Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Clan Aftermath ❯ Plans ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3


A slender figure walked gracefully towards the entrance of the newly built palace, her braided hair flowing behind. It was especially designed for the purpose of the living quarters for the Makai rulers of the time and in the future--an office? Nah... not even near like it. The place is very huge and is made up of the finest materials, the whole kingdom could provide. There's a garden situated at the front and a wide vacant lot at the back-- probably made for games or training. A low wall surrounds the whole area but it obviously serves a decorative purpose only since the 'true' wall is an invisible sphere that encloses the place. It has a radius of approximately 750 meters and covers above and below the ground. It's one of the defensive weapons of the kingdom created by the highest classes of youkais including Mukuro herself. It's also designed to be only activated by the chosen rulers of Makai, so as of now, no person other than Enki can be able to use it. Other new weaponry were also built--also prepared by the greatest youkais of the place.
The figure headed forward without acknowledging the bowed positions of the guards scattered all over the huge palace. It seems that this woman holds great power and position in the present government. She stopped right in front of a dark door which is adorned by precious metals and stones. She knocked twice before a voice beheld her to enter. Two guards opened the french doors and she then found her friend 'confined' on a chair--too busy working on the papers piled , ceiling high, at the table--to notice her.
"I see you're um...occupied." she finally said.
The big person on the table raised his head and noticed the new visitor whom he recognized immediately as--
"Natsume! What a surprise this is!" he exclaimed while setting aside his work.
Natsume rolled her eyes. "Surprise? Yeah right... I always come here every week, Enki!"
"Oh..." Enki scratched his head. "Sorry... This job is wearing me out..." he stretched his body and yawned.
Natsume only smiled. "Where's your wife?"
"I don't know... Probably on Raizen's tomb again."
"She never got through it, did she?"
"We all know she didn't. (Sigh)" he paused for a while before--"So, what can I do for you?"
"Enki, did it escape from your mind that the next tournament is less than a year from now?"
"I perfectly know that and I'd be honest to you if I tell you I'd love to give up this oh! so tiresome job!!! The whole work gives me wrinkles..." Enki's eyes glistened.
Natsume frowned. "Don't say that. A wrong victor will definitely ruin everything..."
Enki examined his friend's expression before asking---"Do you want to say something... more?"
"Yes, I do. I'm very worried on the coming tournament... We all know that many strong Youkais will be joining and let's not forget about Yomi and Mukuro. I also learned that Mukuro used only half of her full powers last tournament! I believe Makai could get in trouble if either of those two gets 'it'. We got luck on our side last year, I'm not sure it can repeat again this time..." she trailed, worry etched in her voice.
Enki shook his head. His friend is taking this 'issue' a lot seriously than he does. He sighed. "You need not worry Natsume. We aren't sure of what's gonna happen in there. Don't judge them too early, besides we have plenty of time. We can always invite more strong youkais to compete and maybe they'll be able to tire them and, OH! What am I saying?!!!"
Natsume grinned. Her friend sure is a talker. She bowed at Enki and then turned towards the exit.
Enki scrambled on his feet and tried to run after Natsume but unfortunately, the pile of paper fell on him. "Where are you going? Don't you even dare think about doing 'it'--"
"Nothing to worry, Enki. But you know, I really liked that very good suggestion of yours. Perhaps inviting Yusuke and a couple more youkais will do great..." then she walked out, a smirk plastered in her face.
"I hate it when she does that, (sigh)." Enki picked up the scattered papers on the floor and leaned back at his not-so-comfortable chair afterwards. "Saungca, come here will you..." A minute later, the door opened and revealed a tall Youkai with a strange red cap on his head.
"You called, Enki?"
Saungca is one of Raizen's closest associates and he's one strong youkai!
"Yeah. You know, I'd really like to have that hearing of yours, it's so damn sharp!" Enki exclaimed and then motioned his friend to enter.
Saungca gave away a short chuckle. He headed towards the huge man on the desk and sat down on the nearby chair.
"I didn't HEAR you, old friend, my antennas picked up the signal. So, what do you need from me?" Saungca asked while settling himself on the chair.
"What antennas? Oh! You mean those horns!" Enki pointed at the two earlike horns framing Saungca's face.
"They're NOT horns! Back to business, what do you want now..."
"Natsume was here..." Enki began.
Saungca raised one brow. "So--"
"She gave me 'that' look."
The thinner man grinned maliciously at his companion. "Isn't that nice--"
"Not that one, silly! I mean the look she always give us when she'd be planning something---devastating."
The other occupant grew quiet and considered the issue seriously. "Right... Then what do you suggest?" he looked at Enki straight in the eye.
"I'd like you to spy on her. Find out what she's planning."
Saungca stared at Enki. "You and I both know, that's not easy to do."
"Uh-huh. But I also know you LOVE challenges... But if you don't want to, it's okay... (sigh) I'll just get someone BETTER for the job." Enki grinned inwardly. Saungca would bite this! 'I'm good...' while mentally patting himself.
"Hmph. You got me there, giant. But you know what? Nobody can do this 'thing' right, other than me, ei, Enki?" Saungca flashed his canines.
"Saungca, you don't have to--"
"Oh stop your reverse psychology method!"
"Just kidding. That's my man..."
"You do realize you owe me big time..."

