Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Jaganshi ga Boku no Nagaisu ni Iru! ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jaganshi ga Boku no Nagaisu ni Iru!


There's a Jaganishi on My Couch!


She was a normal young woman until a Jaganshi stumbled across her door mat. H/OC Romance and slight Humor


Anyway, just to warn you people, there's a LIME and LEMON in here. I will tell you when they come though, so don't worry about being surprised by them or anything.



Tsukimi sighed, and rubbed her arms in frustration. She had forgotten her coat, and was now freezing. It didn't help that she was miles away from her apartment, and it was quickly becoming dark. She promised herself that when she got home she would curl up, and die; end of the week or not.

Maybe make the Jaganshi some dinner.

He really didn't deserve to have such a rude hostess after all. He was probably just cranky, he was tired. Her weird be-polite-when-confused attitude was now kicking in, and she walked even faster than before to get to her apartment.

"Tsukimi?! Tsukimi-chan!"

'Who . . .?' "Masshiro?!" She turned to face a figure running toward her. She spluttered out when he stopped to stand in front of her, "Masshiro-kun? What are you doing here? And . . . what's that smell?" Had he been drinking? He smelled of sake!

"What are *you* doing out here?! It's getting dark!" He took off his coat, and put it on her shoulders, "Where's your coat?!"

"I forgot it. Masshiro-kun, why are you shouting?" She whispered, hoping that he'd take the hint and stop.

"I'm not shouting!" He shouted. "I was thinking about you all week, Tsukimi-chan! I love you! I don't want to be apart from you ever again!"

With that said, Masshiro wrapped his arms around her in a death-like grip, and carried her to an alley. She kicked, and screamed at her ex-boyfriend to stop, but he would not listen.

He murmured to her, his voice becoming low and more slurred, "Tsukimi-chan, I got a surprise for you . . ."

"Oh Kami! Masshiro, let me go!" She started to whimper when his hand began to slip under her shirt, and roughly fondle her breast. "Stop it! Help! Somebody! Help!"

There was a sickening crack, and the hand under her shirt disappeared because that crack had been someone's foot coming in contact with Masshiro's face, and the hand no longer fondling her breast went with him as he had been flung away from her.

Kuwabara's worried face became level with hers, "Are you okay, Tsukimi-chan?"

"Thank you!" She enveloped Kuwabara in a bear hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"It's okay. I'm going to take you home, okay?"

She nodded, and wiped away the tears that were now forming. In the mouth of the alley appeared Kurama and Yuusuke. Yuusuke asked, "What's going on?"

Kuwabara spit at the unconscious form of Masshiro, "This dirt bag tried to take advantage of her."

Kurama's eyes narrowed, "That's Shikkoku Masshiro, her ex-boyfriend."

Yuusuke sneered, and then smiled at Tsukimi, "Come on, Tsukimi-chan, we'll take you home." He offered his arm to her, and her arms wrapped tightly around it. He did not flinch at how tight she held onto him, and led her away from the alley and to his car.


Once they reached her apartment, she let them enter first. She had put the Jaganshi on her couch before she had left, but who cared if they saw the Jaganshi? His bandana was on, so they wouldn't see the Jagan. However, the Jaganshi wasn't on her couch.

She sighed, and told them to make themselves at home as she headed to her bedroom. She shut the door softly behind her as her eyes took in the curled up Jaganshi on her bed. In her spot. Again. His boots were sitting beside her shoes against the wall, and his tatty shirt and bandana were folded over a chair.

The scene vaguely reminded her of what she considered her happy home. She was just coming in the bedroom, her husband was sleeping on her side of the bed because he had missed her presence, his shirt was waiting on a chair to be sewn, and his boots had been almost carelessly put next to her own shoes.

Tsukimi smiled sadly, and settled her head beside his body as she sat on the floor beside the bed. She murmured, "So, how was your day?"

An awake Jaganshi was curled up in her spot on the bed, "Obviously not as terrible as yours. You should have beaten his head in."

Tsukimi frowned slightly, "How did you know what happened?"

"I have my ways."

Her eyes flitted to the Jagan, which was uncovered, "Aren't you going to try to take over my mind or something?"

He shook his head, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Tsukimi-chan?!" Yuusuke's muffled voice called, "Are you okay?!"

"I'll be out in a minute!" She turned to the Jaganshi, "Could you stay in here? They won't be here long. Okay?" In answer, he turned over in the bed, and - if it was at all possible - he curled up even tighter than before. "I'll take that as a 'yes.'"

She went into the kitchen, and began to prepare a meal for her and them. The kitchen was a slight mess again, but not as bad as before. It was still quite messy though.

