Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Naomi, the Black Kitsune ❯ Dreams and Confessions ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the yyh characters and never will. I do own Naomi though.
( I beleive I forgot to add in the earlier chapters that this story takes place after the tournament and before Raizen and stuff. I'm an idiot, forgive me.)

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He got up and walked to the bathroom. 'Or maybe a cold shower would do.' he thought, with the memory of the dream still in mind.

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Chapter 4- Dreams and confessions.

----authors POV--------

Hiei walked out of the bathroom after his shower, with only a towl around his waist, and looked at the clock. It said 3:15 am (A.N- he could read the clock because
Kurama taught him earlier). He decided not to go back to sleep, in "fear" that he would have that dream again. Instead he got dressed into his ningen clothes and walked to
the kitchen, where he sat down at the window and stared out of it, deep in thought. Earlier he had been confused about the kiss. He was confused because he enjoyed it,
and also because it made him feel somthing. He couldn't identify it then, but because of the dream, he could now. He now knew the feeling he felt, that feeling that
had him so confused, it was want. He wanted her more than anything he could think of. Even more than revenge for when he was thrown off the island of Koorime.
He sat there thinking about how much he wanted her and then a thought struck him. ' I wonder if she felt the same.' he thought. He wasn't about to ask her so he came
up with a better idea. He took off the bandana that hid his Jagan eye, and the Jagan began to glow. ' I'll just take a peek at her mind.' he thought to himself.

*****Naomi's mind/ Dream sequence*******

A 400 year younger Naomi sat under the shade of a sakura tree, looking down upon a small village. "Naomi, hey Naomi!". Naomi looked over to see her dearest and only
friend Ayame running over to her.
"Good afternoon Naomi, how are you feeling today?" Ayame asked, sitting down next to Naomi. "I'm fine I suppose. Though I have been better." Naomi replied " What
is it that is bothering you, Naomi?" Ayame asked with a look of concern. " It's the human villagers. They have become more violent in their actions to drive me away. I
think I should go back to the Makai. It may be even worse for me there, but at least I don't have to fear for the lives of others, like I do here." she answered, beginning to
look depressed. ' By others, of course, she means me.' Ayame thought, looking down at the ground to hide her look of guilt. When the guilt passed Ayame looked up and
said, " You don't have to worry about me Naomi, I can take care of myself.". "And as for the villagers," added Ayame, " I don't think they would go so far as to hurt anyone
in order to drive you away." " Don't be so sure. It's happened before this, and it could happen again. I don't want to risk it." Naomi said, turning to look down at the village
again. ' Strange. Where have all the men got to?' she thought. Both the village and fields had no men. She opened her mouth to point this out, but was cut off by the
sound of arrows flying. She heard Ayame cry out in agony, and turned to see what was wrong. What she saw made her scream out in horror.

*******end Naomi's dream*********

Naomi jerked awake. She was covered from head to toe in a cold sweat, and was shaking. ' Why do I keep having these dreams.' she thought, her eyes welling up in
tears. She shook her head and thought ' I should not be crying. This happened four hundred years ago. I should be over it.'. She looked over at the clock and saw that it
was only 3:45. She didn't want to go back to sleep so she decided to prepare for school. ' I think I need a shower before I do anything.' she thought, just then noticing
the sweat her body was drenched in.----Meanwhile----- Hiei pulled out of Naomi's mind as soon as she woke up, not wanting to be caught. He had witnissed the entire
dream, and he didn't like it. He knew the dream was actually a memory,and he wanted to know three things. What happened? Who did it? And why did they want to get rid
of Naomi?

-------------end authors POV--------------

-------------Naomi's POV--------------------

I dressed myself in a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of black Nike's, (we weren't going to get our uniforms until this afternoon so we had to wear regular
clothes). Then I grabbed a bag containing school supplies for both Hiei and I, and headed for the kitchen. ' I don't think Shiori would mind if I raided the fridge.' I thought
when I heard my stomach growl. I was mildly suprised to see Hiei when I walked into the kitchen. " Good morning." I yawned, as I dropped the bag and headed for the
refridgerator. "How'd you sleep?" I asked, after grabbing an apple, and closing the fridge. Hiei stared strait at me, and I knew he was wondering if he should answer or
not. "Shitty." he said after a moment. " How about you?" he asked. "Since when do you care about me?" I asked, curious as to why he asked. " What made you think
I cared? " he asked. ' Ooooo the nerve of this guy!' i thought. " Well you wouldn't of asked if you didn't care. And don't even think about saying you did it to humor me
cause you and I both know you wouldn't do that." I said. It was true. Hiei didn't give a damn about humoring people. It just wasted his time. ''Hn." was his reply. " Is
that all you can do when you can't think up a comeback? Just retreat to the nearest corner and say ''Hn!"? You know that really gets on my......" was all I could say
before Hiei interupted and said " You didn't answer my question." " Which one?" I asked. " How did you sleep?" he asked again, sounding a little irritated.
I was shocked. He actually wanted to know if I slept well or not. Finally, after I had regained myself, I said. "Horrible." He then smiled a little and asked why. This time
I had to pick myself up off the floor because I had fallen in shock. He wanted to know how I slept and why it was bad. " Bad dream." I answered. "What about?" he asked.
' Should I tell him?' I thought. I had never told any one about my past. I knew most would pity me and I didn't want that. ' But Hiei doesn't seem the pitying type. I could tell
him.' I thought. He must of saw the conflict on my face because he said " You don't have to answer. I was only curious." 'If I do tell him, though, then maybe my nightmares
would go away, and I wouldn't be too burdend by it any more.' i thought. I finally made up my mind and said, '' A bad experiance a long time ago.". " Go on." he said.
" A long time ago, I had a friend who was murdered, because we were friends." I told him. "Why was she killed becouse you were friends?" He asked. " I'm a demon,
and the villagers knew it and hated me for it. But they hated me even before they knew that, because I was different. I dressed like a man, I fought, I looked and acted
different, and I always spoke my mind." I took a deep breath and continued. " That was 400 years ago, and back then that all was looked down upon. But Ayame
didn't care. She didn't care that I was different or that I was a demon, and we became friends after a while." I couldn't stop if I wanted to, it felt better to tell someone
about what happened than to keep it all in, like I had been doing for so long. " Somehow the villagers found out I was a demon and tried to run me out. But I
stayed because I didn't want to leave Ayame. She was my only friend. They used this to their advantage and killed her. They shot 6 arrows into her back. All
just to get rid of me. It didn't get rid of me though. All it did was make me angry. I got so mad that I killed them all. I killed her murderers and then I destroyed the
village. No one survived. No one. The entire time all I saw was red, and when I finally came to my senses, it was gone. The entire village was blown to bits. In fact,
the only thing left was a huge crater where the village used to be." I said. It felt so good to get that off my chest that I smiled. But it quickly disappeared when a
thought came to mind, "I could have been avoided though. I could have gone back to Makai and none of that would have happened." I said, beginning to feel a familiar
wave of depression hit me. Suddenly Hiei was at my side and said, "But you didn't go back. You can't change that now, and besides, they probably wouldv'e killed
her after you left.'' he said, in an attempt to comfort me. ' He's comforting me!' I suddely realized. ''Your right." was all I said. " I know." he smirked. I just laughed and
bit into my apple. "So did you have a nightmare too?" I asked, as I offered him a bite of the apple. "Not really." he said as bit into it and passed it back to me. '' What was
it about?" I asked. He blushed slightly and walked out of the kitchen.

********* Okay folks thats all for now. Reviews pleeze!!!!!***************************************