~~Spirit World~~

"My gosh! This is soooo boring..." a little boy, with a pacifier stuck on his mouth, yawned while stamping the four-foot stack of documents.
"You're right, boss. To tell you the truth, it was more exciting all those years ago. The fighting, the near destruction of Ningenkai, oh how I miss it!" his assistant commented.
"Don't say that, George. 'Be careful what you wish for', they say. Let's be contented on the present state of the world. Besides, the competition in Makai is nearing and I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!" he jumped on the table and looked at the ceiling dreamily.
"Um, I hate to break this to you, Koenma-sir, but I don't think the great Enma would permit you to go on a fun trip, for days, while leaving your work undone."
"Well, you have a point. But you see, what happens in Makai is also of our concern." Koenma triumphantly said. "And because of that, father will just have to let me attend!"
"Really..." George doubly asked.
Koenma saw this and fumed. "Why you!!!" he aimed the stamp at his assistant.
"Ouch! Boss, you don't have to do that!" a teary eyed George cried.
Koenma stuck out his tongue. "I'm going there, that's a promise and you know what?"
"I'M NOT BRINGING YOU WITH ME!!! Now get back to work!!!"

~~Mukuro's Palace~~

A black-clad man paced back and forth on one of the corridors of the palace. Every once in a while, he'd glance at the nearby wall and then halt his actions to touch it. After such move, his face would change into one of irritation and wonder, then he'd continue pacing back and forth again. That was it. He unleashed his katana and attacked the wall with God-like speed. After a few more strokes, he stopped and was welcomed by the sight of the wall fixing itself back to its normal figure.
'Sorcery' he smirked. 'She really equipped this place.'
"What are you doing here, Hiei?"
The new voice startled Hiei and turned to the direction of the new comer. He mentally slapped himself for leaving his guard down. He'd never even felt him coming!
"You seem to be pretty occupied, Hiei." the guy smirked. "You haven't even felt my presence. Wanna share--"
"Hn" with that, Hiei turned away from the other person and walked away.
"If you're looking for Mukuro, then you're in the wrong place..." he smirked knowing that the departing guy would want to hear more of 'it'. How right he was for Hiei suddenly stopped.
"I'm here for some important business, Kiri. I demand you explain 'this' to me."
"You can discuss your business with her, tomorrow. She's already resting..."
"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"
Kiri's smirk widened. He's not dumb. He noticed, by Hiei's actions for the past few years of his stay in the palace, that the poor guy got an 'inclination' towards his master and what's more shocking is that Mukuro seemed to be 'fond' of this little guy too!!! Now is the time to prove his speculations. "The mistress has gone back to her old quarters."
Hiei whipped his head at the other general and glared at him. "Alright, alright! You see Hiei, a long time ago, Mukuro's quarters is not this one," he pointed at the wall, Hiei assaulted earlier "but now, for reasons I don't know, she returned back to her old quarters."
"And where exactly is it?"
"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that..."
"I'm tired of this foolish game of yours." Hiei slowly released his katana and pointed it at Kiri, energy crackling around his body. "Talk or die..." he menacingly whispered at the man standing before him.
"Temper, temper... I don't want to fight you, Hiei." then Kiri turned away from the pissed boy. He smirked---his theory almost proven right... 'The boy really got it bad!'. he chuckled lightly. "Gomen, Hiei. Orders from Mukuro herself--no one, aside from ME--is allowed to go in there. I repeat, only ME. Actually, I wasn't surprised she didn't tell you anything, it was OUR secret. Maybe she thought it wasn't worth giving you such information, you're still a kid after all." Kiri peeked at Hiei. The boy sure knows how to conceal his emotions for he still looks calm---outside. He looked at Hiei straight in the eye. What he saw really disturbed him. Hiei's eyes screamed of murder and a lot more. 'Oops, perhaps I've gotten far...'
