Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Egyptian Goddess ❯ The Forest ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Walking through the small forest of trees just outside of the city limits, you watch as the sun begins to sink down over the horizon. Wearing your usual Egyptian style flowing linen dress, you spot a tree that looks reasonably good to lie in and watch the setting sun. Coming to the base of the tree you look up, and jump up into the leaves, landing on a sturdy branch. Sitting down you stare out at the setting sun.
Tomorrow, you have to get up and go to the school of the current time because of someone who found you wandering around the streets of the town. As you sat there you heard voices coming close to where you were.
(Voice 1) “I can smell a strange scent, something's not right.”
(Voice 2) “Hn.”
(Voice 1) “It's coming from this way.”
You can hear them walking closer to you, and then you smell something in the air which you know isn't quite right. Taking a sniff of the air you try to determine what the scent is of. For a second you can't figure it out, then you realize what it was.
It was the Anubis Army scouts. They were out looking for you since you had forgotten that you had to meet your father tonight at five-thirty and it was now seven.
(You) `Shit, I forgot about that. Dad is going to be so mad at me. Oh well those two voices, I hope the guards don't find them. If they attack the guards they'll be worse off than dead fish.' you think to yourself.
Jumping down, you notice that the people who had been talking were sitting right under your tree. A blade of cold hard steel is against your throat, and you can feel the pressure of it every time you breathe in.
(Voice 1) “Hiei let her go. She means us no harm.”
(Hiei) “Hn”
He lowers his blade and replaces it in it's sheath.
With that you walk away and disappear into the trees and call for the Anubis guards. They come to your calling and you make a portal to the underworld and jump through.
Landing on your feet in you room, you change into a clean linen dress and put on your jewellery and walk out into a hallway.
Satisfied, you walk quickly through your part of the house, and out the front door, across the gardens and into the temple building. Once in there, you quickly walk through the pillared hall into a dinning hall where you can see your father pacing up and down slowly wearing away at the dirt floor making a hollow in the floor.
(You) “Father.”
He stops and looks up at you.
(Anubis) “Assaya.”
The way that he said your name it made is sound as though he was angry, but was unable to stay angry after seeing you.
(You) “Sorry that I'm late father. I was held up by the fact that I forgot and I wanted to watch the sunset. Actually, I think that two boys, which, just happened to be passing through the forest when the guards came to finds me, were almost found by them before they could have found me.”
Your father looked at you.
(Anubis) “Did you get a look at them before you called the guards off?”
You nod your head.
(You) “Yes.” you begin a bit hesitatingly remembering the feeling of the cold hard sharp steel sitting against your bare throat.
(You) “One had black hair with a white starburst, and bright red eyes, the other had blazing red hair and emerald green eyes. The redhead called the other one Hiei. You don't think that it could have been the famous forbidden child perhaps?”
(Anubis) “Perhaps, but why did you hesitate before telling me what you saw? What happened?” he demanded in a voice which you recognized as the one where he wanted the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because he would accept no lies, no matter what.
Looking at the ground you begin.
(You) “I was sitting in a tree watching the sun setting when I heard them talking about how they could smell something in the air and it was coming from my direction. I realized that it was the scent of your guards coming to find me. I remembered that I had to meet you and jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground on my feet. The black haired one had his katana at my throat before I could move. The red head told him I was no threat, and he put it away. I just walked off and called the guards so that they could go back to what they usually do.” you finish and look up into your fathers eyes.
The outline of your fathers eyes are beginning to glow red, and he is no longer paying any attention to you. You can see that he is angry not at you but at Hiei.
(You) “Dad, snap out of it, come on, you know that I can look after myself. If I had wanted to, I could have had his blade stuck in a tree half a kilometre away if he hadn't taken it away any sooner than he had.” you say.
Sighing slightly, he looks at you with pride.
(You) “You have your mother's fiery flame in you. But I must agree that you are a fantastic fighter. If I ever meet these boys or if you ever meet them again and he does something like that to you again then please give him a good punch from me.”
You smile, and so does your father.