Yuusuke laughed nervously, "Geez, what happened in here?"

A Jaganshi raided her clean kitchen. That's what happened.

"A fridge-raid, what's it look like?" She tried to smile, but it faultered.

Kurama said, "Don't worry, Tsukimi-chan. If you want, I can stay the night on your couch."

She thought that over. A redhead on her couch instead of a Jaganshi? While not as interesting as the Jaganshi, it would be much more appreciated.

Where would the Jaganshi sleep though? She sighed, and resigned herself to bed with the Jaganshi for just that night. "Go ahead, Kurama-kun . . . So, what were you guys doing out there?"

Yuusuke frowned, "We were looking for a friend of ours."

"Did you find him?"

"No," Yuusuke brushed his hand through his hair in frustration. "I guess we shouldn't worry so much, but Kuwabara's been having a weird feeling, and . . . well, you see Kuwabara's hunches are never wrong."

She frowned slightly, and asked, "Why shouldn't you worry?"

"The Mytho-whatever-type-dude?" She nodded. Yuusuke continued, "Well, we usually see him flitting around, and when we don't see him flitting around he's hanging out with us a bit more often. It was really weird, the last time we saw him was almost a week ago. He was hanging out with us, and he just left. No reason or goodbye or anything. He even left his stuff because he was in such a hurry."

"Do you have any idea what he might be doing?"


Kurama added, "He might be on one of his trips again though."

"Trips?" She asked.

Kuwabara nodded, "He sometimes goes to mythological sites and stuff like that. He was gone for a month once, but he told us that he'd be gone that time. I still got a really bad feeling about this. He's not usually gone this long without telling us *something.*"

Yuusuke and Kuwabara left after eating the dinner that she had made. Kurama was preparing to sleep on the couch when she went to her room to change into her pajamas. She crawled into bed.

The Jaganshi sighed, and enfolded his arms about her loosely. Tsukimi stiffened, and he murmured nothing in his sleep, strengthening his grip. After a moment, she relaxed, and tried to think of it as her happy home again, thinking that it might not work. However, the image easily came to mind, and she was soon fast asleep, a Jaganshi cuddled to her side.


Someone knocked on her door, and she awakened, "Tsukimi-chan?"

Kurama! She looked at the clock, and it read 2:58. Tsukimi called out, softly, "Just a minute." Tsukimi carefully untangled herself from the Jaganshi, and padded over to the door, cracking it open, so that Kurama wouldn't see the him, "What?"

"I have to go right now. I didn't want you to worry. Okay?"

"Why are you leaving?"

"Ah . . . Okaasan called my apartment, but since I wasn't there, she called here to ask you if you knew where I was."

She nodded, remembering giving Shiori her phone number. "Okay, and Kurama-kun?"


"Thank you for spending the night to keep me company."

"It's my pleasure, Tsukimi-chan. Ja mata."


Then he went down the hallway, and out of her sight. She leaned against the now closed door, and listened as he opened and shut the front door. Tsukimi didn't know that she had been in such a deep sleep as to not hear her phone ring.

Her eyes gazed at the Jaganshi, who was waking up. His red eyes glittered in the moonlight peeking in from outside, and his Jagan glowed for a brief moment.

She sunk to the floor, and sat there, staring at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"A friend of mine was sleeping on the couch," she murmured. "His kaasan called though. He was saying good-bye."

The Jaganshi nodded, "Koibito?"


"Is he your koibito?"

"Oh . . . no, he's just a friend. He was worried about me."

He looked at his lap, and then at the side of the bed he was now on, "Did you move me?"

She shook her head, "No, you . . . um . . ." Tsukimi blushed, and watched, fascinated, as he did the same. "So . . . why can't you use your Jagan?"

"I can use my Jagan."

Tsukimi swallowed nothing, "Then why don't you use it on me?"

"I can't."

"But you said-"

"I can't use it on *you.*"

She crawled over to the bed, and peeked over the rim at him. "Why not?"

The Jaganshi cocked his head to the side, "I . . . you and I . . ." he snorted, and looked at the window. Away from her.

"You and I what?"

"We are both Jaganshi."

She rolled her eyes, "Funny, I don't remember seeing a third eye on my forehead."

"You are a real Jaganshi. I had an operation to put this in. It used to belong to a true Jaganshi like you."

"A true Jaganshi? What are you talking about?" She folded her arms, and laid her head on her bed, looking up at him. "How come I haven't been able to control people or anything?"

He said, "You might be just part Jaganshi or you are weak." The Jaganshi finally looked at her, "I know that there's Jaganshi in you though."

