Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen A Romance For A Kitsune ❯ Thief! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Last Time
But before he did some thing that he might or might not regret he removed him self from her.
He willed himself to calm down. Golden eyes connected with lavender eyes.

Chapter 5: A Thief!

Jewel Thief

If you still feel free
But you can't steal with me

You stole my heart
Life's a journey with no start
I fell ill on the run
My fears flow down stream

You stole my heart
Life's a journey with no start
I fell ill on the run

If you still feel free
But you can't steal with me

You steal everything, anything
I feel everything you feel
Without me you'll only get so far
You steal the corner of my smile

You steal everything, anything
I feel everything you feel
Without me you'll only get so far
You steal the corner of my smile

After the shock wore off, it all clicked in her mind. Kurama's odd behavior towards the other
males, the scent of roses, the rose he gave her, the dinner, that mind blowing kiss and now his transformation….
Her eyes widened at the realization of what was happening, while Kurama smiled a gentle yet sad smile at her.
All of a sudden it became very hard for her to breath and the sound of her heart thundered in her breast.

*Oh Kami.. I…. I never thought.... that he would…. Oh Kami!!!!!!! He called me my vixen!
Then that means……. He wants me as his mate!. He loves me!*

But then another reality hit her, in his hand he held the documents. The very documents she stole from Koenma's
office. The files that contained information about his mother's new life. She should have known. After all he was one
of the best bandits in the world. It was his expertise to seek out what was hidden. She looked over his shoulder at her open purse then back to him.
The look in his sad golden eyes told her that he figured it all out. The kiss she used may have been used as a tool to distract him but it didn't
work. And she knew that he knew that when she kissed him she ment it.

With the evidence in hand and a heavy sigh he sank to the couch. His ears and tail drooped while tears spilled
from his eyes. Now he had a serious and difficult dilemma on his hands.

*What do I do now? I love her but do I turn her in or do I let her go? She stole for me! She committed treason for me!
If only I had talked to her sooner. If only…..*

"I'll turn myself in after I leave."

"But why? Why Botan?"

"*Sigh* Because I love you."

"And I love you my vixen, my mate."

Her tears of pain and joy mixed with his as he pulled her down to him and captured her lips with his.
Yoko growled in pain and pleasure as Botan pressed her body on top of his. Her tongue dove
into his mouth once again first brushing it against his sharp fangs then mating with his tongue.
Growing bolder Botan broke the kiss and started nipping at his face and throat just like vixen would do.
All the while her dainty hands seemed to have minds of their own. Her right hand caressed
his beautiful soft silver ears while her other hand burned a white hot trail down to his silky tail.
Yoko growled in pleasure and slight annoyance at his female. His instincts where screaming at him to take her
now, but his mind and heart still troubled him. He could smell and feel her pleasure and pain.
In his mind he knew they had to stop this, but he yearned for her as much as she did him.
Through thin fabric of her dress he could feel her heat as his hands roamed her body down to her buttocks
traced lazy circles on her butt with the tips of his claws. They kept nipping, licking and kissing
each other as his tail did flip flops of excitement between their legs.

Finally they came to their senses, realizing what must be done.

** Meanwhile At Yusuke's house**
Hiei leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed. Kuwabara perched himself on the Lay Z boy chair with a solemn look
Yusuke had his head in his hands and kinda rocked himself back and forth on the couch like a child.
Hinageshi just stood there right by Kuwabara. Keiko, Yukina and Shizuru were off on a road trip to see a band called

"Dude! Absolutely no fuckn' WAY!"

Hinageshi looked at Yusuke sadly wishing and thinking the same thing. Kuwabara and Hiei
wheren't too happy about it either. But what the hell can you do when the person you *thought*
you knew and trusted did a complete 360 on ya? Well granted most of the team did some bad things in the past but this was
a complete shock.

The Jaganshi thought to himself as he shifted his weight to his other leg.

*This is a shock but I admit the onna was quite good. But why break into Koenma's office and steal a worthless
piece of paper?*

Yusuke looked up at the little red head. They don't really know her very well but there was
just something oddly familiar about her.

*Hmm maybe it's just the hair and eyes. Feh! If I didn't know any better I'd swear she was related to Kurama.
Speaking of witch were the hell is he? I've tried his pager ten times!*

The little ferry girl in training noticed Yusuke was staring at her. She jumped back a little and sweat dropped nervously.

*Oh man! Oh man! Please Kami don't let me screw this one up! Don't wanna blow my cover. Ok Uh. I can do this! Just gotta calm down and think fast.*

Rather rudely she was shaken outta her thoughts.

"Yo Red did the toddler tell ya what was so important about that document?"

"Well um not much. He only said it was classified information."

At that Kuwabara rolled his eyes and grunted.

"Well what hell do we do now? And where's Kurama?"

Yusuke scowled.

"Yeah that's what I'd like to know! I've tried paging him but he won't answer!"

