda, what about Kuwabara?" "You take him with you," he replied annoyingly. Matoko grinned as the boys looked at each other. "Should we be going?" Jin suggesting bringing Mei into his arms and
carried her as they walked out of the castle. Chaos
turned back around and sighed, "That place was somewhere
I would soon like to forget." Matoko nodded and pulled Chaos's arms around her shoulders. "Me too…"