Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Naomi, the Black Kitsune ❯ Finally Mates ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry it took so long. I apologize for being lazy. It's a curse. Thanks to all who reviewed. And to the person who said that Hiei wouldn't gape at someone in a shower...
I'm fully aware of that fact. Unfortunatly, that part of the story didn't come to my attention until AFTER the chapter was published. THIS IS WHY ALL WRITERS SHOULD
PROOFREAD THEIR STORIES!!!! But, I had already warned you before that Hiei might get a little out of character.
--------> A big THANKS to all who reviewed. Enjoy the new chapter. <-------------------

Disclaimer: I don't own any Yu Yu Hakusho characters. I only own Naomi.

chapter 7 - FINALLY MATES

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"We'll be right over." Kurama said, then humg up. He turned to Hiei and said "We need to get Noami. Somthing's happened."

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----------------Authors POV-----------------

Kurama knocked on the door of Yusuke's apartment. It opened to reveal a pissed off looking Yusuke. "'Bout time ya got here!" Yusuke said. He led Kurama, Hiei, and
Naomi into the living where they found Atsuko (Yusuke's mom) trying to calm down a very frightened Keiko. " What happened?'' Naomi asked. Keiko, who obviously was in
no mood to speak, just sobbed and began to rock back and forth. Yusuke sighed and said "Follow me." He led them into the kitchen where they were greeted with a very
disturbing sight.
Lying on the floor, beneath the broken window, was the severed head of Ryu. " Apparently, Keiko came in to get a glass of water and then THIS was thrown through the
window. Scared the shit out of her." Yusuke explained. "Ryu." Naomi muttered. ''Who?" Yuskuke asked. Neither Naomi or Hiei answered so Kurama explained. While
Kurama was explaining to Yusuke who Ryu was, Hiei walked up to the head and examined it. Attached to the back of the head with a small dagger he found a note. "What
is that?" Kurama asked when Hiei pulled the note off the head. Hiei shrugged and began to read the note.

" To the members of the Reikai Tantei:
Roses are red, Violets are blue,
the next to die will be one of you!"

They stood quietly for a moment until the silence was broken by Yusuke, who said "What? No flowers? What kinda person sends poetry without flowers...or chocolate?"
Naomi shot him a look that plainly stated ' Not funny ', which wiped the grin off his face. " Do you think those demons sent it?" Yusuke asked no one in particular. "I have
no doubts." Naomi replied. "No doubts at all." she muttered, then quickly left the room.
-----------------------------end Authors POV---------------------------------

---------------------------------------------Hiei's POV-----------------------------------

I watched Naomi leave the room then turned back to the severed head. ' How did they know where to find Yusuke's home?' I wondered. I mulled over the question for a
while until the noises of Yusuke's cleaning finally got to me. ' Could he be any louder?!'
I muttered a string of curses under my breath and stormed from the room. I entered the living room and found Naomi sitting with that Keiko girl whom Yusuke is so infatuated
with, and they were both laughing at the pictures in a large book.
I walked over to the two girls to find out what they were looking at, and had to choke back a laugh when I saw some of the pictures in the book.
It was filled with pictures of a much younger Yusuke. There were many pictures of baby Yusuke lying naked on the floor, with him in those strange undergarments that
people put on their baby, in sleeping clothes, etc.
The picture that caught my eye was a picture of Yusuke who was not much older than two. He was standing clad a puffy red dress, shoes with high heels, and one of
those bags that human women carry around....I think it was called a purse. His short hair was tied up on both sides of his head in a failed attempt at pigtails, he wore many
beaded neckalaces and his face was covered in makeup. It looked so funny that I afforded myself a smile, but it was quickly wiped off my face when a blue, owl-looking,
creature with long ears landed on my head and cooed "Puu." I growled at it in an attempt to scare it off my head, but it didn't work. Naomi and Keiko turned around, took one look
at me, and started laughing. I growled again, and this time I swiped at it and knocked it off my head. Keiko picked it up off the floor, scowled at me, and walked into the
kitchen. I heard no screams so I figured the mess had been cleaned.
Naomi looked up at me and said, "That was mean." "It was annoying and it shouldn't have landed on my head." I said in my defense. " Well...your being awful annoying.
Perhaps I should knock you to the ground." she retorted. "I'd like to see you try." I growled. I regretted those words the moment they left my mouth, because the as soon as
I said that, I felt a powerful blow to my chest and I was knocked off my feet. I went to get up after I hit the ground, but was stopped when I felt a light weight settled on my
waist. I looked up to find Naomi straddling me. ' If only she were a little
lower.' I thought, then mentally slapped myself. As tempting as this situation was, I needed to get my revenge. "Not so tough now, are ya?" she asked playfully. I just
smirked and flipped over to where I was now straddling her. " Looks like the tables have turned." I stated. "Perhaps..." she began, flipping over before I could prepare myself.
She pinned me to the ground, and leaned down so our faces were mere inches apart. "Now they have turned again." she giggled. Beginning to feel playful, I attempted to flip
us over again but she apparently had other plans, because I couldn't move. I tried again but she had me pinned tightly. I considered using more force but chose not to
because the last thing I wanted was to piss her off again by hurting her, so I tried again with the same amount of force, but it still failed. " Oh, poor Hiei. Are you not
enjoying yourself?" she asked softly. "Here, let's fix that shall we?" she suggested in a seductive voice. She slid down my body until she straddled my waist just above my
member, and she began to rub herself against me, causing me to bite my lip to keep from moaning. She began to trace my toned chest through my shirt, letting go of my
shoulders to do so. I took advantage of the slip up and flipped her over, and found myself on top of her once again. We sat there staring at each other for a moment,
before claiming each others lips in a hungry kiss.
' Sweet, and so warm.' was the first thought that entered my mind when I tasted her. Her intoxicating scent surrounded me, filling my senses. I was sure I was about to
lose my control, which had already begun slipping away during our ''wrestling match'' on the floor. Fortunatly, or unfortunalty, depending on how you look at it, both of us
heard footsteps heading towards us from the kitchen.

