Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bound in Chains ❯ Bought ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neko: Hi! This is my second fic on media miner. My first one. . . .

Kitsune: was a fiasco.

Neko: *sigh* sadly tis true. Oh well! We're on to brighter days! This is a ficcie for me and my friends so enjoy!

Disclaimer: Ha! I wish!


Three girls stood over the edge of the boat, watching the body of an old man sink down into the depths of the ocean. The tallest of the three gave a sigh of sympathy. " Poor old man. . . " She whispered. She had black hair and deep purple eyes. she was a bit pale, from being forced to stay under the deck of the ship with all the other slaves, and wore tattered brown material for a shirt and capris. She had angel wings, fox ears and a tail.

" Yeah, Kitsune, " Another girl, with orange hair pink eyes, wolf ears, dragon wings and a dragon like tail with fur on it said, staring at where the man's body had hit the water. She wore the same things as Kitsune, only she had shorts . " It's really kinda depressing, knowing that he had been born and died on this ship."

" Hey, Kaida, Kitsune, what do you think killed him?" A girl with straight black hair and ocean blue eyes asked. She also wore an outfit similar to Kaida's and Kitsune's.

" What do you think?" Yet another girl came out of the shadows, wiping something from her mouth. She was short, a bit paler, had black hair and icy blue eyes. She too wore an out fit like the others, only with pants. This new girl had little black cat ears and a cat tail.

Kitsune sighed. " Neko, you didn't. . . . did you?"

Neko smirked. " Humans gotta work, vampires gotta drink."

The three other girls shook their heads. A man stood up on the crow's nest of the ship and yelled down to the slaves on deck. " Oi! All of ye get ready! We be hitten shore in five minutes time and you all better be ready for the oxion!" He glared at the four girls.

No one wanted to buy them. No one EVER wanted to buy them. A few times people would want to buy Katie, she was the only one who looked normal. But She wouldn't go. It was either all or nothing. All meaning that they bought her AND her friends. No one ever offered. The girls packed up their few belongings and headed on shore.

Neko sighed, pulling a hood over her head, to give her self slight protection from the sunlight. " So what'll they call us this time."

Kaida sighed. " They've already called us hanyou's-"

" Wenches-" Neko said.

" I'm not going to say anything." Kitsune said.

" And Bitches- WHICH I AM NOT!" Neko yelled to a few human passerbies.

" CAlm down Neko. We'll get bought this time. All of us. And we'll all end up together." Kitsune said. She really was the only one who could really keep her cool on oxion day.

~ And It Begins~

" Numbers 2456, 2457, 2458, and 2459!" A voice shouted. Kaida, Katie, Kitsune, and Neko made there way up to the platform, ready to be inspected, glared at, yelled at, and rejected.

They all stood in a straight line, watching as no one in the crowd dared to raise their hand. They were just about to be hauled off back to the ship when-

" I'll take the kitsune." A man with red hair and green eyes stepped forward. The gaurds dragged Kitsune over to him and he paid for her. Another man stepped forward. He had short red hair, brown eyes and a horn."

" I'll be taken that one." He pointed to Katie.

A man with a pacifyer in his mouth walked over to join the group. " I'll take the dragon." Kaida was lead to join the group.

" Is that all? " The gaurds asked. Presuming that it was he turned to the crowd. "Ladies and Lords, we have upon our platform a vampire hafling. WE thought to keep her and sell her as a slave but none is brave enough to buy. So today, AN EXECUTION!"

Neko's eyes went wide and her friends gasped. Neko growled as the gaurd was supplied with a wooden stake. The crowd cheered for her death as her friends looked on in horror. Kitsune turned to her new master. " Please, could you buy her? She's usually harmless and can feed off rats! Please! Can you buy her? Will you? "

Kurama (I'm just gonna call them by their names now) shook his head. " I have enough servants as it is."

Kaida and Katie also began to beg their masters, but they only gave the same reply. Kitsune and the girls began to cry. " Please Master! That's out best friend up there." (a/n: I hardly doubt I'm worth crying over). A short man with black hair with a white star burst and red eyes came out of the crowd.

" Hn. These are your new slaves? Pathetic." He glared at them. " Tell me Kurama, what is it these infidels are crying over?"

Kurama stared down at Kitsune. " That girl up there, she's a vampire halfling. No one will buy her, so the oxioneers are going to kill her. I suppose she's killed off a few of the better working slaves for food."

Hiei rolled his eyes and muttered something along the lines of 'pathetic wench'. Kitsune and the girls glared at them and went back to pleading with their new masters.

Koenma, who by now had gotten tired of the whining, said, " Hiei, why don't you buy her? I don't believe you have any slaves."

Hiei scowled at Neko while the gaurds prepared for her execution. "Hn. I have no need for a slave."

" Please! Just buy her!" Kitsune begged Hiei. " Please!"

Jin rolled his eyes. "Ai, lasses, could ya please keep it down a abit ? Hiei just buy the damn wench so we can load up and get out of here." {1}

Hiei sighed and stepped forward. " I suppose I'll buy her." Neko, who had taken a great interest in the platform she was standing on looked up. Some wanted to buy HER? Out of all the other slaves. . . her? The guard pushed her towards Hiei and handed him her chain.

" Good luck. . ." the gaurd muttered as he strode back over to the platform.

Hiei glared at Neko and then at the others. " Lets go. This place is begining to bore me."


Neko: There it is.

Kitsune: It's short. Just like you.

Neko: *twitch* not funny. Oh yeah!

{1} Okay well originally my friend wanted. .. *shudder* Tuguro. But yeah. . . so we got her to change it to Jin. Sorry Katie!

Kitsune: So R& R

Neko: I'll try to update each week but only if I get at least six reviews. So ciia next chappie! Sorry for the shortness.

Kitsune: Flames are very much welcome ( It helps her fix her screw ups) and reviews are very much apreciatted. Chao!