"Hmmm, so where's my Jagan?"

He sighed, "The true Jaganshi used to be an ancient race of ningen that were powerful psychics. Their Jagan was their left eye. Their strongest were wiped out by youkai, who kept the Jagan, and joined with them. Most of them died because it causes great pain when joining with the Jagan, and they use up a lot of energy. Their Jagan lived though." He frowned slightly, "My Jagan was one that killed one of the youkai. It killed a lot of youkai before it came to me." His eyes met with hers, "You must be a descendent of one of the weaker Jaganshi."

Tsukimi poked her left eye. It didn't feel as if it should be able to control people, "So, my Jagan cancelled out your Jagan?"

"Basically. No matter how powerful a Jaganshi becomes, they are never able to control another Jaganshi."

"Okay then," she lifted up her blanket, and crawled under it to lie on her rightful side of the bed. "So, this night has been weird enough. Sleep."

His deep voice murmured, "Something happened . . ."

"Oh?" she murmured, already falling asleep. "What's that?"

"We bonded."

This woke her up, "What's that mean?"

The Jaganshi scratched the back of his neck, "After a while, a Jagan will start to hurt."

"Why?" she covered her Jagan.

"It's telling the Jaganshi that they have to . . . they have to look for their mate." Tsukimi suddenly didn't like where he was going with this, "I have been ignoring my pain, but while in the middle of a sparring match with . . . a friend, I became too weak to continue. I fled the scene, and followed to where my Jagan wanted me to go . . . My Jagan led me here . . . My Jagan hurt so much that I fainted."

"Mate?" He was using a crude term if he was saying what she thought he was saying. She sat up, and shook his shoulders, "You mean spouse? We're married?!"

"Not totally."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"We haven't legalized it with bonding physically," he said matter of factly.

Her eyes widened, and she managed to breath out, "What . . .?" She let go of his shoulders, and scooted away. He rolled his eyes, all three of them. She asked after a long moment of silence, desperately trying to change the subject, "Why were you just laying around my apartment?"

"My Jagan still hurt, and it was sucking up my energy, so I had to soak up some of your energy. You weren't always around, so," he shrugged, "I went to the best places that you usually were in the house, since I didn't want to faint looking for you."

"Um . . . is it still sucking up your energy?"

"Yes, but not as much with you here."

"When will it stop so that you can leave?"

She thought she saw a flash of pain in his eyes, but it was gone the next moment. He looked down into his hands, "When we bond physically . . . if you really want me to leave after that . . . I . . ."

She bit her lip, in thought, 'He doesn't seem that bad . . . he was hurting, that was why he was so mad at me! I left him when he was in pain! He was just looking for his mate! I'm his mate! I'm his wife!' "Um . . . Jaganshi, how did we bond in the first place?"

"When I took off my bandana, and revealed my Jagan that first time." He held out his hands as if afraid that she might strike him. "I swear. I didn't know who you were! If I had known, I wouldn't have gone ahead and done that!"

"It's okay, really!" He sighed in relief, and she continued to ask, "How does a Jagan pick . . . ah . . . mates?"

He glanced up at her, but looked away, and at his hands again, "It knows . . ."

There was supposed to be more after that; she had heard the unspoken part, "It knows what?"

He shut all of his eyes tightly, "It knows who is right for me, and who I am right for!" He had said it quickly, as if ashamed to say the words.

"Oh . . ." she laid down, and stared up at him, "Is that all?"

He opened his Jagan, and looked at her. After a moment, his other eyes opened, and he just gazed at her.


Koibito - Lover


Letting the Jaganshi sleep in her bed with her probably wasn't the brightest idea she ever had. She hadn't been able to sleep the entire night. Tsukimi had just laid on her side, and stared at the wall, away from the Jaganshi. She was certain that the Jaganshi hadn't been able to sleep either from the way he kept tossing and turning.

So, the next morning, tired and drowzy, Tsukimi pulled on a robe, trudged into the kitchen, and made breakfast. The Jaganshi soon followed, after putting his bandana on. He laid his head on the kitchen table, and watched her cook. She said nothing, and he said nothing.

They ate silently, and after they were done cleaning the kitchen from the Jaganshi's last raid, Tsukimi went back to her room, and he followed, standing in the doorway, watching her.

Tsukimi retrieved his torn shirt - it had always been like that, but now that she got a good look at it, it looked much worse - and from out of her closet she got a sewing kit. She sat on the bed with these things in front of her, and picked out the black thread and needle that she would use to sew the shirt.