(Anubis) “Come, lets start dinner, you have to get up early for training at Genkai's temple tomorrow morning.”
(You) “Yeah and I can't wait to see how much of a difference there is between the temples and their training techniques of now and so many years ago. Thanks for setting it up with Koenma so that I could have a place to stay and everything.”
(Anubis) “Well, anything for my daughter, and it's not like you have much else to do around here. I do most of the work and you don't really have anything to do, do you?”
(You) “Nope, not really,” you agree.
(You) “That was part of the reason that I became the famous thief `Silent Death'. You don't think that Koenma would figure out that it was me surely right?”
(Anubis) “Well it wouldn't really matter if he did, after all we have all of the artefacts that you have recovered here, or you put them in Koenma's office. Most of them were being held to go on sale on the black market in the demon world anyway. You have never stolen from a respectable demon who rightfully should have it.”
(You) “Nope, only the bad ones.”
You sit down to the right of your father, and he sits at the head of the table. You both eat your dinner in silence, just enjoying that fact that you were in each others company. Once you are full, you lay your knife and fork on the plate and excuse yourself. Still full of energy, you don't feel like going to bed so you decide to go back to the Human World and train for a while.
(You) `Nothing like a good workout before bed to send you to sleep.' you think as you go out the door.
You create a portal into the Human World close to where you had seen the two boys earlier. You decide to try out your Spectre Whips, and test them using a couple of your father's troops.
The Anubis guard were very nice to you since, alike to your father you treated them with the kind of respect and kindness that you would any normal being. Where as most people would dismiss the dead guards of Anubis with distaste.
Calling up your favourite two Anubis Guards, Ciron, and Kiron, you bow, and they bow back. You made a Spectre Whip out of the spirits that constantly follow you around to protect you. They willingly form into the whips and with one in each hand you get into a fighting position.
They ready their weapons and fall down into ready fighting stances, waiting only moments, you are signalled by a single leaf that has descended to the ground, and as soon as it touched the dirt you charged.
Somehow, Ciron has pinned you down onto the ground and Kiron has his ancient rusted sword up against your neck, refusing to give in, you suddenly heard a calling out from somewhere in the bushes, and in a voice that you had never heard before.
(Voice 3) “SPIRIT GUN!”
It knocked Kiron off of his feet and into the tree three metres behind him. Then Ciron is knocked off of you by a green thorned whip, which wrapped around his chest. You just lay there confused and not really wanting to know what had happened.
Then you hear in a small whisper, a few words from the guy called Hiei.
(Hiei) “Baka Onna, Hn.”
Then you look up to see black spiky hair with a white starburst, and a face with red eyes.
You mumble back, (You) “Baka Oni's, can't do anything right.”
Then you see that Kiron is slowly fighting off a human who has a lot of access Spirit Energy compared to most, and Ciron fighting his way out of the thorny whip, which was a struggle.
(You) “Okay everyone stop what they are doing and explain to me what is going on here?” you demand in a tone which leaves absolutely no room for refusal.
Ciron and Kiron instantly stop and bow slightly in your direction.
A boy with black hair, smothered in a thick layer of oil stop punching out at Kiron, and a red haired boy with sparkling green eyes stop and allowed his whip to return to a rose. They look slightly confused by the way that the Anubis guards are acting.
(You) “Well, I haven't got all day.” you say starting to get mad.
(Ciron and Kiron) “We merely are defending ourselves against people who attacked us.”
Knowing that that was the truth you turn to the boys who were looking a bit wide-eyed.
(Voice 3) “They had you pinned down and were about to kill you, we saved your life.” The slicked back black haired one tried to defend him with.
You couldn't help but laugh.
(You) “It is more that their existences worth to kill me, and anyway they are my friends.” you say almost laughing at the ludicrousness of it all.
Although when you thought about it, it did make sense to assume what they had done. Ciron pinning you down and Kiron with a sword at your neck, you probably would have thought the same thing, and done about the same thing in retaliation. They look at you strangely and then turn to Ciron and Kiron who they stare at.