Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Clan Aftermath ❯ The Gathering ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry if it took so long to update this one. Computer problems so I have to go to an internet café so I could just upload! Thanks to all who reviewed, you made me extremely happy… I've thought about terminating this story but I guess it's not `that' necessary since there are still those who're reading this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR STILL BEARING WITH ME! The plot was already finished even before I started writing, but oh boy!, laying out the words and etc is mind boggling!!!!!!! Thnx Alastair, I hope you're right… I've read your HxM fics last year, they're great. As for the my grammar and spelling errors, sorry, I have this knack of encoding and not checking afterwards. This chapter is about the `gathering' Natsumi insisted. Hope you like it! ENJOY!!!

Chapter 6

The Gathering

Harsh rays of the sun spread throughout the vast land of the rock-covered desert. Makai's conditions had always been much more extreme compared to that of Ningenkai's.. Two lone figures sat side by side on a huge rock. Both are looking grim and pissed.

"No one's coming, Nats." one of the figures said matter-of-factly.

"Oh shut up! Let's wait." the other spat back in an irritated way.

"We've been sitting in this pathetic place since dawn but there's still no sign of anyone coming! I knew all along that this isn't going to work. Feh! Who would want this kind of training anyway. I'm leaving!"

"Hold your horses, Kyugo. We're supposed to be into this, both of us! Just wait for a couple more hours or so."

"They're not coming. You and I both know that!"

"Zip it will ya! Our guests are renowned for their oh 'so-high-and-mighty' attitudes. They think they're so important, you know. I'll put a stop on that, that someday. You'll see..."

"Whatever, sis. What about the others. I thought they're coming too."

"Yes, they are."

"Then where are they?"

"Right about there." Natsumi pointed on a speck in the horizon. "See, I told you. Now quit hissing and let's go meet them." she and Kyugo stood up and walked towards the new comers.

"Good to see you all again." Kyugo cried upon reaching their friends.

"Same here, bud." a drunken blond-haired woman stepped out. "Are you two still in shape?"

"Yes. Why'd you ask, Coco?" Kyugo asked.

"'Cause I'm not showing you mercy on this training, got it?" Coco flashed her shiny fangs to emphasize her point.

"Sure! By the way, where's your husband? Isn't he coming?"

"You know Enki, he's always busy with his damn job."

"Hey! He's the ruler of Makai, Coco. You should try to understand that. Why? Isn't he giving you the attention you need?"

Coco snorted. "Don't be ridiculous. I am perfectly aware of that. I told you all, as long as he's taking good care of me, I have no complaints."

"Is that what you always think, Coco. Don't you love him because in case you haven't noticed, Enki loves you very much. You're going to hurt h--"

"Enough! You are not in the place to accuse me, Kyugo." Coco growled. "I don't want to talk about this!" Coco sidestepped the dark man and settled herself on a shady corner.

Kyugo shook his head slowly. Poor Enki. Why did he have to bear all of these. He's a very good man and there's no doubt in that. 'Coco should at least learn to appreciate the man's sacrifices just to make her happy.'

"I guess we all know how she feels about this." a new voice entered.

Kyugo turned to the owner of the new voice. There stood before him a tall youkai with horns, which looked like ears, framing his face--a red cap atop his head. "Yes, we all do, Saungca. I thought you weren't coming. Enki told me that you're kind of 'NOT' into this 'CRAP'"

The one referred to as Saungca shrugged and crossed his arms on his chest. "You are absolutely right but whatever crap this is, I have to attend. I have my reasons, so don't push it any further."

"Oh really. Spying on someone again? So, what did Enki tell you, my friend?"

Saungca lightly chuckled. "What made you say that? I am no spy and what's with this 'Enki' business again? I haven't met the man for years until."

Kyugo smirked. "You're a bad liar, Saungca..."

"I don't know what you're saying."

"You're the one, who told Enki about those invitations, aren't you? Don't lie to me because I can smell it, FRIEND."

Silence wrapped dangerously around the pair. An invisible kind of tension arose and it's threatening to blow up any moment...

"So you knew all along. I shouldn't have underestimated your abilities, Kyugo. Tsk tsk." Saungca lightly chuckled upon his own remark.

"Yes, you're right. I absolutely agree on that one. So what are you up to. Better let it out already before the tournament starts. It might do both of us good..." Kyugo looked straight at the other man's eyes, piercing them with his sharp gaze--as if that gesture would extract all the information he needs to know.

"Do you expect me to tell you? You must be nuts."

"Well, you should or I'll make you."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Call it whatever you want..."

"Kyugo! Saungca! What are you two doing out there standing under this damn heat? Come on! Do you want to get fried?!" Coco called out to them in the distance. "Got lots of shade in here!"