Meticulously, she began sewing up the tears and holes in the shirt. A half hour later, she was holding up the shirt to look at it, making sure that she had gotten everything. A hand came into view then, and took the shirt out of her hands. She squeaked, and the Jaganshi chuckled. Tsukimi blinked in surprise, and then smiled. The Jaganshi tilted his head to the side, leaned toward her, and kissed her nose.




Tsukimi had let the Jaganshi, Hiei, stay with her. He spent all day with her whenever he wasn't napping in her bed, and at night he slept in her bed, an itch that she couldn't scratch. Tsukimi always found herself blushing whenever she crawled into bed. She did not sleep well, fearing that her Jaganshi half-mate would take her when she was unprepared. She didn't even know if she wanted to get it over with or to wait and see if they truly were made for each other.

Friday morning found the two of them sitting, and reading in her favorite chair. All they had done for the past two hours was read. Tsukimi was content. She would have given anything to stay like that with him. Would it always be this nice? She mentally slapped herself. What? Was she really condsidering mating - marrying a Jaganshi?!

She sighed, 'Yeah, I'm going to marry a Jaganshi. How about that. Never would have thought that when I was younger. Of course, I didn't know that I myself was a Jaganshi. A useless Jaganshi, but a Jaganshi. Hey! They won't be able to make me eat oatmeal raisin cookies! What am I thinking?! Crazy me.'

It was surprising, his calm. Their first two encounters had made her think that he was a ruthless, uncaring barbarian. Now, as they lounged, she thought of their second encounter. She had thought that he was overheating, so she had stripped him, and put him in the tub to cool. Tsukimi blushed as she remembered it.

His body had been a mass of pure muscle. Not a large muscle, but a lean muscle. His skin was fair and smooth except for the random scars that she had found. The Jaganshi was wide too. She had tried to not look, but she hadn't been able to help it.

She groaned pathetically, covered her eyes in shame, and slid to the floor to groan some more.

"Eh? Tsukimi?" He placed a hand on her shoulder.

She blushed, and removed her hands, to look into his crimson orbs. He bit his lip, and tried not to look at her. He felt . . . unsure. Hiei had mentioned how they would be able to feel a little bit of what the other was feeling. Maybe even more so since they were both Jaganshi. He also had said that they would be able to sense where the other was, but that wasn't for a couple months. Was he feeling what she felt? Her embarrassment? Her lust?

Her mind turned back to that day, and her heart jumped into her throat. His emotions abruptly went haywire at that, his desire flaring like a wild fire.

And the phone rang.

She slapped her forehead, and moaned, "Typical! Just typical!"

He chuckled, nervously, and sat back in the chair.

Tsukimi bolted to her phone, and answered it, "Moshi moshi?"

"Hello. Is this the Chuudan residence?"

"No, you've got the wrong number."

"Sumimasen. Ojamashimasu." She hung up, and Tsukimi did too.

She turned to look at the Jaganshi, and her blush magnefied in intensity as she realized that he was stalking toward her.

And the phone rang.

He stopped to look at the thing with amusement. "Kuso!" She picked up the phone, "Moshi moshi?"

"Hello, is this the Chuudan residence?"

"Obasan, I'm sorry, you dialed the wrong number again."

"Ah! Sumimasen! Ojamashimasu!" She hung up.

This time, Tsukimi slammed the phone down, and collapsed to the ground in a fit of giggles, leaning against the wall. He knelt by her, and curled into her side, chuckling. She felt him smile against her stomach, and then he was lifting up her shirt slightly to suck on her stomach. She gasped, and struggled not to die right then and there.

Hiei's mouth was slowly moving down, nipping at her skin, and his hand was unhurriedly unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. His other hand was creeping inside, playing with her curls for a moment before going to his goal, sliding a finger inside of Tsukimi. Her back arched in pain and pleasure.

Her jeans had been pulled off, and Hiei was kneeling quite comfortably between her legs. His mouth latched onto her bud, making her moan loudly. She felt his lust jump at that, and his finger slipped out. He licked his finger clean of her juices while she watched, and then his head was between her legs again. His tongue darted inside of her, and . . .

The phone rang. Again.

"Shimatta!" She cursed, first, looking at the Jaganshi that had stopped to glare at the phone above them, and then up at the phone.

He growled, and sidled up to her ear, "Answer it."

Tsukimi unsteadily got to her feet, and picked up the phone. She said shakily, "Moshi moshi?"

"Tsukimi-chan?" Keiko! "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just recovering from a fit of giggles."

Below her, the Jaganshi chuckled, 'A fit of giggles, indeed.'

She gasped, and covered her mouth, 'Jaganshi?'