Kuwabara looked over his shoulder at Hiei.

"Yo shrimp boy! Put that freaky eye of yours to use will ya!"

Hiei glared at the ningen.

"Hn baka! All right!"

The little fire demon mumbled curses as he removed his white bandanna. His eye glowed and he furrowed his brow in concentration.
His Jagan glowed an eerie green. He had to be careful so he wouldn't get caught. He tried probing Kurama's mind but ran right smack into a mental block.
So he shifted gears and started looking through Botan's mind. Images, emotions and thoughts flew at him at blinding speeds so details where sketchy at best.
But there was one thing he knew for sure.

"She did it for love. The baka ferry onna committed treason because she's in love with Kurama."

In disbelief the fire demon sank down to the floor after all this time he finally understood what love
is and what it's about. Then he furrowed his brow in confusion. There was some kind of weird energy following them around.

Kuwabara scrunched his face up in utter confusion as Hiei replaced his bandanna.

"Woah! What do ya mean she did it for Kurama? Is he trouble? Was she forced to do it? Is that why she stole it?"

Hiei growled and rolled his eyes at the orange haired dummy.

"Baka! I can't get through Kurama's mind because he has a mental shield up. And the onna's mind is too jumbled up!"

The little red head walked up to him tentatively. For many reasons Hiei freaked her out. Or at least it seemed that way.

"Do ya think you can get a fix on their location?"

"Not exactly but, however I sense an odd sensation following them."

Hiei regarded Hinageshi for a brief moment. He too also noticed the slight resemblance of Kurama.
A little spark lit within him. He felt something odd yet familiar about her. He inhaled her warm fresh scent and stared into her pretty face.
No, she wasn't beautiful yet but terribly pretty and sweet very much like his sister Yukina.
For moment his normal harsh gaze softened and his eyes glittered like rubies.

*Hn Perhaps maybe…..*


Hinageshi jumped back a little, blushed and sweat dropped when she realized that he was looking at her.

Yusuke and Kuwabara jumped with rei gun and rei ken a blazing and ready for battle.

"Uh Heh he I um thought I saw a mouse.. yeah that's right."

Hiei smirked. Yusuke and Kuwabara were both wide eyed and blinking, and jaws gaping fell
over in exasperation with a loud thud.


Yusuke got back up as he rubbed his aching temples.

"*Sigh* Ok here's the game plan. We go out, spilt up and look for them. If any one of you
find Botan or Kurama, contact the rest of us, but don't arrest her yet. I'm sure if we can talk
to her we can get this shit cleaned up. Ok? I'll take the South side and check Kurama's place.
Kuwabara you go to the East side and search every shit hole. Hinageshi, I don't want ya going off alone, so
you go with Hiei and sweep the North and West sides. Then we all report back at HQ. Understood?"


****Meanwhile back in Makai****

A tall dark and handsome youkai dressed in a black and grey Meiji era style Japanese police uniform,
stood in his elegant study facing the tall window looking at the demonic moon of Makai.
In fact his looks would rival that of Yoko Kurama himself!
As he talked on his cell phone his beautiful black tail swayed back and forth with excitement and anticipation.
His large black ears twitched about on top of his head. His ice blue eyes gleamed an eerie white as he grined with a sick satisfaction.
His silken voice sounded like a sweet blend of Elvis Presley and voice actor Dan Green.

"…..Ah that *IS* good news Dr.Ichigaki, thank you. For this I'll give you an extra 2 million yen as a bonus!"

For months he had been stalking this particular female. Ever since he spotted her in a park
of witch he cared not to remember it's name, he had become obsessed with her. At that particular
time she was also "in heat". What surprised him was not only was she beautiful but by judging by
her sweet scent she was still a virgin! And from what he could tell she "looked" at least twenty years old.
By youkai and ningen standards, she was old enough to be mated.

*Why hadn't a male mated her yet?*

It puzzled and aroused him to no end.
But alas he was very foolish, had he done his homework he would have known that her "friends" where very powerful
and notorious Spirit Detectives! Friends, family, love, he just didn't care about "minor" things like that.
All he cared about was himself, doing what he wanted and GETTING what he wanted.

The youkai set down the phone on his desk then purred in a sexual manner as he picked up a color 8 X 10 photo of Botan.
He fingered the photo and pressed it to his lips. His mind went into a lust filled haze.
He kissed her smiling lips then caressed her tenderly as her pushed her down to his neither region. He closed his eyes
and growled passively as he pressed her mouth to his member. Panting he swayed his black tress head from side to side
with movements like a snake. He slowly opened his eyes and growled in frustration when he realized in his
sexual fantasy he had crumpled and punctured his only picture of his obsession.

Still panting heavily he took the picture and smoothed it out on his desk with clawed elegant hands.
His male body trembled with desire as he looked at the now disfigured photo with lust filled eyes.
He needed to mate with HER and ONLY her.

"Mmmmm soon my mate. Soon….."

