Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Radical Dreamers ❯ Lonesome Folly ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Radical Dreamers
Action/Adventure / General
By: Tsu-chanB
Rated for blood and violence
Disclaimer: I take no credit for making/owning Yu Yu Hakusho or any related characters.
Attention: Radical Dreamers is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance, similarity, allusion , association, duplication or metaphysical likeness to any person, place, event or star trek episode is purely coincidental, unintended, and 100-percent freaky-deaky.
Dictionary of Japanese Words and Names:
Erev (Eh-rehv): Chaos/ Lack of Order
Niichan (nee-chahn): Big Brother
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo
Chapter 1: Lonesome Folly
Beep. Be-
A slender female hand shot out from beneath a large mound of blankets and slammed down on the small alarm clock. The mound shifted and the blankets fell halfway off of the bed to reveal a young teenage girl. One of the straps of her nightgown slid off her small shoulder as her brown eyes stared dazedly at the wall on the opposite side of the room.
She sat like that for another minute before yawning and slipping out from beneath the blankets, stumbling away from the warm confines of her bed. She slid a hand through her long black hair and yawned again, moving to the door of her room. A devious grin suddenly spread across her lips as she awoke fully and she silently crept out into the hall, slinking over to the door across from her.
She slowly turned the knob and opened the door slightly, peeking inside. Her target sat in plain view. His arms and legs splayed out across the bed, a large snot bubble expanding and contracting with each breath he took. The girl tiptoed into the room, slinking her way to the bed. She bent down right next to her brother's ear and took a deep breath.
"WAKE UP!" He jumped nearly a foot in the air and fell off the opposite side of the bed with a loud thump. The girl fell over laughing and wrapped her arms around her aching sides.
"Erev!" Her brother shot up into a sitting position and glared. The boy's face was red with anger and it looked like he was about to explode.
"Careful niichan, you might spontaneously combust if you don't calm down," Erev snickered. He jumped forward, intending to strangle the younger girl. But she was too quick and dodged his attack, moving to stand next to the door.
"Man, you fall for that one every time," she continued, "I swear you could sleep through an earthquake." He grunted and turned so his back was facing her.
"Leave me alone, I was planning on sleeping in today," Erev could see him crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, now that you're awake, you can come to school with me." She smiled innocently.
"And if I say no?" He turned his head to her, his brown eyes bored and defiant. Erev tapped her chin in mock thoughtfulness.
"I wonder if I should take up Kuwabara's offer on a date . . ." The boy's eyes widened and he looked sickened by her comment.
"Is there something wrong with you? Why would you do something like that?"
"It would only bother you, Yusuke," Erev placed her hands on her hips, "Kuwabara happens to be a very kind gentleman, even if he doesn't harbor the best looks." Yusuke 'hmphed' and stood.
"Well? Are you gonna leave or do you want me to change in front of you?"
"Oh no, my eyes couldn't handle that." She laughed, closing the door to the room. She left to the bathroom and took a shower.
Twenty minutes later she came out fully dressed in the standard blue school uniform, her hair set in a French braid. She found her brother leaning on the wall next to the door. He snored lightly and Erev snickered, flicking him on the ear as she walked past him to the kitchen.
She heated up some ramen on the stove and set a bowl of the steaming noodles on the table for Yusuke, who chose that moment to walk in grumbling about girls always taking advantage of him. They ate in silence and Erev's eyes wandered to the living room where their mother lay passed out on the floor in front of the TV.
Erev sighed and stared at her food, nudging the noodles around with her chopsticks. Yusuke glanced over at the melancholy girl.
"Hey, you're not gonna absorb it magically," he muttered, "You gotta eat."
She looked up, startled, and smiled. Erev slurped up her noodles and the frown on her face soon returned.
"I just wish mom would be more responsible." She relinquished her thoughts, collecting the empty bowls and placing them in the already full sink. Erev made a note to herself to clean them when she got home.
"Whatever," her brother scoffed, standing to leave, "The hag can party herself to death, for all I care."
"Ready?" he asked, standing by the front door. She nodded and moved to join him. He held out her briefcase as they exited the house, which she accepted with a smile.
"You don't really mean that, Yusuke," Erev finished the conversation as they walked down the street.
"Hmph." The rest of the trip passed in silence.
Yusuke left her side once they reached the school and trudged up the stairs to the roof. Erev shrugged, it was enough for her that he came at all. She walked down the tiled hallway to her homeroom and found the room almost halfway full with students. A few stopped and stared as she meandered by to her desk, but she ignored them. She had become used to the odd looks she received for being Yusuke's sister. Others waved as she passed, friends unhindered by the rumors that followed her brother everywhere he went. She slid into her seat and stared out the window, waiting for class to begin.