His eyes widened in surprise, and then he smirked. Keiko asked, "Tsukimi-chan? What's wrong?"

"I . . . I just realized what time it was. I haven't showered all day." Which was a lie, she showered every morning after getting up.

She bit her lip as Hiei stuck his finger into her again, and slowly pumped her, grinning like a madman up at her, 'Tsukimi . . . do you know how good you taste?' He took the finger out, and licked it at his leisure.

"Oh? Well, why don't you take a shower, and come on over? A friend of ours is visiting. We want you to meet her."

"That sounds great. I'll do that. See you in an hour?"

"Okay. Ja mata."

"Ja mata."

With that she hung up the phone, and pulled the plug from the wall. She pulled him over to kiss him thoroughly, his tongue moving alongside hers, so that she could taste herself. When they came out of the kiss for air, he asked, "What did you mean by, 'See you in an hour?'"

"Ah . . . Hiei, we need to shower, we can . . . um . . . . . . and then I have to leave. Gomen nasai."



"We will take a shower, and then you will leave. I don't want to claim you too hastily."

"Claim?" she squeaked.

He kissed her forehead, 'Worry about that later, Tsukimi-chan.'

In one sweeping movement, the Jaganshi lifted her, and carried her to the bathroom, setting her on the toilet.

He stepped back, and slowly took off his shirt, twisting seductively. Her already flushed face blazed, as he calmly undid his belt, and slipped his pants to the floor. She moaned as he knelt in front of her, and brought her head down for a kiss. Her shaking hands took off his bandana, and then they slid into his hair. The Jaganshi broke the kiss, and began to take off her shirt. When he reached the bra, he looked at it curiously, and then he snapped the strap.

"Itai!" She slapped his hand.

He frowned slightly, "What the hell is that?"

She giggled, "It's a bra. Women wear it so that they don't sag later in life."

"Women in the Makai wear strips of cloth around their chest, not this," to emphasize on what he was talking about, he snapped the strap again, and she squeaked. He growled low in his throat, "I hope you don't mind."

"Mind wha-?" All of a sudden, her bra was in pieces on the tile floor. "You . . . Shimatta! Jaganshi, you ruined a good bra!"

He chuckled again, lifted her into his arms, and stepped into the tub. Setting her down so that she could stand, Hiei closed the curtain. Tsukimi bent over to turn on the water. When she thought that the water was a suitable temperature, she set it so that the water jetted down on them. She stood up straight, and the Jaganshi wrapped his arms around her, standing under the stream of water so that they could both get wet.

It was kind of hard to stay mad at him for tearing up her bra, especially when he was being so . . . cute.


Sumimasen - Polite form of 'sorry.'

Ojamashimasu - Excuse me for interrupting you

Obasan - Aunt, or middle-aged woman

Itai - Pain, ow, ouch


The old woman was known as Genkai, she was a dear old friend of theirs. She had decreed that when she died, she would give the group of friends her shrine to keep it alive, so that it would not go to waste. Genkai had found Tsukimi rather interesting, and Tsukimi had thought the same of her. She had spent most of the day with them.

When the girls had wanted to do up Tsukimi's hair, Genkai had shown a surprising amount of expertise in styling hair. When Tsukimi had asked her about it, Genkai had answered, "I didn't always look like this."

Unfortunately, since Tsukimi's hair was so short, all they could do was make tiny curls. Her hair was still up in curling irons, and they were moving on to do something with Botan's hair when someone called. Keiko answered, "Moshi moshi? . . . Yuusuke-kun! Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you! . . . You found him? . . . You locked him in a closet?! Why?!"

She quickly tuned herself out of this conversation not sure if she should be listening, but when she discovered that the others were no longer paying attention on what to do with Botan's hair, she couldn't help but do the same.

"Okay . . . okay . . . Okay! That sounds wonderful! Hold on." She looked at Tsukimi, and asked, "Tsukimi-chan, Yuusuke and the others finally found their Mythologist friend. Do you want to go over to Genkai's shrine, and meet him?"

She thought for a moment. If she could stand to wait, the Jaganshi could stand to wait for another hour or so, right? He wasn't in any pain anymore. So . . .

Tsukimi nodded, "I need to stop at my apartment first."

Keiko smiled, and spoke into the phone, "We'll be there in a half hour."


He was gone! Where was he? Not in her apartment at least. Had he really just been a wonderful dream? And just like any other wonderful dream, he disappeared before they could make love, and thus become bonded in soul and body? Hiei? Was he real?

As she climbed the stairs to the shrine, Yukina turned to Tsukimi, and asked, "Are you okay, Tsukimi-chan?"

