Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Psychotic Weirdness ❯ Random People!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KM03: Here ya go!! The next chapter!

----Baby's Office----(AN: Don't forget I have the regular font and my friend has the bold)



"Hi." Rae and Kimura were running around to every ogre and annoyingly saying hi.




"STOP IT!!" Hiei roared, shaking the whole building.

"Why?" Rae asked.

"Because I saids so," Hiei growled.

"So, you're not my boss. I'm not even my boss. Green Kurama is my boss. Not you. You're Kimi-chan's boss."

"Kimi-chan?" Hiei asked.

"Kimi-chan! Kimi-chan! Kimi-chan!" `Kimi-chan' was skipping around the office knocking over piles of papers, desks, and, well, ogres. "Kimi-chan's boss! Kimi-chan's boss!"

Hiei's eye twitched before he disappeared and reappeared holding Kimura by the back of her tanktop.

"Fast," she muttered.

"What took you so- WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?!" Koenma exclaimed.

"Baby!" Kimura and Rae squealed before snatching `the baby' up. They began tossing Koenma in the air, getting him higher with each toss.

"Baby go high! Baby go low!" They chanted, "Baby go high! Baby go low! Baby go high! Baby go low! Baby go SMACK!"

"WHAT?!" Koenma yelled. Before he could do anything, the two girls tossed him so hard and so high that he smacked face first into the ceiling. "Baby go CRASH!" Just as they said that, Koenma fell and crashed into the floor.

Kurama and Hiei stared in shock with buggy eyes at the two insane girls.

"Baby go again!" They exclaimed reaching for Koenma.

Koenma's eyes bugged out and `Shoop', he was in his teenage form.

"Baby go away?" Rae asked.

"Where's the baby?!" Kimura shrieked, "Did you kiddy-nap the baby?! Bring him back!"

"I am that `baby'!" Koenma exclaimed.

"No you're not!" Rae yelled, pulling out Chooch, "Baby's small. You're big. You're not the baby!"

"Bring back baby or be pummeled by BoBo and Chooch!" Kimura hollered.

"Eep!"he screamed and ran to his chair with the two girls on his tail. He was in the chair with his back to them so when he turned around he was a baby again.

"Yeah!"The duo yelled, grabbing Koenma. Rae held him by the arms and Kimura by the legs. The started to swing him and sung, "I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back, I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back...Chili's Baby Back Ribs. Barbecue Sauce."

Kurama and Hiei had gone buggy-eyed again and were staring in shock at Kimura and Rae. As for Koenma, well he was in shock, frightened at the prospect of the two demon girls swinging him around.

"I'm hungry," Rae said, dropping Koenma on his head at the same time as Kimura.

"Me too," Kimura stated, "Let's go to Chili's. Baby Back Ribs!"

"Barbecue sauce," Rae finished in a deep voice.

"Ah, that's enough of that,"Kurama said.

"Green!"Rae ran and hugged Kurama, "Green, I'm hungie. Feed Rae, feed."

"That'll have to wait,"Koenma said, "Now I have to explain why you're here."

"Hiei samurai-ninja dude, must feed on human flesh,"Kimura replied.

"You're kidding right?"Hiei asked.


"Shutup and listen!"Koenma shouted, "I was just going to explain why you're here. Now, a very powerful demon is after these two. So you guys will have to protect them."

Yusuke, carrying the still unconscious Kuwabara, had just entered the room and heard Koenma's last sentence.

"What?! We have to protect these two nut jobs?!"

"Yes, and no one better argue, or else!"

The girls formed a circle around Koenma and sung, "Ring around the baby, They all think we're crazy, ashes, ashes, kick the baby!"

They kicked Koenma into a wall and giggled. Rae got mad all of a sudden. She went over to Kurama and hugged him.

"Don't threaten green! Green's nice and cool and soft. So if you ever threaten him or anything, I'll do more damage with Chooch. Got it baby?"

"Take them to the Ningenkai,"he commanded with swirly eyes.


Once in the human world, Rae and Kimura's eyes grew big with awe.

"Let's go talk to random people!"They yelled, "Run away!"

Just like that, they were gone. Everyone's eyes were buggy as they stared at the spot the girls were, but weren't anymore.

"Now what?"Hiei asked, looking up at Kurama.