--------------------End Hiei's POV------------------------------------

-------------------------Naomi's POV-----------------------

Hiei got up and quickly ran out the door, without even looking back once. I sighed, stood up quickly, fixed myself up, and took a seat in front of the "scrap book", as
Atsuko called it. As soon as I sat down, Yusuke, Kurama, and Keiko walked into the room. "Where's Hiei?" Yusuke asked. " He left." I said. "Where to?" Yusuke asked.
" How the hell should I know!!!" I snapped, making Yusuke and Keiko jump back in shock. I took a deep, calming breath and spoke again. " He didn't tell me where he
was going. He just left." I stated calmly. Yusuke shrugged and sat down, with Keiko and Kurama following suit. I glanced at Kurama and noticed that he was staring at
me strangly, but he looked away when he noticed that I saw him. ' Wonder what that was about.' I thought. " Where's mom?" Yusuke asked. " She left to go to the bar
with a few friends." Keiko sighed. " As always." Yusuke muttered.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Yusuke leaned over and whispered somthing to Keiko and she got up and left the room, taking Puu with her. As soon as she left,
there was a knock on the front door. "It's open!" Yusuke yelled. A few seconds later, Botan walked into the room and took a seat next to me on the couch. " May I see
the note?" she asked, holding out her hand while doing so. Yusuke placed the bloody note from earlier into her hand. " Oh my," She said after she read the message, "this
doesn't sound good at all!" She folded the note, tucked it into her kimono, and stood up. " Well, I'd love to stay and chat but Koenma gave me strict orders to come back
as soon as I got the note." Her oar appeared out of no where and she climbed aboard. '' See you." she said, and took off. " How did she know?" I asked Yusuke,
reffering to the incident with the head. " I called her." Yusuke said in a bored tone. I just nodded my head in response and stood up. " Well if you'll excuse me, I really need
to go." I said, excusing myself. ' Besides..the alchohol smell is beginning to get to me.'


I walked aimlessly around town, thinking about whatYusuke had told me right before I left.


" Naomi!" Yusuke called as I was walking away from his apartment. I turned and watched as he jogged over to me. " Botan just called. Koenma supposedly wants
us to go to the school dance next week." he said. " And it's a formal dance so wear somthing...uh....you know...formal." He added. " Very well. But why does Koenma
want us to attend this dance anyway?" I asked curiously. " He apparently wants us to " take action" before they do. It's pretty much a ' Get them before they get you '
type plan." He said. I nodded in understanding and walked away. " When you see Hiei, tell him about the dance. Don't forget to mention that has to go whether he likes
it or not!" Yusuke shouted at my retreating back. "Will do." I replied.

*********End Flashback*******************

I looked up at my surroundings and noticed that during my reminiscing, I had brought myself to the park, and after a moment I realized why. Hiei was here..somewhere
in the park. I walked through the gates and headed in the direction I felt his youkai coming from. But I when I got to where the clearing ended and tree's began, I hesitated.
I didn't want a repeat of last time so I transformed. After all, it was beginning to get dark, so no one would notice.
I took a deep breath, savoring the sweet smell of the twilight air, and began following his youkai once again.