She nodded, dully, and Botan and Keiko looked at her in worry. Botan said, "Tsukimi-chan, you've been acting strange ever since you left your apartment. We know that there's something wrong. You can tell us, Tsukimi-chan, we're your friends."

Tsukimi looked up at Botan who was a few steps in front of her, and she tilted her head to the side, "Maybe I'll tell you all about my wonderful dream, but not now."

Yes, it was just a dream. That must have been it. She had been walking around in a strange daze while she had been at her own home. The rest of it - when she hadn't been home - was real. The Jaganshi named Hiei did not exist, he was a figment of her imagination. What had caused this beautiful illusion was beyond Tsukimi, but he was just that: a beautiful illusion.

"You let him go?!" She heard Yuusuke shout.

Keiko shouted, "Yuusuke-kun! We're here!"

When they reached the top of the stairs, Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama were waiting. Kurama smiled at Tsukimi, "Tsukimi-chan, sumimasen. I've been a bit busy with homework, so I couldn't check up on you, and then this popped up." He shrugged. "Sumimasen."

"It's okay," she said. She asked Yuusuke, "What happened?"

Kuwabara laughed, "They stuffed him in the closet the moment they saw him, and he started up the biggest ruckus! The shrimp was kicking and screaming at us! Then Kurama let him go, and he's going to be so pissed off when he comes back!"

Kurama murmured, "You helped us too, Kuwabara-kun. He's going to be just as mad at you as any of us."

The tall young man paled considerably, "He's going to be even madder at me. The shrimp doesn't like me too much."

Yuusuke laughed, "As long as we all get our collective ass kicked, right? He'll be happy as a cat once we're all thrashed."

Tsukimi, and the other girls giggled, however, Genkai snorted, "One of these days, he won't be as nice as he's been so far, Yuusuke."

"It's not like he'll kill us!"

"Don't be too sure about that," Genkai said dryly, but she was smiling.




She and the others spent the night at the temple, seeing as there wasn't a Jaganshi to go home to - there never was one in the first place - and they had been at the temple until about 12:50 anyway.

Tsukimi had woken up a couple hours later, staring up at the ceiling of Yukina's room. She was sleeping on the innocent woman's floor because she didn't want to be alone with the other girls; they wouldn't be so easy to stop from asking her about what she had said earlier, Yukina wouldn't bug her as much about it.

Yukina's soft voice broke through the night, "Tsukimi-chan, are you okay?"

Trying to get Yukina off of the subject of what was bothering her - he wasn't real anyway, so there was nothing to be upset about - she asked, "So, what's this Mythologist's name? I haven't heard it at all."

"Hm? Oh, his name is Hiei."

Tsukimi's heart seemed to stop, it seemed to pound . . . it was bursting through the front of her chest! There was no way! It was just an odd fluke! He wasn't real! The Mythologist just had the same name . . .


"My dream . . ."

"Yes? Your dream?"

"Maybe it wasn't a dream . . ."

She could see Yukina tilt her head to the side, "Do you know Hiei?"

"Maybe . . . I . . . Gomen, but I have to go now. Yukina-chan, could you tell Genkai and the others that . . ."

That what? That she was going to search all of Tokyo for a *Jaganshi* named Hiei that had been spending his time on *her couch* for the past week?!

"You know what he is, don't you?" Yukina murmured.


"Hiei . . . he's a Jaganshi. You know."

"What?! You . . . how did you know?"

Yukina smiled, "I am a Koorime, Kurama is a youko in the body of a ningen, Yuusuke is a hanyou . . . and Hiei is a Jaganshi and . . . my twin brother."

"Your twin? He's your twin?"

She nodded, and her smile became wider, "He doesn't know that I know. He doesn't want to tell me because he doesn't want to sully me or something like that. I don't quite understand why, but I won't question him. He'll tell me in time . . . Tsukimi-chan, I can feel him right now. He's somewhere in that direction," she pointed southeast, "I believe that's the direction your apartment is . . . I know that you are his mate. I wasn't sure before, but now I am. Tsukimi-chan, he's waiting for you."

That was all the encouragement that Tsukimi needed. She pulled on her shoes, and ran out of the temple. Her heart was oddly calm; it had known all along, and now that the head of Tsukimi was certain, her heart was doing its best to ensure that she did not faint from exhaustion from running all the way home. Home with the Jaganshi, Hiei. He could be hurting again. She had been gone all day, so it was likely. However, for the past couple days they had been spending all day together, so . . .

'Baka! Baka, baka, baka! I can't believe that I was so stupid! He must have gone to pick something up at the temple, and then Yuusuke and the others had detained him! He could have been getting me something, and what do I do?! I spend the rest of the day away from him! Hiei! Sumimasen! I've been so stupid, but I won't leave you ever again!'