Hiei felt an overwhelming white flame burn his chest. He couldn't put a finger what it is but it was enough to make him wanna kill this fool. 'HOW COME KIRI KNOWS ABOUT THIS AND I DON'T?! WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME?! WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED THERE?! DO THEY HAVE SOME KIND OF RELATIONSHIP?!!! What the--' with that, Hiei finally burst. His demonic gaze was focused on the very shocked person before him. "You're gonna die..." he whispered in a dangerously low voice, then he walked towards his prey.
'Oh boy...What did I get myself into...' Kiri gulped. He didn't expect this kind of reaction from the little guy. What had caused Hiei to do this? Was it because of his pestering or was it something that he said? He believed it was the latter. But what did he say? He perfectly know this is not the time for them to fight. The boy was strong, maybe even stronger than him! He'd like the challenge but if they fight, it would attract attention of so many youkais and let's not forget about his master, Mukuro. No one knows what she'd do to them if she finds out! Maybe it's time to bring this growing tension, between them, to an end. "You know, if you want to find her location-so badly-then use your jagan. I'm sure it'll work. This way, I'll not be accused by her."
'Wha-' Hiei halted walking and at last, realized what he was doing. 'Why didn't I thought about it...'
Kiri breathed inwardly. 'Thank Kami...' He smiled lightly at Hiei. "Well, I have to go now. It was nice TALKING with you, kid. I assure you it'll work."
"Hn. She's not worth the power of my jagan." Hiei simply said.
Kiri stared at him. "Good that she's not around to hear that little comment of yours. She'll be... mad." Both men held a staring contest. Finally, Kiri broke his gaze and started walking away. "Good night..." then he disappeared.
"Hn"... Hiei surveyed the place. He saw nobody. 'Coast is clear...' His third eye glowed. 'Where is she?' He waited a few more moments before--- "There you are..." he smirked.


"Hello brother..."
"Hey sis! Long time no see! Where were you?"
"Took a visit on Enki."
"You seem to be going there more often. So what's the problem?"
"I'm a bit troubled of the upcoming tournament..."
"And why is that?"
"Yomi and Mukuro..."
"Oh them... I understand how you feel, sis. But don't you worry, I'm sure something nice will happen in it... Besides, we're not even sure they'll join or... or win!"
"Hello! They're the strongest beings in the world! Of course they'll want an ego boost through this event! And let's not forget about the cause of their rivalry---it's for territory. Well, here's their chance to get it!"
"You have a point... sis, I hope you're not planning 'something'."
"You know me very well. Wanna join me..."

~~Mukuro's Palace~~

Hiei stood in front of a large and high door located in the topmost part of the palace. It was darkly colored and has creative carvings in it. The same door is the entrance to Mukuro's quarters. He tried to open it a while ago but it won't budge. Better resort to the way of `knocking'. He knocked and waited for a reply from inside. A few moments later, the huge door opened revealing the finest room he'd ever seen. The place was neat and wide. He assumed the whole area is about five times the size of her former room! It's even bigger than most Ningenkai houses he'd seen! The room is carpeted and well decorated with furniture and a lot more. It obviously has a touch of 'royalty' but `feminine' at the same time... The windows are also huge--bigger and taller than him or Mukuro. 'Hn, that woman again...' The large opening let in the silvery light of the moon outside. It was truly a sight to behold... Suddenly, he heard a creaking sound coming from the adjacent door. It's her...
"Beautiful isn't it?"

++Up next is a little time alone with our couple here so stay tuned!!!++