Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Simple Darkness ❯ Rejection ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I stared at the Spirit World and Demon World officials. They were trying to kick me out. What had I done? I did the stupid patrols like the asked, didn't kill or harm anything like they wanted, and even retained my temper. Well, until today. I had simply attacked that idiot Maki when he was yet again complaining about having to erase the humans' memories after they slipped into Demon World. When the others tried to stop me, it got out of hand and the S-class demons were called in. I had employed my Dragon of the Darkness Flame, and ended up destroying a good part of Demon World.

"...So, Hiei, you have a choice. Either leave Demon World, or allow us to take you to prison." I smiled ever so sweetly at them, making them shudder, and said two words.

Kurama sighed in the corner, and walked over to me.

"Hiei, they are right. Even though you were doing so well, you are a problem for Demon World. Please, don't make them take you to prison."

"I've been there before, and broke out as a D-class demon. It wouldn't be too hard to do it again."

Koenma, the son of the ruler of the Spirit World stepped forward.

"Well, there is another option."

"Then speak you over grown baby."

"You can always save yourself."

"What do you think I've always done?" It was stupid, really. I couldn't save myself, no matter what they said. I could protect my body, even most of my mind, but not my soul. That was beyond healing.

"There is still hope for you yet, Hiei. All you have to do is get a little help." I snorted, rocking back in my chair.

"Help? I never take help."

"What about all of the times when Yusuke was Spirit Detective? You took his help all the ti-."

"That wasn't help, it was aid in getting what I wanted."

Koenma smiled, and shook his head.

"What ever you want to call it, you had help. But this will be a little different. First of all, you'll have a human with you, that's it. And second, you'll be in Demon World trying to find what your real quest was for."

I hid my shock at him knowing what even Mukuro didn't. Instead, I showed disgust.

"What, do you mean that I have to work with just Kuwabara? Please, just kill me."

"I would still have to deal with you. But no, not Kuwabara."

I blinked once at this announcement. Not Kuwabara? Then who...?

"You will be working with a human, yes, but a human girl." I glared at Koenma, hating him from his fake teen face to his binky. Human girls were giggly and stupid; not the type to stand up to much more then a bee sting. The only thing they were good for was filling up space.

"She has a shady past, having been involved with theft, mass murder, abduction of power, and-."

"Rape?" I said, getting a kick out of the idea of being paired with someone like that.

"No, actually, it's not like that. The special thing about her is that she stole demon artifacts, stole demon power and spirit power a like, and now..." He trailed off, and I rolled my eyes despite the impressive background.

"If you hadn't noticed, I don't care about that. I've done things worse then that, and you can't expect me to be impressed."

Koenma chuckled, and stepped aside.

"Why don't you try watching her in action?" A tape was presented, and it featured a pretty human girl, two daggers in hand, fighting two demons that looked like high C-class. She was smiling horribly as she slashed their stomachs and stabbing their eyes. She spun, kicking another two and cutting one's arm off. The entire time she enjoyed the pain and the blood, licking the blade when she finished. Taking something from around a demon's neck, she walked away, still smiling.

"That's your girl." Koenma was grinning at my face, which was showing the most surprise in a long time, by raised eyebrows. Kurama stopped the tape, and turned towards me.

"Well, if you accept this option, then you'll have me along with you. Do you think that this is better, Hiei?"

I smirked, and rolled my eyes.

"You'd have to be an idiot not to choose this one. She'll at least be able to defend herself."

Koenma nodded, and turned to leave.

"Oh, and by the way, you'll have to get her."


"You'll have to go get her from Human World."

"Of course, we have to baby-sit her."

"Not exactly. She can look after herself. And," he was walking out of the room, following the other officials, " her name is Kari Sagikagai. She changed her name a few months ago."

I smiled, and stood up, getting ready to leave. The girl changed her name to Sugikagai. At least this way he could have some fun.