Before she knew it, she was bursting through her door, and collapsing to her knees at the sight of the Jaganshi sitting, and waiting on her couch. His head had been looking at the space between his feet when she had come in, there were dark blue pearls settled between them. When he looked up at her, he brushed away tears from his eyes, but they hardened into the pearls before they hit the floor.

"Tsukimi-chan!" He cried out, rushing to her, and enveloping her into a tight embrace.

Tsukimi took his head between her hands, and whispered through tears, "Hiei-san, sumimasen. Never again. I'll never leave you for a second."

He leaned forward, and caught her lips in a kiss. He chuckled into her neck when they stopped to breath, "I don't think that you'd have to go *that* far."

"Hiei-san," she murmured, looking at the pearls. "You were crying?"

He sat back, and bit his bottom lip, "You weren't home when I came back . . . I thought-"

"Shut up, Hiei." Tsukimi smiled, "Aishiteru."

"Ai-" before he could utter the rest, Tsukimi's lips made contact with his.

Chuckling, he pushed her onto her back, and loomed over her. Then he looked up at something above her head, and she looked to see what. The door was open. He reached over, and shut it roughly, directing his attention to her. He rubbed his nose against hers, and she giggled.

He brought her shirt up over her head, and then frowned down at her bra, 'This again?'

She sat up, making him sit up. Tsukimi blushed, and showed him how to take it off, which he learned *quickly.*

Unhooking the front, his lips latched over a nipple, sucking hard. She fell back slowly, as he had braced her back, and was moving her onto her back. When his fangs grazed lightly over her nipple, she arched up into his member which was quickly becoming harder.

Her hands reached up, and slid his shirt off. For a moment, his mouth had to leave her pink nipple, but when the shirt was off, Hiei began to nibble on the other one. She cried out softly, her hands struggling to focus on undoing his strange belt. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, this time only pulling them down to her ankles because her shoes were in the way. Finally, she undid the belt, and pulled his loose pants down. He stopped suckling on her to pull his boots and pants off all the way. He also took her shoes and jeans off.

Hiei smirked down on her, 'So, should I claim you here, or bring you into our room and claim you there?'

Tsukimi's face turned a hundred shades of red before answering, 'The floor might give me a backache in the morning . . .'

He chuckled, and swiftly lifted her into his arms, carrying her in her room, and to the bed that would not give her a backache in the morning.

He sat her on the edge of the bed, and knelt in front of her, lifting her legs so that they were resting on his shoulders, and his head was between her legs. Tsukimi fell back onto the bed when Hiei's fangs gently grasped her bud. His tongue flicked out, and tasted the delicate sex, his finger gliding inside of her. She arched again which almost made her lose contact with his tongue and fangs, but his mouth encircled her clitoris, and sucked on it. She groaned loudly, muttering his name. Her arc became even higher when another finger joined, and she yelped when both of the fingers brushed against her soft spot.

He let go of her bud, and bit down on her inner thigh, hard enough to draw blood. She gasped in pain at this, and at the third finger that entered. Tsukimi whimpered piteously, and Hiei moaned low in his throat as he drank a bit of her blood before pulling away, licking his lips.

His fingers pounded against her tender place at a quick pace. Soon Tsukimi was crying out his name, her arc higher than before. White fire lanced across her eyes before dropping limp onto the bed. She watched Hiei stand, taking his fingers out, and licking them of her juice. She could have sworn that he was purring contentedly as he lapped her from his fingers. When he was done, he moved her up, so that her head was resting on a pillow.

Tsukimi reached up to his face, and brushed away a smear of blood on his cheek. He greedily took her fingers with the blood on them into his mouth, sucking them clean. 'Why?'

He had the dignity to blush, 'I wanted to taste all of you.'

She bit her lip, and he bent down to kiss her softly. She could taste the copper of her blood, and the certain something else that was her essence, which made her take his hard, thick manhood into hand, and stroke him. Groaning into her mouth, he slipped three fingers into her again, rubbing against her soft spot.

Hiei pushed in his fourth finger, stretching her walls more than before, inserting into her until his thumb stopped him from being able to push in any farther. She gasped into his neck, erratic, as he began to pump into her, hitting her soft spot harder than before, bringing her into another climax rapidly.

Then the fingers were gone leaving her empty, and gaping. She murmured, "Hiei?"

He positioned himself at her entrance, and thrust inside, "Tsukimi-chan, aishiteru."

"Aishiteru," Tsukimi gasped, his wide cock pounding slowly into her.