--------------------------------End Naomi's POV------------------------------------

---------------------------------Authors POV-----------------------------------------

Naomi had been walking for quite a while when she saw what she thought was a clearing up ahead of her. As she approached the ''clearing'' what she saw took her
breath away.
What she thought was a clearing was actually a hotspring the spring the size of a large swimming pool. The moonlight, which cast an eerie glow over the water,
and the branches of the surrounding willow trees swaying in the breeze made the scene all too perfect. ' Hiei can wait. This is too good an oppertunity
to pass up.' she decided.
She walked up to the hot spring and began to undress. Before entering the water she made sure to transform back into a human so she wouldn't get her ears
and tail wet.
Then she stepped into the water and walked until it was up to her chest, just barely covering her breasts. She swam around for a while then decided to rest against
a nearby boulder.
Meanwhile, Hiei was perched in a tree, right above her, watching every move she made. ' Hn. Typical female. Couldn't pass up a bath if her life depended on it .' he
Naomi stretched luxuriously against the boulder, causing her chest to rise and allowing Hiei a good view of her breasts. She smirked when she smelled the scent of
a familiar arousal nearby. " Hiei...why don't you join me?" she requested. After a moment of silence she added " I know your out there, I can smell you." After she still wasn't
answered she pretended to pout. " Pleeeeease Hiei?" she asked, sounding much like a child begging for a new toy. Hiei jumped down on top of the boulder she was resting
on. '' Your an annoying woman, did you know that?'' Hiei said. "Me? I have no idea what your talking about." she said innocently. Hiei snorted and began to undress,
causing Naomi to blush and turn to give him his privacy. " Don't tell me that human modesty has rubbed off on you." Hiei said while sliding into the water. '' Who said I
was being modest? It's just that the thought of seeing you naked makes me want to puke." she retorted. " Which explains the blush." Hiei said, smirking. " I wasn't
blushing...." she protested. " You keep telling yourself that." Hiei told her. She spun around and splashed him in the face. " Smart ass." she said. " Don't you forget
it." he replied, splashing her back. She giggled and began to splash him relentlessly. Hiei ducked under the water, came up behind her, grabbed her, and pulled her against
him tightly. She gasped and completely stopped moving when she felt somthing hard pressing into her lower back. Hiei moved her hair aside and began to nip and lick at her
neck. Just when she was beginning to relax and enjoy his ministrations he spun her around to face him, and kissed her. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, begging for
entrance, which she happily allowed him. His thrust his tounge inside and began to explore every inch of her hot cavern.
Naomi's arms snaked around Hiei's neck and pulled him closer so that any space that was between their bodies was now closed. Hiei broke the kiss for air and
pushed Naomi up against the boulder so that she was trapped between it and Hiei. He kissed her again only to be pushed away a moment later by Naomi. He
looked at her in confusion but Namoi just smirked. ' What is she up to?' he wondered. His question was soon answered when he felt her hand gently grasp his member,
clearing his mind of any and all thought. She gave it a small squeeze and was very pleased when Hiei closed his eyes and bit his lip to keep from moaning. She smirked and
began to slowly run her hand up and down his hardened shaft, increasing her pace as she went. Just as he was about to come she realeased him, causing him to growl.
" Oh...poor Hiei." she giggled. Hiei growled, pushed her up against the boulder, and claimed her lips once again. He gently grabbed her hips and lifted her up a few inches.
Naomi, getting the message, wrapped her legs around Hiei's waist, and shivered in pleasure at the feeling of his manhood teasing her entrance.
Hiei entered her slowly but stopped when he felt somthing he hadn't expected. '' You're......you're a virgin?!" he exclaimed. "Suprised?" she asked in an innocent tone. ' A
virgin kitsune? That's new.' Hiei mentally snorted. Then realization dawned on him and he hesitated to continue furthur, for fear that he may hurt her.
Naomi, sensing his hesitation, finished the job he started by slamming herself down onto him, burying him to the hilt and causing him to moan in pleasure. Naomi
however, felt as though she'd been torn in two. Tears sprang into her eyes and she bit her lip to keep from screaming, causing it to bleed.
Hiei placed apologetic kisses on her face and throat, and licked away the blood on her bottom lip. The pain soon subsided and Naomi moved her hips experimentally,
moaning at the pleasure that the movement brought.
Seeing that Naomi was ready, Hiei drew himself out almost completely and thrust back in again, sending waves of pleasure through both parties. He repeated the action,
increasing his pace each time.
With each thrust Naomi began to feel somthing tighten in her stomach, and it drove her crazy. "Hiei!" she moaned. Her cry caused him to lose whatever control he had left.
He began to pound into her relentlessly with his demonic speed. The pressure built up until he could no longer stand it. With a small grunt he climaxed, biting down into
her shoulder at the same time to mark her as his mate.
Naomi screamed in pleasure as she was overcome by her climax, and bit down on Hiei's shoulder, marking him as her mate.
" Well mate....." Hiei began after they finished cleaning each others wounds, " did you enjoy yourself?" " Yes, very much." Naomi replied breathlessly. " As a matter of
fact," she added in an alluring tone, " I enjoyed myself so much, that I think I feel up to another round."

*********Well that's the chapter. It took longer than I thought it would (as always) so I'm no longer setting a time limit ( that way you don't
get your hopes up). You'll all just have to be patient, gomen.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. It was my first actual lemon scene so I have no high hopes for it.
Reviews please. Flames are welcome ( but I would prefer constructive critism).
Oh, I almost forgot..............HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!