"Just a minute, Coco!" Kyugo replied just as loud. "You heard the lady, let's go. Think about your silly actions my friend, it might get you in trouble someday or worse... get KILLED..." Kyugo flashed his counterpart a devilish smirk before turning away from him and started his way towards the rest of the group.

"You're the ones who should be careful, Kyugo. You and your demented sister--"

"Leave her out of this."

"Ha! I don't know what you two are up to just yet but I'll soon find out. And judging by Natsumi's 'participation' in it, I know it will be anything but good. I'm warning you, Kyugo, stop whatever sick schemes you're trying to pull out or it might get you in trouble, you know..."

"Tsk tsk." Kyugo chuckled mockingly at Saungca. "Thanks for the tempt, old fellow." with that, he completely shut their conversation as he headed to the shady region of the Canyons. Upon arrival, he was suddenly met by the curious state of his sister. She was frowning at him. "What's with the tiger look, sis?" he finally blurted out.

Natsumi's frown deepened. "Alright, what the hell was that show all about?"

"What show?" Kyugo innocently asked.

"You know very well which I am referring to." the woman said in a dangerously low voice. "Spit it out bow, BROTHER..."

Kyugo stared at the woman before him that is his only sibling. How can a creature so fair be somewhat dangerous in more than one aspect. She had always been like this. Always! Since the days he could still remember. She's such a very proud woman who lives by her own rules--not anybody's. It constantly gets them both in trouble and there were even times when they almost got killed! He thought those events would've taught her a lesson or two--but he was wrong. Natsumi was born as Natsumi, she'd never change her ways and he wouldn't dream of altering her too. But truth be told, he's worried sick of her well being. If only Raizen were here--


Kyugo snapped back to reality and faced the dangerously calm look of his sister. "Gomen, sis. What were you saying again?"

Natsumi growled. "I'll let that slide for now." she started through gritted teeth. "What was that show with Saungca?"

"Oh! That one." the tall man sighed and fixed his sister a stern gaze. "I think Enki has sent him to spy on us...

"Why would big guy do that?"

"Beats me. Look, I suggest we cease this now. It's--"

"No." Natsumi cut off. "Never. Raizen trusted us about this, Kyugo and I'm willing to bet everything I got to accomplish it!"

"Keep your voice down, they might hear you!"

"Let them hear, I don't care!"

"You're acting like an uncivilized youkai, Nats. Raizen won't like that." upon seeing the unconvinced look of his sibling, Kyugo sighed again and tried a different approach. "Let's see it this way... Raizen once told us to take care of things if ever he'd die, right?" he saw Natsumi signal an affirmation so he continued. "And when was that exactly? Almost four hundred years ago, Nats, when this world was still in chaos! But look around you, it's peaceful already, there are no threats anymore and--"

"Then how do you classify Yomi and Mukuro, huh? Oh, let me guess... You can call them harmless, right? Damnit! Those two signify danger in all of us! There will never peace in this world as long as that ear-filled buffoon and that stupid ugly whore are still breathing and roaming around!" Natsumi finished in barely controlled anger.

Kyugo flinched. "You're not suggesting that we go kill them, aren't you, because this is definitely not part of the plan. You said we'll just weaken them by--"

"Well, would it better?" Natsumi grinned.

"That's it!" Kyugo clenched his fists tighter. "You are out of your mind, Nats! I'm not taking part of this sick joke of yours!" with that, he turned angrily on his heels. He was about to walk away when a hand touched his shoulder. H e turned his head sideways and met Natsumi's eyes.

"Don't worry, bro. I was just kidding. Geez. Fine, weaken them or whatever."

"Let me relate it to you again. The plan was to prevent them from winning the tournament by either throwing a number of strong opponents on them or cutting their powers for good. Now which part of that did you not understand?" Kyugo firmly spoke.

"(sigh) Fine, I got it stored in my oh so brilliant mind. Come on, let's go over the others, they might get suspicious..."

"Hey guys! I'm so sorry I'm late!" a deep but happy voice emerged. All curious heads turned to the direction of the new voice--it was none other than ENKI! "I hope I'm not too late for the treat!"

"Don't worry, hon, we haven't even started yet." Coco replied for him. "Hey! Now that I noticed, how come we haven't started yet? I'm getting bored here!" Murmurs of agreement followed.

"Calm down, people." Natsumi barked. "We're still waiting for a few more people. The more participants, the better, right?"

"And who exactly are these people that we're waiting?" Coco inquired.

"I apologize for my tardiness, good people." out of the horizon, two forms came advancing towards their location.

"YOMI?!?!" they all chorused except for Natsumi and Kyugo.