"Yusuke!" Erev threw open the door to the roof and looked around. Her brother was nowhere in sight.
"Yusuke, you nincompoop, come out here so I can give you your lunch!" She nearly shouted.
"Tone it down a few notches, will ya?" Yusuke commented from behind.
"Wah!" Erev jumped and spun around, smacking her brother across the side of his face. "Don't do that!"
The delinquent rubbed his head, "Geez, gimme a break!"
"Well, anyway," Erev shoved a bento box into his hands, "here's lunch. I'm going to go eat with some friends, O Reclusive One."
"What friends? You're not eating with Kuwabara, are you?" He glared.
She rolled her eyes, "No Yusuke, but Haruko invited me to have lunch with his friends. Is that okay?" Erev asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled, moving to sit against the wall.
"Aw, you know you care." Erev grinned, hugged him fiercely, and left the roof running.
She reached the classroom Haruko was waiting in in record time. A small group of students huddled around one of the desks by the windows. She recognized Haruko's spiked blonde hair and joined the gathering, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Hey Haru, what did I miss?" Erev tried to see over the shoulder of the boy in front of her but couldn't get a clear view. She looked back to her friend to see the fleeting remnants of a blush dissipate from his cheeks.
"Well, you know that photo album you let me borrow, just to look at?" Erev nodded. "Some of the other guys caught a look at it and started making a scene. Sooo . . . here we are!" He finished with a shrug.
Erev shrugged back jokingly. She pushed her way to the desk with her photo album on it and swept the item off of the counter. The girl smiled with a 'thank you' and returned the pictures to her own desk. She sat on its top and opened her lunch, beckoning Haruko to join her by waving her chopsticks in the air.
"You're really good at that, you know," the boy commented, referring to her photos, as he came up beside her, "You should sell them, or charge people for professional pictures."
"Nah," she waved off his suggestion, "I'm still just learning this stuff. Taking good pictures is harder than most people think."
"But you're naturally good at it, Erev."
"Did you bring a lunch, Haru?" Erev changed the subject. "Cause I have extra if you need any."
The boy shook his head, defeated. He could never win with her.
The electronic bell chimed to signal the end of classes. Erev gathered her papers as other students hurried out the door or loitered in the classroom, talking. She picked up her briefcase and headed to the door. But when she reached the hallway she stopped. Her name was being called over the intercom.
"Urameshi Erev, please report to Takenaka's office immediately." She remained standing in the hall, wondering what she could have done. Despite her brother's bad reputation, she was a good student and never really broke the rules.
Erev shrugged and left for the office. She was probably being called to bail her brother out of trouble, knowing him. She loved her brother, but Erev didn't appreciate the fact that he nearly ruined her good name by being such a trouble-maker. Whenever she met someone for the first time they would always say, "Oh, Urameshi's sister?" and either look at her funny, run away, or give up talking to her altogether. It took a lot of time and effort for Erev to build up the circle of friends she now had, despite being friendly and cheerful to everyone she met.
She smiled with a resigned shrug as she pushed open the door to Takenaka's office. Erev knew she would gladly give up her reputation and all the friends she had gained for the sake of her brother. She just didn't know what she would do without him.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" Erev bowed respectfully in greeting. The dean smiled briefly and offered her a seat in front of his desk.
"I didn't want you to go home without hearing the news, Urameshi-san. Lord knows your mother's having a hard enough time as it is." He mumbled vaguely. Takenaka sighed and swiveled his chair to the side.
Erev's heart pounded in her ears as nausea swelled up in her stomach. Something bad had happened, bad enough to make her mother worried. She wiped her damp palms against her skirt before clearing her throat.
"Takenaka-san, is Yusuke in the hospital?"
The dean closed his eyes with a grimace and turned to face the waiting girl with jaded eyes, "No, Erev, Yusuke didn't make it to the hospital."
She was about to question him when he continued, "He jumped in front of a car to save a little boy. . . . He was gone before the ambulance arrived."
"Gone?" Erev repeated. He couldn't possibly mean what she thought he meant. Not Yusuke, not her brother. He couldn't be . . . .
"I'm sorry," Takenaka spoke, consoling.
"Gone?" Her confusion quickly morphed into disbelief covered in anger. Erev sent a withering glare to the dean.
"I don't believe you," she snarled and bolted from the office before the man could stop her. Yusuke would have already gone home by now. He would be at home. The dissociated girl bumped shoulders with someone as she rushed out of the school yard.
"Erev! What's goin' on?" Haruko called, but received no answer as the teen continued her sprint home.
He would be home. Erev steeled every cell in her body into believing that was the truth.Bottom of Form