His hands, one of them still wet, clinged onto her hair. He smelled it deeply, and he groaned, "I like the curls."

In answer, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and began to push back squeezing her walls around him. This time, she did not climax, but Hiei grunted soon after, and warmth spread through her lower regions, his seed spilling into her.

He did not stop there though. Thrusting a few more times, he pulled out, and then made a fist, forcing it into her passage. She screamed in pleasure and pain, but mostly in pain. Tsukimi blinked away the tears, and looked up at her mate, her eyes asking why he was doing it. He was breathing hard, watching his fist pump in and out of her, as she writhed and moaned. Hiei groaned, and answered her questioning blue eyes, "I have to claim you in every possible way."

She said through clenched teeth, "Thanks for warning me."

His fangs flashed in a snarl at her, "I prepared you for it!"

Tsukimi winced, but his fist within her was becoming very distracting as it was pushing up against her tender spot. The pain was decreasing, but not fast enough to be gone when she arched into the air, and cried out Hiei's name in an orgasm.

She wasn't sure if she was waking up from fainting, or if she was opening her eyes from falling back to the bed, but she was sure that Hiei's lips were kissing her face. Tiny butterfly kisses, darting from one place on her face to another, soft and gentle. He murmured, "Gomen, gomen, Tsukimi-chan. Aishiteru. Gomen."

Tsukimi did not have the strength to try to kiss him at that moment, but when his lips traced over hers, she pressed her lips into his. He stopped what he was doing to stare into her eyes, and she said, "Next time, just warn me."

"Don't worry, I will never-"

She silenced him with a kiss. Tsukimi blushed, 'Who said that I didn't want you to do it again?'


Koorime - Ice Maiden

Youko - Demon Fox

Hanyou - Half Demon

Aishiteru - I love you


Hiei stirred when someone started to bang on the front door. He opened his eyes blearily, and glanced at the clock: 8:35. 'Who would disturb us at this time in the morning?!'

A familiar voice shouted, "Tsukimi! It's me! Yuusuke! What's going on?! Why did you leave in the middle of the night?!"

Hiei growled, crawled out of bed, and pulled on his pants. He walked into the living room, and answered the front door, "Yuusuke, I'm already pissed off enough at you! Fuck off, and leave my mate and I alone!"

With that said, Hiei slammed the door in the surprised faces of Yuusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Botan. Locking the door, and counting it as his good deed for the day - he had restrained himself from ripping their heads off - he headed back to the bedroom to curl up with Tsukimi.




It's 2:39 AM. I *was* tired, but . . .

Fuck, I didn't mean to make a LIME or a LEMON. Whatever. All you hentai liked it!

Well, some chick named Natalie said that I had a lot of writing talent, and that this was one of the best fics that she had ever read. That made my day! That and the fact that I received nine reviews in one day! I hope she's still reading this because I want to thank her.

Natalie, doumo arigatou gozaimasu!

***Thank you very much!

Yes, Natalie, I have read 'Secrets in my Blood,' and I put it up as a favorite. Unfortunately, the author hasn't updated in a while, so I got rid of it. Maybe you could tell me the next time that she updates?

I just did half of this fic today, so if you guys saw any mistakes, you now know why. How did I do it in all in one day? *Nine reviews!* In one day!

Well, now that I'm done with this fic I'm going to try to finish my very, very, very long chapter that I'm doing for another story called, 'A Losing Battle.' It's an Alternate Universe that answers the question: 'What if Hiei wasn't thrown off of the Floating Isle of the Koorime?' So far there are four chapters, and it's hell of long. I honestly don't know how I did four chapters *that* long for that fic, maybe it was because it was spring break. The down side is that the next chapter won't appear for another week or two. I'm going to try and stuff the rest of the tournament that's going on in that chapter. Obviously, that will take a while.

Another fic that you could read that I wrote - if you aren't too freaked out over the pairing - is 'Wakagaeru I Feel Young Again.' A Hiei/Genkai romance - she's young! - that I plan to make tanpen - short stories - of throughout the year. I'm hoping to make a tanpen every month or so.

Let's see . . . another fic that you guys might like is 'Migoroshi' another one of my fics. It's complete and about a prostitute that has fallen in love with a mysterious stranger. I'll give you three guesses on who it is, and the first two don't count.

Well, that's about it. Thank you, for reading my fic, and giving me all of these wonderful reviews! And thank you, the dragon of the darkness flame, for reviewing another one of my stories, even though you might not have meant to. Thanks anyway if you're still reading!

Thank you to all of my past and future reviewers! Tell your friends about me!

Ja mata!