"Excuse my rudeness again. I lost track of time. I also brought Shura with me, he wanted to come too. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"No! Not at all!" Kyugo answered.

"Did I miss anything?" another voice entered. They all whirled their heads and found two more great figures approaching their way.


"Yes, that's my name alright, tsk tsk. I brought a companion with me too. I hope that's okay with you." Mukuro pointed at the armor-clad Kiri standing a few steps behind her.

"There's no problem with that at all!" Kyugo exclaimed. "We're almost complete. Let's wait for a few more minutes for our final guests. They'll be here any moment now." In the corner of his eye, Kyugo could make out the pleased and excited expressions of his comrades. It was obviously caused by the arrival of the two superpowers. His friends are renowned to love to fight strong opponents especially the very powerful one.

"Kyugo, I didn't know you invited those two in here! I just want tell you that the guys are really excited about this. Man! This is way better than I expected! Let's get started now!" one of his so-called friends with gray skin commented.

"Later. You'll have your fill, don't worry..."

Chills run up his spine as he heard that familiar voice once again. How long has it been since then? Two years? Three years? That gentle voice caressed his every being and touched a part of him that he barely even know himself. Slowly, he inclined his head towards the owner of his fantasy. He saw her--still an enthralling sight to behold and more! He suppressed himself not to sigh contentedly and jump at her right there and then! Instead, he continued to watch her under hooded eyes--taking note of every move and every gesture she makes. He had been denied of her presence for far too long, it just wasn't fair! Damn training... And then, out of nowhere, someone approached her--

Mukuro was quietly leaning on a rock when she felt someone step in front of her. She lightly raised her head and to her surprise, she found a very familiar boy standing nervously before her. It was none other than Shura, Yomi's only son! He was fidgeting every now and then, and he keeps dropping his gaze at her too. Mukuro managed a genuine smile to play on her lips making the nervous boy blush. "Yes?" she uttered in a friendly kind of way. The boy bowed low at her and looked shyly at her eyes.

"G-good d-day to...to you, Lady M-mukuro1" Shura finally blurted out which sounded like a squeak.

"Good day to you too, young man." Mukuro replied calmly.

"Oh! Um... My name is Sh-shura, ma'am! I'm Yomi's son! I-I--" he was blushing profusely now.

Mukuro shook her head gently. The kid was definitely nervous and she did not like it one bit. Intimidating kids is definitely not her `thing'. She stretched her hand and placed it on the boy's shoulder. She sensed him jump upon her touch and he looked questioningly at her. She smiled back hoping to calm the young boy even slightly. "You look quite tensed. Why don't we sit down first and then we'll talk, okay?" Shura stared at her for a while before nodding his head and grinning brightly at her at the same time.

"Sure! I have lots of things to tell you, ma'am!" Shura said enthusiastically.

The two beings chose a good spot right beside a small oasis. They sat under a shady region, oblivious to a pair of eyes watching there every move...

"So, what were you saying again, Shura?" Mukuro started.

"Oh! Lady Mukuro, I just want to tell you how much I really REALLY admire you!" the little boy exclaimed. "You know ma'am, you're the strongest woman I have ever seen and you're so awesome. I had watched almost all of your fights in the tournament and you were really wonderful out there!!!"

Mukuro chuckled lightly on the child's enthusiasm. "My, you really think so? Thank you, I guess..."

"No, really! My father told me that you're actually one of the three warlords fighting over Makai in the past! He said you're very very strong and he once told me that you two nearly battled but it was somewhat interrupted! Are they really true?"

"Now that you asked, I kind of remembered something like that. The one who interfered with our fight was Raizen. By the way, what have you been doing lately?"

"Oh! Dad and me went on training somewhere very far! I got stronger too! But you know, there are lots of people in there that looked like Yusuke's appearance and--"

"THAT will be enough, Shura." announced a deep voice.

Mukuro and Shura turned their heads and were greeted by Yomi's nearing form.

"Dad! What are you doing here? I was just tel--"

"I know. How are you, Lady Mukuro?"

Mukuro stood up and straightened herself. "The same as always, that means I'm fine. How about you?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of Yomi's lips upon hearing her again. He ha d been observing her from faraway when Shura suddenly showed up. He could still hear what they're talking about even from a distance--thanks to his sharp senses. And then Shura began blurting out incoherently. But when he started mentioning about their secret training, he has got to step in and here he is now. "I'm better than ever in my life." he flashed her a toothy grin.