"I don't know anymore,"Kurama walked off almost in a trance.

Five hours later, the group was walking downtown, pretending to be looking for Rae and Kimura. As they walked, they noticed a crowd.

"What's going on?" Yusuke asked on of the crowd-folk.

"These two girls have these really strange powers. One of `em is spewing water from her hands an' plants are growin' all `round her. The other is takin' light an' makin' it solid an' she's floatin' while makin' big winds."

Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke stared in shock before pushing through the crowd, to the center. Once they got there, they were shocked by what they saw.

There in front of them were Rae and Kimura. Rae was growing plants out of the cement and water was pouring from her hands. As for Kimura, she was twirling in mid-air spinning ribbons of light.

"What the hell?!" Yusuke yelled.

"Rae, what are you doing?" Kurama growled.

"Green!" Rae exclaimed, stopping the infinite growth of her mini-forest and waterfall. She chose instead to glomp Kurama around his neck and torso.

"Get off," Kurama choked.


Rae hopped off of Kurama and stood right next to him.

"Kimura," Hiei called when he realized she was still twirling in mid-air. What is mid-air? You're never really in the middle of air because the air is kinda infinite, so there is no middle. And since there's no middle, how can Kimura be there? Oh, well.

"Samurai-ninja dude!" She exclaimed, jumping onto Hiei from thin-air. Even though I don't really know how she jumped off air onto Hiei. I'm weird.

"Ugh," Hiei moaned from beneath her, "Get off me NOW!"

"Okay, samurai-ninja dude," Kimura rolled over and started floating in the air again, to the awe of the crowd.

"My name is Hiei," He growled.

"Samurai-ninja dude Hiei!" She cheesed.

"Where have you been for the past 5 HOURS?!" Yusuke asked.

"Saying hi to random people," They replied simultaneously.

"Well, we need to get you a place to stay while you're here in Ningenkai," Kurama said.

"I'll stay with Green!" Rae hollered, attaching herself to Kurama again.

"No," Kurama growled, pushing her off, "You're not."

"I'm not?"



"Because my mother lives there."

"You have a mother?"


"What's a mother?"

"The female that gives birth and takes care of you."

"Why is it female?"

"Because males don't and can't give birth."


"Because they can't."

"So, am I going to give birth?"


"What if it's a male that takes car of the child? Is he the mother?"


"Are you my mother?"

"No! What made you think that?"

"Cuz' you're taking care of me."

"So. That doesn't mean I'm your mother or father."

"It doesn't? What's a father?"

"No, and shouldn't you know what a father and mother are? Don't you have parents?"

"I don't know."

"She has a 5 second memory span," Kimura said.

"No I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"I do what?"


"See what? Green? Where?"

"On your face, baka."

"GREEN!" Rae started clawing at her own face to get the green.


"No, I'm not!"

"You sure act like one."

"I don't act."

"Oh, right, you `are'."

"I won't believe you said that!"




"So, do you wanna go talk to random people?"

"Sure. Let's go."


"No, not Run-mph, it's RUN-mpm!"

After having stood their for two minutes staring in shock, Hiei had darted off and got a chloroform drenched cloth. When he realized they were getting ready to run away, he stuffed the cloth in their faces. He just didn't want to waste another five hours hunting them down, even if he could have used his Jagan.

"Finally, they shut up!" Yusuke exclaimed. Even though Kurama tried to signal for him to be quiet, it was too late. The girls woke up because this story would suck if they weren't awake and I want to get reviews, and to get reviews, this story must not suck.

"We're awake!" Rae yelled.

"Yeah!" Kimura hollered.

"I'm bored."

"Me too. Let's sleep."


With that, the two crazy demon girls fell back to the ground, fast asleep.

"I can't believe it. They go to sleep when they're bored," Hiei said quietly, hoping not to wake them again.

"Weird," Yusuke said.

"Weird is strange, and strange is good," The girls mumbled simultaneously in their sleep, shocking the boys.

"Psychos," He stated.

"Yup," Kimura muttered.

"Insane," He replied.

"That's me," Rae mumbled.

Yusuke sweatdropped.

"Um, okay. Let's take them to Genkais'. That the best place to keep these two maniacs safe."



KM03: Next Chappie!!! read read!!!