Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Random Stuff Presented in a Random Way! ❯ It all begins with a shoe. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Random Stuff Presented in a Random Way

by Shlee and Robyn

Explanatory author's note: So anyways, Shlee and I wrote this story while in our Great Works class. Each of us would write a line or two, then pass it to the other person. If something doesn't make sense, it's because there was virtually no communication going on between us as we wrote it. Finally, please review and leave suggestions for chapter names! If we like them we'll use them, and if we don't we'll ridicule them mercilessly! We'll be posting the chapters one by one, and once we run out of stuff we've written already... well, then it'll take longer to update. So now, finally... ONWARD!

(Oh, and beware, it starts out really goofily...yes, that is a word...because we had no idea this would be a fanfiction. Anyway.... Yeah.)

Chapter One

There once was a pelican with a shoe. The pelican liked to chew on the shoe, even though he had no teeth. He was teething, so to speak. Anyhoo, one day the pelican lost the shoe. He wandered around, searching desperately for his shoe until he found Kuwabara's kitten, Eikichi. He saw the kitty was crying, so he asked what was wrong. But neither pelicans nor kittens can talk, so they had to play charades.

The kitten played around with her face until she looked like Kuwabara, then put one paw over her eyes to shade the sun, as if she were looking for something. The pelican squawked when he saw the ugliness of Kuwabara's face, but nodded for Eikichi to continue. Eikichi made her face go back to normal, pointed to herself, looked around again, and then shrugged exaggeratedly.

The pelican looked around, saw something, hopped over to it, then grabbed the bottle top and returned it to Eikichi. The kitten stared at it blankly, then looked up at the pelican with a questioning looking on hier face. The pelican kicked the top and thrust his face into the bottle top, and came out looking miraculously like Yusuke!

Eikichi looked excited and started jumping around. Eikichi again made herself look like Kuwabara and began to attack the pelican. The pelican somehow managed to fend off the kitten, nodded, and pointed off to his left. Eikichi nodded and was back to normal again, and charaded running between two pairs of feet belonging to Yusuke and Kuwabara. Then she ran around in circles for a while, stopped, looked around, and pantomimed panicking. Eikichi turned her face into Kuwabara's again and began to fall.

Before she could make it to the ground, though, the pelican caught her and somehow managed to pantomime carrying her into the air to look for Kuwabara, don't ask me how.

In attempting to pantomime this, however, the pelican did carry Eikichi into the air. Eikichi panicked and, survival instincts taking over, wriggled out of the pelican's grasp!

Eikichi plummeted towards the earth, but pelicans don't have those beaky-pouches for nothing! The pelican, who I feel like naming Bill, dove after her in a desperate attempt to catch her! Eikichi was somehow above the ocean and inches away from her doom when Bill scooped down and caught not only Eikichi but a fish as well. Bill then landed on a dock and spat out Eikichi, keeping the fish for himself.

Eikichi rolled out, looked up, and who should she see but Kuwabara! Bill could recognize Kuwabara's ugly mug anywhere, so he nodded to Eikichi and flew off, still in search of his shoe.