Shura couldn't help but notice the way his father was acting around his female idol. 'Just look at him!' he cried on his mind. His father had not been the kind of person who loved to have conversations and here he was starting a talk himself with MUKURO! 'What if--' Shura grinned mischievously while darting his gaze back and fro the two adults chatting in front of him. 'What if dad likes her, then my problem would be solved! She's my only choice I want for a mom. This is great! If this works out just fine, I'll finally get a mother of my own and I'll show those weak ningens that I'm positively not beneath their level... He he he! Boy, I'm really smart!' he tried to hold back the laugh that's threatening to spill out any second now. "Dad, Lady Mukuro, I'll leave you two for a while. Got to go!" without waiting for their reply, he darted away from them and hid himself on a nearby rock. 'This going to be great!'

Yomi and Mukuro glanced fixedly back to the direction Shura just took. Both looking very confused by the boy's sudden flight. Mukuro was the first to recover.

"You have a wonderful son, Yomi." Mukuro sighed longingly startling the other person.

"Thank you. He's the best gift that's been given to me in my cursed life. I'd never trade him for all the things and power in the universe..."

"Really..." Mukuro whispered under her breath. 'A... child...' Something tugged deeply into her heart.

"WE'RE here!" an annoying voice exclaimed. "Is this the Dark Canyons? It's pretty hot in here! Better name it Frying Country, ha!ha!ha! Hey, could you people at least laugh because in case you haven't noticed, that was supposedly a joke! Hey ENKI, my man! Long time no see! I just want to say that you're doing a great job in here, keep up the good work!" the person waved wildly at them.

"Descendant of Raizen!" Enki cried. "I didn't know you're also coming!"

"Quit the descendant crap men, it doesn't sound good. The name's Urameshi, Yusuke Urameshi. Ha ha! That was funny! Argh!!! Don't you people know how to laugh! Oh well, surprised you didn't I? I've let a few friends to come along with me. " Yusuke pointed at a few youkais behind him namely Cho, Suzuki, Wakamaru, Hokushin(Raizen's former right hand man--the monk-like person), and of course, Hiei. They proceeded forward.

Hiei frowned. All of these things are boring him to no end. He came here clearly because of the spar and nothing more. As he was walking forward, he caught a speck of copper-blond hair in the right corner of his eye. 'What the--' he quickly whipped his head and to his disbelief--he found himself staring back at the blue depth of his former master. 'Mukuro...' He didn't avert his gaze until he noticed the familiar youkai standing too close beside her. He shifted his eyes momentarily and he finally recognized the man--it was Yomi! But why would those two stand closely with each other when everybody knows that they've been enemies for God-knows how long! He hasn't even noticed himself clench his fists and glare at Mukuro. What was it that he was feeling right now? Was it jealousy? He snapped back to attention upon hearing Enki's loud voice pop out of nowhere.

Mukuro stiffened upon hearing Yusuke's loud mouth. 'If he's here, then Hiei might just be here too!' she searched for him under masked expression. And after a few inspections, she finally found him, Hiei! He still stood there as though nothing had happened. His posture screamed of arrogance and strength but as their eyes met, she discovered how wrong she was. Behind the dark and piercing gaze he gave her was a confused man that she learned to like... He might've had hidden it from the ordinary people quite well but she will never be fooled by him. For a second there, his gaze faltered from her and when he looked back, he was glowering at her! She flinched inwardly. Was he really mad at her? Her attention snapped back upon hearing Enki's booming voice...

"May I have your attention please!" Enki boomed. "I would like to thank all of you for coming in this little gathering. Since we're all here now, we might as well get started, ei? But before anything else, I would like to lay out some rules to ensure us and the rest of the population the least damage as possible."

"What kind of rules?"

"First is that we should not spar outside the boundaries of the Dark Canyons because we might risk the lives of civilians. I have already sent orders that this place is out of boundS for a couple of days so there'll be no problems with that. And the second is um...A, um... You see guys, I think we should try to suppress our powers, bec--"

"I disagree!" Natsumi interjected. "How are we going to train if that's the case, huh?" Murmurs of approval swept around the group.

"Fine! No suppressing. Hm... What would-Aha! I have a great idea!"Enki cried out.

"It doesn't include suppressing our powers, does it?"

"Kind of. Guys, why don't we have a hand-to-hand combat no ki balls and etc! It'll still be as great as fighting with kis but hey, it costs less damage. So what do you think?" Enki looked hopefully at the murmuring crowd before him.

"Sound like a good idea to me." Yusuke brought his thumbs up. "Count me in!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"The same here!"


"As long as (hiccup) it's fun (hiccup)!"

"THEN it's settled! Pair up people!"

A/N: The next chappie will be about the `gathering'. I accept reviews, e-mails and a lot more! If you have questions, go ahead and tell me. AND PLEASE REVIEW PEOPLE!!! That's what makes us happy!!!