In the far side of the room in a dark corner on the left side he could feel the anger and hate
radiating from his twin brother. From his cage Yoshitsune glared at his brother with a mixture of hate
and sorrow. He despised Yoritomo for his cruelty towards others, his unhealthy greed, the destruction and death
he brought upon, Meskwaki their homeland. Yoritomo broke his heart when he betrayed him. As Lords
of Meskwaki it was their sacred duty to protect and govern the land it's people. But over the years
Yoritomo became corrupted and coroded by failure, envy and hate. He wanted wealth and power so he
drove his people into the poor house by over taxing them. And when they tried to rebel he hunted them
down like common dogs and slaughtered them right in front of their families and friends. Their bodies would
then be put on display on crucifixes in the center of each village.

Minamoto Yoshitsune with his military and martial arts training would bravely lead raids, stealing
food, clothing, medical supplies, and money from his brother for his people. His skills where so good other
kitsunes would often compare him to Yoko Kurama. He was beloved by all his people for
he was intelligent, brave, honorable, but most of all kind and generous. Before his brother's
betrayal he would often petrol the lands. He would stop and visit each village He loved to spend time
with the local kits and teaching them things like Aikido, music, and art and how to control as well as understand their powers.
Some of the kits had ningen mothers and fathers but that didn't matter. Well at least to him. In his
eyes all of the people in his territory where equal. He very well knew that Yoritomo didn't see things his way.
Like most other high society youkais Yoritomo believed that a mating between a pure blooded demon
and a human was an abomination. His heart and soul grieved for the ones that lost their lives because
they where hanyou or ningen. But he truly grieved for the pups, for he was very fond of young ones.
He hoped to one day find a kind and loving mate youkai or human, to have and raise his own with.
Over the years their screams and cries have haunted him so he vowed that once he was free again he would
avenge them all.

Twin brothers by blood but NOT by heart, they may have looked the same, shared the same family name
but since Yoritomo's unspeakable betrayal Yoshitsune had no brother. Ten years ago Yoritomo killed
their parents and framed him for their murder. And for ten long hard years he had been rotting in this cage ever
since he had been caught on his last raid. He was tired, malnourished and absolutely filthy. He was a seven foot tall
kitsune youkai stuck in a five foot tall by five foot wide prison siting in his own waste. Yoritomo
would only feed him pig slop IF he felt like it. His once lustrous mane and tail were now covered
in filth and horribly matted. Once he stood proud and tall wearing the finest of clothes, now he wears rags.
Yoshitsune once had a beautiful face like his brother but now he dons a black eye patch over his right eye with
a long deep ugly scar running through his right eye and down his cheek. His poor weakened body has been riddled
with scars and burns because the bars on the cage have been fortified with powerful Miko magic.
And once a week he would be stripped naked then taken outside and one of Yoritomo's soldiers would hose him down. He
would also be forced to scrub himself with harsh lye soap witch stung his aching wounds in front of a platoon of laughing soldiers.

The one thing that kept him alive was hope. The hope that one day he would be free and all the wrong his
brother had done would be made right again. His blue eye widened as his picked up the last bit of the conversation
held between his brother and the person on the other end. He gasped as his sharp eye caught a glimpse of the girl in the
photo. Even in the darkness he could still see things because he had honed his other eye and senses to compensate for
the loss of his right eye.

*Dr. Ichigaki? What?! I thought he was dead?! And what the hell dose he want with that girl? She's not of our kind.*

As soon as he witnessed his brother's lewd actions and picked up the scent of his arousal, Yoshitsune
growled in anger.

"Yoritomo what are you doing?!"

Yoritomo smiled evilly at his twin.

"Mmmm Should I or shouldn't tell you? Hmmmmm Ah I think will. My dear brother I am
…….. shall we say? In the process of acquiring a very rare and beautiful gem. But
like all gems it must be carefully polished and cultivated."

Yoshitsune blanched at his twin's words and his ears pinned themselves to his skull.
In his lap his tail twitched in rage as another angry growl escaped his dry throat.

"You already have a whole harem of poor broken concubines to satisfy your sick lust!
Why do you wish to steal this girl?"

Yoritomo sneered at his brother as he sat down in his chair and propped his feet
on his desk.

"Ha ha I already told you that she is a rare and beautiful gem! I WANT her, so I WILL have her!."

"I pray The Lady will have mercy upon your black and cold heart! When I am free
I will see to it that you have a one way ticket straight to Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Here's a pic of the Minamoto brothers
AN: If you are reading this on Mediaminer it should be attached to the fic.
If you are reading this on Fan Fiction.net net then please go to this link.
but you must remember to take out the spaces. Fan fiction.net won't let me post links.

h t t p : // www. industrialdeathrock. com/ gallery/ pixzip/ thundercat/ 10734202520.jpg

If you can't find the pic then please go to my profile page and click my e-mail link.

And PS The Lady will be explained later on.