Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Gangs In The Makai ❯ pizza parlor sadistics ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The entire gang was walking down the street.(now i'm getting bored)

"Hey guys..Let's stop and get some pizza." Yusuke said stopping in front of the pizza parlor

"Why not." Kurama said. They walked inside..(oviously) When they walked in there where only 4 girls sitting at a table. 3 of them seem to be having a conversation while the 4th one sat at end of the table siting there.....doing nothing with a laptop in front of her.

"Hey Hiei...I think i found your double." Yusuke whispered

"hn" he answered and looked over at the girl Yusuke was talking about. She had shoulder length brown hair with burginady highlights. But the thing that got him the most was the fact her eyes were SILVER. She was half awake when her computer started beeping.

"Huh? oh..stupid computer" hiei heard her mumble

"Youk..Raven why don't you get a new laptop?" The girl across from her said..quickly changing the name she was going to call her by.

"Can't afford it. My baka brother refuses to do.......you know what n e more" Raven answered looking at the tentai

"hey that one girl is kinda hott." Kuwabaka said quietly while the rest sweatdroped

"All 4 of them are kinda hott." Yusuke added.

"They seem to be argueing......and kinda pale?" Kurama said

"2 of them are pale. 1 pale girl isn't as social. the other 3 seem quite cold too. They're just not showing it."Hiei said about the same time a guy nocked on the window. Making Raven look up to see the boy flip her off.

She closed her eyes and opened them a slit and stood up with her hands in her pockets, eyes closed and walked out the door when the boys passes.

"Raven! You promised!" The girl next to the window across the table from where she was said.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Raven asked back and walked outside.

"Nancy, we gotta go stop her." The blonde said and pulled the girl up next to her

"Why me? Why can't Kia go?" Nancy asked

"Cause...quite honestly..i don't think she'll be able to handle Raven's um...err...what ever they are.....moments." she said." no offense Kia"

"It's okay...i honestly want to wait and find out. Have fun." Kia said and the other 2 left. (yes...i do get that scary when mad....^_^)

Just as soon as they left they came back with Raven. Both holding 1 arm and poking her?

"What are you guys doing to her?" Kurama asked as he saw and heard Raven flinching and saying ow.

The blonde smiled."Nothing.....too painfull."

"Ya right. It wont be tooo painfull when I get a chance to SLICE YOUR FRICKEN HEAD OFF!!!!" Raven yelled. All 3 sat down.

"So....what were you poking her with any way?" Kuwabara asked

"This." Nancy said and held up a small little silver dagger.

"Why would ningens poke each other with daggers?" Hiei asked

"Cause it's fun!" Kia shouted

"True.True." Raven said nodding her head

"Oh well..... I'm emily." the blonde said

"I'm Nancy....that's Kia and miss anti social is Raven." Nancy said while Raven stuck her tounge out.

"I'm the amazing Kazuma Kuwabara. I'll protect you. Will you go out with me?" he asked holding Raven's hand.

She looked at him....Emily saw Raven's eyes go red and get an evil smirk on her face...and

"Hey!!! why did ja go off and do that 4?"Raven asked rubing her head.

"The suns still out!! and i'm NOT afraid to use it. Just be glad it was the pepper i threw." Emily answered. Raven growled...while all the boys wel...looked like this...@_@u

"So......who are you?"


srry for the cliffy...but im so tired...i'm not suppose to beon the computer this late..it's 12:10 am. and i'm gettin too many im's...and im gonna crazy from not laughing...yes because u emily!!!!!!!!!